Foids refuse to support their local women's football team, throw a tantrum when it gets dissolved


An English football club has come under fire after its committee voted to remove its entire female section – from the under sevens to the first team – leaving more than 100 players without a club.

News of the decision made by Thornaby FC's committee was revealed on Facebook by a page for the women's section, who expressed their disappointment at the remarkable decision.

“Yesterday we found out that a majority on the Thornaby FC committee voted to remove the entire female section from the club,” Thornaby FC Women wrote.

The announcement:

Randomly selected r-slurs:

All the moids who voted for the logical financial decision have resigned:

/u/uk thread

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Not a single unit of punctuation in the entire post, impressive.

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One of the board members has a Twitter account and it seems like he's barely literate

He's still smart enough to detect foid nonsense, though :marseyshrug:

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Thornaby Football Club are looking to improve the ground and are looking for a potty block, if any one has one available at a resonable price or if willing to donate to the club then please let the secretary know.

How many people have a spare potty block?

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:ma#rseybong: oi! got eh loicense fer ur shitter block on the footbul field?

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Smoggies are somewhere between humans and chimpanzees, its a wonder he is even barely literate.

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Reminds me of the internship I had with a local small-time realty business back in High School. I was like 16 or something at the time and one of the dudes working in the office was actually less literate than I was. One of my jobs, outside of being a basic b-word IT guy, was rewriting his emails so that they were actually up to professional standards, lmao.

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They'll replace the board with a bunch of women who are initially stoked to have owned the chuds but after a week remember they hate football and sports and that the whole thing is boring, after which they will just stop doing anything and then the entire club will shut down after 6 months to a year

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remindme! 18 months

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I will be messaging you on 10.12.2025, 19:26 UTC to remind you of this comment

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Good, keep the gates, sharpen your spears, or lose your hobbies.

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Resigning sounds important but this looks like a tiny like 50 person club lol, no one was gonna bother enduring twitter nonsense for such a position

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Its not made for you, but you better watch it

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I opened this thread just to post this

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Soccer is a woman's sports. Keep men out of women's spaces.

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That does seem like a ton of teams. How competitive are they that they needed separate Under 7 and Under 8 teams, and separate Under 10 and Under 11 teams?

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When you see things like that they were probably all conditions of government grants for running youth clubs and then when the gibs dry up they axe them all because they're only sustainable when central government gives you a pile of cash so local kids aren't knifing each other or throwing acid at people.

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Yeah I guess. Still weird though. Like why would a grant specify so many individual teams? Or maybe some grant required a U7 team and another required a U8 team so they had both to farm grant money or something?

Obviously they axed more than this but they 100% could eliminate the U7 team and merge it into the U8 team with no consequences. At that age it shouldn't even be particularly competitive, just let the kids play and have fun, it's more about getting them outside and moving than any kind of prestige.

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It'll probably just be a number of kids thing. Either through thresholds of getting more for more kids or they needed a certain amount of kids for the grant. Doing loads of age brackets is an easy way to get there.

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Awful decision. Women shouldn't rest until they lead the entirety of UK to bankrupcy :marseydarkf#oidretard:

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even if the whole club went out of business who cares except for people who lost their jobs. They are in tenth tier, I dont think anyone works full time there.

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Posted in the wrong place :marseygigaretard:

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