
I found a website that does homebrew webserver guides and one of them had a guide on a website able to run off solar power due to be so light weight. One of the techniques they use is dithering image compression I thought might be cool to see on here. They include their plugins and repos too.

>"Using this custom plug-in we reduced the total weight of the 623 images that are on the blog so far by 89%. From 194.2MB to a mere 21.3MB."

can anyone make marsey of this?

The hack sub is full of :marseysneed: too

Orange site

“Unacceptable”: Spotify bricking Car Thing devices in Dec. without refunds

Spotify stopped making Car Things in July 2022 but kept selling them.

Owners of Spotify's soon-to-be-bricked Car Thing device are begging the company to open-source the gadgets to save some the landfill. Spotify hasn't responded to pleas to salvage the hardware, which was originally intended to connect to car dashboards and auxiliary outlets to enable drivers to listen to and navigate Spotify.

Spotify announced today that it's bricking all purchased Car Things on December 9 and not offering refunds or trade-in options. On a support page, Spotify says:

We're discontinuing Car Thing as part of our ongoing efforts to streamline our product offerings. We understand it may be disappointing, but this decision allows us to focus on developing new features and enhancements that will ultimately provide a better experience to all Spotify users.

Spotify has no further guidance for device owners beyond asking them to reset the device to factory settings and “safely” get rid of the bricked gadget by “following local electronic waste guidelines.”

The company also said that it doesn't plan to release a follow-up to the Car Thing.

[article continued]
Early demise

Car Thing came out to limited subscribers in October 2021 before releasing to the general public in February 2022.

In its Q2 2022 earnings report released in July, Spotify revealed that it stopped making Car Things. In a chat with TechCrunch, it cited "several factors, including product demand and supply chain issues." A Spotify rep also told the publication that the devices would continue to “perform as intended,” but that was apparently a temporary situation.

Halted production was a warning sign that Car Thing was in peril. However, at that time, Spotify also cut the device's price from $90 to $50, which could have encouraged people to buy a device that would be useless a few years later.

Car Thing's usefulness was always dubious, though. The device has a 4-inch touchscreen and knob for easy navigation, as well as support for Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, and voice control. But it also required users to subscribe to Spotify Premium, which starts at $11 per month. Worse, Car Thing requires a phone using data or Wi-Fi connected via Bluetooth in order to work, making the Thing seem redundant.

In its Q1 2022 report, Spotify said that quitting Car Thing hurt gross margins and that it took a 31 million euro (about $31.4 million at the time) hit on the venture.

Open source pleas

Spotify's announcement has sent some Car Thing owners to online forums to share their disappointment with Spotify and beg the company to open-source the device instead of dooming it for recycling centers at best. As of this writing, there are over 50 posts on the Spotify Community forums showing concern about the discontinuation, with many demanding a refund and/or calling for open-sourcing. There are similar discussions happening elsewhere online, like on Reddit, where users have used phrases like "entirely unnacceptable" to describe the news.

A Spotify Community member going by AaronMickDee, for example, said:

I'd rather not just dispose of the device. I think there is a community that would love the idea of having a device we can customize and use for other uses other than a song playback device.

Would Spotify be willing to maybe unlock the system and allow users to write/flash 3rd party firmware to the device?

A Spotify spokesperson declined to answer Ars' questions about why Car Thing isn't being open-sourced and concerns around e-waste and wasted money.

Instead, a company rep told Ars, in part: “The goal of our Car Thing exploration in the US was to learn more about how people listen in the car. In July 2022, we announced we'd stop further production and now it's time to say goodbye to the devices entirely." I followed up with Spotify's rep to ask again about making the device open source but didn't hear back.

At this point, encouraging customers to waste nearly $100 on a soon-obsolete device hasn't resulted in any groundbreaking innovations or lessons around "how people listen in the car." In their initial response, Spotify's rep pointed me to a Spotify site that searches Spotify's newsroom for "how to listen to Spotify in the car." One of the top posts is from 2019 and states that “if your car has an AUX or USB socket, using a cable is probably one of the fastest ways to connect by using your phone."

As for Spotify, using customer dollars for company-serving learning experiences isn't the best business plan. And for regular users, it's best to avoid investing in an unproven hardware venture from a software company.

As Redditor Wemie1420 put it:

Doesn't feel great that there is literally no alternative other than trashing it. Feels like we're being punished for supporting them. Dissuades me from buying anything Spotify puts out in the future. I feel like there would be some way to approach this without being like, 'yeah we're done. Just throw it out it's a waste of money now.'

!codecels !1337

Reported by:
Buckleup !codecels new browser comparison chart dropped!

