My neighbor craig
BIDEN 2024
:redlight: Reminder that Jesus Christ :marseyjesus: was convicted on false pretences too :marseycrucified:

!christians !chuds

When the players would like a nice little chat with the Ref - Paraguay


ITT: songs that remind us of our ex
Lunchmaxxing :marseyviewerstare:

Overnight oats with dried raisins, sultanas, sunflower and pumpkin seeds with orange jam preserves. I abuse the milk set out in the break lounge for tea and coffee and leave it in the corpo fridge so I always have lunch there. Topped with strawberry jam too.

Also it's smoothie day today :marseyembrace: I got raspberry.

!besties :marseyfluffy:

Beautiful b8 :marseychefkiss:

AITA for demanding my stepson goes to live with his mother?

My husband and I have a blended family, I have a 14yo boy and my husband has a 17yo boy. So for the most part, everything has been amazing until…..

His son had seemingly taken on the big brother role well, however things I've seen over the past couple weeks, completely changed my opinion of him.

My son was showering and I was in the bathroom getting towels, the stepson walks in, doesn't see me, and just opens the shower curtain to talk to my son. I yelled and he quickly moved, and said he just wanted to use his laptop.

Then I found them both asleep, shirtless cuddling.

This morning at 6am, my son walked out of the stepsons room naked, and ran to his room. We usually aren't up until 7am.

I confronted my son and he started crying and said they've done sexual things, but not to be mad because it's not that bad and it's mutual.

I told my husband his son needs to go live with his mother in Ontario. This has caused a massive argument and my husband is livid, however I'm sticking to it, I think his son is disgusting. AITA?

:marseynooticeglow: weird amount of people defending a 17 year old fricking a 14 year old in these comments

NTA but y'all might as well divorce. Ain't no coming back from this one

:marseypedo: Why did you go into the bathroom while your son was showering? That's worse than whatever two consenting teenagers were doing to each other.

:marseypedo: What's gross to me is everyone thinking s*x is bad. Sit down and talk. Make s*x a healthy conversation.

:marseypedo: This is a tough one for me. Kids experiment. They just do. So this could be no big deal and just hormonal boys experimenting.

:marseypedo: So is it disgusting because your 14 yr old Son is having s*x? Or that your Son is having s*x with a 17 yr old? Or that your Son is having s*x with a person of the same s*x?

14 yr olds of both sexes (& those not yet decided) are having s*x these days. Not that they are usually emotionally ready to do so, they just are. So maybe you should first have a calm conversation, with no recriminations, about being sexual (in whatever form) at that age, with your Son.

Your Husband should have a conversation with his Son about what happened, how it got started & what he was thinking.

:marseypedo: ESH except the kids. Gay kids experiment often with family members/older boys. (I was definitely younger than I should've been)

>Gay kids experiment often with family members/older boys.

:marseypedo: Why don't you send your son away? Do you think the stepson is disgustingly because he is gay/bi and you're homophobic? How many grades apart in school are they?

I don't think you can put all of the blame on your stepson.

:marseypedo: What grades are they in?

How long have they known each other?

How long have they been living together?

:marseypedo: YTA , you should seek help for both of your sons considering they are both partaking in incest behavior. Btw your son is also involved and should not be getting off Scott free and in your own words disgusting as well and even defended the actions. Also btw I'm sure that having another broken home isn't what is best for your son considering you had one comming into this relationship. Maybe you should act like a family and get help for the involved people instead of resulting to ostracizing.

:#marseywoodchipper2: :#marseypedosnipe: :#marseyclawpedo:


>car breaks down, live in it

>Exchange numbers with female store employees

>Rappel into planet fitness via broken skylight (retain cash flow)

>Call in bomb threat to Andreesson Horowitz (it's part of the venture capital game)

>Take peepee pics in locker room at planet fitness

>Post on LinkedIn about not being a stalker

>Chase women for cardio x 4 hours

Sigma grindset

Millennial :marseycope: sesh about Occupy Wall Street and where are they now


Where are they now?

In their 30s and 40s working for the man?

If you decided to protest I'm curious where are yall at now in life? Like are yall happy? Do yall think we can recover this economy and stop inflation now?

