:marseyzeldalinktimeadult: :marseyitneverbegan:
This is the future House furry wants
New pibbles toss juat dropped

Redditor :soysnoo4: in r/millennials :soysnoo: has it out for the classic horseshoe :marseyhorseshoe: pattern :marseysmoothbrain:.


He now claims if he (arestovitch) ain't elected as Ukrainian president it will be over for Ukraine. He went this week especially crazy talking about some kind of third republic for Ukraine giving elections speeches about how Ukrainian lives are more important than the territory and dunking on Zelenskyy.

But funniest part was that he was telling oh no big deal if Zelenskyy doesn't do election and will become unelected on May 20. But now he is basically telling Zelenskyy must go after licking Zelenskyy butt from 2019-2023 :marseythumbsup:

And of course I predicted this:

But reality is Zelenskyy got in so many shady stories so he has only 2 ways out.

1st capture Moscow

2nd never end this conflict

He has no other options

So he is starting to be harmful for US (not talking about EU since that organisation is just r-slur, they told EU countries not to accept Russian elections results in hope to legitimate Zelensky :marseybrainlet:)


Turn sound on for best results.



People injured on both sides

Apparently a woman (Jew) was beaten unconscious yesterday by the pro-Palis. So an army of Jews assembled to attack the camp. This is unverified.


Why would anyone care about how others eat their food?

I do not care if people break spaghetti because they want smaller pieces.

I do care if they break it to "make it fit in the pot".

Because it softens enough in boiling water to bend and fit after a few seconds. So people who break it for that purpose, are blatently lacking in basic critical and logical thinking, and they need to learn so they stop perpetuating that nonsense.

For people who just want smaller pieces, that's fine. Since that type of pasta isn't available in all stores, and might even be more expensive based on where you are because of much lower mass production numbers.


Because Italian food is the only thing left of the Roman Empire.

most historically literate redditor :#marseytomato:

If you saw someone wearing shoes upside down with their laces tied around their ankles wouldn't you say

"Hey! There's a better way to do that! That's not how you use shoes!"

This is the same concept but with chefs and Italians


I mean if I live with them and they waste a lot of food I might care a bit.

I know cutting crust off is a waste of food, but how is breaking pasta a waste?

If you really want to put it that way, when you try to break a noodle, you'll notice it always breaks into three pieces, the middle piece can be very small if you do it with your hands close to each other, but you will always lose a small amount of pasta by breaking it.

I just noticed you can even see it in the post all the lil pieces flying all around the photo lol


That's why you break them over the pot, angled so the broken bits go into the pot. It's an easy fix.


Almost like basic reasoning can answer his problem.

"You break da pasta and it flies forward!" Hmm, maybe break it into the pot?

But why breaking it in the first place?

I think to fit it in the pot so one half isn't undercooked vs the side that's not in water

... are you all out there just yeeting pasta into a pot and leaving it to boil unattended

If I wanted to attend my food I wouldn't be making spaghetti


I don't see any issues with modifications on food. Do whatever for you to eat. Who cares

yeah! let me eat my bananas with ketchup in peace

As much as an abomination this is, if someone likes it then that's on them

I put Nutella and mayo on meat lovers pizza it's such a great combo


in conclusion: italians lmao :#marseyflagitaly: :#marseylaugh:

P.S.: Pineapple is good on pizza :#marseypizzaslice: :#platypineapple:




Elon Musk fires Tesla's entire supercharger team

Electric-car maker's public policy unit also being disbanded as chief announces in memo hundreds more jobs to be cut

Elon Musk has shut down the division that runs Tesla's Supercharger business, dismissed two senior executives and fired hundreds more staff as the electric-car maker continues its restructuring amid a sharp downturn in the EV market.

Musk announced internally on Monday that the head of the superchargers group, Rebecca Tinucci, and Daniel Ho, head of new products, would be leaving along with their entire teams. About 500 people were in the supercharger group, the memo said.

Tesla's supercharger system is among the largest charging networks in the world, and was one the reasons the company enjoyed such a commanding lead over rival carmakers for so long. While the supercharger operations will continue, the move raises questions over the future of the charging business.