Here is /r/firefox sneeding about it

Edit: forgot to add the source:

There are many things one could note, but just for starters:

  • Firefox does include anti-fingerprinting. We could say much about this, but at the very least it's there.
  • Telemetry is not inherently bad, especially when you can turn it off(as is the case with Firefox). Moreover, Firefox is open source, so you can verify that what telemetry gets collected. "Type + num. of connections" is just a ridiculous metric.
  • Firefox is certainly the most tweakable with perhaps Vivaldi having an edge if we exclude userCSS, but that's debatable.
  • Ease of use is another ridiculous metric, that you'd expect Firefox to win. People of all ages use it.

People seem to just read the marketing on each browser's website and take them at face value.

LTT IN 2024 :#!marseyrofl:


NYK NYC retard kraken keeps screwing me over with fees. What's the best way to buy monero?

Look at this bs, they wanna charge 6% for every exchange.

What's the best alternative? Dont say local-monero, its too sketchy


None :marseyjanny: :marseyjanny:

US to Resume Trump-Era Tariffs on Graphics Cards Assembled in China

The tariffs add a 25% duty on graphics cards, motherboards, and desktop PC cases.

PC builders, beware: The Biden administration is preparing to resume tariffs on graphics cards and motherboards assembled in China.

Over the past year, the US Trade Representative (USTR) has delayed restoring the Trump-era tariffs, which added a 25% duty on affected Chinese goods. The goal was to gather feedback from the industry and consider modifications as trade associations lobbied the White House to end the tariffs, citing the costs.

But on Wednesday, the USTR issued a notice, saying it had recommended to the White House that the “tariffs on covered products be maintained.” On Thursday, a spokesperson for USTR then told PCMag: “We are maintaining tariffs on products currently subject to the action, including the two tariffs you've inquired about.”

Those tariffs use the codes 8473.30.1180 and 8473.30.5100 and cover graphics cards, motherboards, and desktop PC cases. Other components previously covered under the Trump-era tariffs include trackpad units valued at over $100 and power supply units that output more than 500 watts.

The Consumer Technology Association had pushed the White House to end the tariffs, but CTA VP of International Affairs Ed Brzytwa tells PCMag, "They're not getting rid of anything. There are only tariff increases."

So far, the USTR hasn't officially issued a federal notice to continue the Trump-era tariffs or said what date they'll resume. But the White House already announced it's preparing to increase tariffs on select Chinese manufactured goods, including semiconductors, lithium-ion EV batteries, and electric vehicles, in some cases to as high as 100%

Brzytwa adds that the US is signaling it'll continue protectionist trade policies against China, but at the cost of rising consumer prices. “It seems like there's a competition between the Republican Party and Democratic Party on who can be tougher on China, and who can be more protectionist,” he said.

The tariffs are designed to punish China for unfair trade policies and alleged intellectual property theft. But in late 2021, several tech companies—including Nvidia, HP, and Zotac—urged the US to exclude their products from Trump-era tariffs, citing the lack of electronics manufacturing outside of China.

“Efforts to create new capacity in countries that presently do not manufacture such products (such as the US and Vietnam) were unsuccessful and were severely hampered by the fallout from COVID-19,” Nvidia said at the time.

Meanwhile, Zotac told the USTR: "China remains...the major manufacturing base of video graphics cards and personal computers in the industry. The major reason is due to the upstream supply chain remaining mostly in China."

!g*mers prepare yo bussies.


Redittors (hard r) discuss it here

I want to physically strangle the AI Sparkles ✨

No, I do not need an AI-generated summary of the page

Copilot these nuts in your mouth???

And in typical AI style, she only has four fingers on her right hand


They should hire more black women. They did invent the telescope.

Streaming has officially RETVRNED to cable :marcusrcaconnected: :marseyrcaconnected:

Comcast is now offering streaming services with ads as a monthly package just like how they used to bundle cable packages. :marseyxd:


Reminder this will only get worse because you cant install Mint from a usb stick :marseypenguin:

!codecels Disscuss


Orange site:


Some benchmarks here, doesn't look bad but nothing ground breaking either

With how long the Snapdragon Elite took to roll out, I'm expecting nothing but disappointment in the real world


here's the tweet where :marseydrama: all he says is "her", referencing the movie :marseymidsommardani: "Her" where :marseydrama: Scarlett Johansson does the voice :marseyhearnoevil: for an AI that th main character :marseycrystalmaiden: falls on love with. The fact that he tweeted this just a couple :marseycupid: days before :marseyskellington: the reveal of Sky, and the fact that the voice :marseyhearnoevil: is basically just Scarlett's voice, means some easy cash for Clon Jost's wife

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