Bobs or Vegana

Chad rDrama vs virgin The Motte

!marks I've never seen this promotion before but hey a free royal rumble battle riot[?] :marseyneat:

Drytooling "Ascension" D-15+
any cels here considered hagmaxxing?
Aevann IRL

Aevann irl



The new position as a car guy's assistant is going well. Drove an hour away to pick up the new Polaris UTV for his son and now I have the tough job of β€œgently” breaking it in for a few hours before handing it off to be beaten on by a 9 year old.

Next project is to build him a podcast studio. This is serious work.

Went kayaking and fishing today, caught a couple of bass and check out this turtle.

Perfect day for it out on the lake. Caught them on a Berkeley paddle shad and a Northland 1/16 whistler jig. Bass love them. Met this turtle after I got a bass off the hook. Special thanks to the girl who inadvertently distracted the boomer who won't shut up when we were all getting on the water. Nice enough guy, but he talked at me for 20 minutes the other day when I was trying to go home.

"Quentin Tarantino on Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry", redditors debate if it's a fascist movie

good video by Quentin

Also lots of political allusions to [current things]. Everyone called Dirty Harry a fascist movie. Lots of annoying dirty hippies. A big societal reaction against weak DAs and crime


Only for $183.15.

:marseyxd: :marseybaphomet:

pride month theme
Beware of Copperhead Snakes :marseytwodramacodecelsmating: :marseysnek:
he loved to eat grass when he was 6

and vomit 15 minutes later

I'm proud of my son

If you for some reason use IBKR and not one of the 700 other brokerages, this may be a mild nuisance to your day. Truly we are witness an event of all time.

Here's some subreddit having a light conversation about the r-slur on the loose.

The Trailer Park Wizard KingCobraJFS - YouTube

First address from the new lair


>Fringe conservative host Alex Jones said Saturday that federal authorities are trying to "shut down" InfoWars, his website.

>Jones, a right-wing television personality and court-adjudicated conspiracy theorist, took to social media over the weekend to issue an alert about InfoWars being shuttered.

>"BREAKING: Feds Attempting To Shut Down InfoWars Tonight!" the host shouted as he launched a live show on X.

>Mike Adams, a fellow conspiracy theorist and self-appointed "food scientist" and "health ranger," reported on some of the details.

>"Alex Jones just broadcast today that government is right now in the process of attempting to illegally seize the InfoWars studios, to put locks on the doors, then force liquidate all broadcast assets, to silence [Jones]," Adams wrote. "Alex slept in his studio last night and has publicly said he would call local police to stop the illegal federal raid on his studios. Details are coming in slowly, situation is uncertain."

>He then continued:

>"Not able to verify everything at this time, but everyone should pray for [Jones] and the InfoWars operation, pray for their safety and for their defense against a corrupt cabal of government thugs who have 'convicted' Trump of a made-up crime and are now shutting down prominent alt media in America."

>In the live space, Jones asked a right-wing attorney on air what he should do to stop the shut down of his operations.

>"This signifies weakness by them," Jones said. "They won't leave me alone."

>The lawyer declined to give legal advice, but said attorneys used the families of Sandy Hook victims as "political pawns." Jones was ordered to pay restitution to those families after spreading lies and conspiracy theories about the attack, resulting in harassment from potential Jones listeners.

I'm not holding my breath, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a bloodbath. It would be glorious ironic justice if Jones were to be sprayed with bullets by feds in the same manner as the victims of the Sandy Hook massacre whose families his followers relentlessly harassed.

Reported by:

34 COUNTS. How could anyone vote for the cheeto cretin when he has been convicted of 34 COUNTS? I was hanging out with my friend yesterday and we started discussing Blumpf and he said he wasn't too worried so I couldn't help myself, I punched him IN THE FACE. Blump made me punch my best friend IN THE FACE because I was so triggered and anxious. How can anyone not be worried about the guy who trusts Putin more than the CIA? I am going to apply for CANADIAN citizenship tomorrow and if they grant it to me I will join their army. And if it comes to it, I will do my duty and MOW DOWN hordes of Blumpfist stormtroopers as they charge towards our trenches. DO NOT reply to this if you there is even ONE brain cell in you that is even imagining the shadow of a faint possibly of voting for the traitorous, insurrectionist Christofascist.

Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : Lol this dude is a Trump supporter btw. This is a coded message obviously
We're gonna win this thing

For years the elites of the dramasphere have conspired to suppress the pizzabros, a nomadic group of text warriors that travel from drama website to drama website to spread the gospel of anti-foidism.

Whenever we climb near the reins of power the jannies collude to stop us from over running them.

But the elites have made their biggest mistake yet - having fair and open elections, something they never considered before. They have underestimated the pizzabros and walked right into the kill zone.

To my supporters - do not let them silence you, we have come further than ever before. They laughed at us when we said we'd ascend to power and bring the jannie problem to a final solution. I believe the sound of laughter might have suffocated in their throats in the meantime.

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