/r/Physical_Removal has been banned!

484  2017-08-15 by Zachums


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Need a reroll for "Jews did this".

Should I sell my stocks in Bell now or wait for it to rebound?

Alt-Right REEEEing in 3, 2, 1...

Fun fact: the Charlottesville ramming took place on Soros' birthday.


Also Tokugawa Iemetsu, the shogun who expelled all the Europeans and closed the country.

beautiful hair

i dunno it seems very....too far to the right...


Early mayocide visionary

Also 9/11 happened on Soros' birthday

And Pearl harbor.

And my axe

Did anyone see George Soros on Pearl Harbor? my god...

Bad news, this year 9/11 is on Friday the 13th

It's really a bad year.

Huh, I thought it only happened every four years like leap day

i would pay to see that movie in theaters. like jason in a turban/whatever they are, just stabbing everyone on the plane and everyone thinks it was the terrorists. Oh, the terrorists were there, and planned on exploding the plane, but jason got them first.

Man that guy really knows how to party

also the guy that filmed it and did the interview is ex state department and got 380 grand from one of soros organisations

just a coincidence though

Hey, bud. Can I see a source on that? Thanks.

Just talked to my buddy who is an executive in the Soros Foundation. They are denying responsibility, but nonetheless, are praising Allah for the development.

Wait, I thought Soros was supposed to be part of the Jewish plot to take over the world. Don't you mean Jehova? So easy to get your conspiracies confused...

I have an actual buddy who works at the Soros Foundation. That is basically our running joke.

You need new friends


Yous are commie cucks.

I thought we were (((globalists)))?

No, we're nationalists. White nationalists.

Not me buddy.

tfw you're the only one on /r/drama who isn't a nazi

feels bad man (I imagine)

mayocide on libs nao

Prove it. Get a DNA rest.

DM;HS every day with 10/10 black woman.

you're still here?

Muslims are a false flag. They're all jews with spray on tans.

Lol of course it is all removed. T_D mods are panicking, I think.

Of course they are panicked. They helped to organize the whole fucking thing and said not a peep when T_Ders where cheering about a woman being killed.

square dropping truth bombs left and right

Every comment is deleted, what did they say?

Who's soros

Why mock people with autism?

We deserve it tbh.

Welcome to /r/Drama SRDines!

Feel free to comment or vote or do whatever. We don't care, and if you get banned from SRD, mention this comment saying that we allowed you to vote or comment brigade. I won't guarantee it'll get you unbanned, but they should be pretty familiar with our rules here.

For more content, check out /r/bussy! :)


You know you're not fooling anybody with your shit tier trolling, right? You're about 4000% too obvious.

go back to looking up hentai with those cheap ass mechinical keyboards chump. typical ass boring white person. get a life.

Nah still not working

even your keyboard matches your attire lmaoooo. what a stupid trumpette

ok bb 👍

Eh, I will give you the mechanical keyboards thing.

I regret everything




wtf! they were such a wholesome community

Fuck Nazi's.

Hey there, cool it with the naziphobia big guy

Sir, this is above all a den of polite cryptohate, and as not-quite-top-mod I will personally ban you unless you profusely apologize to the bust of Reinhard Heydrich on our sidebar.

Fuck /u/zachums too

Are you gonna keep getting us on all? cause dumb fucks like this come in and don't even have a proper hissy fit.

It's so aggravating!

Dammit! Now you're as bad as the Nazis!

Maybe I was saying I wanted to fornicate Nazi's.

That still makes you as bad as a NAZI! Quick say something about freeze peach!

Alt right getting BTFO all over the place. They should have stayed in their dark seedy corners instead of starting up rallies. Now they're in the limelight.

right leaning subreddits on a left leaning website getting banned =/= alt right losing ground

I don't think you know what leaning means.




a tendency or partiality of a particular kind.

"despite his liberal leanings, he had little sympathy for the individuals concerned"

lol it's certainly not them gaining ground

You're not wrong, but he included "starting up rallies" in his post, even though everything involved in the real world has been going quite favorably for us.

A meme subreddit with like 20k subs getting banned isn't the "alt-right getting BTFO all over the place."

The more the left continues to demonize everyone who isn't a Marxist virtue signaler, the more our numbers are going to continue growing.

lmao "us"

I'm sure there are some retards who will vote against what they want because whiny CB2ers scream at them on twitter, but most will just continue to vote Democrat and not care about identity politics at all.

imagine being so upset at users on a message board that you vote against you're own self interest

I can't take people who confuse your/you're seriously

I can't take myself seriously after fucking that up either. back to the gulag for reeducation for me

The important thing is that you edited your comment to appease my neuroticism. Thanks!

np fam. I appreciate you letting me know so I can hide how big of a dumbass I am

NOOOOO There was a grammar nazi joke there!

You had millions of poor Americans vote for a party that wants to take their healthcare away. People are stupid as fuck.

LOL you serious, or are you just play-acting retarded?

You do realize Obamacare is collapsing right?

Because Trump doesn't want to fund it and wants to cut off subsidies. The same Trump millions who rely on Obamacare to have healthcare voted for.

The US is a joke of a country anyway. Spend the most money per capita on healthcare whilst simultaneously having millions with no access to it and indebting those who need life saving treatment. Most countries stopped doing that after WW2.

Why shoudl the government fund some poor shitsmear's health care? I work my ass off to provide health coverage if some lazy piece of shit stain doesn't tough titties die quickly.

Because it costs you more in the long run lol.

No it doesn't because Trump is also sending that human refuse back to mexico where it belongs

You should stop using US products and really show them who's boss

I doubt the number of sexually frustrated cosplaying racist cowards will be shrinking anytime soon, but the nation pretty solidly despises them and the idea that they are 'winning' is a fucking joke

The more the left continues to demonize everyone who isn't a Marxist

what Marxist is supposed to mean, exactly?

A person a conservative dislikes.

You do realize there aren't many awkward incels with a victimhood complex left?

There are still far too many tho

even though everything involved in the real world has been going quite favorably for us.

It is petty obvious that yu guys have peaked with trump. It has only gone down since.

just because CNN tells you that doesn't mean it's true

Great argument.