The entire public policy unit will also be disbanded following the departure of its leader, Rohan Patel, in the middle of April.

“Hopefully these actions are making it clear that we need to be absolutely hard core about headcount and cost reduction,” Musk wrote in the memo, which was first reported by The Information. “While some execstaff are taking this seriously, most are not yet doing so.”

Any manager “who retains more than three people who don't obviously pass the excellent, necessary and trustworthy test” should resign, he added.

Tesla shares, which fell 5.5 per cent on Tuesday, were down another 2.6 per cent in pre-market trading at $178.53 on Wednesday.

Tesla did not respond to a request for comment.

[article continued]

The latest dismissals at the company come after Musk announced last month that the carmaker would cut “more than 10 per cent” of its total workforce, more than 14,000 jobs, in order to be “lean, innovative and hungry”.

The urgency of the shift was underlined by Tesla reporting a decline of almost 10 per cent in revenues in the first quarter of this year, its first year-on-year quarterly drop since the start of 2020. The share price has more than halved from its November 2021 peak of just under $410 a share.

The decision took staff by surprise. Will Jameson, who worked in the Tesla supercharger team, wrote on X that Musk “has let our entire charging org go”. Another employee of that division, George Bahadue, posted on LinkedIn confirming he had been let go.

He added: “What this means for the charging network, [North American Charging Standard] NACS, and all the exciting work we were doing across the industry, I don't yet know. What a wild ride it has been.”

When Jameson was asked by a reader on X why the entire division had been let go, he replied “your guess is as good as mine”.

Musk said in the memo that superchargers sites under construction would be finished and “some” new locations would be constructed.

The surprise move comes despite Tesla having built the dominant EV charging network with 50,000 sites globally and 15,000 in North America. Recently it has signed contracts with several rivals, including Ford, General Motors and Rivian, to use its NACS charging standard.

Models from other carmakers will be able to use its branded charging stations, potentially bringing Tesla a significant revenue stream, as well as establishing it as the de facto industry standard.

Tinucci, Ho and Patel are not the only long-standing Musk lieutenants to leave this year. Drew Baglino, senior vice-president leading Tesla's engineering and technology development for batteries, motors and energy products, resigned in April and Martin Viecha, its head of investor relations, said he would step down on the company's first-quarter earnings call last week.

In a post on X, Musk said the carmaker would continue to grow its supercharger network “at a slower pace for new locations”.

“More focus on 100 per cent uptime and expansion of existing locations,” he wrote.


Free Palestine, from the river too the sea, Palestine will be free watermelon 🍉 🇵🇸

Frick the commirs snd frick Zionism @HailVictory1776 stand with Israel support Dunkin' Donuts for Palestinian liberation.

Whiteoids are making Hitler edits on Twitter now

Lmao why are clips of a women's exercise class supposed to be some big gotcha?

In other news, The Democratic People's Republic of Korea recently released this song and music video promoting Kim Jong Un's fabulous leadership. I hope kkkapitalists and fascists such as this whiteoid stop slandering him, look at how happy everyone looks!!

:marppy: Drama Report: 2024-05-01 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Clarification regarding additional features of different EFT editions/r/EscapefromTarkov (941K)34%2077
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘I shared the bear versus man dilemma with my boyfriend and didn't g.../r/TwoXChromosomes (14M)61%2158
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Saying you can't exercise because you are too busy is a complete ex.../r/unpopularopinion (5M)63%930
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Biden has the lowest approval rating on record of any president at .../r/ezraklein (14K)61%728
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘AITA for refusing to give my older sister a ride back home from phy.../r/AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC (36K)62%734
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Police need to carry guns in the UK, says ex-counter terrorism chie.../r/unitedkingdom (3M)50%500
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘18F am i ugly?/r/amiugly (496K)60%546
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Driving expensive cars doesn't feel much different from driving a c.../r/Money (504K)61%558
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘I killed my male feminist dad while he was violating my little sister. AMA./r/AMA (914K)49%390
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘What is it about your wife that keeps you faithful?/r/AskMen (7M)56%381

