To celebrate this birthday I have one for you all.

BUSSY :#mariogoatse: :#marseyslurpfast:

First round of birthday badges have been given

Congrats to






You did good :marseyclapping:

Except you DonAI :marseymad:


This guy totally owned him by calling him a disgusting person:

This guy signed him up for furry newsletters:

This guy sent him bussy:

This guy posted hog (with warts):

Are landlords even people?

I bought a mobile home for my mother to live in and she died a few months later. I've been trying to sell it ever since and have had sooo many people tell me that I should just rent it out, which I technically can't do because it's supposed to be owner or close family occupied, but even if I could, I just don't think I'd want to ever be a landlord, partly because it's too much trouble and partly because I'd have to make a choice between either squeezing someone for all I can, which I have an ethical problem with, or charging them well below market rent, which just seems irrational. Better to sell the darn thing and not have to worry about it anymore.

Sound financial choice bro!

I texted the number and told him he should be ashamed of himself, and he called me a few mins later. I didn't answer because I'm a b-word but it confirmed there was someone on the other end receiving things.


This unfortunately was removed by Reddit, appears to be a super sweet burn with cat facts though:

This guy made a hilarious Google review as Reginald P Moneybags and wants upvotes!

This guy said frick you to him! So brave!

This guy is in debt (lol) but no fear, now the landchad will get those calls so this guy will totally not have to pay!

This guy is extra evil:

Sent him a really disrespectful text. Don't feel bad about it he deserved it. I can't stand these types of people. Hope you find a good place soon OP

Literally no one who isn't brain dead says this:

Remember, there are people out the we that will insist that renting is 100% better than buying...

At least there's one person supporting landlord rights:

Tip him


Apparently this is some sandshit thing. As we've learned throughout this conflict, everyone involved is insufferable.

Anyways, Danny Gonzalez generally has stayed under the radar and makes a good living making cold take video essays and I guess some streaming. He's friends with Kurtis Connor and Drew Gooden. They all basically have the same schtick these days, although Kurtis is definitely the most turbolib of the three, and Danny is the chuddiest. They all pretty much mail it in, playing it very safe.

More marsey
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Most haven't gone through the process yet at Disneyland cuz of the time difference but here's previous discussions

TLDR: Disney's old DAS (DISABILITY ACESS SERVICE) pass was abused to heck once the parks reopened during the pandemic and became even worse once Disney took away free fast passes and introduced genie+ and lightning lane. People would make up excuses like ibs and anxiety so they didn't have to wait in long lines. Now Disney says it's only for developmental disabilities like autism

did this :marseygiftboxmarseyhug:


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lots of generic condolences to inanimate object low tier jokes

Most controversial thread comes through still about being rational through hatred of somebody you despise, and how keeping cordial relationships even with douchebags is pivotal in international diplomacy

Lots of waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah wahhh wahhhh :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: no the Iranian regime is le heckin evilllll, the EU head eurocuck dude should have said nothing and stay silent instead!!!!

and on and on


:soymadtalking: :soymadtalking: :soymadtalking:

:marseyupmarsey: Yearly Birthgay :marseycupcake: Bash :marseyupvote2: Thread :marseyupmarsey:

!dramatards !metashit !friendsofpizzashill its the x3 event so we gotta grind for dramacoin while the jannies allow it :marseyembrace:

:marseysipping: post comments in this thread to get upvoted by everyone else who posts comments :marseyilluminati2: post comments to get the snowball rolling as well and we can make this a successful grinding experience :marseyfluffy:

give this thread :marseystitch: awards :marseycoin: like a :marseypin: to get free dramacoin :marseywholesome:

:marse#yyokaiwatchtalking: :marseyyokaiw#!atchtalking:

please PLEASE do not chud award me :marseyraging:

:marseyball#oons: :#marsey!balloon2: :#marseyit: :#marseyc!hineseballoon: :#marseyballoon3: :#!party: :#2upballoon:

:donkeykongh: :donkeykonga: :donkeykongp: :donkeykongp: :donkeykongy: :marseyinvisible: :donkeykongb: :donkeykongi: :donkeykongr: :donkeykongt: :donkeykongh: :donkeykongd: :donkeykonga: :donkeykongy: :rdram#apatfast:


Orange site:


Some benchmarks here, doesn't look bad but nothing ground breaking either

With how long the Snapdragon Elite took to roll out, I'm expecting nothing but disappointment in the real world

Wow, Yikes a bad faith comic

!familyman i cry every time


!g*mers !schizos


There's plenty of fun bickering in the replies about whether Terrence Howard is a crackpot or actually a genius with 97 patents.

Here's an article with some highlights., and here's another twitter thread with slightly less bickering.

