
NPR talked about it

Here's a choice excerpt I randomly scrolled to in the epub

He felt like he was dying, smothered by xenoestrogenic alienation, forced domestication, a lowering of testosterone, depopulation, doom, the sun setting for the last time ever, a great ugliness, the end of history flashing before his eyes. Withered Wojak. Pink Wojak with bleeding eyes. </3. Cope or rope. He felt western civilization falling and bile rising in his throat, a microwaved McFlurry of remorse and half-digested animal proteins. He felt himself falling out of love. Falling to his knees in a Walmart. A poison arrow in his chest. MRNA mode. Blood of the Lernaean Hydra mode. Ow. Wow. Passions inflamed the middle layer of his heart's wall. Myocarditis. Oneitis. It's So Over, said his sinking swollen heart. The drywall called out to his fists. He punched the keyboard instead, kjbvkdesvdsbjvjkwbdvb jkldesblkdf. . . . Why would you ask that??? Ur a dumb slut . . . Just another whore. . . . . . . . . No. . . . . . No. . . . . . I said I wanted a tradwife not a tard wife . . . roastie . . . whore . . . I hate you . . . I hate you I hate you. Just before he hit send, it hit him, something sent from the beyond, a burning white light, a growing echo of music, the opening notes of MGMT's “Little Dark Age.” And then it began: images flashing, hyperspeed through his mind, the Intertwined Lovers of Valdaro skeletons in their Neolithic tomb, huddled face-to-face with their arms and legs intertwined in an eternal embrace, Orpheus and Eurydice in the underworld, every pair of lovers ever intertwined in eternal embrace, Odysseus and Penelope, Eloise and Abelard, Adam and Eve, Bella and Edward. At ever-accelerating nightcore speed, he saw nights and days, battles and births, blood, so much blood, beating hearts, cells dividing, code being written, oceans rising, blooming flowers, dying crops, the great flood, continental drift, the universe expanding, poetry, pain, the big bang, empires rising and falling, the birth of his ancestors, the death of his great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren, all of the ends and the beginnings beginning and ending and beginning and ending and beginning and ending infinitely. He saw what Life is, and what Death signifies, and why Love is stronger than both. He saw a loop, a shining circle. He saw the way forward as he looked back. He hit the backspace button as he RETVRNed from this infinite space to his body, to his bedroom, to now. He understood now. No no i want you, he replied. Sorry for the late reply I was away from my keyboard. It wasn't a lie. He had been somewhere else. He wanted to reach through the black glass, through all the 0s and 1s, through the mess of wires under the ocean, through the cloud, to grab her, take her in his big gym arms and hold her, be one. He wanted her now as she was: messy and pure, bone of his bones, flesh of his flesh, this thing to be called woman. He'd reach through the wall before she hit it. He had to. It was a love story, it all was, everything is, and always has been.

[Trust the Science] Mayo Foids demonstrate their impeccable grasp on reality

:marseypdf#: study

Durov (Telegram) blows another hole in Signal's security.

🤫 A story :marseyslime: shared by Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, uncovered that the current leaders of Signal, an allegedly “secure” messaging :marseytelegram: app, are activists used by the US state :marseycoonass: department for regime change abroad 🥷

🥸 The US government spent $3M to build :marseyyarn: Signal's encryption, and today :marseyclueless: the exact same encryption is implemented in WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Google :marseygetgle: Messages and even Skype. It looks almost as if big tech in the US is not allowed to build :marseyikea: its own encryption protocols that would :marseymid: be independent of government interference 🐕‍🦺

🕵️‍♂️ An alarming number of important people I've spoken to remarked that their “private” Signal messages had been exploited against them in US courts or media. But whenever somebody raises doubt :marseybruh2: about their encryption, Signal's typical response is “we are open source :marseymissing2: so anyone can verify that everything is all right”. That, however, is a trick :marseyflareon: 🤡

🕵️‍♂️ Unlike Telegram, Signal doesn't allow researchers to make sure that their GitHub code is the same code that is used in the Signal app run on users' iPhones. Signal refused to add reproducible builds for iOS, closing a GitHub request from the community. And WhatsApp doesn't even publish the code of its apps, so all their talk about “privacy” is an even more obvious :marseyoctopus4: circus :marseycryingclown: trick💤

🛡 Telegram is the only massively popular messaging :marseytelegram: service :marseygreytide: that allows everyone :marseynorm: to make sure that all of its apps indeed use the same open source :marseymissing2: code that is published on Github. For the past ten years, Telegram Secret :marseyglow: Chats have remained the only popular method of communication that is verifiably private 💪

Trump Trial: Full House edition

If you ever forget your Rdrama password :capymerchant: :marseyspecial: hashcat works. EDIT: IT DOESN'T. :soyjakferal:

Hashcat is the world's fastest and most advanced password recovery utility, supporting five unique modes of attack for over 300 highly-optimized hashing algorithms. hashcat currently supports CPUs, GPUs, and other hardware accelerators on Linux, Windows, and macOS, and has facilities to help enable distributed password cracking.

