Punk rock enthusiasts respectfully disagree on what can and can't be considered punk per se

1  2020-09-08 by pot_head_pixie


And you're wrong.

The thing about privilege is you fail to understand the impact of bigotry.

You see it is an innocuous comment because you don't deal with the impacts of it. Your biggest concern is thise damn kids on the street, check your privilege before telling other people how racism affects them.


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Ngl, kind of a miss there snappy.

Sorted by best, still the drama starts immediately. That should say it all.

Scroll down for more and be happy that there are people out there still somehow more pathetic than us zweicels.

I have been stirring shit up there with my alt for a few months now. The sub got really really bad (it was always bad but now it's worse) ever since the mods banned people from posting a big list of the bigger bands like NOFX and Bad Religion and Minor Threat and DK. I thought it was a pretty good idea at first because as much as I like those bands I don't need to see it all day every day and I thought it would force people to post smaller bands and they would get more exposure but instead, the little bands still only get 7 upvotes and the place is filled with godawful memes of tranner and antifa retardation from literal children that get 1000s of upvotes and flood the front page. Lots of gatekeeping and tryhard idiots posting their dumbass mohawks and battle jackets.

There is a lot of drama there on the daily but it's all really really really pathetic. Oh yeah and NAZI PUNKS FUCK OFF!

Sounds like they tried doing /r/metal's blacklist. Problem is, metal has a culture of actually posting music.

Yeah they don't have that problem in the metal sub but it is a different crowd. Up until the banout it was around 90% music posting and the other 10% was fashion and a dash of anarcho-politics. The youngest and stupidest of chapos and completeanarchists are all over the place now and there is a bit of ideological warfare between the old washups who just want to grill and the tranarchokiddies who want to destroy wrongthink. I tend to go in there when I'm really drunk and call 15 year olds posers in one thread and call anyone with a halfway reasonable take a fascist bootlicker in another.

Every once in a while I listen to a couple of little youtube posts but nobody is as good as Bad Religion so I don't upvote or comment

You're surprised that punks are gay retarded larpers? It's always been that way it's just that the culture they were rebelling against when it started was also gay and retarded.

I never bothered to differentiate between all those bullshit genres and just call the genre based on whatever I like the song or not.

Really, imagine caring this much.

That's the whole sub in a nutshell

Punks are the libertarians of music fandoms

Apparently there is an ongoing feud between two users that plays out in this chain.

One of the biggest trump supporters I know in real life was one of those guys that beat the living shit out of neo-nazis at shows back in the 80's and 90's

Terminally online "punks" are the worst

Ever see those neo nazi videos with blink 182 in the background?

No. Also pop-punk isn't really punk ethos wise.

Blink 182 is a genuinely good band tho

Yes I am scrolling through my old account's post history

That sub has a bitch fight on what's punk every month.

Who knew that being a rebellious punk had many rules and regulations.

BTW what are they even rebelling against?

You aren’t punk if you aren’t a blue-voting socialist nowadays

If you don’t have the same beliefs as a Goldman Sachs HR manual, you ain’t punk

Nice username lad

Punk rockers in the hou

se tonight