Must've spent most of your energy on that kernel of wisdom, I'm sure.

thanks, i worked really hard on it

Good job. You got a few more self-loathing virgins to join your cause.

The American public still despises you. Liberals despise you. Conservatives despise you. Lawmakers, the media, and the large, LARGE majority of people still hate you.

Yeah, keep winning Charlie Sheen.

The American public still despises you

trump won the election

city liberals and politicans who want their fat pensions despise him, the rest of america loves him, try looking at the electoral map nerd

the majority of people live in cities

i'm aware

thankfully we have the electoral college to prevent the bugman hives from controlling the country.

the bugman hives contribute more to the gdp than the rest of the country combined

yeah, that's generally what giant clusters of people do

the rest of America loves him

That's why his approval rating is at a 34%, right? Most of America didn't even vote for him. And even with all of that in account, he doesn't give a shit about any of you. You're all just looking blindly up to him because some of his rhetoric happens to line up with yours. Pathetic lmao.

He'll just call it fake/biased polls. Nothing will change his mind until Trump eventually fucks him over too. In meantime it's all Heil Trump n' shit.

>implying anybody gives a fuck about these polls besides progressive fart huffers

63 million people voted for him, but nobody likes him, really gets my noggin joggin

IF there was an option to fire both trump and clinton into space, that would have taken a landside. Only true dipshits like trump, even among those who voted for him. He shit in the GOP bed and acts like he just invented the pillow.

Try looking at Trump's polling numbers, Capt. Delusional.

trump is a laughing stock and that retard who ran down some lady the other day is gonna spend years in jail. You're certainly not gaining a positive image in the real world

trump is a laughing stock

Take a step outside of your echochamber, friend. Nobody believes the fake news except for you and your fellow progressive fart huffers.

take a step outside of your basement, everyone makes fun of him. I was literally eating Chinese food with some randos the other day cause my estranged family members were in town, people were making trump jokes. I ask my friend what's up in the news and he tells me trump is making an ass out of himself on twitter. Almost every major celebrity that has stated their political opinion is anti-trump

just cause a bunch of hicks voted for him doesn't mean everyone doesn't see what's obvious months later. He's incompetent

cool anecdote, i'll share mine too then since they apparently mean something now

everyone in my family (including aunts, uncles, cousins) are trump supporters, most of my online friends are also trump supporters, and a good chunk of my little brother's friends (he's in high school) are also trump supporters

Almost every major celebrity that has stated their political opinion is anti-trump

okay? firstly, i'm not a celebrity worshipping retard, and secondly, most of them are just virtue signalling because they'll lose their careers if they say anything that isn't politically correct

just cause a bunch of hicks voted for him doesn't mean everyone doesn't see what's obvious months later. He's incompetent

half of the country being rednecks is my favorite meme

maybe if you keep alienating half of the country, you'll finally win an election :^)

How many of your aunts, uncles, and cousins are the same people? Just wondering.


everyone in my family (including aunts, uncles, cousins) are trump supporters, most of my online friends are also trump supporters

What about your actual real friends? Other r/t_d users don't count as friends, they're the other people you put up with because you don't have anyone else.

your comment would be funny if i actually used the friends system or regularly browsed the donald, but i don't

Oh man this is fucking golden.

In your last comment you wrote:

Take a step outside of your echochamber, friend.

And just now you write, unironically:

everyone in my family (including aunts, uncles, cousins) are trump supporters, most of my online friends are also trump supporters, and a good chunk of my little brother's friends (he's in high school) are also trump supporters

Well clearly you're too retarded to get sarcasm

Ah, I didn't realize I was conversing with your alt, my bad.

You sure pulled a fast one on me.

My alt? Huh

Since you know the intent behind /u/zn95's post, I can only assume they're another account of yours.

Internet discourse has gotten to the point where I literally cannot tell sincerity from sarcasm.

So retarded. got it

I did not deny this, so your hot take is absolutely worthless.

How's it feel to waste the time it took to type that weak ass insult? You could've been knitting, jerking off, or even something worthwhile like reading a good book such as Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban.

it was a copy and paste actually

Well now I'm offended that you didn't take the time to type that out.


Low intelligence does run in families.

my online friends


my little brother's friends (he's in high school)


thanks for anecdotally clarifying the trump crowd for me. Let's recap, losers who have no irl friends and dumb highschoolers that can't even vote. Trump sure is attracting support from the best and brightest

meanwhile if you stepped outside your echochamber(i.e. if you stepped out of your front door because all your anecdotes were direct family, second-hand, or online) you'd realize hating trump is mainstream. Thinking he's incompetent is not a fringe opinion, he doesn't have a good image inside the U.S. and he's not making America look good to people outside the U.S.

Neat story. I was at the firing range with my MAGA hat and got many thumbs up and attaboys

neat story kid

I was at a 6 story mansion with a bunch of hot babes. I said "trump is dumb right" and got a bunch of kisses and spread legs

narrative: BTFO

you: retarded

You seem like the type of guy who would have argued that Bush Jr was beloved worldwide in 2007.

/pol/ is an echochamber too ya know

Name some legit news sources.

i prefer watching or reading source material/police reports instead of getting my opinions spoonfed to me by a news organization

so you're getting these police reports directly from the police? How?

everything involved in the real world has been going quite favorably for us.

Even Daddy finally realised that you're a lost cause while on live TV, and he's literally retarded.

Bigly, if true.

Rofl, all of you leftists argue like pussies. Instead of attacking your point, they just insult your social status.

Heh,I called them a racist/virgin/loser. That'll show em.

Fash status:

[x] Bashed

[ ] Not bashed

This implies you're worth the effort, jackboot.



Can't argue when facts aren't real to you

even though everything involved in the real world has been going quite favorably for us.

If by favorable, you mean everyone hates Nazi/Alt-Right/White Power fucks, then yeah, favorable.

The second act begins with a slow pan across a crowd of malnourished, pale white males. Many of them look frustrated at their lot in life - some of the blame lies on their genetics. The smell of backed up testicles is pungent and feels almost as if you can touch it. Many of the crowd goers look as if they aren't fully sure why they are there, but they showed up nonetheless.

