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  • nn : sage
forbidden meta knowledge inside.

sike just another shitty ghost thread.


Good morning post :marseythumbsup:

Took appointment with dentist, secretary asked me if I wanted a foid dentist or some bomer man I told bomer man.

Came to the appointment dentist man was checking my teeth, foid dentist enters the room started crying she fricked patient jaw and don't know what to do, man dentist tried to explain her then was like β€œfrick it” and rushed to fix that problem.

Gooooood morning

Abunai Sisters Case 1 - Abunai Beach - YouTube
Trump wins Iowa :marseytrump:
Accessories for Haloween
35 year old spinsters and goonettes defend literal CP on their fav fanfic site

!biofoids !fellas

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  • KatserKitty1987 : Every bible passage gaytheists seethe over is an OT/torah one :marseywrongthonk:
  • BWC : Tanakh is the Old Testament, Torah is the first five books, r-slur

A user cited a passage of the Bible that discusses men with "genitals like those of donkeys."

Wedding dresses are the best kind of dress :marseyagreesuperspeed:
Dueling is back in fashion in Missouri

We are so back (

How about a chess match? That way we know who is the better thinker, strategist and who probably has the better idea. Walk, turn and shoot has already been done.

LMAO feminine and weak idea

I agree as long as the loser is shot.

Dueling bans were good.

No, they aren't. They should make a rule that you can only get an amendment to a bill in if you can beat the Bill's author in hand-to-hand combat.

Amazing, of course modern righoids clammer over Dems proposing accelerationism by wanting us to shoot each other in the streets over petty disagreements like a murder of coons in the streets of Harlem

Wignats support this but then also cry when blacks do this with and among them.


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got told to go home today

was at work today and i was talking to my boss that I have a crush on, he notices im sad and asks if im alright, I say no and he asks if I want a hug, and at this point it's not like i had the emotion fortitude to say no i was so fricking sad. he goes in and hugs me, im nervous so i do the hover hand thing unintentionally, then he says "that was a weak butt hug" and I said "sorry" and turned away and started crying. At this point he told me that i didn't have to spend my time there and that i could go home if i wanted, i nodded and he cleaned up my stuff and i slipped away while he was talking to someone else.

im sharing bc im still really sad and now im also really embarrassed. source of sadness: perceived my body in the reflection of a window

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  • Heart : I got a shiny Marsey!!! I'm naming her Chicorita c:
Reason 9,401,793 zoomers were born to NGMI
Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F :marseysoyhype!:
Imagine what could have been, toobs
Like and share if you love Jesus :marseyboomer:

!christians Do it cuz I know He loves you right on back!

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Bardfinn has a nightmare

So Bardfinn didn't get much sleep yesterday owing to a bad dream. He hasn't been sleeping much lately anyway due to drag racers tearing through his neighbourhood, which, living in a cheap sun room, must be very loud and stressful.

Anyway, what could his nightmare have been about?

Getting SWATTed by African neonazis?

Getting challenged on the internet by sneering harassers?

A moment of clarity leading to the realisation of the horrifying nature of his existence?

No. No. Nothing like that.

He dreamt he had a job. But he was too good at the job. And then he couldn't get to sleep.

I will always love finding these little insights into Bardfinn's life. It is always such a joy.

This is what happens when you log into

Idk what this is but it's British and hilarious

:!chadsoy: Weak men are scared of immigrants



legal or illegal?

:!chadsoy: Don't care

You should. Laws are there because they were democratically agreed upon. Undermining the law is undermining democracy. Lobby to get the law changed then and put it to a democratic vote.

:!chadsoy: Laws are actually usually there because certain special interests lobbied to get them added to 1,000 page bills that have nothing to do with the subject. But regardless of where the laws came from, if they are unethical, they are illegitimate.

Smart men keep the door locked.

:!chadsoy: On their own property or other peoples'?

Hey Erik gimme your address you sloppy rat, I got a couple somalis you can host

:!chadsoy: Now do citizens

Dont you think these crimes could have been avoided? At least citizens grew up in the U.S. 🀑

So the crime is justified if they are from the USA

Are you guys pretending to be this r-slurred

So you're fine with people who broke the law in the first place breaking more laws. You're a weak man. A disgusting weak man.

It's about being humane and compassionate towards others. Doing the opposite is disgusting and weak.

Compassionate and humane is not the issue here. How many illegal immigrants that you don't know do you just let live in your house with your family (open door humane policy?). It's disgusting and weak to put your wife and kids at risk. Don't be a dum dum πŸ˜‰

Lol, being a dum dum is still believing in Hex and Pulsechain. Being compassionate and humane is intelligence

Everyone should be scared of uncontrolled borders.

:!chadsoy: Like between Wyoming and Colorado? People can just drive across with no controls at all. It's horrible.

So 1.5 million native born jobs lost within a short period of time replaced by 600k illegal immigrants, nvm those families though or what? Easy to sound so arrogant when you're so far removed from having to worry about income, not so easy for your average Americans though.

:!chadsoy: Sounds way more efficient for 600k people to do what took 1.5m previously. More immigrants pls

...says someone who will never have to compete with an illegal alien for a job.

:!chadsoy: If you're outcompeted by an illegal alien who doesn't even speak English then you might be a weak man

You know, we weren't all born in a gated community. Some of us actually had to go get a job for ourselves when we got out of high school. Do you know who are among the first displaced by illegal aliens? Kids graduating high school....

:!chadsoy: So you'd prefer the less competitive person get the job

If it's a choice between a legal citizen, and someone whose presence demonstrates they have nothing but contempt for our laws...I'll take the legal citizen.

:!chadsoy: Cool, I'd never tell you who you may or may not hire. Please afford me the same respect.

Strong men are justifiably scared of illegal, and criminal, immigrants

:!chadsoy: Because they don't have a special stamp in their special stamp book

Because cultural differences and ideological differences may not be able to be overcome and I, and anyone logical, is tired of pretending that assimilation is a bad thing.

:!chadsoy: Sounds weak

You're way too intelligent to be merely dismissive like that if you have an opposing view

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