Low testosterone lefty virgins of srd argue amongst each other about representation and stereotypes

72  2017-08-08 by Randydandy69


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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You forgot to say that they're also skinny mentally depressed manlets

I thought I covered that under "low testosterone"

You need to make it clear, otherwise they'll just downvote without and move on without realising how true this is and thinking about killing themselves

You can be low-T and fat

You were made fun of in high school for being socially awkward, not for being a nerd, and it's not comparable to hundreds of years of systemic oppression. Just stop it.

TIL bullying never happens in high school and nerds aren't the target.

fucking die /u/Burn_reddit_pbuf

If you think bullying is such a problem, why tell others to kill themselves? It's ok buddy, when I was your age I had the same mentality but when I grew up I grew out of it, have a nice day!

Bullying = power + insults


math checks out tbh


It's ok buddy, when I was your age I had the same mentality but when I grew up I grew out of it, have a nice day!

The guy who thinks bullying is never that big of a deal is on his high horse about how grown up he is. Unbelievable.

Bullying is a big deal, I have students who face it every day. But it's not comparable to being denied rights on the basis of skin color. And until the toxic culture of nerds who yell slurs, tell people to kill themselves, and use autistic as a slur ends, the bullying situation isn't getting any better. I've had students who were raped and bullied by nerds who they didn't want to fuck. Bullying isn't something exclusive to nerds.

You're autistic, stay away from kids

mfw I'm loved by my students and despite teaching physics I regularly teach my students about social justice issues and convert them to SJWs

I'm shaping the minds of young ones with leftist ideology, get fucked :)

Are you a chick or an emasculated male

Does it matter? I have my hands deep in shaping the thoughts of kids :)

I have my hands deep in shaping the thoughts of kids

We know

this but unironically

You totes sound like a sexual predator now

He's totally convinced of his intellectual superiority despite being utterly mediocre. Definitely a DYEL white man.

I've been to high school, I guarantee 99% of the kids in your class don't give a shit about anything you say and are probably on their phones texting other people, not letting their political views be shaped by someone who buried themselves in student loan debt to teach people a high school physics course and lord their superiority over minors

Only exceptions are those weird kids who suck teachers' dicks cause for some reason they think it will get them into Harvard

They're engaged and not on their phones, I don't have any student debt, and my degree is in engineering lololol

not on their phones

That just means they're good at hiding it

my degree is in engineering

And yet you ended up teaching high school lololol

I chose to teach, it's something I'm excellent at and something I enjoy much more than any engineering work I've done. Plus I have the added bonus of being able to indoctrinate kids :)

I collect everyone's phones in the beginning of all my classes and return them at the end hahaha keep making those assumptions and I'll keep knocking them down!!

Dude, this will sound harsh, but you need to stop acting like you're actually making a difference. Everything you tell these kids will be forgotten the second that summer starts, most of them probably won't remember your name in five years, and a lot of them will out-earn you by that time too. Literally nothing that happens in high school matters at all

You tell yourself that. My teachers had a profound impact on the way I act and think, and I'm good enough to do the same to my kids. Not everyone is a failure in high school like you, buddy.

My teachers had a profound impact on the way I act and think

Further proof our educational system needs reform

Not everyone is a failure in high school like you, buddy.

The only way to fail high school is to not show up

I mean he ended up teaching with an engineering degree so it checks out

What the hell is a "failure in high school"? Not showing up for enough school spirit events and not attending homecoming? If so, I consider that a compliment.

You're trying so hard to trigger people here but no one gives a shit because we all remember how useless and forgetful high school was. The only people who disagree are people like you who probably still reflect on their HS experience as the best time of their life, hence the reason they go back to teach.

Those who can do, do it. Those who can not become teachers.

You sound like the dumb faggot teacher everyone laughs at, including the other teachers in their hours but you're too oblivious to notice. Teaching high schoolers and thinking anything retarded you say sticks, lamo.

Probably a pedo who wants easy access. Fucking nerd pedo I wanna punch you in the dick and stuff you in a locker. And trim your pubes you fucking degenerate.



wew, people are falling for an obvious troll here

At least it confirms he's a man πŸ€”

So you are so bad at being a engineer that you had to become a public school teacher?

They're engaged and not on their phones

At least try to make it sound believable

I'm shaping the minds of young ones with leftist ideology

that's not necessarily the best thing for them. Sure a fair understanding of left ideology is a good thing for youth to learn, but its not like the left is 100% correct on everything. They are a fair bit of the time, but sometimes the right that is more correct, and occasionally the answer can be somewhere inbetween. Its best for kids to learn nuance and take aspects from across the political spectrum to form their own ideology.