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

🤓🤓🤓🔘🔘This is quite literally what is happening in the Warhammer 40k comm.../r/HorusGalaxy (3K)59%210
🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘So glad there's a place without censorship for 40K!/r/HorusGalaxy (3K)55%154
🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘The kids are NOT alright /r/altmpls (5K)53%264
🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘You can tell by her peepee!/r/HorusGalaxy (3K)52%112
🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘Biden has the lowest approval rating on record of any president at .../r/ezraklein (14K)61%728
🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘Do you think she is feeding Slaanesh ?/r/HorusGalaxy (3K)56%101
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Grimdank toddlers are using buzzwords to demonize to anyone asking .../r/HorusGalaxy (3K)53%86
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Yeah, we are getting popular/r/HorusGalaxy (3K)56%76
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘There is no uncertainty. These leftists are Neo-Nazis. /r/altmpls (5K)49%115
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Liberals from the twin cities 😂/r/altmpls (5K)47%94

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


An actual black person was too hard to find in Ukraine so they had to make it AI

Kuleba sucks so much u had to make a brown virtual speaker 🤣

приберіть цю даунбасянку довбойоби :soycry: get rid of this down syndrome hoe you idiots

Why isn't she Ukrainian?


Basically many khohols sneeding because it's obviously an downgrade from previous

Reported by:
Pics of my freshly waxed P & V.

Heh heh gottem. :marseyboomer#:

Final :marseyradfem: :marseyfoidretard: DEI boss

Mam you you where driving the wrong way on the highway.


Apparently Russia just invented electronic warfare


The plebbitor brought up a valid point tbh but g*mers are spiteful beings.

Mfs can't even try to cure their peepee without getting put on blast smh

does stress cause erectile dysfunction

@Garry_Christmas youre a doctor please help


The game is made by a guy called SigmaSuccour. Who is this young upstart you might ask? Well, here's what we know about him:

He was an up-and-coming RPG Maker dev much adorned by that community. This all changed when they found out that he's a Pakistani Muslim whose views on the LGBTQAWhatever community coincided with the views of most Pakistani Muslims. Shocker, I know. His views on gays and co. are actually probably more moderate than an average Paki, but that still didn't stop them from throwing a tantrum about him.

This guy properly summarizes the situation.

So, what did our boy Sigma do as a response when this came out? Well, of course, he did what he does best, he made a game addressing his critics.

The game, as you would expect, had a mixed reception.

Sigma Male, of course, didn't take this lying down, and he made sure to respond to these Islamophobic buggery enthusiasts.

Also, he's pro-AI.

Then, G*merGate 2 happened, and our boy Sigma decided to get on the bandwagon. He decided to make a game about G*merGate, a movement that he found fraternal ties to, I guess, and he was borderline spamming the /r/KotakuInAction board with updates to his game. At first, the Gaymers thought that the whole thing was kinda cringe, but even they eventually got charmed by his passion for the project.

And now, the game has been released on I hope you enjoy it, if for no other reason, than for the drama it resulted from.

Marsey's school days :marseyreading: :marseybaby:

Did you knew square enix just released 2 games in one week “saga and front mission 2” ? Square ENIX started tons of games and cancelled tons of those and many they released were in shit shape.

After ff7 remake success in 2020 they released Balan world a ultra shit game whose director is now in jail

Limited physical release of ff pixel remaster while its a boomer game and boomer buy disks

Dungeon encounter, any one heard of that game ? Of voice of cards ? Square Enix released 3 voice of cards games in span of 1 year.

Babylon fall :surejan:

Ff origin a very unpolished games that looks like ps2 game with ps2 frame rate and resolution on ps5

Various Daylife Exclusively on iPhone arcade

The Diofield Chronicle another unpolished game

Valkyrie alyssum unpolished

Star ocean 5 guess who is unpolished ?

Harvestela another meh

Dragon quest games exclusively on switch :marseythumbsup:

Ff 7 live service mobile game that closed (first soldier it was called or something)

Another ff7 live service mobile game than soon will get closed (crisis something)

Forspoken they could had made this game better if they made more side activities

Tons of AI generated detective games

Devil may cry 16

Dragon quest muson game worse than any music game

Front mission 1st that was shit graphically then 2nd that looked way better but also shit

A strange saga game

WHYYYYY we losing money :marseybrainlet:

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