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blind drama is always a treat :marseypopcorn: Men are getting weird


Sorry not sorry, but it's the truth. I have been in the dating scene in and out for the last 14 years and starting to realize men have become super weird and creepy these last 23 years ( post covid depression maybe?) with lot of them trying to groom young women and becoming more misogynist with lot of them straight saying dtf and unmatching if I refuse ( at least before they used to TRY by messaging/going out to dates).

Y'all really need therapy because that ain't normal and need to lower your expectations/learn how to socialize.

Men are getting weird













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I think they just are tired of having to deal with listening to the feelings and wasting time on the deep soulful conversations about becoming just like that chick from the Barbie movie. Or how there's a deep dark secret about an uncle that molested them when they were young and they've never told anyone but you about it. A whole bunch of men just want the s*x really and not much else and certainly not all of the talking and I think they're stopping pretending otherwise.


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I mean men don't only want s*x. It's more that men will always take s*x if it's available. The types of women who complain that men only want one thing are usually just very boring people who have nothing else to offer.

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Absolutely TRUE

The only women who ever accused me of only wanting them for s*x were absolutely a) correct and b) devoid of any hobbies, friends or passions.


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:taylorlorenzcrying#: You scrotes only want me for s*x


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Who wants s*x with Taylor Lorenz? Gross

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She's insufferable, but she looks pretty good for an elderly woman

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Have we figured out how old she is yet or is that actually a state secret?

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There's a picture of her drinking in 2007 so she's at least 38


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She has skin spots in that picture so at least 28 + there

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I've never had s*x in a sauna before, so I would

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I don't think it's worth the inevitable false r*pe accusation

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I'm turning the accusation into reality.

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I have, and it's not the best.

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:marseyfoidretard: Is watching HGTV a hobby?

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It's true, some men view themselves as the subordinate partner and want a strong woman that can protect them like their mothers did.

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Men with mommy :marseymisatogoggles: issues are the same kind of broken :marseydeathpose: people as women :marseyblops2chadcel: with daddy :marseyredcheck: issues

!fellas don't be this guy

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>people with servants have mommy issues


Honestly, who doesn't like being pampered?


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A little :marseyelliotrodger3: bit here and there :marseycheerup: can be fine I guess. But those types being described refuse :marseyno: to deal with adversity in any variety. Which defeats the entire purpose of men so they're worthless

after looking :marseyoperasmug: at what your responding too more closely, nah bruh. You don't do that shit with your wife. There's a reason servants did that shit and not wives

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Found the guy who is never getting treated to a bathies and din dins from his wife. :marseysmug3:

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I'm gonna say right now that dude probably felt like 2000% after that night with his girlfriend and absolutely secured his loyalty.

And all she had to do was play bath for him and wash his hair.

Its not even just being bathed but just the dude having a moment to being vulnerable and have his guard down for once and its good.

Dudes here bitching about it are bitter as frick you don't have a wife that loves you so much to MOMMY you once in awhile.

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!coomers mommy boys unite

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idk if it's all they want but 100% of the time it seems to come out of nowhere like they're predators (unironically) waiting for their moment to strike, but they're too neurodivergent to know when that is so it's always when a foid is oblivious+caught off guard like

:marseyretard2: :brookskiss:

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lol that's another moid classic. Like they have an internal timer and when it runs out they ARE going to start talking about their peepees even if it's in the middle of a conversation about houseplants or something.

I don't think they're necessarily neurodivergent, just that that's when they're completely bored and it's time to go all in

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I think they get sick of pretending and shoot their shot.

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They shoot their shot in an attempt to get permission to shoot their shot

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In trying to blow their wad, they blow their chance. It's almost Shakespearean: the greatest obstacle to satisfying their lust is the thing itself.

What a piece of work is a moid!

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smh you never give women the wad, you give them drugs and let them see the wad.

!fellas always make sure she blows you before your wad

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How does a hooker see a wad inside her?

