

:marseyinbread: Saw this browsing my supermarket's website :!marseyblackface:

So my wife was saying that she wanted some chocolate twinkies thingy so I went and googled for it and nooooticed something :!marseyblackface:

If you don't believe me: (

Someone made a random unwrapping video of it:

Sadly Thankfully I wasn't able to find it at the supermarket :!marseysweating:

:marseysingapore: Redditors react to Singapore's execution of an "intellectually disabled" drug trafficker :!marseysoyrope:

tl;dr - The "intellectually disabled" claim was probably faked

Tbh I used to think that we were way too strict on the drug laws but my opinions probably shifted from seeing one too many @911roofer homeless posts... :marseyretard2:


It does feels a bit like reddit's not as antagonistic towards Singapore executing drug traffickers, I wonder why? :marseyhmm:

Malaysian drug offender Nagaenthran K Dharmalingam, who is on death row, was noted by the High Court to be "continuously altering his account of his education qualifications", said the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) on Friday (Nov 5).

He did so "ostensibly to reflect lower educational qualifications each time he was interviewed", added the ministry.

The ministry said the High Court had assessed the evidence of psychiatrists who agreed that Nagaenthran was not intellectually disabled. This included a psychiatrist called by the defence, on behalf of Nagaenthran.

"The High Court considered the facts, expert evidence from four different psychiatric/psychological experts, and further submissions by the Prosecution and the Defence. The High Court held that Nagaenthran knew what he was doing, and upheld the sentence of death," said MHA.

Post on the execution:

Malaysian man with intellectual disability executed in Singapore over drug trafficking charges

The death of Nagaenthran K. Dharmalingam has been described as a tragic miscarriage of justice after being executed over trafficking 43 grams of heroin.

A Malaysian man has been executed in Singapore on Wednesday after his mother's last-ditch appeal to spare his life was dismissed.

Nagaenthran K. Dharmalingam was arrested in 2009 for trafficking 43 grams of heroin into Singapore and was placed on death row for more than a decade.

His execution sparked widespread criticism as his supporters said he had an IQ of 69, a level recognised as a disability, and was coerced into committing the crime.

"It is unbelievable that Singapore proceeded with the execution despite international appeals to spare his life," his sister Sarmila Dharmalingam said.

The 34-year-old was executed in the early hours, she said from Malaysia, leaving her family "extremely saddened" and "in a state of shock".

Nagaenthran spent more than a decade mounting legal challenges, but they were dismissed by Singapore's courts, and the city-state's president rejected appeals for clemency.

His body will be brought back to the Malaysian city of Ipoh for burial, his sister said.

Singaporean authorities did not respond to requests for comment.


:marseysingapore: r/singapore sneeds as Authorised Covid Snitches are filmed measuring if people are sitting 1 metre apart in 2022 :!marseyvaxmaxx:

SDAs are Safe Distancing Ambassadors or fricking snitches that are employed by the Singapore Government to ensure Covid safety measures, and they were filmed in a restaurant measuring if the seats were a safe distance apart :!marseytrollcrazy::!marseytrollcrazy::!marseytrollcrazy:

Nobody really likes them because they're like IRL jannies who can annoy the heck out of you or your businesses by taking pictures of you or your workplace to send to the giga jannies

Next are the Safe Distancing Enforcement Officers or IRL giga jannies who have the legal rights to:

  • At any time without warrant and with such force as may be necessary, stop, board, enter, inspect and search any premises or conveyance

  • Require any person to furnish any information within his knowledge

  • Demand that any person provide his or her name and address and other proof of identity

Prior to this incident there have been controversial cases involving the jannies or giga jannies:

1. Giga Jannies inspecting some dude's home without a warrant:

2. Ex-military woman filmed scolding a janny when a janny told her to wear a mask:

Probably more but I can't recall/Stockholm Syndrome



Apart from those snitches/jannies most places here require you to be vaxxed and though it's not officially a vaccine mandate, without it you pretty much can't enter almost everywhere, malls, restaurants, offices, you know the drill. Yes, we need to be boosted :!marseygigavaxxer:,q_auto/c_fill,g_auto,h_676,w_1200/new-safeentry-gateway-for-tracetogether-token-3.jpg?itok=x4jXsqwC

Edit: Yes we still have an indoor and outdoor mask mandate :!marseytrollcrazy:

We jailed & deported a bong who insisted on not wearing one because he was a sovereign citizen or some shit -

Edit: there was an episode of a show where they sent mayo kids here lol

:marseysingapore: Lmao I just can’t imagine people here in Singapore would protest by vodka :marseytruck:

Love the “liberate” tagline too :marseyderp:

Sorry for shit posting, grocery shopping can be :marseyyawn:

:marseysingapore: literally :marsoy::marseynintendo::!marsoy: but the whole apartment with poorcels coping :!marseyseethe:

i saw that view and thought it looked familiar

and yes it's a fellow Singaporean

wish you would have dunked on the plebbitors instead of this


:!marlion::marseysingapore: :marlion:





TIL 🚩🚩🚩 was a trend

edit: false accusation's a problem here because recently a man was cleared of sexual assault charges after spending almost half a million and 4 years to fight it, and the identity of the accuser is still sealed and no repercussions for her for perjury (

An influencer made a controversial suggestion via a TikTok video on Sunday (Oct. 17): a group chat for girls in Singapore to discuss their experiences with guys on dating apps, as well as an excel sheet to collate information.