Can we do it again?

They bought GameStop πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

Co-founder of occupy Wall Street is a Crypto Bro

Already off to a great start.

I work for homeless services in New York City.

I work for homeless services in Philadelphia.

:marseystinky: :marseylaugh:

I use to despise leaving a digital footprint of any kind. I was doing pretty well. Than I turned 30 πŸ˜‚ and all my fears of AI became true and I just said frick it.

Working as a business consultant and outreach coordinator. Still an idealist. But I like money too.

>business consultant and outreach coordinator

Is there a more bullshit middle-man type gig?

nah...quit my job in the legal field, dropped out of the US economy to the greatest extent possible, left the country, started a band, currently planning local festivals on the Pacific Coast and monitoring the headlines for my next move.

What do you think he really does?

The problem with Occupy Wall Street is that it had no specific objective.

There's a bunch of drama under this. Mostly r-slurs saying nonsensical thing that don't make sense and random :soysnooseethe:

I also thought Occupy Wall Street was way to nice. I would have launched Molotov cocktails at every CEO's Mercedes as they left their parking garages. At the very least, those buttholes would have been afraid to show their faces in public. Greedy bastards.

You can probably :marseyreportmaxxer2: this guy though !reportmaxxers

Occupy Wall Street was infiltrated by powerful people and was subverted from within and turned into the current day identity politics stuff we see everywhere.

The divide and conquer strategy is working exceedingly well for bankers.


So yeah, it goes on like this for over 700 comments.

!chuds !anticommunists


Reported by:
  • nope-3656 : im mennonite so this is hate speech
Reported by:

Anyways on to the pondscum of 9strag


You know darn well he is the house "Help" :chudglassesglow: :chudglassesglow: :chudglassesglow:

"Poor kid. 12 and already part of a gang." :chudsoy:

"Poor kid, he lose his parents once, now he will lose his father again when he need something to smoke..." :chudsoy: :chudsoy: :chudsoy: :chudsoy:

You guys get the idea - racists and chuds spaz the frick out and nogposts like hooligans in the early moments of the post, and at first it seems like it's gonna be another Poltard thread.

Basically a torrent of racism which would make the liberals on lose their mind, when compared to the genuinely lukewarm chuds here on this site. Like really you guys are surrounded with reddit level civilized posts which are usually purged by jannies of all racism and chud posting, compared to 9strag.

Yet remarkably all of these racist posts are all controversial and downvoted into oblivion, whereas in usual circumstances the degenerates of 9gag would basically post endless 13/50 :marseywrongthonk: :marseywrongthonk: :marseywrongthonk: :marseywrongthonk: :marseywrongthonk: :marseywrongthonk:

Instead for today all the top posts are all remarkably positive!

one post making self-aware funny joke about how 9gag morons can't fit in their racism into this particular wholesome story.

even the negative comments are downvoted.

of course 9strag wholesomeness comes with its own caveats, and their own particular r-sluration.

@Aevann pin to prove you're not racist.

Everyone let's post our favorite poem :marseycool2:

I Found a Tiny Starfish by Dale Anne Dodds


I found a tiny starfish

In a tide pool by the sand.

I found a tiny starfish

And I put him in my hand.

An itty-bitty starfish

No bigger than my thumb,

A wet and golden starfish

Belonging to no one.

I thought that I would take him

From the tidepool by the sea,

And bring him home to give you

A loving gift from me.

But as I held my starfish,

His skin began to dry.

Without his special seaside home,

My gift for you would die.

I found a tiny starfish

In a tide pool by the sea.

I hope whoever finds him next

Will leave him there, like me!

And the gift I've saved for you?

The best that I can give:

I found a tiny starfish,

And for you, I let him live.

:marseyfingerhearts: :marseyfoxgloveyourself:


O'Reilly - who was in his 30s and from Athlone, County Westmeath - held convictions for burglaries and serious offences, and was regarded as a violent and dangerous criminal, according to BelfastLive.

But he was also described as having a 'heart of gold' by mourners - hence the extravagant colour of the coffin, which was carried by six men and a woman to Tina Turner's 'Simply the Best'.


Many subs talking about it:

New Toss - AI edition

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