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that that's when they're completely bored :marseyyawn: and it's time to go all in

Pretty much. Women :marseyuterus: play games/tease because it's a great :marseygoodshit: way to filter sexpest moids. Problem is you do that too long and it'll even drive :marseysteerchingchong: away good moids. All that will remain are simps after that point :marseynoyouoccupy:

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Human mating strategies are fascinating really :marseyreading:

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Kind of but the moment :marseycringe2: it becomes a strategy, rather than an instinct, is when shit falls apart :marseyvenn6: on that front.

Thats where :marseydrama: you get Hustlers University :marseybruinsmascot: graduates

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Women play games cause they're whores

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Darn this is a trvth nvke too. !fellas

Women can be oblivious when they sound dtf, but sometimes it's just a Hail Mary pass because why not; either I get off or get out (of acquaintanceships with people I have little in common with)


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I have literally never had this happen to me lmbo. my houseplant rants are just too interesting I guess

maybe try hanging out in groups idk

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In groups men are much better behaved. One on one though chances are that he's trying to lead up to that.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1718030966368138.webp :#marseyxd:

!fellas remember trans lives matter

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Have you foids thought of stop talking about your boring facts of your co-worker and how you feel about this insignificant thing?

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>how you feel about this insignificant thing?

But moids love to hear you talk about them.

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Maybe people like talking about themselves? More research needed πŸ€”

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>My friend cancelled on me. This is so inconsiderate and completely unlike all the times I've cancelled on her! Aren't you as mad about this as I am?

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>"Didn't you cancel on her last week?"

>"Oh you're gonna take her side? What, are you fricking her or something?"

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I admit, it was wrong of me to point out it was unreasonable for her to be upset because her friend, who is dirt broke, cancelled the plan for her to drive 40 minutes to have dinner on the lake with us while it was raining.

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That sounds like a genuinely terrible plan from start to finish

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Yes BUT it made my wife feel sad, and with those plans dashed we had to just....

sit at the campsite relaxing in front of a fire

the absolute horror

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Shit dude, sorry to hear that. I hope she's made a full recovery

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What's your dark mysterious past, here's my entire life biography my twinflame


That I want kitty without commitment


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>A whole bunch of men just want the s*x really and not much else and certainly not all of the talking and I think they're stopping pretending otherwise.

Nailed it.

My foid still hasn't learned this lesson after half a decade. At this point, I'm so numb to the consequence that I just flat-out tell her "you don't need to give me every detail under the sun about what you're talking about, just get to the fricking point before I die of old age".

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Or how there's a deep dark secret about an uncle that molested them when they were young and they've never told anyone but you about it.


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I love how the "disagree" option of the poll still slips another form of "agree" in there.


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>sorry not sorry


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Tbh that's just blind poll culture


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Y'all really need therapy because



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Your life will continue to be in shambles unless you spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours getting life advice from a 33 year old unmarried foid who graduated with a 2.4 GPA and has $80k in student loan debt

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In addition: I went to one of the top schools for psychology (not for that OFC) in the country. The shit I saw there is supremely unnerving. Did you know that psychology majors barely need to know how to do basic fractions to get their degree?

Upside: Social studies foids are the easiest to smash :marseysickos:

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it seems like half the women on Tinder are social studies majors

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Dated a psyche major. She asked me to help her with pre-calc and couldn't grasp the definition of a limit no matter how many times I explained it.

Fantastic s*x, though.

