At his bronx rally Trump invited 2 rappers/crip gang members facing murder charges on stage [video] + NYTIMES seethe

2 weeks ago but I just found out about it

Youtube comments are loving it

murder charges

from gold chains to silver handcuffs

NYTIMES is mad Trump knows how to market to black people

They held an event with free Hennessey and cigars for black Trump supporters




Sam, 26

Michael, 28

Rio Grande Valley

Personal Life/Career:

  • Recently married, April 6th this year

    • Engaged for 4 months

    • Dating for 4 years

    • Never talked about finances before getting married?

  • Assistant Manager (Her) timestamp

    • 2'100 a month roughly
  • Truck Driver (Him) timestamp

    • 2'400 a month
  • She is currently in school? timestamp

    • Studying Social Work? Doing a Masters

    • She has student loans but I did not catch what they were


  • Combined finances less than a month ago, she added him to her account

  • "Different opinions" on spending timestamp

    • She says she's more frugal, he likes spending on electronics and vehicles

    • He Upgraded to new iPhone, FOMOS into newest thing

  • How do their financial conversations go? timestamp

    • She says she wants to pay off debt quickly, "to zero as fast as possible" even if it's 0% apr

    • "He sees zero apr and he's like oh, we don't gotta pay anything at all"

  • They have zero in their savings (paid off some cards recently)

  • She paid off a few things that were at 0 instead of another 0 that was about just hit the interest period timestamp

    • "To be fair he signed up on a property without me knowing" :marseyxd:

    • 120'000 property? He told her he was going to look and he ended up buying it on sight? "Owner to Owner financing"

      • Before marriage

      • Paid 117'000 with financing?

      • Applying to refinance "soon" timestamp

        • Currently at 12% over 30 years

        • they want a lower monthly and fewer years

    • Specifics timestamp

      • 6'000

      • There's another 6'000 that went to paying the parents?

        • Paying back parents for wedding?
  • Built a 860 sq ft "frame house" on the property timestamp

    • Property is 3 acres

    • Building the house cost $37'000

  • Score timestamp

    • He says - 8

    • She say - 4

  • Credit Card 1 (Wells Fargo) ($4'120) tiemstamp

    • $42 minimum payment

    • 0% interest until October

    • 92 in new purchases

    • CC was opened because she wanted to start a business timestamp

      • Coffee cart selling expresso drinks outside markets

      • "Got busy" so she couldn't keep doing this, sold all equipment - didn't make money? timestamp

        • Awkward laugh when asked what she got from the sale? Got 2500 back?

        • Spent 10'000 on this?

        • Got a job because this wasn't working well?

  • Credit Card 2 (4'028) timestamp

    • Interest about to start accruing

    • Paid 5'000 - claims she doesn't remember where she got this

      • Balance was 9'000

      • After getting pressed, says it was from a 20'000 personal loan

    • 92 in new purchases

  • Personal Loan (21'749) timestamp

    • 21% interest

    • Gets pressed hard on why she traded 5'000 at 0% for a 21% :marseyxd:

    • more info timestamp

      • In her name

      • They didn't know it was $21'749

      • Weren't able to make any minimum payments because of his motorcycle? timestamp

        • He doesn't even use it and now it's busted - front shock went out and it would be a 2'000 repair bill
    • Paid off the bike with this timestamp

      • 227 a month

      • 7'000 balance on it

      • 7% interest rate :marseyxd:

      • Bike's used value is around $9'000

  • She remembers why she paid off his credit cards timestamp

    • She did not like the monthly minimum payments?

    • "I don't know what I'm doing"

  • Credit Card 3 (Lowe's) timestamp

    • Paid off, one of the things in that personal loan

    • Would have been interest free for another couple months?

    • Ate a late fee at some point

    • Was 2'000

    • Paid for a washer/dryer on here? timestmap

      • 0% financing at Lowe's

      • Her dad had given money for washer/dryer, he used it for the wedding and 0%'d the washer/dryer. She did not know about this and thought they were paid for in cash?

        • Her parents are divorced :marseyxd:
  • Credit Card 4 (Discover) ($10'656) timestamp

    • To build the house - he clarifies that it was finishing the interior of the house

    • "Because we didn't have the money for it" :marseyxd:

    • He has never watched the show before - she has

    • Roughly 3000 a year in interest accruing on this?

  • Credit Card 5 (City Simplicity) ($5'909) timestamp

    • His, she paid this one off as part of the personal loan

      • actually this was with the wedding gifts? 6'000 in wedding gifts? actually the wedding gifts and some savings?

      • Actually it was a different much smaller card she paid off :marseyxd:

    • 0% interest :marseyxd:

      • He thinks this ends by August

      • Actually it ended 3 weeks ago :marseyxd:

    • $59 minimum payment

    • 29%

  • Credit Card 6 (Home Depot)

    • Paid off
  • Credit Card 7 (Capital One Savior One) (Paid off) timestamp

    • A bunch of Amazon purchases on this one - for the wedding?