The camera continues to pan until it comes to rest on a podium with a single figure standing behind it. The audience recognizes that it is /u/zn95 from the first act. He struggles to contain a smile at the sight of the crowd before him. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine the amount of energy that the virtue-signaling machine was capable of something like this. Hundreds, maybe even two-hundreds, of young men had their minds wiped and turned into mindless drones and had assembled here. The loss of reddit real estate the day before was a massive blow, but it paled in comparison to this.

He brought his arms up and spoke with a needle-thin, nasally voice.

ZN95: My brethren, today is the day that we push back against those Feminazi-Cultural Marxist-Anarcho-Communist-Manhating-Landwhale-Legbeard-Pussy-Cuck-Beta-5/10--Stacy-Roasties. For too long have we been denied the sex that we are rightly owed. For too long have we let this country be cucked by the blacks with their long, lustrous cocks that fill just the right amount and spill delicious seed. We must fight back against the feminist Jewish empire that seeks to circumvent all that we hold dear. So I ask of you - after filling your dinner with chicken tenders and asking your mothers for permission to go out - get into your vehicles...and show them who is boss.

ebin, simply ebin

More people support DJT today than when he was elected. After removing the dishonest MSM bias he's polling at +80% support

lmao do you live in a Wal-Mart

Does the parking lot behind one count?

why do you think theres been this push to ban them all dude

its not because of the car thing, thats just an excuse

Don't stand if you don't want to get run over budddo.

It's not right leaning, it's far right

Reddit is hardly left leaning. People here are gun fanatics, men's rights crazies, etc.

Are there any non left-leaning popular websites? You usually have to graduate college to make a website.

more like "(((right leaning))) subreddits denied the ability to use a website to recruit for (((right leaning))) 'causes'"

your joke doesn't work, the echo parentheses are meant to be used when you're discussing jude related things

right but I was more using them in the "we say this but what we really mean..." manner. I kinda always saw it as a sort of way to denote dog whistling.

That post was physically hard to read.


GoDaddy, Google,

Charlottesville, Lexington,

Top Dog and every other company that had an alt-right marcher IDed,

Discord, Twitter,

Merck, Under Armor, Intel all split from trump over his response. then and four caucuses ask trump to take miller,, gorka and bannon from the wh. GOP declares the event one of white terrorism

Since Sunday.

the more people see the alt-right, the more people hate it. Trump's tethering himself to it is probably 1/3 of the reason he's the least popular president of all time.

some of you guys are alt right, don't go to Reddit tomorrow

fuckin BOOO

one of the better low effort post ITT tbh

This but ironically

instead of starting up rallies.

They have multiple rallies coming up in several cities, including one this Saturday in Los Angeles in Venice Beach (which is crowded with tourists basically every Saturday and is overwhelmingly liberal)

Should be...fun.

It's going to be a shitstorm. The only thing these people will do by coming out in force is either more of what happened or other people attacking them. It's like we're heading back in time to race riots.

Makes for some entertaining news though. I don't think any real progress is gonna get made without a bit more bloodshed sadly. I'm not trying to be edgy, it's just the majority of uninterested people who ignore the political climate and racial tension are going to keep ignoring it until they feel their lives (or even worse, their lifestyles) are in real danger. And until that happens, nothing significant will change.

The current admin seems too incompetent to prevent a serious social meltdown. If bloodshed becomes regular more Americans will be involved in the political process.

Maybe we'll get lucky and the aggressive homeless people in Venice Beach will kidnap them to their underground lairs under the LA River.

All it takes is one dude to take the CD those dudes try to hand you. Then they're stuck in a sales pitch for the next half hour.

They came to the wrong city lol

They're going to be stoked when they run into the mob of Shoreline Crips that hangs out there literally every day.

Lol they just cancelled

Fuuuuuck. I talked to a couple friends today who were ready to bring entire sets down there.

Turns out Bloods hate Nazis a lot.

Where can I invest in popcorn stocks?

They cancelled their protest/tantrum


What was their agenda again?

Kill leftists.

It doesn't count as inciting violence if you do it ironically. As long you have your fingers crossed behind your back when you call for the death of your political opposition, that makes it A-OK

I only drove through that crowd of people as a prank! Haha, triggered much?

still not as good as the ol' brojob prank. Choo choo!

Except for mayocide

"It's just a prank!" he screamed, as he slammed the accelerator on the Car of Peace. "Why are you crying!?"

It doesn't could as violence if the admins agree with it

It doesn't count as inciting violence if you do it ironically.

It also doesn't count if you do it on the internet.

"Hurrr I've heard the phrase 'incitement to violence' before, and I know what those words mean individually, so I'm basically head of FALA."

Uh oh, leftists are all white, we're also pro mayocide, could we be next?

Sounds like fun.

Self Defense

(((Self Defense)))

Woah there we dont tolerate Anti Antisemitism around here

Throw in another anti2 and I'll allow it

insulting /ourguy/ molyjew

Pinochet was alright t b h

Travon Martin was killed by being thrown out of a Helicopter by George Zimmerman in self defense


From what, cyberbullying?

disgusting c*mmies.

Granted you dont need much to defend yourself from a bunch of 17 year old ethnic bernie supporters

Unless they can get on top of you. Powerlisters can't bench those land whales.

But Dodges can

Cars can benchlift?

If you had a Chad car you'd know

Cummies are delicious!

Throwing commies out of helis

If it had just been throwing commies out of helis, I would have been interested but they were heavy into white nationalism and Trump so (don't actually) fuck the racist fucks

Yeah, I thought that's what it was when I first saw it, then I realized it was actually retarded.

We need a safe space to talk about throwing commies out of helis.

Yeah, I'd start up a sub just to trigger commies but I'm a lousy moderator

What should it be called?

lol why are /r/Augusto and /r/Pinochet banned?

how about /r/CommieFlights or /r/HelicopterJustice or something along the lines

ps i want co-moderator position for the bants

Anyone else want mod?