I can't wait until the republicans kill teachers unions once and for all

I'm shaping the minds of young ones with leftist ideology, get fucked :)

I genuinely feel sorry for the young folk who most likely have a bunch of female teachers that love to tell them how misogyny is running rampant and how oppressed women are in this day and age. Then they get a numale teacher like /u/burn_reddit_pbuf and he just doubles down on all that bullshit and probably also thinks communism is a great idea so he somehow finds a way to try to infect them all that nonsense at every chance he gets.

Pretty spot-on! And there's nothing you can do to stop me :)

quick question, if your students are so engaged and take your lessons to heart then why do you have to forcibly seize their phones to make them listen to you?

If I one day told you I was bummed that I stained my favorite shirt, would you reply that it doesn't compare to the torture endured by children in third world nations forced to work in a sweat shop? Cause that's about how much sense you're making here

Remember to mention this the next time any feminist in a first world nation complains about anything. Were they raped and murdered as a child in a war torn nation? Then shut the fuck up.

But it's not comparable to being denied rights on the basis of skin color.

That's too vague to mean anything. Which rights are you comparing to which degree of bullying?

And until the toxic culture of nerds who yell slurs, tell people to kill themselves, and use autistic as a slur ends, the bullying situation isn't getting any better.

Why single out nerds there? A part of every demographic bullies other people. But certain demographics recieve it more than others.

And you're a teacher. God help us.

Holy shit you're a teacher? No wonder kids are retarded.

No wonder parents would rather opt for homeschooling.

Having someone like this teaching your kid is worse than knowing your kid has autism.

Who is being denied rights because of their skin colour?

I've had students who were raped and bullied by nerds who they didn't want to fuck

LMAO no you haven't, but good job making up examples of stuff happening that conveniently supports your point

fucking lol why would you make that up tho

Tbh we need more bullies these days to beat up the indoctrinated little faggots you're creating. They are the cure to your normalization of massive faggotry and degeneracy

This, but even more unironically

Just remember, obeying the law is a privilege afforded only to white males.



Early and often.

lmao /u/Burn_reddit_pbuf you said this on SRS:

Me: "I've met and interacted with hundreds of cishet white men in my life and they're often not aware of their privilege, making them insensitive"

And now you're doing the exact same thing to someone else on SRD. Do you just identify with nerd-bullying jocks because you loved sucking them off in the locker room or are you just a self-hating loser in denial?

So is is SRD finally going to merge with SRS and the fempire yet or are they still trying to be independent.



They took better care of their health so their semen always tasted better than nerds'

Just because you tasted blood in your own semen, that doesn't mean every nerd neglected his health.

Btw, did you know jocks are more likely to be right wing? It's probably due to them not being losers.

Oh so now you like jocks? I thought they were bullies who oppressed nerds? Maybe them being bullies is correlated with their being right-wing! Scientists and intellectuals are more likely to be left wing, maybe there's a correlation there as well? :)

I actually was a bully, fam.

And humanities isn't real science, that's just a bunch of people wasting time and money.

Humanities aren't supposed to be science lol. Humanities produce culture and art. If you're thinking of sociology, that's a science!

Both of which are haram, iconography is haram And must be destroyed, as said by Mohammad (PBUH) for art is worshiped in place of Allah.

Also did you seriously shoehorn that you are an engineering major into this thread? I'm sorry are you a parody of engineering majors because if so you have done extremely well. Bravo.

Time to engineer your own suicide.

I'm an engineering major btw :)

Ok what's the largest benis :D radius that can penetrate your disgusting mayo bussy?

hopefully a diversity hire department will be able to fuck a real engineer over to get you a job afterwards amirite

I actually was a bully

There are few things I've read on this website that I believe less than this, unless you were the king bully of the autistic kids or something equally retarded

I was just fucking with the other guy. In truth, i was neither a bully nor being bullied; i was the guy everyone suspected of being a terrorist

Scientists and intellectuals are more likely to be left wing

in light of the thought policing going on at google, its hilarious to see you use that as some sort of defense

keep yourself safe

Hey! theres nothing wrong with sucking off a sweaty jock in the lockerroom, don't equate me with the likes of SRS trash.

The nerd being an oppressed class was actually almost entirely made up by Hollywood as a stand in for real oppression.

/u/souprize is a great example of the modern SJW's thought process:

  1. Make shit up
  2. Continue making shit up
  3. Drown in all of the made up shit
  4. Blame white people
  5. Be a white person

That's your standard Coastal California White person.

Nah America is a breeding ground for massive retardation. From special California SJW's to fat, dumb, Southern landwhales, most dumb shit on Reddit is American bred.

I really hope Net Neutrality passes and these children lose their internet privileges. Take one for the team, America.

Sounds like us northeastern elites are spared :-)

No, you have to interact with each other and that's the worst punishment of all.