      • Lights, table covers, etc?
  • Credit scores -

    • His is 630

    • Her's is 695 (last she checked)

  • "How did she convince you to come on this show?" timestmap

    • He didn't want to come on :marseyxd:

    • He didn't watch the "on-boarding video" because "she didn't tell him about it" :marseyxd:

    • they try to justify their financial opinions timestmap

  • Purchased a water slide timestamp

    • He is trying to make money with this by renting it out?

    • $1'600 total

    • Hasn't been able to rent it yet? :marseyxd:

  • Bought some pc fans timestamp

    • He's been playing Helldivers 2
  • Attempts to convince them not to be r-slurred timestamp

  • He has 3 vehicles timestamp

    • 1 at his house

    • 1 at parent's garage

    • 1 his dad uses

  • Checking Account ($31) timestamp

    • Disastrous amount of eating out :marseyxd:

    • It's like they think credit cards are literally free money

    • 453 just on going out to eat :marseyxd:

    • Phone bill is $185 (they both owe on their phones)

  • An attempt to explain how interest works timestamp

  • Budget time timestamp


Now, she's been 100% bedbound with long Covid for 1.5 years. She lays in a dark room, earplugs in, with only her mind and simple thoughts to keep her company. No, she can't talk, watch TV, read books, listen to podcasts or even music. She can't tolerate visitors (even the faint smell of laundry detergent makes her sicker). It's a kind of locked-in heck and there's currently no cure for this disease.

can't talk, watch TV, read books, listen to anything

can pose for twitter pictures and continue to rake in patreon cash

simple thoughts

New Eerietoss

:marseyeerie2: :marseyeerieangel: :omgeerie:


He's literally tweeting things like this as if he can produce yt babies lmao

And "OMG LOOK AT HUNGARY, THEY'RE ALL YT :soyjakwow: :soyjakwow: :soyjakwow: :soyjakwow:

Why do most of them look kinda fat though???


Sorry not sorry, but it's the truth. I have been in the dating scene in and out for the last 14 years and starting to realize men have become super weird and creepy these last 23 years ( post covid depression maybe?) with lot of them trying to groom young women and becoming more misogynist with lot of them straight saying dtf and unmatching if I refuse ( at least before they used to TRY by messaging/going out to dates).

Y'all really need therapy because that ain't normal and need to lower your expectations/learn how to socialize.

Men are getting weird





Announcing !applechads - the ping group for people who Think Different :marseyretro: :marseyappicon: :chadstevejobs: Apply Today!
Working :marseylifting: class Germans vote 35% AFD, Reddit :marseybardfinnrefresh: reacts

Link to thread :marseystitch: REEE THIS IS RUSSIAS FAULT edition

"Why are they hecking voting :marseynatesilver: against my their interests???"


"I can't believe :marseyparappa: my people are voting :marseynatesilver: in this Nazi scum again."


This cute twinks posts in /r/196, I can bet my entire coke stash on him neither being working :marseylifting: class or ever identifying as German :marseyauthrightill: irl. Neighbor :marseyfrickyou2: who is your people, child :marseygiftboxmarsey: molesters????

"Umm sweaty... This is illegal :marseymoonshine: and like you are r-slurred :marseypaintretard: if you don't vote like Plebbit..."

"Wage suppression, union :marseysaluteussr: breaking? Supply and demand? No, illegal :marseymoonshine: immigration :marseyabbott: is actually :marseynerd3: in the interest of the Slavshits working :marseylifting: in VW factories, the hecking share holders are just greedy."

"Ummm I'm German :marseyauthrightill: and I'm tanned and people hate me checkmate???"

Yeah I'm sure it's cause you got the mayoest of tans Snowroach.

RUSSIA RUSSIA :marseybackstabglowie: RUSSIA :marseybatska: RUSSIA

:#russiarentfreetalking: :#russiarentfreetalking: :#russiarentfreetalking:




"Kinda thinking :marseyhmm: that attack :marseyerenabs: (Mannheim) was planned :marseyhanger: by russia :marseyoctopusglow: now."

What are Redditors :marseyhammersrdine: gonna :marseyvenn6: do when all of a sudden the US and Russia :marseywerebackputin: vanish :marseydisintegrate: into nothingness? Blame China :marseymao: of course.


As if we ladies with small breasts didn't have it hard enough.

We persevered through adolescences marred by a devastating lack of top-growth, endured comings-of-age minimized by the jabs of our bustier peers and, as adults, find ourselves woefully relegated to Victoria's Secret's young teen โ€œPinkโ€ section, from where we covetously eye the perfectly impractical lacy/strappy/barely-there/disgustingly-provocative underthings so accessibly sized for plumper patrons. Since childhood, men, magazines and our mothers have ridiculed our relative lack of endowment, so maybe it was only a matter of time before whole governments made our bitty busts their business.

The first to do so: Australia, whose government censors are banning adult publications and films that feature women with small breasts in an effort toโ€”get thisโ€”curb pedophilia. Now I'm no porn apologist, but I rather dislike having my body categorically likened to a child's. (As I always say: It ain't much, but it sure ain't nothin'!) And it seems obvious to me that an industry founded on fake tits, fake orgasms and the general fictionalizing of women's sexuality is only made worse by censors that further restrict it from realistically depicting women's bodies, however flat-chested those bodies may be.

