Retard writes a dissertation about getting drunk on hand sanitizer

1  2020-09-10 by reptilia987


Literal white trash fentcel sitting in some wood getting drunk on hand sanitizer l fucking mayo.

My favorite part is that he’s of age but just too fucking lazy to go to the liquor store 😂

He's not lazy. He's broke lol

Stain remover too

Although I had felt like I escaped the negative effects of denatured alcohol, I hadn't. It had been piling up in my stomach. And then all at once I needed to throw up. Not the kind of vomiting from drinking too much alcohol, it was a different kind of nausea. And it was AWFUL coming back up. I think the worst part was the soap concentrate, which seemed to stick to my throat. Even now I can still smell the strong sent of soap coming from my throat and mouth, and it's quite disgusting.

I like to imagine this guy sitting with Indians at a night time fire as they dance around him and holler, to induct him as an honorary member of his tribe.

Time to get drunk 😎

After drinking the entirety of the hand sanitizer and about 6 oz. of stain remover I feel... pretty drunk. Not out of my mind, but no different than if I'd drank about 9 shots of hard alcohol.

Imagine putting that in writing and seeing no issue with the direction your life is taking.

This is your brain on ytness.

Mayoid moment


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I aint reading all that shit.

i cant read

Be kind, that could be the alt of someone you all know and love🥺

Post their /u/

Still better than jäger

user reports:

1: Not assimilating with the Mutterland Kultur.

It's called Vaterland, my anonymous r-slur


If you think that’s bad you should check on the stories on r/cripplingalcoholism. You’ll feel much better about yourself afterwards

Honestly the main reason I'm subbed there is to feel better about my own alcoholism and as reminder to not accelerate further

Maybe I should too


More evidence that wypipo truly are degenerates

It is already deleted, but I assume he wrote something: Alcohol with poison does just the same to you like alcohol. So I just take alcohol with poison now.

He deleted because one of heavy alcohol use withdrawal symptoms is the feeling of intense shame, even beyond what you should feel.