Don't hand it out too willy nilly, there are a lot of actual commies on this sub lol. We gonna need a CSS guy and some rules on racism to weed away the neo-nazis and white supremacists before they think this is /r/physical_removal 2

Holy shit lmao /r/FreeHeliRides was banned about a second after I made it.

This is a really pathetic website.

Before you reply, I know I am as well.

Wow, I had all this power and now it's all gone. Is this the fastest the admins have ever moved? They shut our sub down in 0.005 secinds

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)


Dear reddit admin you are fucking pathetic. All collectivists, nazi or communism, deserve the helicopter. Let us express ourselves.

I'll mod. Commies are scum and nazis too.

I want to mod! Pick me pick me! I fucking hate commies and I also feel like neo nazis should stay in their respective trailer parks

Yeah I think I browsed like 2 threads about helicopter rides and then I relized they were into things besides public service.

I just want to do good by my community. Removing NEETs is as humanitarian as you can get

Thats what turned me off it.

I just want to hate on commies without having to cuddle up with nazis

Nazis get the truck of peace, commies get the heli of gravity

Seems fair

Is there an option to throw commies out of helecopters without white nationalism? I could get in on that.

That's so sad. We need more anti-commie groups without their own flavor of stupidity.

We just tried to set up a sub but the admins took a shit on our efforts and shut it down and banned my friendo

We could take a page out of the commie book and host a coup of /r/gravityfalls

Someone's getting thrown out of helicopters.

If it was "throwing Nazis out of helis" they'd have been trending and subreddit of the day by now.

Providing reasons for mayocide.

They believed that the only way to deal with left, all left, is to physically remove them from the country. They'd give you some bullshit lines about how they only oppose the extreme left but if you were to browse that sub while it was still around you'd see that most of them literally believed "kill everyone who disagrees" was the right approach. It's ok though, it was just a joak, just some memes bro.

Wait, are you describing /r/physical_removal or /r/antifa ?

ah yes, the radical left hotbed /r/antifa, where the top post right now says that antifa=kkk. Huge equivalency

dae only know how to talk about politics using the names of subreddits

I learned all I know from you fam

America has the cringiest political turmoil.

What was their fucking problem? What's their endgame? What went right?

roleplay as pinochet

Larp that bussy up

Pretty proud I predicted this when i was pissed last night

I mean, if /r/kangz was banned, /r/Physical_Removal wasn't far behind.

I'm kinda shocked we haven't seen that much REEing yet, though.

Post history says otherwise. Maybe edit a comment to say so?

Never said I posted it on reddit m8. I keep my superior intellect to myself

Physical removal was doomed the moment (((they))) brought down the police chopper

Without their helicopter, they're nothing. Like Spider-Man without his suit!

redpilled as fuck

the car of peace and chopper crash were orchestrated by (((shariablue))) to get the reddit admins to ban /r/physical_removal. wake up everyone!

wake up everyone sheeple!


Don't edit our comments, u/spez!

/u/spez had some good ideas.

Why do you always have the best opinions

But they loved helicopters!

Which is exactly why (((my))) people brought down their anti-Bolshevik device.

Praise be to Lenin!

Trotsky was the real revolutionary.

I'm not going to buy your paper.

Stalin trumps Trotsky

President-bot is adding 1 bot$ each time someone mention his name. It's currently 24736 bot$ in the jar.


I didn't know you're endorsing Stalin.

wtf is a bot$? I can't keep up with these cryptofascistcurrencies

Bad bot

Getting icepicked is really revolutionary

An icepick, an icepick! CAN'T YOU GET THAT THROUGH YOUR SKULL?

This, but unironically.

With help from r/neoliberal.

I suppose it's good that they spend all their time not getting laid on something nice.

Очен хорощо


What's this?

based mod serial

ty bb xo


If anyone else said that I'd read it as "hugs & kisses". From you, I read it as "painal".


Everyone knows that it was filled with actors paid by Shillary in an attempt to make Trump look bad. The (((admins))) deleted it after the conspiracy was exposed by woke pedes.

u/TUMS_FESTIVAL is a Trump troll who comes to threads like these to obfuscate and build karma, before trolling for Trump.

Sounds like he's come to the right place.

He also watches the alt-right channel RedLetterMedia who attacked Ghostbusters 'cause it had womyn. Discusting.

Mike "Luftwaffe" Stoklasa must be stopped.

Looks like he ate a few too many of those Luftwaffles tbh :(

trolling for Trump

this is the millennial version of, "Sweatin' to the Oldies"

/u/no_yesterday is a fat, lazy neck-beard who has a crush on tums_festival. That's why he's following them around.

/u/no_yesterday is a Nazi neck-beard-tub-o-lard who has a crush on Tums_Festival, among others. This is why he stalks them in such a cringey manner. He was previously banned from reddit and is not evading that ban with a new user name. He also really supported Trump, but doesn't like to admit it which is why he puts up such a show accusing others of supporting Trump.

Confirmed. Source: am Shariablue false flag psyop NOC.


Do fullcommunism, latestagecapitalism, and TD next.

The last two would make me so happy. Especially if it happened on the same day, their heads would explode.

Imagine the mass migrations, please no.

You mean to Voat? There's nothing of value there anyways.

the users, to every other subreddit. Physical_Removal was a small containment sub compared to LSC.

They're already posting on other subs, often spreading the same rhetoric bullshit. If you use any of the default subs or any subs with more than a hundred thousand people you'll see people cheering for or against Trump or some other bullshit every other day.

Yeah, obviously they use them but imagine every time someone posts on t_d or LSC as a post that isn't agendaposting somewhere else. If that got taken away there would be an apocalypse dwarfing FPH.

Actually that sounds great, ban them all now.

Who cares, they get downvoted to oblivion and banned there. Individual subs can handle their own shit

What is this idea of a "containment" sub? You understand that posting in a specific sub doesn't prevent you from posting anywhere else, right?

refer back to /new/ being deleted

Wasn't it just replaced with r/all/new/ ?

i'm talking about the 4chan board /new/ being deleted and how they had to make /pol/ soon after

it was more of a staging area than a containment sub, somewhere that they could post without being downvoted or banned.

