Reported by:
  • X : test :marseygeisha:
  • Hyperborea : Black Lives Matter
  • Sneed : Comment to upmarsey ratio is bad. This means its controversial and aevann should delete this post
  • russy : hai
  • piranha : ily aevann maybe i can be as codecel as you :capyautism: i need to make more capy emojis but im slow
:!marseycapywalking: megathread for bugs and suggestions :marseycapywalking:

pls don't just say something is broken, explain HOW its broken

example of useless bug reports:

- by @Ninjjer - didn't explain shit

- by @S - didn't explain shit

- by @boogiecat - didn't explain shit

- by @L - didn't explain shit

- by @Horned_waifus_shill - didn't explain shit

also pls tell me ur browser and device and include screenshots/recording if u can

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update: Spacemilk is BERZEL Spacemilk has been banned

Bizarre fixation with @TED_SIMP in particular for over a month now, endless ghost threads and alts and talking to himself about rdrama foids having weird and confusing relationships with rdrama users, extremely unsettling obsession with rdrama women’s s*x lives, multiple doxxing attempts of a few of them + 2 jannies

Anyway this weird thread was one he made an alt just to create


And this one was another alt just to create this thread, which he then deleted along with a few dozen of his comments in it



Reported by:
  • oppie : First and foremost, God*
  • DickButtKiss : Split the difference and get sucked off instead !fellas
so god help me

for some reason i loaded up on credits this semester and now i have to pay the consequences. i have literally no time for anything, ive just been doing assignment after assignment. so i have no time to shitpost on rdrama.

BUT the pros of being back at college, last night i stayed up late working with this girl on hw, she has been dropping not-subtle-at-all hints saying that she thought i was hot, well last night she finally just said that she would frick me :marseywould: she is quite attractive and i wouldn't mind, but im worried about how this might affect my relationship between us and me and my bf. so the question is should i or should i not?

also before anyone comments, she is bisexual. in fact one of the "hints" she dropped was that when i was feeling dysphoric, she told me that she saw me as a WOMAN, more specifically a HOT WOMAN. But i need to figure out how to bring this up to my bf. Another issue is, when the frick will i find the time for this...

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I am King Koom and this is my Krime.

I was bet to do it. I had too. Kill me I had too.

Poorly lit room, poorly cropped peepee pic, half the peepee not in the pic, on an already dirty as frick Ipad. Just what rdrama deserves. This took like 45 minutes, not into her at all & I lost my boner 3 times.

Ball reveal comes at a later time.





Discuss my failure.

Weekly Furry Megathread #1

furries rise up. if the weebs get a thread we get a thread :marseyfurry2:

talk about anything furry-related, from degenerate drama to cool art to degenerate "art"

header image via smallyu, a Chinese realistic fursuit maker. did you know there's a thriving group of chinese furries? now you do

also discovered today, the best source i've found for traditional-style animal headdresses, for those who want to pretend they're cool ancient hunters instead of degenerate online weirdos

alright go wild




A. wait like 5 minutes and you'll see


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my prices are higher! go and order u slave

click on the play button if u want my voice

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Why there should be a porn website like rdrama (+ a proposal)

Why?, you may ask. Well I believe there is a clear gap in the market for it, here's why.

1.All porn sites "feel" the same.

They are all basically the same. Messy tagging systems, cookie cutter porn, and no real sense of a "community"

The most conversations you usually see are "wow this is so sexy" and "I wish I was her".

I believe we could fix this by encouraging more interaction with the community, including

.double the amount of dramacoins for oc

.awards that can limit what a user can see for a certain amount of time (for example making it so someone can only see IRL porn for 24 hours

.themed days and weeks that would give participating members double the amount of coins (SFW art Saturdays or the kink of the week)

2.Porn sites don't have enough user interactions

I kind of touched on this before but most porn sites don't encourage their users making OC content enough, and instead encourage produced content that you can post on all social media

This is why rdrama is so successful, it doesn't matter if nothing dramatic has happened in awhile, there is always a constant influx of new marseys, edits, memes, gambling, and attention whoring to keep the average user entertained.

So I think an implementation of emotes that the user can pay (dramacoins and not real money) to get put on the site would help bolster the community. Just imagine how much furries would love to make universal site emotes of their fursona, or how weebs can finally have emotes of their favorite anime girl being smug, the possibility are endless!

3.The garbage tagging system most porn sites have.