Life hack

If you don't know how to give more weight to your argument just hit them with the "I'm neurodivergent and one of my neurodivergent traits is that my opinions are more virtuous than yours" card

:marseyhappening: SHOOT OUT AT PROM! :marseydeterminedgun: I REPEAT SHOOTOUT AT PROM! :marseymini:

At 0:48 I feel like that guy with curly hair whipped out a gun super fast and it kinda looks like a gun in his hand also the motion he makes

Edit: and its the same guy shooting at the end of the video. streamer says its fireworks but thats not true lol

You are correct. The first shots sounded so far, I have no idea what he is shooting at, there must be dozens of people between them.

If you see any other video of shootouts like these you see mfs just start blind shooting in a general direction Frick whatever is southwest of me :soyjihadi:

Bro, what is going on with America :marseyclueless:

A shooting at a prom is already insane, but then the next guy next to the camera pulls out another gun that he just CASUALLY takes to prom... What the heck! If you are caught with a knife here you are basically already done for

what kid of prom is outside in what looks like a massive parking lot? such a strange situation, hopefully no one got hurt.

Absolutely crazy how in one single clip you can see underage drinking, nicotine vapes, and literal teenagers with straps and switches. At least the silver lining is that Dabo and his gf are in a safe location, but it's safe to say that white shirt kid has no future prospects after this ends up in the news… !boozers misia

From a little dive i just did on his channel that girl is some girl with 1M ig followers who flew in for his prom

who is this kid, he's a 2k andy, he must be big on tiktok

edit: she's friends with ice spice tf

edit2: she's a minor

edit3: drake's dad follows her

Lmao Drakes Dad following a minor is right on brand.

It's wild how these kids got guns, that kid just straight up pulls out a gun and peepees it.

Now Some drama

Schools and public places will always be open pvp until politicians stop valuing lobbyists' money over innocent lives getting caught up in these shootings. Hope they're okay.

in the US* I went to school in the UK and fricking south africa and never once felt like my life was in danger. (

Most American school students never experience or feel their life is in danger due to a gun or shooter at school. Try again. (-10 already)

I wouldn't call it far fetched to say that the vast majority have definitely been paranoid about it at least once though. It's quite a significant issue, especially when you compare the rate at which it happens in the states versus any other developed nation in the world.

It is far-fetched because the majority haven't felt their life in school was in danger due to gun violence. Ghetto schools aren't the majority, yet. Its really not that significant or prevalent of an issue it only seems like it is because of media. Like Covid for example. Blown out of proportion. Also no shit America has more guns than most any other country in the world. We already know this.

It's disingenuous to say that it's not significant or a prevalent issue when the US ranks higher than any other high income country when it comes to gun violence, 3x more than the next closest country . When you're such an outlier on such a preventable cause of death; yes, the media is bound to report on little kids being murdered; which yes, will cause student populations to at times feel uneasy about their safety in a school environment. It's such a significant issue in fact, that gun violence is the leading cause of death for American children and teens: .


!chuds this will clearly help pass the anti-gun laws. good lucK!!


3 charged with murder in Fort Worth prom after-party shooting

i have a new hater :marseycry:

our story starts with @trollololo making this comment (note: i am not an unfunny r-slur)

i posted a funny reply emote (marseyxd) to prove i am not seething and can handle people not liking me

he then gave me TWO shit awards :marseygasp:

i have theories as to why this person doesn't like me:

1. he wants me to breed him

2. im a gay r-slur and my posts are bad (he also wants to me breed him)

3. pinknamephobia

2 is incredibly unlikely, so this is clearly a case of color discrimination

also i tried to give him a flair that says "i love @boogiecat" or something like that but i misspelled my own name so it says "i love @boogie" :marseyspecial:

!pinknames !friendsofboogiecat discuss


In the article the whale complains that upper caste men talk about ending reservation (40-60% govt jobs guaranteed if you're lower caste for example) and reject her.

Bruh they're rejecting her because she's OBESE not because she's a dalit. No one mentions their caste on dating apps lol. Look at her-

Probably because they saw the rest of her pictures showing her full body on insta and blocked her lol.

If she wasn't obese they would have stuck around longer at least. Even dalit moids would have rejected her.

Wonder if there will also be reservation on dating apps? Pradhan Mantri Dating Arakshan Yojana :marseysmug5:

Something tells me it wasn't her birth jati which is responsible for the lack of interest of men

The time you spent writing this article would have been spent better going for a run

It's a very common tendency to blame, when you don't have game

Seethe from Dalitus Primus himself blaming muh casteism rather than her weight for her rejection:

Reported by:
  • cherry : OP did some marvelous investigative :marseydetective: werk with this one :marseywinner:

Have to steal @Gibberish thunder here, because this video is absolutely nuts.