The idea was apparently executed shortly after, in the form of a Telegram group chat and a Google Sheet, which collated names of individuals, short write-ups of their alleged misdeeds, and even links to their social media profiles.

This happened even while a flurry of comments and reactions were still streaming in on the original TikTok post, both for and against the suggestion.

Group chat would "save everybody some time"

Koh Boon Ki, the influencer who first mooted the idea and a recent pharmacy graduate from the National University of Singapore, explained in her TikTok post that a group chat for women on dating apps to discuss their male counterparts would "save everybody some time", since most people were likely talking to the same dating app matches.

They would thus be able to share information about potential dates to save each other the trouble of "finding out the red flags" on their own, Koh said.

"Imagine the Excel sheet we can make", she added.

In the caption of her post, Koh asked for her viewers' thoughts, and remarked that "the guys have worse tele groups anyway".

The post attracted both support and criticism.

Support for the idea

Those in favour of the idea pointed to the truth of Koh's caption that "guys have worse tele groups".

There were also several users who said that they would be happy to share their past experiences for others' benefit.

Many appeared to be asking for a link to join the group, or for an update when the group was actually created.

Other supporters suggested that Google docs could be used for the purpose so that contributions could be accepted from "everyone".

Criticism of the idea

However, many voiced concerns about such an initiative, saying that there was potential for biased or false accusations to be made anonymously, as it would be difficult to verify some of the claims made.

Another critique of the idea was that it did not leave room for people who had genuinely changed for the better.

Others said that something similar, where guys discussed their experiences with girls, would definitely be unacceptable.

The risk of things escalating into harassment and defamation were also raised as reasons why the idea should not be carried out.

Group chat and Google sheet appear

Hours later, links to a Telegram group chat and a Google sheet were circulated on messaging apps and social media in the evening on Oct. 17.

The Google sheet was titled, "Dating Guide SG", and had two separate tabs labelled "Blacklist" and "Avoid", and each tab contained fields for names, reasons why they were listed, as well as links to their social media profiles.

The reasons provided were quite varied, and included accounts of sexual assault, abuse, voyeurism, and infidelity on the "Blacklist" tab.

On the "Avoid" tab, other misdemeanours were listed, including staying on multiple dating apps while dating someone, being "desperate asf" and clingy, sending inappropriate sexual messages, only talking about themselves or cryptocurrency, or even being an "avid g*mer".

Viewers of the sheet were able to remain anonymous to one another.

"What if the guy got falsely accused?"

One recipient of a link to the Google sheet took to TikTok, calling it "toxic".

"yes girls shud unite together, esp against trashy guys but like this is q toxic imo cuz what if the guy got falsely accused..💀" wrote a TikToker in her TikTok post's caption.

This, however, did not deter commenters from seeking out a link to the document, with many asking for it so that they could share their own experiences.

The sheet appeared to have been taken offline sometime in the late evening on Oct. 17, however.

Meanwhile, a Telegram group chat titled "f*ing 🚩🚩🚩" gained over 100 followers.

Conversations in the group included the sharing of experiences with particular guys, similar to what was found in the Google sheet.

The group appears to have been closed down as of Oct. 18.

The name of the group is an apparent reference to a recent trend where social media users share examples of what they consider to be red flags in various interpersonal interactions, accompanied by the "🚩" emoji.

Koh's original suggestion, as well as a similar Telegram group, apparently named "sg dating adventures ☕", was spotlighted by TikTok user @g1ennice, who said that it was a "great idea" in theory, that she predicted would "go south really really fast" as the group grew.

She acknowledged that men had created groups like SG Nasi Lemak, where explicit photos were shared, often without consent, but contended that creating a group chat for girls to talk about their experiences with guys could seem hypocritical, when much had been done to stand against the practice of guys talking about their experiences with girls.

She said:

"Creating such a damaging group chat, even when it's not on the same level, it just makes it seem like we are condoning this behaviour because we are doing something similar."

She also highlighted the potential for innocent guys to be falsely accused using doctored screenshots, while not having the opportunity to defend themselves.

"I think it's important [for girls] to stick together and be a strong community, [but] not in this way," she said.

It is not clear whether Koh was the creator of either group.

However, on her Instagram page (@bimbiboon), Koh posted a story on Oct. 17 at around 3pm, saying that she was "now a GC [Group Chat] admin".

An update on Oct. 18 at around 3am stated that the group was "now closed", along with the statement that "talking about guys is as problematic as talking to them".

🇸🇬 Marsey the Merlion says hello from Singapore! 🇸🇬

Marlion maybe?

Subreddit of liberal arts college seethe and does not allow the rationalizing of its imminent closure

i hope it's bait but idk, drewiepoodle was from Singapore so maybe there's a pattern

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