Exactly. Letting people have a space where they can post about how great fascism is lets them use it as a place to plan raids on other subs, radicalize people, and generally become more of a nuisance around Reddit and possibly even a danger in the real world.

Go to any sub and sort by Controversial and you will see T_D supporters all over the place.

They are down there in the dregs of Reddit because they are cultist fucktards who no one likes. T_D if removed won't change that.


you realize that people can browse more than one sub, right?

Like, when you go to reddit, you don't have to chose a subreddit and then only post there for the remainder of your life.

you don't have to chose a subreddit

this mentality brought us powermods and you absolutely should only be able to subscribe to one subreddit at a time


More like there should be a cap on how many subreddits you can moderate.

tbh if they banned the commiesphere and TD at the same time they'd all cancel each other out in downvotes in the rest of reddit.

radical centrism finally achieved

the ol' South Park Neutral comes to fruition

What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?

Yea the "mass migrations," get real.

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

They need to do one big wave. Get all the shotholes out including anarchism and socialism along with td.

And the meta subs too for good measure

Where do you think the massacre would take place in response?

No, why? That's like half of drama on Reddit.

Don't forget SRD. They love political violence.

Peak liberalism achieved

I love this sub.

Good, but unironically

Good, but unironically

South Park Centrists Unite!

You have nothing to lose but your chains!

I'd much rather be a south park centrist than a nazi or a stalinist

Just because the answer isn't always in the middle doesn't mean the answer is in the violent radical fringe either.

this but unironically

This but ironically

This but unironically l.

This, with less gaping bussy.

There's more options tho

Tankie, please gtfo. Wasn't half of Europe and and massive parts of Asia being enslaved, cleansed, starved, and genocided enough?

I mean I was just here memeing bud.

That being said, I'm fuck tankies. This isn't to say that violence can't be rationally justified in some cases, but I certainly abhor violence.

There are too many tankies on reddit to tell the difference.

Im sure youre being sarcastic.

There is absolutely nothing liberal about censoring, tearing down statues, policing wrong think and politically incorrect speech. Thats tyranny. The alt left have been out of control for a couple years. Killing,attacking, torturing people innocent people. Its ridiculously similar to Mao's cultural revolution.

Nah gas all the anti Trump subs

do u even like drama

dont forget the anarkids


lmao how come I didn't think of this before.

Multiple mods of /r/anarchism have been banned because of inciting violence, might as well ban the sub too.

fullcommunism, latestagecapitalism

False equivalency. Those subs do not preach hate.

How about Bash the Fash since it also insights violence like physical Removal did

This is the logical equivalent of saying that everyone who advocates for capital punishment against serial rapists and murderers are themselves promoting violence in society.

I'm assuming that you agree that some degree of violence is necessary, in self-defense for instance? Or are you a pacifist?

Ah, the typical liberal-fascist argument. "Everythin I dont agree with is hate. Nothing else."

Whats so wrong with banning all hate, mate, even if its coning from your ideology?

Because there is absolutely nothing wrong with hate inherently. It's the specific things that certain people hate, that causes problems. I love this sweeping generalization which has taken over society. I'm assuming that there are at least a few things that can safely say that most people hate: Genocide, war, oppression, slavery, etc.

I will gladly boast about my hatred toward these things and the people who fight to make those travesties a reality.

What are the things that you hate, mate?

I hate hate. You see, the problem with your ideas is that when someone deems you as something "ok" to hate, you probably will not like that, even if everyone else does. A good example from your list is "oppression". Many people claim white men are oppressing other people in society. On the fact that they are white and male. So that should be ok to hate, right? But then, that's also racism. Which is not ok to hate. So what do we do now?

The uncomfortable truth is that we must allow all hate, or forbid all hate. The former seem to be the better option, as the latter requires a definition of hate. And then we control the outcome of the hatred with laws against, for example, violence and harassment.

That is the only way it can work. Once you realize that pretty much every truth is subjective, it is the only conclusion to draw to actually be able to have peace.

You see, the problem with your ideas is that when someone deems you as something "ok" to hate, you probably will not like that, even if everyone else does.

What I do or do not like is an irrelevancy in this context. It's the merit of the hatred that we are arguing about. Whether or not it makes sense to hate an individual for the content of their ideology.

If you were having a conversation with an individual you'd met recently and he went off on a tangent about how he fantasizes about torturing and murdering Arabs ... would you be justified in hating that individual? Yes, I would think so. Despite the fact that you do not know whether or not he has done it.

What that individual thinks about you hating him is an irrelevancy.

Racism isn't bad because it hurts peoples feelings. Racism is bad because it is contemptuous to every claim and supposition about justice, equality and freedom that a liberal society stands for.

Many people claim white men are oppressing other people in society. On the fact that they are white and male. So that should be ok to hate, right?

And those people are idiots who cannot distinguish causation from correlation. The fact that the most powerful people in the world are white men does not mean that they are powerful because they are white men. They're powerful because they have money.

So, now you're going to ask if it is justifiable to hate people because they have money.

No. It isn't a direct link. If a homeless person wins the lottery and becomes a millionaire, I wouldn't hate that person. If an individual has spent decades exploiting sweatshop labor in the third world for pennies an hour -- I don't care if that person has less money then I do at the end of the day, that person would deserve hatred.

Once again, the justification of hatred is established on a presumed universally accepted set of values and principles. If you don't think there is anything wrong with exploiting labor in the third world, then would think it isn't justifiable to hate the person doing it.

So that should be ok to hate, right? But then, that's also racism. Which is not ok to hate. So what do we do now?

That is racism, and it's ok to do it. But you're talking about two people you found on Twitter to make you feel vulnerable and victimized.

The uncomfortable truth is that we must allow all hate, or forbid all hate.

You can't forbid an emotion. Hatred is going to exist. You pick and choose which one you want to accept in the public forum.

You can't forbid an emotion. Hatred is going to exist. You pick and choose which one you want to accept in the public forum.

Us commoners call this hypocrisy.

I hate it when people take my stuff without asking me first

I'm assuming that you don't hate taking advantage of others to enrich yourself though.