  • Woman, by her behavior and demeanour, is LITERALLY r-slurred

  • Blamed a lot of her spending on ADHD, unmedicated at time of video

  • Makes $25k a year at Tesla

  • 25% or her money goes to 401k match and Tesla stock buys (to her credit she is actually trying to somewhat pay for retirement and her children's future through this.)

  • 3 kids at 24, all with same dude, one kid is 2 and other is a set of twins.

  • Got $10k in child tax credits, used $4k to pay some debt to baby daddy's mom and blew the rest on a vacation to Dallas and a Post Malone concert. Why? "I never get to do anything and it was fun." :marseywomanmoment2: !foidmoment

  • $1600 spent at Target.

  • Second children were "planned" even though they were/are in debt and live with baby daddy's parents. Used to live with her parents until they divorced and Dad kicked them out.

  • Tons of shit in collections.

  • Didn't work for awhile after twins.

  • Baby daddy "hurt his hand" and hasn't been working, just started a job at Papa John's and makes $380 a week.

  • Dude has spent hundreds of dollars on vapes, PSN purchases, and onlyfans during his time off :marseyretardchad:. !moidmoment

  • Buys tons of snacks at work vending machines.

  • Has a scion, underwater on it of course, hasn't been using it for the past seven months because the key fob got run over :marseyconfused2:.

  • Instead of getting that replaced, she went and got a Mazda CX9 with an insane payment of $600+ a month for 72 months. Reasoning being she need more room for the kids and their car seats.

  • Caleb tries to talk some sense into her, says she could have gotten a 3 kid car seat setup instead of that. Caleb even offers to buy her one near the end.

  • Near the end of the video, she lets it slip that CarMax has a 30 day return policy. Caleb is, of course, overjoyed, tells her to return it immediately, and doesn't take that debt into account for her budget.

- A video edited in shows that she did not, in fact, return the car, supposedly because everyone around "forced her not to." :marseyfacepalm:

  • Caleb says he will give her $250 to get the Scion checked out, has to explain to her she needs to get it towed or get a locksmith to make her a key to get it to the mechanic to get it looked at.

  • Caleb's budget for her leaves her with $12 in the bank at the end of the month.

I went over to the Caleb Hammer subreddit to check out what they were saying about her, and she shows up in the comments:

Hey guys, this is me! Thank you for all the tough love comments. I honestly think they'll help. I just wanted to address some of the more common things people are pointing out/getting wrong. 1) The whole car situation didn't just happen because the key broke. I did need a bigger vehicle since all 3 car seats wouldn't fit into my scion. Could I have gotten a cheaper car? Yes. 2) I looked dead inside because that's how I feel most days 😂 I wake up at 3 am every morning M-F to get ready for work, get home at about 4 pm and then stay up until 10-11 pm looking after my kids. 3 under 3 is tough, especially with the hours that I have. 3) $6000 was spent but it wasn't entirely on the trip. A lot of the spending I did at target was stuff for my kids, granted that it wasn't stuff they necessarily needed. The only thing I really did for myself was going to the concert. I took the kids to the aquarium, got an air bnb with a pool so they could swim, took them to a Mickey Mouse event (it's my 2 yr olds favorite character) 4) I know I seriously need some discipline. I wasn't trying to use the adhd as an excuse, I just wanted to highlight why it was so difficult for me to control my impulses. I have set up an appointment to be seen by a professional so I can get the help I need. 5) I know I'm a mouth breather 😭 it's very hard for me to feel like I'm getting enough oxygen by breathing only through my nose. I've just always been that way. I tried getting braces but they said my overbite can only be fixed via surgery and I didn't want that. 6) I'm not on food stamps, wic, Medicaid, etc…my 2 youngest kids are on Medicaid but my oldest is on my health insurance I get at work. I'm not using any government programs

And I just want to end this by saying I extremely care about my kids. I may not be the most financially responsible and that is something I'm trying to work on. My son is speech delayed and has been put into speech therapy. He's being seen by the school district for special education services and I'm very much involved in everything going on with him. I'm the one that schedules all doctor appointments for my kids, I'm the one that plans the meals, plans their activities… I'm the default parent. I just wanted a little break from reality but I now realize I went overboard and I honest to god do regret taking the trip. Only thing I can do now is get that second job and just hustle until I clear my debt.

A further perusal of her history shows her boyfriend and her fight a lot, she wanted to leave him, he cheated on her, the usual.

So how's it feel folks? While you were probably doing the right/white thing, Idiocracy was happening right under your nose. At least we'll have at least one new friend here for the 20th birthgay :marseythumbsup:

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