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A jet ski, fuel, and a couple hundred beers is way cheaper

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The best way to solve your problems is to pay a bunch of money to ruminate on them endlessly with someone who has no incentive to stop you from being a repeat customer

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They mean this online telehealth thing youtubers constantly promote too. Not even seeing the guy in person, to prevent you from ending it all. Why tf is everyone in therapy these days? because the ads. I never remember seeing an ad for therapy before youtube, but now everyone sees ads all the darn time and its usually subsidized through work so we can all get on happy pills and become an obese cow who constantly complains about men while giving them the milk for free :#marseylolcow: maybe it's because people really don't go to church confession anymore and so many people are in therapy who don't really need it. they shop around for a therapist who says "this isn't your fault it's the world here's some medication". :#stoningpills:

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The therapist is also getting pumped and dumped so they can commiserate together


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Lol zero chance my therapist is carrying student loan debt with the rates she charges. She owns a horse.

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oh my science

he doesn't go to confessions


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One of the 10 or so askreddit questions they constantly cycle through is asking who they would never date and I remember one time the top replies was, β€œanyone who has never been to therapy”, β€œso much this!”. millennials are so proud of being r-slurred and get a strong and justified feeling of superiority over anyone less broken than them.

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It makes more sense when you realize therapy is just a wealth indictor since you need time, money and a job with benefits to be in therapy

Sounds nicer to say you want a man in therapy rather than just saying you want a rich man

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It's actually a trap to get men to admit they go to therapy. They never actually frick the therapy goers

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kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! kill therapists! in minecraft btw

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I like your commitment to the metoo movement, but please learn how to spell next time.

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Anti-psychiatry aktion

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Translation: you all need to talk to a white woman that voted for Biden to hyper focus on your problems

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Do you wanna talk about it? :marseynotes:

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About the only thing Scientology is correct about is therapy is a scam

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Yeah, pretty much just that and the alien stuff.

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They just think psychiatry is a scam. They don't hate therapists. At least that was the case the last time they tried to recruit me.

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Who hurt you, seatie?


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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy works and everyone should be legally mandated to do it. Sorry not sorry :marseyshrug:

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What I need is the raping to commence.

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lol irl men are just how they've always been but get more confident to just say what they want when they get older. That guy you friendzoned for years when you were 20 doesn't put up with that for more than a week nowadays.

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Moids :marseyfeminist: aging and acting like they've figured out some secret :marseyglow: instead of just less pretence about what they want and looking :marseyoperasmug: less pubescent is a tale as old as time

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I like the narialand discussions of

:blackfemboy: "I just graduated school, how do I get a wife? I've tried EVERYTHING."

:afroblackjak: "What oyinbo [white people] nonsense speak be this? You're too young for a wife. How will you care for many children? Even four children? Focus some years on laboring and when you get money and strength then the young women will fight over you. White people movies have deceived you ooooo"

:marseykente: "you absolute mumu, do you even have a habitation? I wouldn't let you be hanging around my daughters"

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Link pls

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Not my job to educate you :marseyindignant:

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Nigerian bros are unironically pretty redpilled.

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>acting like they've figured out some secret

Neighbour the entirety of western culture is axed around the idea that male assertiveness is toxic and harmful, they have courses in college about enthusiastic consent, and all movies and tv-shows show completely unrealistic male and female interactions.

Zoomers are going too spend their entire life being indoctrinated into being r-slurred at dating, you can bet they're going too feel like they figured out some big secret once their balls drop.

Btw @WayOut love sucking peepee

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You can ignore the propaganda. Women will frick the men that do ignore it

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That's the point.

@WayOut love sucking peepee.

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Modern western culture is one giant societal shit test.

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Women don't owe you s*x, sweaty.

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Likewise nowadays they don't get to vent to me about some boring shit that happened at work or something for free either

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I told my foid I'm sick of hearing about the unchanging bullshit of her workplace, week in and week out, and she'd have to get a new job for me to want to listen to her complaints.

She got a new job.

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>thinking that's going to stop her finding something to complain about


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Let a neighbour at least have some variety in the bitching he has to listen to.

It stops me hitting up my femoid orbiters and asking them how their days are going

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Why don't you just make your foids talk to each other?

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lol yeah why can't Trotsky and Lenin just not kill each other?

Trans lives matter

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It's true. But men don't owe them shit either.

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