Reported by:
  • DeStallionCariPony : I knew a girl that was into this. She is completely degenerative in all ways.

Starting to believe the age of consent is really too low... Must be raised to 65.

Do you guys like these shoes?

I recommended them last night and apparently drunkenly bought them. I’m not so sure of them. I’m sure they will be comfy but are they stylish? Please feel free to discuss your own favorite shoes as well.

How to take care of yer hair!!! :tayhairflip:

Don't shampoo every day it dries out your hair :ledesire:

Don't use a lot of shampoo, just enough to lather and rinse :marseysoap:

No 2-in-1 crap :marseyno:

Look for shampoo with only a few ingredients, stay away from harsh drying chemicals like sodium lauryl sulfate :marscientist:

If needed find shampoo for coarse, oily, or thick :marseydumptruck: hair

Conditioner can be used every day but don't rub it into your scalp it can cause clogged pores and acne :marseypaperbag:

Don't rinse conditioner too soon let it stay for a few minutes :marseybath:

!fashion !moidmoment !baldies


Maurice Ruiz and Gregory Diederich were both caught in the Riverside sting after they had planned to have a threesome with a decoy pretending to be a 13 year old boy. They simultaneously groomed the decoy and tried to drill into the decoy's head that they were the good guys and that the decoy was lucky he ran into them and not a "creep".

This is how their conversation started:

Maurice was especially weird trying to push the decoy to drive around with him naked in his car:

Both Gregory and Maurice both told on themselves as well mentioning how they both had met minors offline before and talked to them:

Gregory decides to teach the boy a quick math lesson. He is an exceptional tutor:

Maurice chooses an interesting moment to drop on the boy what his desires are. If they hadn't fled immediately and had been interviewed by Chris he would have definitely made a crack about Maurice needing to go to church instead:

Finally they agree to meet in person but Maurice and Gregory have some reservations. Thankfully they remembered the golden rule of asking if they are a cop:

They arrived at the sting house together carrying food after asked the decoy to meet them outside. When Del from Perverted Justice came out (before Dateline started hiring actresses and actors to play the decoys Del would act as the decoy usually out of sight both male and female since she could pitch shift her voice to sounding somewhat masculine) Maurice and Gregory realized she looked nothing like the decoy pictures they had seen even with her wearing a jacket and baseball cap to obscure her features and both turned around and tried to leave...just to get stopped and arrested by the Riverside PD so unfortunately there is no interview with Chris.

Maurice was eventually pled guilty to a charge of lewd and lascivious acts with a child under 14 years of age in exchange for the dropping of two other felonies. He received six months in jail, three years probation, and lifetime registration as a s*x offender. Gregory not only plead guilty to the exact same crime as Maurice, he also received the exact same sentencing. How cute. Couple goals.

Here is Gregory's Megan's Law page:

And here is Maurice's:

Apparently he only has his right nipple pierced. If someone lives in San Diego and wants to verify if he does, be my guest.

They later got married and despite both of them being registered s*x offenders for life they gained custody of Maurice's children which is...something. Especially since Maurice said this line in a chatlog where he was planning a threesome with his now husband and a pubescent 13 year old:

Hopefully at least the sleepovers ended after their arrest.

I can't link a segment because there only very briefly shown and mentioned in the Riverside episode for about ten seconds, which makes it so fascinating. If you don't know, across their weekend long investigation a shocking 52 men arrived all looking to hook up with a minor. So that episode is absolutely jampacked with predators and I can see how these two would escape total awareness and infamy considering the sheer number of guys for the episode to talk about.

Lorne Part 3

Don't worry it's coming, but from here on out the research and writing gets a lot more tedious and confusing, so it'll take some time. I just thought I'd share this in the meantime.

dog gets groomed



There is perhaps no show more infamous on the Internet than To Catch a Predator. As a lot of you know, I'm writing a book related to To Catch a Predator and my research has led me to a lot of weird and fascinating places. One of these weird places is in the case of one of the most well known predators caught on the show, Lorne Armstrong.

A Brief Background on Lorne Armstrong

There is enough knowledge and documentation out there of his early life before getting caught on the show that it could be its' own separate post, but to give a bit of background on who this guy is before he got caught on the show here are a few things:

  1. Lorne was a former member of the Air Force but the actual details behind his service are murky. He served for only a year before being discharged and he claims he was discharged because he failed a test and was told he would either be discharged or have to change his career in the Air Force. The actual truth is unknown.

  2. Lorne has the nickname of "87" because he graduated 87 out of 87 in his high school class.

  3. He was born and raised in Maine but at the time of the sting was living in Nashville because he has dreams of becoming a country music star, Whenever he had money he would go to karaoke bars and sing song after song thinking he had a wonderful voice. The real reason he fled Maine was because he scammed an elderly couple out of tens of thousands of dollars claiming he would renovate their home on the cheap. In reality he had none of the tools and his alcoholic brother stole a lot of the money so Lorne just left the state to avoid getting sued.

  4. Before the sting, Lorne had been catfished by a woman pretending to be both a woman named Amanda James and her niece. Amanda James convinced Lorne to send her memorabilia of the NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt Jr. among other gifts. Lorne apparently spent two years believing he was in a relationship with her before learning she was a catfish when his sister talked to Amanda James on the phone for a few seconds and figured it out immediately. No that's not an exaggeration. That's how dumb he is.

