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Cinco de Mayo thread: Tequila edition

Who else drankin rn? Made myself a nice margarita, bouta play Mario party with my girl, my cousin and his wife. Resisting the urge to drive to the bar and party because it would be a long drive home and I'm already pretty wasty. Tried to go to the taco truck in town earlier and they were closed much to my dismay. I need that fricking lengua bros!

!boozers I know I'm not the only one celebrating

New Plato deets dropped! :marseybooba!: Slashdotcels seethe

Newly deciphered passages from a papyrus scroll that was buried beneath layers of volcanic ash after the AD79 eruption of Mount Vesuvius may have shed light on the final hours of Plato, a key figure in the history of western philosophy.

In a groundbreaking discovery, the ancient scroll was found to contain a previously unknown narrative detailing how the Greek philosopher spent his last evening, describing how he listened to music played on a flute by a Thracian slave girl.

Despite battling a fever and being on the brink of death, Plato – who was known as a disciple of Socrates and a mentor to Aristotle, and who died in Athens around 348BC – retained enough lucidity to critique the musician for her lack of rhythm, the account suggests.

Wow you suck at the flute, slave.


The text also reveals that Plato was sold into slavery on the island of Aegina, possibly as early as 404BC when the Spartans conquered the island, or alternatively in 399BC, shortly after Socrates' passing.

“Until now it was believed that Plato was sold into slavery in 387BC during his sojourn in Sicily at the court of Dionysius I of Syracuse,” Ranocchia said. “For the first time, we have been able to read sequences of hidden letters from the papyri that were enfolded within multiple layers, stuck to each other over the centuries, through an unrolling process using a mechanical technique that disrupted whole fragments of text.”





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Rap beefs are gay as frick because it's literally two grown men writing poems about eachother

Like seriously box or something

Being demisexual in the LGBT+ community

Unfortunately as a demisexual I feel like I'm excluded from the LGBT+ community, like it doesn't matter what you are as long as you're not attracted to the same gender... It's pretty sad for me. I value this community so much, the people I love and my friends are part of this community, but I always feel like I'm being singled out in some way.

Are there people who feel like me, and if so, what kind of attitude did you have towards people who say "well, this is normal, you just want to feel special"?

Because I started to feel more and more humiliated and unwanted by this community...

fellas is it gay to feel an emotional connection with the people you're fricking


im curious on the feminist rationalisation


!soren soren sungay :#marseysupersorensoarin:


(Lemmy only keeps the removed comment contents in the public modlog for 24 hours)

(note that modlog comments are not in any particular order, except for the order the lemmygrad jannies got around to deleting them, usually after banning someone)

Is panned_cakes arguing with the lemmygrad mod directly here? :marseyworried:

"You moderate a voice chat full of literal kids"

It was removed for "wrecking"... what does that mean?

Panned_cakes is a very active hexbear user, posting frequently, often to [email protected]. A lot of the posts are bardtier intellectualized rants, but a bit more intelligent.

He seems dedicated enough as a reddit type that takes himself seriously, which makes me think he might be onto something :marseyhmm:

anyway he also posted a bunch of :marseylongpost: that lemmygrad mods removed for being "reactionary"

panned_cakes goes on to declare himself a conspiracy theorist, and promote "disinformation free"

[I have become completely distracted from reading the lemmygrad modlog at this point :derpwhy: ]

Yes, Threads supports activity pub :marseymindblown: :marseyfediverse: I didn't know that!

[back to the gulag]

People on lemmygrad (well, mainly Leftcommunist1918) LITERALLY cannot stop talking about man vs bear, and in real time are getting jannied:

If you check the modlog, it's full of people getting really heated about man vs bear, and a bunch of leftist nerdy men being like :purerage: "this is the last straw. I was only ever nice to women, and yet I see their kind choose bear???"


Even in a made-up scenario about women choosing death by bear over them, which should make them question why they're never trusted by women, Men always ALWAYS have to make themselves the victims... These "Men's Issues" spaces always end up turning into anti-women incel spaces one way or another.


Funny enough this is one of the "Good" Men's Space subs... Even the ones that claim to be feminist and not misogynist always turns out that way sooner or later, it's sad that men can't just be normal people and have to hate women whenever they get the chance to... instead of thinking of the reason why women don't trust them in any way, shape or form.

I always laughed when people advocate for menslib. It's still a group of men circlejerking about how they're the victims and how women are the Big Bad like literally all male spaces.

Im an r-slur but men, no matter what they are or claim to be, will always end up bashing and being a danger to women. Menslib claim to be "against anti-feminism" but these comments and other comments like this are still up and still get posted.

Why? Because they actually just hate women but don't want to be too obvious about it, they're claiming to be the "good ones", meanwhile they do shit like this. Men make me so fricking sick on a daily basis. It's crazy how they vicitimized themselves ALL. THE. TIME. Because they go through life with so little struggle that they're bored so they make shit up.

If you're benefiting from a system that benefits you and pushes down everyone else, you're innately not a good person imo, especially if you're looking the other way and not working to undo said systems.

:#marseyxd: it's never enough

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  • Grue : Unmarked NSFW content
"At least I'm not an incel!" :marseythumbsup:
Good greentext

!metashit !r-slurs

Banana Boba Tea :marseylickinglips: :marseybanana:

I bought this banana 🍌 boba milk tea and it's amazing

How's your Sunday going r-slurs?

"To whom it may concern, I am not Elon Musk"

!chuds !nooticers

context: this account is live talking in Fuentes' space. It is definitely Elon lol.


2 fecal authentication.

It's cicada season :marseyautumn2:



Would you like an angel shot?
It's so easy to trigger these strags kek

Bonus seethe after my last post:

:ragemask: you seem mad that you got made fun of online

:surejan: Sure Jan

:ragemask: how are you gonna make fun of people for being white and then hit me with a brady bunch reference man

:marseysmug: I'm making fun of them for being white and caring about rap beefs lol

:soyjaktantrum: At least edit out the fact you're the OP getting clowned on.

Not your personal army.

:marseysmug: I made a joke about wiggers, they got offended lol. People here can't handle mild banter.

:soyjaktantrum: What banter? You didn't even show what you posted to get these responses? (Not an invitation).

You said something you probably knew would get a rise out of people, you got a rise out of people, then you skulked off to your safe-space to point and laugh at the people who got mad at the thing you knew they'd probably get mad at?



:marseysmug: I struck a nerve in you, huh?

:ragemask: Whatever helps you sleep at night.

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