Or maybe it's equating physical violence to physical violence? It's a little beyond ridiculous to consider a group like Antifa acting in self defense

This is the logical equivalent of saying that everyone who advocates for capital punishment against serial rapists and murderers are themselves promoting violence in society.

You're implying that all fascists are actively violent, at all times, which simply isn't true.

I should probably add, because it seems you can't have a nuanced conversation on reddit anymore without being for one side or another, that I am vehemently anti-fascist. Comparing all people who follow fascism (which is a political system btw) to 'rapists and murderers' is just wrong.

Fascism is intently oppressive though. Even if you are not actively hurting minorities, the tolerance of such ideologies in society should always be very low.

So is communism/socialsm. What happens to those that don't want to share?

So is any society. What happens with those that don't want to follow the law?

We're talking about communism retard. It is intently oppressive.

Why don't you head back to your safe space. Wasn't there a sub for that?

Oh wait lol

I attack libs in every sub. None of ur safe spaces are safe from me assfuck

I'm not a liberal, have fun shouting into the void you scumfuck autist

My lib detector is highly honed

Communism/socialism is the antithesis of liberalism.


Then why is antifa (ctrl-left loons) all commies?

Checkmate trannies

Because communists hate fascism..?

They hate liberalism too, but they hate fascism more.

Commies are facists. Jackbooted thugs.

We're talking about communism retard. It is intently oppressive.

You have no idea what communism is.

I have a perfect understanding of what it is.

Not communism done right. It's about equality and fairness. Sure every example of communism has been complete ass fuck and retarded so far. But true communism is where everyone is happy. That'll never happen, though.

What is the power process, Alex?

The ideology itself is inherently violent. It's rooted fundamentally in the weeding out of cultural imperfections: foreigners, the weak, minorities, political dissidents, religious infidels. What you're saying in essence is: You can't justifiably attack them now because they haven't done that thing which they long to do with every fiber of their being.

In law it'd be the equivalent of an individual spending years conspiring to commit a crime with hundreds and thousands of other people, but claiming "Well they haven't done it yet, so we can't charge them yet."

The ideology itself is inherently violent

You could say the exact same thing (with a thousand times more justification) about commies.

What you're saying in essence is: You can't justifiably attack them now because they haven't done that thing which they long to do with every fiber of their being.

Correct. Desire to commit a crime is not, has never been, and God willing will never be a crime.

Correct. Desire to commit a crime is not, has never been, and God willing will never be a crime.


And I suspect that you know about a tenth as much about Communism.

What he wrote:

Desire to commit a crime is not, has never been, and God willing will never be a crime.

What you quoted as a rebuttal:

A criminal conspiracy exists when two or more people agree to commit almost any unlawful act, then take some action toward its completion. The action taken need not itself be a crime, but it must indicate that those involved in the conspiracy knew of the plan and intended to break the law.

/u/MrAnderson345, keep yourself safe.

Ok, but that was an absurd statement. Even if you could criminalize a desire, how the hell would you enforce such a thing?

The comment I'd made: In law it'd be the equivalent of an individual spending years conspiring to commit a crime with hundreds and thousands of other people

My comment never concerned desire, that was his ... poorly nuanced ... interpretation of what I said.

I oppose capital punishment against those actually.

Oh no someome think of the poor NAZIS?!?!????!?

If bashing facists is bad then I guess we better apologize to those poor nazi's for what was done to them in WWII. We were so wrong for using violence to stop them, golly we should have just tried reason, huh?

How do u live being this retarded?

Where are all u tankies coming from? Go back to your gulag sub

you use 'tankie' like libs use 'nazi'. That's where they all came from.

When's the last time you successfully got a facist to understand the horrors of facism with rational discussion and turn them away from it?

They're not in power, they will not be in power here. They are rightly loathed, but highly visual because of the reactions they get. The circumstances you mentioned and now are completely and utterly different.

Neonazis can exist here, living in their little shitholes and fucking their siblings, but exist within the laws put around them. As soon as it gets violent that goes out the window and ultimately helps consolidate their extremism. I'm done seriousposting about this now

When's the last time you successfully got a Jew to understand the horrors of the Jewish race with rational discussion and turn them away from their destruction of white society?

/u/CamrennnZ, we don't tolerate non-white genocide advocation on this board. That's your first and only warning.

well, there was that black guy that made members of the KKK disavow by befriending them.

It's self defense

They are the same I consider them the alt-left, if the_donald goes they better ban those 2 as well.

FULLCOMMUNISM is pretty bad, latestagecapitalism doesn't need the boot though.

A whole one day after the Halamish massacare in which three civilians where butchered, this picture received about 1200 upvotes there.

I got banned for posting this there (NSFL picture):

So, like this yesterday?


Death to colonialists. [+159]

Any proof or just making things up?

Permalink, but since it's removed, you won't see it. Screenshot of the ban message.

I don't know how to what more to do for proof, just say if there's anything else.

That's FULLCOMMUNISM. I said FULLCOMMUNISM was pretty bad. I thought you were saying COMPLETEANARCHY did that.

I see, telling Liberals they get the bullet next is definitely not hate.

Gulag yourself.

"People who disagree with us should be sent to prison camps" and "the people who were killed by the Soviet Union all deserved it" aren't hate?

Not an argument.

Late stage capitalism is full on far left propaganda. I'm to the left of most people politically but most stuff I see on that sub is batshit insane.

Off the top of my head I saw on that sub argued that shareholding = thievery, that tying monetary rewards to inventions somehow has no link to innovations in the past century and that if you paid factory workers in China 40% more iPhones would've been designed out of thin air, that capitalists are scheming to enslave workers and that capitalism is genocide.

The issue isn't that no good points are made on that sub - there are plenty. The issue is that the mods are imposing a cult status in it where no dissenting views go unbanned and where arguments are judged on how harshly they criticize capitalism not in how much sense they make. It's the definition of an echo chamber.