This is pretty simple to fix in my opinion. Just limit the amount of tags a post can have to 6.

One would be for what type of porn it is. Drawn, IRL, 3d Animated.

The other five would be whatever is most appropriate for the picture, this way artist have to be accurate and quick about what their art contains. No 100 tag bullshit like and e621 does.

Also stuff like scat, gore/gyro, piss would be a toggle that is turned off from default from users and would have to be marked as such by the uploader in the same way we have to mark NSFW here.

4.Too much Onlyfans and Patreon begging.

This is pretty self explanatory.

We would have a no tolerance and ban it. You can put it in your profile information but no mentioning it outside of that.

5.Gross Semi-Illegal Shit

This stuff is why a lot of porn websites get a bad rap.

Loli(like) porn and feral porn would not be allowed, simple as.

I don't care if it is technically legal I don't want to deal with it. Furry porn will still be encouraged, however the characters must be anthro.


I really think this idea has some legs and hope I have intrigued some programming socks folks here who share the same vision I do. I think it could be a really successful part of the marseyverse if we play our cards right.

I am not smart enough to code but if you really want to make this site a reality like I do then reach out to me and maybe we can do it!

Reported by:
  • ThreeLetterAgent : Furries stay winning
  • Marco : This is an act of war. Furtwinks should watch their backs.
  • WappyDoo : The ghost award was literally the only thing worth buying, the site is ruined now. RUINED!!!
  • Homoshrexual : Stop pooping up the site carp
  • PermaChudRanch : u can tell he's an FTM since he still engages in w*man nonsense
removed ghost award

Aevann is busy with finals and I have full server access :marseywitch:

House Furry reigns supreme

or it didn’t work

We’ll see I suppose

Still 140 characters short of the pizza award requirement


67 to go







Oh and butthole.

Reported by:
Um. Can someone keep me chained up for a couple of days?

No s*x or nudity, and you can just ignore me except when you're feeding me.


Weekly Furry Megathread #4: Razor blades edition

pictured: a metaphor for the internet. he who hath ears to hear, let him hear. thanks for the picture @LUCARIOFAGGOT's profile picture@LUCARIOCUTE TWINK

remember to post and vote in the image selection thread, and remember: that if you draw good OC for the purpose, it wins next thread regardless of votes

miscellaneous updates:

furry_irl had a good post for once

a detail I missed about that one rich failson furry who went to space: same channel as his announcement, b/c apparently he doesn't believe in alt accounts

anthro new england went down over the weekend. no major weirdness i heard of, just the standard low-grade stuff like still not banishing abdl on sight judging by one of the tweets there

as always, remember to join us at /s/furry for all your furposting needs

@xthek's profile picture@xthek @SomeGayFurry's profile picture@SomeGayFurry @Noctis's profile picture@Noctis @AltAccountUmbreon's profile picture@AltAccountUmbreon @FurryNationalism's profile picture@FurryNationalism @ThreeLetterAgent's profile picture@ThreeLetterAgent @furrybussyhunter's profile picture@furrybussyhunter @Lycanroc's profile picture@Lycanroc @furry's profile picture@furry @TracingWoodgrains's profile picture@TracingWoodgrains @DudeBussyLmao's profile picture@DudeBussyLmao @carpathianflorist's profile picture@carpathianflorist @Suicidal_Tendies's profile picture@Suicidal_Tendies @AshiahTheEgyptianCat's profile picture@AshiahTheEgyptianCat @Perro's profile picture@Perro @LUCARIOFAGGOT's profile picture@LUCARIOCUTE TWINK @Big_Bill_Hells_Cars's profile picture@Big_Bill_Hells_Cars @of_blood_and_salt's profile picture@of_blood_and_salt @Publiq's profile picture@Publiq @DerekSavageCoolCuck's profile picture@DerekSavageCoolCuck @SparkBrave's profile picture@SparkBrave @Gandalf-the-Whey's profile picture@Gandalf-the-Whey @CBT's profile picture@CBT @Zeidre's profile picture@Zeidre @Nipsu's profile picture@Nipsu @Greu's profile picture@Greu @Corvus's profile picture@Corvus

everyone get in here

as always, if you want to be added to or removed from the ping, let me know

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Chicago Deep Dish Pizza Is the Best Pizza

Why is rdrama so buttblasted about deep dish pizza? :marseyquestion:

It’s delicious! :marseypizzaslice:

Way better than Ny style. :marseypuke:

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