
NPR talked about it

Here's a choice excerpt I randomly scrolled to in the epub

He felt like he was dying, smothered by xenoestrogenic alienation, forced domestication, a lowering of testosterone, depopulation, doom, the sun setting for the last time ever, a great ugliness, the end of history flashing before his eyes. Withered Wojak. Pink Wojak with bleeding eyes. </3. Cope or rope. He felt western civilization falling and bile rising in his throat, a microwaved McFlurry of remorse and half-digested animal proteins. He felt himself falling out of love. Falling to his knees in a Walmart. A poison arrow in his chest. MRNA mode. Blood of the Lernaean Hydra mode. Ow. Wow. Passions inflamed the middle layer of his heart's wall. Myocarditis. Oneitis. It's So Over, said his sinking swollen heart. The drywall called out to his fists. He punched the keyboard instead, kjbvkdesvdsbjvjkwbdvb jkldesblkdf. . . . Why would you ask that??? Ur a dumb slut . . . Just another whore. . . . . . . . . No. . . . . . No. . . . . . I said I wanted a tradwife not a tard wife . . . roastie . . . whore . . . I hate you . . . I hate you I hate you. Just before he hit send, it hit him, something sent from the beyond, a burning white light, a growing echo of music, the opening notes of MGMT's “Little Dark Age.” And then it began: images flashing, hyperspeed through his mind, the Intertwined Lovers of Valdaro skeletons in their Neolithic tomb, huddled face-to-face with their arms and legs intertwined in an eternal embrace, Orpheus and Eurydice in the underworld, every pair of lovers ever intertwined in eternal embrace, Odysseus and Penelope, Eloise and Abelard, Adam and Eve, Bella and Edward. At ever-accelerating nightcore speed, he saw nights and days, battles and births, blood, so much blood, beating hearts, cells dividing, code being written, oceans rising, blooming flowers, dying crops, the great flood, continental drift, the universe expanding, poetry, pain, the big bang, empires rising and falling, the birth of his ancestors, the death of his great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren, all of the ends and the beginnings beginning and ending and beginning and ending and beginning and ending infinitely. He saw what Life is, and what Death signifies, and why Love is stronger than both. He saw a loop, a shining circle. He saw the way forward as he looked back. He hit the backspace button as he RETVRNed from this infinite space to his body, to his bedroom, to now. He understood now. No no i want you, he replied. Sorry for the late reply I was away from my keyboard. It wasn't a lie. He had been somewhere else. He wanted to reach through the black glass, through all the 0s and 1s, through the mess of wires under the ocean, through the cloud, to grab her, take her in his big gym arms and hold her, be one. He wanted her now as she was: messy and pure, bone of his bones, flesh of his flesh, this thing to be called woman. He'd reach through the wall before she hit it. He had to. It was a love story, it all was, everything is, and always has been.


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!chuds :marseyantiwork:

[Trust the Science] Mayo Foids demonstrate their impeccable grasp on reality

:marseypdf#: study


You get to play as a black man and kill tons of Japanese men :marseyxd:

You'll never ever guess what this guys opinion on prison abolition is from this screenshot

Spoiler alert



Arguably /h/chudrama, but illegal immigration hasn't been framed as a chud thing since the orange man left office.

Anyways I have no idea what Adams exactly meant. All I know is he should run for President. Adams/Fetterman 2028

[CrystalVulpine] Marsey cuts woke class/Grounded/Banned

Based on real life events, I assume.





Dont they know the election couldnt have been stolen and was literally saved in good faith?

Roastie seething

Lol being 24 and ikwell posting at your mother is kind of cringe tho. !incels we aren't sending our best either

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  • X : Lappland.... BAD :marseysoycry:
Hey, it's @lappland here! :marseywave2:

Just wanted you all to know I will be taking a break from the site due to hemorrhoids.

@LappIand signing out.

!ghosts someone please :marseyinshallah: let the wolfpack know...


Men grow colder as women grow older even though men also grow older. They are the biggest hypocrites. I think it's very important for women to have self love at every age because when men are so toxic that they put us down simply for having birthdays and being single then it's our responsibility to love ourselves harder and support other women more and decenter men and romantic relationships to the point of not needing them. We should be open to the possibility of love if someone great for us comes along but I am not depending on it. We are not less than because we are single at a certain age. We are not less than for the number of birthdays we have had. We are not unworthy for any of these reasons. Relationships…most of them don't last a lifetime. To those men with the audacity to shame and disrespect single older women who are just as human and worthy of basic respect as all humans my response is to show them the middle finger and live my life. You don't have to date women over 30. You don't have to like women over 30. What you are not allowed to do is spread the myth of unworthiness, inferiority and shame to single older women. You may not like us and frankly we don't give a darn. But it doesn't mean we're unworthy and it doesn't mean there isn't a single soul on this Earth who could love us. More evolved and less judgmental people do exist. Just saying. By the way I am 49, single and I have 2 cats and I love myself.

Man I never seen such hard 1080 degree flying self dunk. Like she gives good points and etc but dropping that she is 49 and has 2 cats in the end is just to hard. Let's look at her profile

She is 49 and gives frick about red pillers ? Guys that are early 20 ?

I turned 50 this year. And I was not expecting this but to my surprise I just got asked out by a 26 year old Lyft driver who I used to get home from a grocery store last Sunday. He helped me with my groceries and said he wanted to be friends and asked for my number. He's been texting me and he asked me out for coffee.

My name is Abdul I need green card.

I don't really have an explanation for why a 26 year old man is interested in me even after I told him I am 50. Maybe he's just horny. But I think it may have something to do with the fact that I have been de-centering men.

This is my new s*x standard and I don't care if men don't like it.

I have decided that if a man wants to have s*x with me not only will he have to declare himself as my man (I would use the word boyfriend but I am almost 50 years old. I want a manfriend, not a boyfriend) and be sexually exclusive with me he will have to meet my friends and family and I am going to tell them that we're a couple. Additionally if he has a Facebook account I am going to post a picture of the two of us and say we're a couple. S*x is private but the relationship will not be a secret. No man who is serious about you is going to want to keep your relationship a secret. That's a red flag.

It's like ultra cringe and sad when people at her age act like this. It's ok to be single at 50 and dating at 50 is like collecting garbage, there no social pressure to go dating at that age.

The best society advice woman can get is if she at 35 is single and wants family to go get pregnant because holding for a prince at this point is pointless


Mean reply:

Bill Burr roasts Bill Maher
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