If you want a clearer picture of the far left's point of view, read actual marxist/leftist theory instead of reddit comments and your brain will thank you. Actual marxist theory doesn't deny the productivity of capitalism, it critiques the unfairness of the distribution of the reward from that productivity and whether the productivity is actually excessive and not really needed. Shareholding=theivery comes from Marx's labour theory of value. The sub quite often leaves much to be desired in terms of the quality of the posts that make it to the front page.

Bud, if you don't think latestagecapitalism preaches hate you're not looking at it objectively.

The US is an imperialist fascist state; the fashies are already here and in power, they took over, and they can't be reasoned with or "debated" out of their bigotry. By sheer scope of its atrocities, it's easily the most evil empire in world history.

Capitalism ensures that sociopaths are in control by incentivizing their behavior. They must be smashed. Arm up comrades, and do your best to form armed workers organizations in your city ; if none exist, start one. We are an utterly disposable class to the capitalists.

This was the second or third top post, with several hundred upvotes, to this meme on their front page. I replied saying that's super fucked up, and that you can't just murder people that disagree with you. The only reply I got was someone saying that murdering half the country was totally justifiable because all republicans are fascist monsters. The only other response I got was a ban.

For saying that an armed revolution against the republican party was wrong. I got banned.

So... maybe take a few steps back on that one.

Those subs do not preach hate.

So you'll just ignore the fact that they refuse to acknowledge genocides around the world simply because it makes communism look bad? Talking about the Holodmor, the great leap forward, the north Korean famine or the 1921 Russian famines and the reason for their severity will get you banned if you are remotely accurate about it.

Some examples of them preaching violence to capitalist apologists and descendents of communist regimes who dont drink the kool aid

https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/6tvlbj/rphysical_removal_has_been_banned/dlo7jfq/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/6tvlbj/rphysical_removal_has_been_banned/dlo8ag5/ also this; https://i.imgur.com/UFMnJ3W.png

They preach the death of millions. Switching over to communism or anarcho communism will require a complete collapse of society.

I got banned from latestagecapitalism because I entered a thread where all police were called class traitors and everyone was saying they deserved to be executed in the streets. Just saying not all police officers deserve to die got me banned.

Full Communism is the Communist version of Physical_Removal

Hate is literally 100% of what they do. They hate whites, men, successful people, and anyone else who isn't a perfect little revolutionary.

"Kulaks deserved it" ring a bell?

Yes it does, it's just against a different group of people.

Why latestagecapitalism?

Most people dislike them due to the growth and spreading of their rhetoric on Reddit, the only validation for their banning is some of their more violence-prone/suggesting users.

echochamber that preaches hate. They unironically believe you should murder all those who disagree with them.

Do they though?

They do, because the sub is run by tankies for communists and prospective tankies. Tankies talk about killing people who disagree with them all the time, though not so much on LSC because the sub itself has a different focus (criticizing capitalism from a communist perspective).

I consider myself a socialist, so one day I looked at r/Socialism and noped the fuck out of there after the first comment I read praised the Viet Cong for torturing John McCain. Why we can't have normal discussion like normal human beings is beyond me.

I find, nowadays, that most honest critique about politics boils down to integrity more than actual ideology. Socialism has had success and trained capitalism has had some success, so dipshits talking about how either is garbage ideology sort of just ignores reality.

But corrupt shitheads running any sort of ideology is going to breed a trash government.

Because socialism is pretty toothless without being pro genocide.

I was banned for telling someone we probably shouldn't murder all the "neo-liberal traitors". I was told I would be caught and hung, then a few hours later I was banned.

So yes.

I was banned for suggesting that Americans creating jobs for people from poor countries might not be a bad thing. Apparently this was "capitalist apologia".

it's almost like it's a socialist sub...

It's almost like socialists are butthurt faggots who need a safe space so their garbage ideas can be propagandized properly

like most of europe?

Are you actually claiming that Yuros aren't butthurt faggots?

Wew lad

Do they say wew in kekistan? what's the regional dialect on that?

Do they seriouspost in /r/drama in whatever backwater shithole you live in?

u know r/drama is the same everywhere?! it's amazing! turns out the interwebs ain't a geographical location but rather some sort of magical electrical device in which we has access to all faniciful manner of "places" I was so happy to hear that I didn't need to trek to the nearest lieberry, which is six hours a way by cow, in order to access drama, but I could do the same thing by buying one of them cellulophones and meandering down to the nearest cell tower, a mere 45 minute walk, to get reception!

Are you new to the interwebs as well, friend?

What a retarded fucking argument. You taking a position should be because of the way facts reconcile with it, not in spite of it. No opinion excuses you from logically and critically considering facts and how they reflect upon it.

"Americans creating jobs for people from poor countries might not be a bad thing" is an opinion, not a fact

I'll explain it for you on his behalf. The opinion you form about the topic "Americans creating etc. etc." is based on something. The conclusion "might not be a bad thing" is an ethical judgement. Where you and the previous poster seem to differ is that he advocates gathering information and then reasoning about that info, combining it with what you've previously learned and considered, in order to form that ethical judgement.

Reality is complex and moral arguments are a bit of an endless void. It's hard to know how an event will play out in the long-term and personal ethics are rarely so well defined and static. That makes these things even harder to argue for and against. Combine that with global economics and politics and 99.99% of the populations isn't qualified for articulate enough to have that discussion. The result is that the subreddit is flawed as a concept. It can't be free from criticism because that denies the validity of uncertainty. Uncertainty is the only certainty. In doing so it creates an unnatural environment for its own ideas. Ergo, /r/LateStageCapitalism is destructive to its own ideas.

Are socialists against jobs now? I don't think they are. Obviously under either Socialism, capitalism, or full blown communism there needs to be jobs. So I don't see how that's a critique unless you say big oil should create those jobs or something similar.

Okay but you literally are submitting to the idea that "if someone creates jobs, we must forgive them for all else" which is a form of accepting the norm (pretty sure they call it liberalism). Sure, Jeff Bozos might be the reason some poor Chinese laborers get paid dollars a day, but why is it not okay to criticize this and say "why can't you give them a living wage when you have 80+ billion something dollars?"

