  • The post title was noticeably different than the article it linked

  • The article itself was misleading as Florida had a net 250k population gain in 2022 (which is stated in the article).

The drop in rent comes at a time when the state is seeing some of its residents move out, even as it is still experiencing a net increase of people moving there. About 500,000 people left the state in 2022 while nearly 750,000 moved in, according to data from the Florida Chamber of Commerce. For 2024, they are forecasting between 225,000-275,000 new residents to move into the state.

It's so tiresome.

Why "cheating" on a dusty isn't really cheating


>"Read the article before you comment" :soyjakferal: >No :gigachad2:

I only read headlines, then comment.


Whole thread filled with coomers and people like this :marseywholesome:

Dragons' Den - Dishonest :marseypinocchio: Spanish :marseylatinxpearlclutch:

Libs really won't rest until every single word on the internet is their approved current message.


And choose the opposite. Done, simple as.

I love you all. Happy birthday bros

I somehow kept refreshing /r/drama every day during my lunch break during covid. It was dark days. But it was a light. Then it went to shit. But then the off-site was made and I found out about it. And I just open this shit up every day and seeing a page full of new links in the morning just hits me with a wave of dopamine I can't get anywhere else.

I'll never forget this site coming up during that wisconsin trial. Holy shit.

Mass love to you all

What's some shit you will NEVER tell your partner?

What are dramatards hiding from their spouses and tender simps and frickmeat?

Make it good, what a dramatard is hiding, not a redditor.




My personal experience with Boomers is theyre always doing something pointless around the house. When I have nothing to do and have time off, i just chill and relax and unwind. My parents and step parents are always fixing something, buying something, rearranging something, cleaning something, inventing something new in the house. And its fine if thats what makes you happy, but the problem is it clearly doesent make them happy. Everytime my family is working around the house they are angry and complaining. My stepdad out of nowhere thought of creating this whole project and then was getting mad at all the work he had to do. Like what? You didnt have to do this lol. Just pay someone if it makes you angry. Also im trying to sleep because I need sleep to be productive at work. But no lets start banging this pipe or drilling into the wall at 6am. When i save enough to move out I will never own a house and I will enjoy my silence, i cant wait.

Couple of questions:

  • how old is OP to still be living with boomer parents? The youngest boomer is 64 years old.

  • why doesn't OP try to connect with their family through these projects? Oh yeah they are a redditor. They are probably useless.


I got scammed by the company name Blend. They told you it's data entry job and you only have to give 5 stars to make money. They even created group chat on telegram with lots of people who showed the evidence of how much money they are making everyday. You will feel legit at first as you earned a bit of money at firstโ€ฆ but you have to keep putting money/ USDT to give review on expedited trips each time to get your money backโ€ฆ you have to finish 37 trips to get your money back but you will never get it back at the end. First they will tell you only 4 expedited trips to rate and you will get all your money back but little I knew it was a lie.. I went to 9 expedited trips and kept putting USDT in as I wanted to get my money back as they will scared you saying you can only get back when you finish all 37 tripsโ€ฆ I was stupid enough to know and fell for it and lost around 50k. Please don't fall for this kind of scamโ€ฆ I learned my lesson and paid 50k for it.

Even dumber then the usual /r/scam victim who falls for romance scams.

Don't worry OP let's everyone know that he won't be falling for anymore sexy Indian dude tricks

Yep I know. Already few people came to me to talk to a guy for recoveryโ€ฆ man I am not falling againโ€ฆ from now on I won't lose even a cent from my pocketโ€ฆ already hard enough from getting scammed. Posted here to warn others but got blamed by fricking genius ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ.

At least he's in good spirits, benefit of being r-slurred I guess :marseyretardchad:

He starts arguing with everyone and I suppose that's why the kitty mods decided to lock the thread



:redlight: Important :marseysupersorensoarin: Sorenpost :soren: Incoming :redlight:


!metashit !nooticers


BUSSY :#mariogoatse: :#marseyslurpfast:

I think this is the most triggered I've ever made someone on Twitter

After this exchange, he replied to me 30 times, posting my memes in response to my tweets going back a full month

Each screenshot below is a unique post. These are no duplicates lmao

Lmao update:

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