Are you cisphobic?

1  2020-09-11 by sockerpopper


Anyone brigading gets a perma

As if being a Jannie wasn't shameful enough, you insist on also being a CERF 🙄💅

Real nibbas are JERF 😤


Is this SRD?

You are free to leave and join r/Subredditdrama

I still have a bit of self respect, I am banned from SRD.

I thought this sub was to help people find places to leave abusive comments?!

Yikes. Wrong. This place is to laugh at people doing stupid things, not bullying.

t-slur internet defense force igniting multiple flamewars throughout this thread, this is good for dramacoin

> The western world really needs some actual issues to deal with so it stops coming up with useless shit and pseudo-problems.

I agree tho. There are more important problems to deal with right now than made up fairyland genders.

Such a fairyland and hard to grasp concept that I don't want to be referred to as man nor woman and by neither he nor she pronouns. That's literally the whole deal for me and for many (not all) others.

lol imagine being this entitled and out of touch with reality

Non-binary literally is made up bullshit though lol.

"gender norms are stupid and we should get rid of them...also anyone who doesn't fit into rigid gender norms is an enby and is heckin cute and valid"

Yeah why come they be like that? I've never seen a good response to this TERF point.


They think they're erasing gender norms when in fact they're enforcing them stringently (not adhering to them = not real man/woman)

But the fact that they don't adhere to gender norms isn't what makes a person enby, it's how they identify. People don't say james charles is non binary when he's very effeminate

But the fact that they don't adhere to gender norms isn't what makes a person enby, it's how they identify

Literally useless definition in that case lmao. Adhering to gender binaries but claiming you're not part of the binary because muh identity? It's like being a capitalist but "identifying" as a communist, or being an atheist but "identifying" as religious, just attention whoring

What do you mean "adhering to gender binaries" being enby has nothing to do with gender norms it's about how you feel.

> like being a capitalist but "identifying" as a communist

What do you mean by this? I don't get it. If you live as a communist and believe in communist ideals then you are a communist.

What do you mean "adhering to gender binaries" being enby has nothing to do with gender norms it's about how you feel.

So being non-binary has nothing to do with the gender binary? LMFAO are you sure you know what you're even talking about

What do you mean by this? I don't get it. If you live as a communist and believe in communist ideals then you are a communist.

Can't tell if this is bait or you're low IQ, but I literally said being a capitalist, i.e. adhering to capitalist ideology ("live as a capitalist and believe in capitalist ideals") while identifying as communist makes your "identity" as a "communist" useless, exactly the same as "identifying" as non binary but following the binary

Fyi, defining x as "identifying as x" is literally, semantically meaningless

??? Being non binary means that you don't feel as though the labels of the male or female gender apply to you. What do you mean they adhere to the gender binaries they don't that's the point.

Why would or could a capitalist "identify" as a communist. They are economic system what you're saying doesn't make any sense

If non binary is someone who doesn't identify as man or woman, then this implies that you can also identify as man and woman. Unfortunately, you can't. Gender as separate from sex is a spurious taxonomic category and holds as much scientific basis as anything by Freud, Lacan or Jung.

In much the same way you can't identify as capitalist if you believe in a centralised state and abolishing private property, you can't be a man if you're not male (current linguistic drift is occurring but it's not definite in either direction).

Okay I think we have a difference of opinion here. I believe you can identify as a man or woman and that gender is separate from sex, and also that psychology is a legitimate field of philosophy.

You can't compare the capitalist thing to gender identification because it's a belief system and you wouldn't truly believe you were a capitalist unless you were misinformed

"gender norms are stupid and we should get rid of them

That's trans erasure, sweaty 🙄💅

My girlfriend was on a zoom call with her university faculty and there was a dude who looked like he was coming down from a meth bender with his zoom name as "Winter (they/them)". Fucking hysterical. I don't think he was even there to add anything to the meeting, just there to show his face and his super speshul pronouns and goth girl name.

Yeah, I can get behind this. You were born a female and wanna say you're a man? Ok. Opposite scenario? Fine. But telling me you unlocked a secret third gender just because you're that special? Fuck off.

You don't want to change your perception of reality and lie to humor me....? yikes, that's literally transphobia and killing trans people?

I too love it when people get triggered over a joke in a joke subreddit.

Shush, cow. Go generate more seethe for us.

It shall be done my lord

Based lmao.

milk those lolcows my brave soldier

Im gussyphobic😎

I am very much the same, I curl into the fetal position and rock back and forth every time I see a cute bussy kissing a disgusting f*id

Society has progressed past the need for bi🤢logical foids

You can create vat-babies from cum now, you dont even need gussy eggs anymore. The clocks ticking and the gussy wall is accelerating.

It's true, as a vat baby I'm 70% semen instead of water.


Um that is very dehumanizing to Boys of Pussy, calling them by their genitals.


You should be, too.

CIS Scum commit over 99% of violent crimes.

No just normal

Considering I’m a decent human being, 0. If you allow transphobia OR cisphobia without calling it out, welp, you’re a fucking fascist. END 👏 OF 👏 STORY 👏

I honestly can’t tell if this is a troll.

Nevermind it’s one of us 😬

The only thing more disgusting than a person who keeps their assigned birth gender, are people who defend them.


Low effort bait 😴

Fuck totes, can't even shitpost in peace

noo not the heckin cisserinos

Cissies 🤭


cis is the n-word for normal people.

There is no cis nor trans, only bussy

Four people permabanned xD
