
@i_only_downvote_aliens love sucking peepee and bull stories


I bet this guy will now have huge motivation fighting in some tranches knowing the guy who beaten his mom just walks around somewhere safe.

They also stolen her stick and that's why she was holding her son

@gigachad_brony think black ops 6 will be the best CoD game in years

Looks like a controversial storyline.

2001 is recent enough too have decent tech in it.

They have improved the HUD and player movements.

Zombies mode looks good too.

Campaign sounds good.

They got the illuminati in the game.

Graphics look good.

The only possible downside from what @gigachad_brony see:

They need too have proper battle and war scenes. The last half too one decade of CoD's seem too be missing those.

MW original trilogy had scenes that actually felt like you were in a war zone part of a greater conflict.

Same for the first mission from Advanced warfare.

The newest MW games didn't have the same large scale battle feel too them at all.

Hopefully the newest Black Ops will return too good graphics combined with large scale battles on screen.

Putting @gigachad_brony's bets on CoD Black Ops 6 being the best selling game of the year.

This post rests on native land.

The new MW trilogy has failed CoD. Black Ops is saving it again.

@gigachad_brony is voting in CoD Black Ops 6 for an S tier CoD game.

Dramanaut does a r/justice4darrell Part 2: Trump trial edition

This is the FB account btw lmao

The shitposter responded:

The usual suspects of rightoid grifters are of course losing their shit

I would trade one of my toes to get Loomer on this site

One of the most notorious grifting accounts

Never forget the time Mike Lee thought a vape was an FBI badge.

PROOF (shitpost on FB)!

There's a lot more, but I'm bored now. I'm going to drink more alcohol


>Put aside racial bias, brown washing, racial pandering, histroical inaccuracies, blatant profit seeking controversies - something about seeing an African character behead a Japanese character in this context is so uncomfortable and the fact they choose to highlight this specific clip for the trailer. Obviously violence is going to be a big part of an action game and this happens all the time its just for fun, and that Japanese guy is most definitely a bad guy in the game, but just the air around this game is so off. Especially post Covid with the Asian hate just starting to simmer down although Asian Americans are still being attacked all over the US. Something about purposely lifting up an African character while simultaneously obershadowing the Asian characters is so wrong. I cant stand the hypocrisy. Im so sick of brown washing and racial pandering in the guise of diversity. Assassins Creed should have done better to have represented the Asian g*mers in such a long awaited game. And its so obnoxious when anyone tries to speak about this the trolls and buttheads of the internet immediately start calling everyone racist and exaggerating how this is gunna be the best game and they're gunna buy it just to support the controversy. The game will probably be in line with the last 3 games if you like that era of AC Im sure youll like this one, but I still strongly believe this character was a bad choice as one of the main characters.

:!#speechbubble: !nonchuds


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Consoles are dying
Lakers are a poverty franchise


Grizzly bear foid feels safer around humans than moids :marseybearsick2:


A bear (27F) realized deranged asocial scrotes avoid people and cars, so her cubs are safer when she hangs out by the road.

:marseybear: :marseybear: :#marseybear:

Chud Magnum Opus just dropped :marseyautismcap:

Louis XIV banged some insane foids :marseychic: :marseywitch2:

Louis XIV most famous lover, Madame de Montespan fell out of grace after accusations of witchcraft,_Marquise_de_Montespan

In 1675, the priest Lécuyer refused to give her absolution, which was necessary for her to take Easter communion, a requisite for all Catholics.[14] Father Lécuyer raged,

Is this the Madame that scandalises all France? Go abandon your shocking life and then come throw yourself at the feet of the ministers of Jesus Christ


Long assumed to have been involved in the infamous Affaire des Poisons, Madame de Montespan has never been conclusively implicated. Gabriel Nicolas de La Reynie, Paris' first Lieutenant General of Police and the chief judge of the court, before whom the famous poisoning cases were brought, heard testimony that placed Madame de Montespan's first visits to the so-called witch Catherine Monvoisin, known as La Voisin, in 1665.[6] In 1666, Madame de Montespan supposedly went so far as to allow a priest, Étienne Guibourg, to perform a black mass over her nude body[17] in a blood-soaked ceremony, which also, allegedly, included infant sacrifice.[18] Whatever the truth in these allegations, in July 1667, Madame de Montespan became the king's new mistress even though Louise de La Vallière was carrying his child

!historychads !nooticers thoughts? Was the Marquise de Montespan a satanic whore who seduced le Roi Soleil with black magic?

A bit about the affaire des poisons

The case began in 1675 after the trial of Madame de Brinvilliers, who was accused of having conspired with her lover, army captain Godin de Sainte-Croix [fr], to poison her father Antoine Dreux d'Aubray in 1666 and two of her brothers, Antoine d'Aubray and François d'Aubray, in 1670, in order to inherit their estates. There were also rumours that she had poisoned poor people during her visits to hospitals.

After being accused, she fled but was arrested in Liège. Madame de Brinvilliers was tortured and confessed, was sentenced to death, and on 17 July was tortured with the water cure (forced to drink sixteen pints of water) and then beheaded, and her body burned at the stake. Her alleged accomplice Sainte-Croix did not face charges because he had died of natural causes in 1672.

:#marseywitch2genocide: :#marseywitch2genocide: :#marseywitch2genocide:

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