!chuds :marseyantiwork:

[CrystalVulpine] Marsey cuts woke class/Grounded/Banned

Based on real life events, I assume.

new Muff Dive

You can click the rest yourself

!chuds a woke webcomic about a fat lesbian coomer who fights crime (cis men)

Look at these new creatures I just created!!!!


You get to play as a black man and kill tons of Japanese men :marseyxd:


Anon concerns artist :marseycoomer2: :marseysmughips:

this but unironically


“They never choose the OW.”

  1. They already chose us. As in they literally chose a relationship with us and would have continued in that relationship for an unforeseeable future. There are women here who were with their MM for 8 years etc. That's a whole butt relationship ma'am.


  1. They generally aren't choosing their wife over the OW. They're choosing their life over the OW (wife + kids + family + history + employment + social circle + status etc…). It isn't surprising.


  1. Choosing said life and its obligations over a new life with the OW doesn't negate their love for us or the significance of the relationship we shared. In most cases it would actually be pretty shocking if they did choose the OW. Let's be real.


  1. Many married partners would prefer to keep a secondary relationship if they weren't shamed into upholding vows/institutions they happily and repeatedly disregarded. Over and over again. Just like many OW would comfortably continue in a secondary relationship with them and not be “chosen”. Because not every woman wants or needs to be a man's “everything”. See: ‘polyamory', ‘non-monogamy', etc.


  1. Not being “chosen” following Dday does not mean they didn't experience greater joy or fulfillment with the OW.


I don't say this to be redundant: no one can convince me this man didn't love me or that the love we discovered wasn't as profound as it was or that he wasn't genuinely unhappy, deeply unfulfilled, fallen out of love and hopeless in his relationship. He truly saw himself fulfilled in a life with me but dday arrived and he's with his SO and I have been erased like it never happened.

I'm sure he saw the “relationship” as something more than :hump:

Point being even an MM as unfulfilled as he was and as desperately in love with his OW as he was shut things down to be faithful to his SO. Because this is not a “competition” the OW can really win. We didn't get there first. They didn't make a commitment to us or promise themselves to us for life.


I'm not saying MMs don't love their wives or actually want to reconcile their marriage. They wouldn't reconcile if they saw no value in doing so.


But everybody and their mama wants to come for the OW - seemingly more than they do the MM who betrayed their spouse. You can shame us, devalue and dehumanize us, share our posts and ridicule us to make yourself feel superior and try to counteract your insecurities but we aren't the cause of your troubled institution - we are just a symptom. There are over 154k members in the adultery subreddit for Christ sakes.


It's become evident that the people (predominantly women) who take particular pleasure in hating the OW are motivated by underlying/internalized misogyny which is why a sub called adultery hate has made us its exclusive target.

You're a :marseyfans:

It's also the reason the title of the “OW” or “mistress” exists without a counterpart to begin with. The vast majority of adultery hate is reserved for the OW and why? Because on some level you accept that a man engages in affairs because he is a man, and men hold the power. But a woman who engages with that man is a lesser woman: she's dirty she's vile she's unpure she's scandalous. She's deluded. She's a man's toy. She's desperate she can't find a man to choose her etc etc.

Whatever hun

In reality the OW is a symptom of a failing/dishonest/dying/dead marriage and a threat to an arguably unrealistic institution more generally. Adultery will never stop and married men will always be the perpetrator of betraying their union but you will disproportionately hate us because misogyny convinces you to forgive men and because the alternative is admitting those vows didn't mean shit at the end of the day.


We're not these inherently scandalous women who aspire to wreck the homes of unsuspecting wives everywhere. We're regular women - worthy women -who have formed a connection with men who authentically love and/or desire us. Men who for whatever reason were not satisfied in their partnership and it is that dissatisfaction or lack of fulfillment that led them to stray - not the OW. That is the threat to your sacred union. It is internal not external.


“They never choose the OW” but it's the very fact that they chose us that keeps you stalking this subreddit each and every day. You can call us “low hanging fruit” but the man you chose to marry was desperate to gobble us up. Nom nom nom.


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  • Allende : Everyone in in in the comments
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