Looks like I'm a special minority πŸ€—πŸ’πŸ’ƒπŸΌ

Marxists simply cannot live without trying to inject their retarded ideology into every facet of society. lmao "oppressed class", yes Hollywood was trying to portray nerds as a socioeconomic class whose relations to the means of production revolves around being shoved in lockers by petty bourgeoisie and lumpen-proletariat thugs.

The linked comment is probably the dumbest thing I've ever read.

When you want to complain about white fragility but also want to complain about micro-aggressions and your brain starts to shut-down.

$20 say that this dude bullied some dork in high school until they considered suicide.

He used "y'all" so that proves he's woke.

"Uhm, excuse me sweety, y'all"

You just know it's going to be the dumbest shit you've read today if you see those words.

Don't forget "<3"

That's when you know they've fractured their arse.

"Are you having a bad day??" & "Are you ok dude??"

When they literally can't anymore but NEED to have the last word

" You want to be oppressed so badly you keep pushing this narrative of being oppressed"......

...... .....

Oh, the fucking irony🀣🀣🀣🀣, that he said something like this.

i'm shocked that /u/Burn_reddit_pbuf was bullied in high school. SHOCKED

Is there actual writing on that? That seems interesting and heartbreaking.

Wow this blew up, thanks for proving my point guys. BTW, not that it matters, but I'm a white guy you fucks. Not every white guy is as misinformed and bigotted as y'all.

/u/souprize is culturally appropriating "y'all" from sassy black women. I bet he uses black people reaction gifs as well.

You're basically David Duke.

Probably posts on trollx too smh

BTW, not that it matters, but I'm a white guy you fucks.

/u/souprize, I can't say I'm very surprised.

Hollywood could avoid the confrontation and political fallout by creating the idea of white nerdy men as the class of the oppressed

I mean...he's not wrong though. And even when "hollywood" (or all media) does show those groups 9 out of 10 times it's shows an incredibly sterilized white picket fence version of those struggles. But big shocker, people don't want to think or feel depressed or guilty all the time, they want to pay to feel that way even less. It's by that same standard that no one is actually taken "white nerdy men" as a seriously "oppressed" class, they are just a token for a joke for fuck sake /u/souprize and being criticized (while having +261 votes) doesn't "prove you right", disagreeing with a thing doesn't prove the existence of that thing. Though by the way holywood loves to show how hard rich upperclass women have it more then anyone else, there's the "oppression" money. So painting it as a unique thing restricted to men is bull, your thought is unhelpful in regards to the representation of other groups, thanks.

My main war is class based. I stand by my post as based in experience growing up as the wiry socially awkward white boy, and seeing the reactionary forces of right-wing oppression sprout from peers of similar demographics. I am not making fun of bullying or trying to minimize it. I'm saying that the trope of the nerdy white boy has permeated our society to the extent that many these grown up men now feel this same righteous indignation that this trope bestowed upon them. Bullying is not equal to oppression. White men are not oppressed. People of color, women, and the LGBT community are systemically oppressed. This trope replaced and in many ways erased these real oppressed demographics.

This trope replaced and in many ways erased these real oppressed demographics. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply

nah tho

My first war is with class


is angry that lower working class men are depicted as disposable or oppressed in anyway

yeah not buying what your selling.

You being called a fag doesn't "prove" you right either, for that to be true you'd have to take the assumption you are suffering the homophobia others face...which is appropriation. You are literally trying to use others discrimination as a currency to be right.

I'm gay, fuck off.

never been beaten by cops for being a nerd...

Most of the guys who beat me up in school became cops. So... checkmate, /u/liquid_senjutsu.

"You weren't bullied for being a nerd, you were bullied for being socially awkward"

"You weren't bullied for being a nigger, you were bullied for speaking AAVE and stealing shit all the time."

Its called ebonics.

How is this related to Sonic the Hedgehog

Exactly on point. Especially when the majority of actually racist white people have upgraded their rhetoric from "I hate black people" to "I hate thug culture" (not that theirs anything wrong with hating thug culture but I know when I see a comment that is just swapping the word black guy for thug).

Holy shit, someone actually thought this was a legitimate idea, and then dozens of other people agreed. They're even smug about it. This is the inevitable result of mediocre white kids going to college instead of trade school. You have mush-brained plebs actually thinking they have insights into our culture.

Ill bully all you beta manlets crying that nerds are oppressed

BTW, not that it matters, but I'm a white guy you fucks. Not every white guy is as misinformed and bigotted as y'all.

"Hey btw, just so you know, I'm one of the good mayos. POC pls be my friends"

/u/souprize the only good mayo is a dead mayo

Mayocide when?

Feel free to start it

i love when sjw types do their usual "make shit up wholesale and pretend to know what youre talking about" strategy

nerds were never shown as oppressed, just socially stunted

funny that srd confuses the two though right