Sardines discuss my last trolling event

1  2020-09-11 by DucksRAMA


I'm going to hurt myself and it's your fault!

Having a gussy moment

Gussy once again showing bussy is superior.

I bet she’s cute and broken

You can save her

i'd rather pee on her haha





BPD, ecstasy, neon dyed hair... Yup, it's punk foid time.

we like fortnite

i live for v-bucks

Reminds me of the good old days of milking lolcows like Jewdank.

Imagine harming yourself because the computer was rude.

I hope you get better ♥

says the person who almost self-harmed themself over an innocent trollpost

Top zoz



That's what we call a gigacope


wants to kill fascists

can't engage with a cyberbully without self-knifing

reddit moment

boohoo you were mean to me now I kms :((((

eat the rich! Kill the fascists! Revolution now!

These are the people that are gonna lead the revolution🙄

Don't pat yourself on the back too hard. r/punk is like shooting fish in a barrel

All of reddit is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Yeah but r/punk is like r/BanVideoGames. You're not just arguing with people with the mental capacity of children, you're arguing with actual children.

Name one sub that isn't full of autistic white kids


Good point. Also that anti baby sub that's full of seething middle-aged women.

Those women are mostly mayos foids 🤮🤮 trying to do Allah a favor by going extinct.

Also If white "men" keep committing suicide the world will be much better 🤗🤗🤗

This is why mayo foids fuck dogs. mayo "men" are more disgusting than the filthy hound.

The high caste of mayos died in the wars, what remains is garbage. Even dogs humiliate them.

Its gaming culture for expressing happinness and excitement. Poggers

If you call this culture, I swear by Allah that I will shoot myself right here

The ricecel ones.



Here's a sneak peek of /r/punk using the top posts of the year!

#1: Just a reminder for those who forgot | 1194 comments
#2: 🤘🏼 | 216 comments
#3: what are we feeling about this? | 466 comments

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Good Bot. My point exactly

I can smell the mayo from here 🤮

lmao what a humiliating top 3 posts

Asking for a consensus about something on reddit is the least punk thing I can imagine.

JFL at those top posts

Has punk always been this gay?

Yes but redditors just makes everything worse.

All the musicians who wanted to make violent music and have a good time moved on to noise rock or other non-genres with fewer stupid rules. The only people who still call themselves "punk" after the 80s are basically le wrong generation dadrock types but with leftoid politics, high school clique social dynamics, and gayer wardrobes.

Has punk always been this gay?

Kinda yeah, you've just been fed a romanticized version of it in media and shit and you were probably younger and retarded if you ever thought it's cool and good (I know I was). But it's definitely gotten worse since the "stupid angsty teens and manchildren looking for a wannabe tough group to belong in" demographic has become progressively more annoying and pathetic.

I assume you meant r/gaming not the perfectly reasonable reaction sub to it


As someone who is engaged in their local punk scene oldpunks are the greatest. They'll kick your ass for being a nazi but they'll also call you no-no words for this kinda shit

Gotta hide my power level a lot of the time. My power level being "maybe you guys are going about it all wrong sometimes?"

It seems like every popular punk figure that didn't die young became extremely lame eventually.

Well yeah. Only the lame live long, punk is irrelevant to that

Look at how green day turned out.

They should have OD'ed in the 90s

Green day was always lame. Look at what a cunt Henry Rollins turned out to be.

I'm a middle aged punk rocker who holds the exact same views as every media organization and school in the country, that means I'm counter culture. Masculinity is whack, that's why I work out ironically. Things that feel good are good, and if you don't like prostate massages from thai child prostitutes you're on the wrong side of history.

Henry only wrote three great songs and I don't think he even meant to, considering he hid them on the B-side of an otherwise generic hardcore record.

one of the quickest ways to make “punks” have an absolute seething fit is to talk about how Negative XP is the only true contemporary punk artist

being an incel is truly the new counterculture

Normies think the mainstream culture is the counterculture part #34736

White supremacist punk chuds hate Negative xp because he’s a minority 💅🏻🤷‍♀️


I want to be like Herr u/DucksRAMA when i grow up.

My favourite part is OP of the original thread crying about people "attacking" his post. How punk.

And jesus, why are so many people missing the point of the post in the first place, you clearly weren't saying he bought the pants at wal-mart.

I'd love to read a serious academic work about the material culture of anticonsumerism. I'm sure that somebody has studied it, but I've never seen a monograph about it.

I always love the super serious "got you" replies on troll posts, like wow good job on taking the bait and deconstructing my purposefully flawed argument.

a r*dditor once said he realized my comment was a troll and yet still wrote an essay's worth of shit deconstructing it

This is great. We need more of this.

when will sardines ever create their own drama?

Imagine making this thread.


  1. Sardines discuss my last trolling e... -,*

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Very nice job. You made me visit SRD so you lose a few points though.

I was just removed as a moderator, and it saddens me greatly to no longer be a member of the mod team. I'm a tall bearded burly man, and I ugly-cried about it into a pillow last night. Being removed as a mod has ripped my guts right out of me.

That’s terrible. I’m sorry. But why are you taking it out on me? That’s not my fault.

Lmfao it's hard to help who's the most autistic one here



GG Allin (PBUH) would be proud of the work you are doing

That "I hope you get coronavirus" CP will get you suspended btw