


Retweeting ZHPL and Mike Ma, both of whom are very much internet fascists.

(Also a woman lol)


99% chance that at some point, she has been treated like a filthy fricking whore by some slimy, ape-like bastard who fricked her raw with no condom and shot a load in her guts/down her throat while pulling her hair, choking her neck, biting her nipples and giving her a screaming orgasm. Or some total random that she drunkenly blew, sans condom, in the bathroom of some club (while licking his balls and swallowing at the end for a grand finale.) Just some dumbfrick worthless guy who's probably unemployed and living in some shittown right now, just wasting his life fricking ugly skanks and getting shitfaced all the time...but that just makes it so much worse, doesn't it? Because it means that some point, the women that you love handpicked this enormous butthole and decided that he was worthy of sliding his low class, diseased peepee right up into the birth canal that will someday carry your baby. Decided that he had enough worth as a man that she should consensually swallow his hot, salty spunk.

Remember, when you say that you "love" this girl even when she's sick and you're running errands for her and cooking her meals and shit, that this guy didn't even pretend to respect her while he was bending her over the side of the bed and gaping her throbbing wet kitty for his own selfish pleasure as she moaned and begged him to slide it in already.

Remember all of this, always. Just try not to take it too far, or you might not be able to keep up the charade - for example, when she whispers that you loves you in your ear as you snuggle up together at night, don't think about how those cute little lips said all that nasty shit in rushed, breathy tones to this worthless cute twink right as her toes were curling, her fingers were digging in and she was on the verge of cumming for the third time around his rock hard peepee when she barely even knew him, let alone anything about his life...or his background...or his family...or his STD status...

Europoors cope seethe and WORDS WORDS WORDS about spicy internet macros
🏳️‍🌈 Love is Love 🏳️‍🌈

Reminder that bigotry and hatred are not welcome on rDrama, especially not during pride decade.


The answer is no, and this is going to make college football even worse. But we can still enjoy the slap fights right?

[vintage] Prolific male feminist nearly gets cancelled for male feminist behavior

Labour Queers (Official) ☑️ literally "complain" (which means "wanna fire her but can't" in Bri'ish Inglish❔😂):



Wandshit/TERF Mommy ☑️ tweets "#IStandwith" 🧙🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️:

Post wall foid assaults nerdcel for pointing out the wall was many years ago

How about you stop worrying about what people want to do with their bodies. People whose weight doesn’t affect you in anyway, shape, form, or fashion.

Some are genetically wired to be larger. You have no choice.

You are so removed from reality with this post…Its clear you hate the existence of fat people but please take a single minute to consider the fact that most fat people (gasp) don’t want to be fat, and struggle with it every single day. It’s not fricking fun, and it’s often tied with other life factors that enable it such as a sedentary job, mental illness coping mechanisms, actual genetics/thyroid issues etc. Telling a fat person to “put down a 32 oz coke to save lives” is a laughably poor and unempathetic way to go about it. Obesity is an illness, it’s not fun, no one fricking wants this for ourselves and you’re acting like it’s as easy as to put on a mask to just magically get rid of everything that has led you to obesity.. I pray you never get fat. Please try practicing some empathy.

I have severe mental illness and when I started my medication in 2016 I put on 40kilos. I’ve exercised, I’ve eaten healthy. The only time I’ve shifted any weight was when I was hospitalised and basically didn’t eat.

Hello. I am fat. Your post did not motivate me to be skinny, but I take comfort in the fact that at least I’m not an butthole.

Daily reminder that the Br*tish are absolutely pathetic
Former AnCap (current theocratic monarchist) comes out in support of communism
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  • Landlord_Messiah : You will never be a real woman
  • RICHARD_NIXON_IS_GOD : The guy above me is 5'3" and worse, is a Bostoner
  • Penny : Unblock me so I can tell you about bardfinn beating his wife 🙋🏾‍♀️
  • CRUSTY : This post made me pump a big, sticky wad of c*m into my underpanties 🤗
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