Falling In Love With a 13 Year Old Girl

As a newcomer to the city of Nashville with a completely empty apartment with no furniture:

Lorne didn't have a lot of activities to take up his free time as he was an unemployed bum living off the money remaining out of what he had stolen. So of course he spent a lot of time in Internet chatrooms talking up underaged girls. Lorne had actually talked up two other decoys from Perverted Justice ready to ensnare guys for the new episode of To Catch a Predator, but he wound up singling out a specific decoy who went by the name Kayla. Kayla is...weird. She's supposedly 13 but has the tone and vocabulary of a six year old. Maybe Lorne found that attractive as it would mean she would be easier to manipulate. Who's to say for sure.

This is how the conversation between the two starts:

It's important here to notice that the chatlog between the two is around 400 PAGES long. It would take far too long to break down every single day or moment of the chatlog, so I will just stick to a faint outline and the most memorable moments.

While Lorne is an absolute dumbass, he has enough braincells to formulate the beginning stages of grooming as evident here:

He tries to lure the decoy into a false sense of security by letting her know he is one of the "non-weirdos" and that she can trust him.

Here is where Lorne initially turns the conversation sexual. If you notice it takes less than two hours into talking before he feels comfortable enough to do it. The decoy playing as Kayle plays along and acts like she has no idea about s*x or masturbation beyond it hurting yet Lorne still pushes her towards it.

I'm going to fast-forward here because as I said this chatlog is ridiculously long and I'll hit the main points here.

Lorne tells Kayla to ask her dad to go shopping and buy a thong because when Lorne bought his underaged nieces a pair of tight shorts it made him feel good:

One reoccurring element in their chatlog is that Lorne is paranoid about the "Yahoo police" finding out what he is doing so he tells Kayla every night to delete her archives:

One of the more infamous moments in the entire chatlog is when Lorne gets jealous of Kayla's 13 year old ex, Derek:

To emphasize how stupid and pathetic Lorne is, here is a snippet where he opens his cam and shows off both sides of his brand new credit card to Kayla, bragging about the $300 limit:

Here Lorne professes his love for Kayla for the first time...after six days of chatting:

Lorne proposes that when they meet up Lorne could give Kayla a Walmart bracelet in exchange for a used pair of her panties:

Lorne explains to Kayla that if she were to swallow his semen she wouldn't be hungry anymore:

It's also important to notice that Lorne would have his cam on constantly and he would always be naked and have it pointed at his peepee. If Kayla clicked away from his cam he would get angry and tell her to click back. He referred to it as "Mr. Peepee":

Two days before their planned meeting Kayla tells Lorne her parents are both doctors. Lorne tells her that her mom could deliver their future children but not the dad because...well, you just have to read it:

Finally, on the day they're supposed to meet:

Oh, yeah, it's Lorne's birthday. The plan is to drive her from her mansion in Kentucky to his desolate, empty apartment in Nashville, where he'll spend the weekend having s*x with her on his mattress on the floor. Embarrassingly, he doesn't have enough money for gas to drive back and has to ask Kayla for some money that her parents have supposedly left her for the weekend alone. He makes the long drive to Kentucky ecstatic at the idea of being with his 13 year old girlfriend, completely unaware his real date is with Chris Hansen and law enforcement.

Part 2

In my next part I'll cover the actual sting and what happened there, what charges he was hit with, and some of what he went through in prison.

If you can't wait to see this guy's whole world crumble down here is the full, uncut sting segment with him.

If you're wondering how we have the full segment when we don't for so many others, Lorne sent it to a catfish since he had access to it as part of his defense. Not just any catfish, though. The second catfish pretending to be the decoy actress who greeted him at the sting. The second out of three different catfishes all pretending to be the same actress that interacted with him in the sting. And yes, he learned they were all catfishes and still fell for it two more times afterwards.

Trust me, this story gets insane.

CW: Ww

Poor pup groomed by white woman. He look so sad.


Warning at beginning that this groom was a failure.

Seemed good at first, a bit nervous, didn't take food, but loved pets and was friendly

First sign of trouble. Tried to take the happy hoody off

Does not like claw trimming

2 minutes in and already in the bubble :#marseyitsover:

Commence thrashing. Cat successfully frees herself from hoody and bubble.

Cat isn't actually matted. Resigns to simple butt shave and send her home

She likes brush! :#marseywereback:

Overall failure but is ok because cat didn't really need groom and this channel does it for free: Around 10 nails trimmed, some butt shave, good brushing

CPS ruined my childhood

What is he not telling us?

Pakistanis want children in school. I wonder why?
Deny! Deny ! Deny!
Drag queens take over03!
4th of July Groombling Thread

My toenails are too powerful.


I've been using a safety razor to shave lately, I like it. What is your preferred shaving gadget?
How Powerful Abusers Groom & Manipulate Young People
A guideline for proper sword maintenance

Idk if you're like me and half a life sized Frostmourne replica but this guide will get you straight. I may post Andúril later.

Rough winter.
my former boss was a groomer

He was arrested for seducing a 13 year old FBI agent and I haven't seen him since. I was very relieved at the time to hear that it was a little girl because I'd feel weirder if he had creeped on me.

True story !besties

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