Maureen O'Connor of Gawker sums up the ban's implicit sexism pretty succinctly:

Obviously, the proposed ban would not reduce smut so much as codify an arbitrary set of female sexual ideals, which is a terrible idea for many reasons.

Moreover (and at the risk of re-hashing that age-old Asian fetish debate), I have to wonder how a country surrounded by Asia and with an Asian population larger than that in the U.S. gets off discriminating against the oh-so-petite. Perhaps a better way to discourage pedophilia would be to check IDsโ€”or, I don't know, find some way to prevent dirty old Aussie men from traveling to the Phils and Thailand to be p-dophiles over there. (For the record: I used to live in Angeles City, the s*x tour capital of the Philippines, so I know who you are!)

In closing, thank you, Australia, for letting me know that I'm not woman enough for you. Lest I become confused at a later date, perhaps you should also consider banning women under 5'3โ€ณ or with a shoe size below size 6 1/2.

In the meantime, I'll be doing my part to curb American pedophilia by lobbying to have men with small peepeees banned from bars.



Reportmaxxing volume 2

Got one perm and temp today and a lot of warnings.

I'm going to be sending out messages to these naughty redditors to let them know their behavior will not be tolerated ;)

Perm Bans:

Temp Bans:


65 :marseybardfinn3: :marseyclueless: :marseybardfinn3: :marseysnoo:

Reddit Discusses:


Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜

You seem like you're proud of yourself for driving in the passing lane when you passed few cars. Pass a car and get back in the right lane. WTF (125)

Washington state law says that I can stay in the left-hand lane as long as I am overcoming cars. I was consistently faster than the traffic in the right hand lane. I was going well over the speed limit. Also, it's not actually illegal to pass on the right hand side. It's just poor taste. But you can see from the video very clearly that him passing on the right hand side only allowed him to get one car ahead, and perhaps the blame should be placed on the silver car in front of me for not moving over so that I could pass them myself. (-31)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜

Goddarn this video was so pointlessly long. Slower traffic keep right dude. Overreaction from the jeep but don't just sit in the left lane. (92)

I was passing everyone. You're just wrong. If they stayed behind me, we would have gone faster once we got over the hill and the car in front of us moved over. This man is insane, and if you feel any sympathy for him, you're insane too. โค๏ธ (-34)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜

He is an unhinged peepee, but you belonged a lane over based on how many people you didn't pass.Stay right unless passing. (89)

I was going faster than the right lane, and the silver car shown on the front-facing camera was in front of me the whole time. I refuse to tailgate just to get them to move over. The silver car was also going faster than the right lane. It was also an incline. You're just wrong, oregontittysucker (-38)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Still passing? Move over! If i was driving 90 I would let that guy pass. Then you say he is driving slow when there is a car in front of him. The other guy is the really idiot though. You don't know who's the other driver. Dont play yourself, you would have probably went to jail for assault if you ran him over (not really sure though).No one is perfect we all do stupid shit driving. Accept your "stupid" and don't let someone else's "stupid" get you killed. Stay safe out there. (8)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

The guy is an obvious douche, and should not have reacted this way. But you were definitely left lane camping. I really wish people would realize how dangerous and rude this is. The left lane is a passing lane, and if you aren't passing you should move over. Left lane camping is proven to be more dangerous than speeding, and it causes traffic jams. It is mind blowing to me to see a long line of cars in the left lane following one slow car that won't move over, then in the right lane there is no one. I lived in Germany for a few years and people take this seriously due to the fast speeds on the Autobahn. Again, this guy is an absolute idiot, but you were in the wrong too. (47)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

OP is the one in the wrong here about 70 times. He slows down when passing then speeds up when clear, literally the worst kind of driver on the road. (45)

Drivers who lose emotional regulation to the point where they stop and get out of their vehicle on active highways are worse. This is how multi car accidents happen. This is how people get killed.Drivers who act on their aggression, the ones who act on their road rage... They are much worse drivers than folks using the passing lane improperly.I don't understand how you came to your conclusion. (22)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/PaPilot98

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 18

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:




An English football club has come under fire after its committee voted to remove its entire female section โ€“ from the under sevens to the first team โ€“ leaving more than 100 players without a club.

News of the decision made by Thornaby FC's committee was revealed on Facebook by a page for the women's section, who expressed their disappointment at the remarkable decision.

โ€œYesterday we found out that a majority on the Thornaby FC committee voted to remove the entire female section from the club,โ€ Thornaby FC Women wrote.

The announcement:

Randomly selected r-slurs:

All the moids who voted for the logical financial decision have resigned:

/u/uk thread

Billy Goats!

My mom has three Billy goats, two yearling females and an older male. The girls are named Lily and Penelope :marseyjam: they're all super in love with each other and they adore people :marseyheart: they cost a lot though! They're spoiled and will only eat alphalfa hay :marseysuicide: we just refilled the barn with hay and it was the same price we paid annually back when we had five horses, in addition to the goats, back in the early 2000's. Ugh inflation, honey, you're drunk. Go home :marseydepressed:


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