So essentially yes, you are apologizing for capitalism's downsides. What is your point? Upset that people disagreed with you?

but they are genocide apologists so that is just regular hypocrisy

Jeff Bezos doesn't have 80+ billion dollars though. He makes 80k a year salary. His net worth is in his company and other assets which he can't just liquidate to pay workers more. I don't like the guy either but let's be honest here.

You seem reasonable, but I strongly disagree with your understanding of how capital works. He has 80billion dollars of capital, and capital begets more capital. His money is a magnet for more money and will continue to create value for himself. The "salary" of the richest man in the world is hardly a talking point. It's not as if if prevents him from being able to pay his workers $15 an hour. As the owner of the company, he certainly has the leverage to move assets around and provide better wages at the expense of some profits. His 80billion dollars of capital would still continue to make him absurd amounts of money.

Besides, I used Jeff since he's the billionaire to talk about right now. You could replace him with another disgustingly rich individual who exploits labor and the argument is the same.

I consider myself reasonable, and you seem reasonable as well, so it's nice to have a conversation where one side is told they're stupid and the conversation is over.

I agree when you say his money is a magnet for more money. That's how super rich business owners generally end up. And I'm not saying he couldn't pay his employees more if he wanted to because I don't have the data. But we can't exactly set that amount at $15 dollars an hour. Amazon.com is a great service and I believe they run on relatively thin profit margins, electing to make up for that with the volume of orders they deal with. Now, if there's some data refuting this I will gladly take back my statement, but I feel like Amazon could hire thousands more workers paying them say $10 an hour than they could paying them $15 an hour. While it's hard to defend business owners underpaying workers I feel like it's harder to defend greater unemployment.

Like I said, I don't have the data and I'm not currently able to do the research so if you have something to refute what I'm saying I'll be glad to take a look.

He's probably upset that he was banned for questioning an idea.

So there's a working class American that can't afford the American lifestyle because they can't compete with Chinese laborers. If there's a few Chinese people living better lives then it's a utilitarian win, right?

They don't. They LSC is mostly a critique of capitalism, I've never seen them accusing to kill people or whatever. Full Communism is pretty bad to the outside eye. There's a bunch of hate against anyone who's right of Marxism-Leninism, and they joke about purging people and sending them to gulag.

Full Communism is like the left equivalent to the_Donald except FC doesn't give me a brain aneurysm every time I visit it. Not gonna say that the Stalin apologia is okay, but I still would take it over tin-foil hat soros conspiracies and alt-right circle jerking.

I'm pretty sure that 99% of FC is just joking

I'm sure that they are joking. But I'm not gonna go and say "you can't joke about Pinochet" and "you can't joke about the holocaust" then turn around and joke about thousands of kulaks dying and shit just because Stalin fits my world view.

I'm a devout leftist but there's lines that are crossed. Plus, If Trump supporters joke about the holocaust and you tell 'em not to then they look thru your post history and see you joking about gulag it kinda kills your argument

But nobody's gotten banned for joking about the Holocaust, have they? r/imgoingtohellforthis isn't funny, but if they want to make insensitive jokes then that's okay.

I'm not talking about banning anyone. All that I'm saying is that if I don't celebrate the murdering of police officers, that gives rightwingers less ammunition against me.

If im against edgy memes on the right, it'd be hypocritical to be for edgy memes on the left.

I'm not saying "Stalin was worse than Hitler" I'm just generally anti-totalitarian governments. I understand that FC is a joke, I just would rather not participate in a joke for the sake of being edgy, especially if that undermined my points to the outside eye.

Yeah, but the person who started this comment chain said that FC and LSC should be banned. I don't mind edgy memes. They don't really harm anyone.

bottom line is: neither should be banned. I just understand liberals wanting wanting FC banned more than I understand them wanting LSC. I don't mind edgy memes, but sometimes if you take the high road then you can use that to your advantage

no, but you said 99% of FC is joking

and theres a difference between joking and just outright horrible.

joking about the holocaust isn't funny, neither is gulags.

these are the reasons /r/imgoingtohellforthis isn't funny either

r/imgoingtomyroomforthis isn't funny because it's mostly 12 year olds. Dark humour may not always be pleasant but there is some (at least attempted) humour there. Do I find Holocaust jokes funny? Not really. Does that make them not a joke? No.

And yes, 99%, any satirical circlejerk will always attract the minority who actually believe it. Plenty of 4chan users think they're just having a laugh but they end up attracting actual neo-nazis.

FC has been threatened by the admins multiple times. The only reason they haven't been banned is their thick layer of post irony.

It's "just joking" in the way the_Donald is "memeing" and /pol/ is "ironic."

Is it that hard to believe that some people are communists?

No, but the whole 'to the gulag for you' and 'kill all capatalosts' type of thing is a joke.

Is just joke about murder, y u heff to be mad?

"all dark humour should be illegal"

No one has said this. You are a complete and utter dummy-head.

Have you considered submitting yourself to a gulag for reeducation, comrade?

Your saying that jokes about murder aren't okay.

That was a flippant remark about how everyone jokes about murder and then everyone freaks out when the other side does it. The defense ends up being "It's just a joke!" But of course you're too plebeian to understand.

I don't care about people making weak-ass dark humor jokes, unless those people then claim the other side isn't allowed to do the same.

Granted, you didn't outright state that, I just wanted to plug myself for some free karma.

I promise you it's not a joke.

No, I'm pretty sure it's a joke.

As someone who frequents and posts on that sub and many like it unironically, I can tell you that you're wrong.

I think people would agree that isn't a great excuse. I'm imagining you applying it to r/T_D, and it's not acceptable.

I'm pretty sure T_D users are joking to some degree. They may not actually believe that Trump is the 'God emperor' but they still like Trump and his despicable beliefs. FC don't want to kill people, but they still like communism.

The same way the alt-right does their jokes and memes about Holocaust denial and other racist shit.

FC is ironic in the same way that t_d is 'just trolling'. The place is disgusting. Try suggesting that the Holodmor was a genocide and tell me how long you go before being banned.

I'm sure 99% of T_D is joking.

Like same hate different group

LateStageCapitalism is a "critique of capitalism" in name only. Instead it's just a washing machine spinning around the same cliche criticisms of modern society.

So little is about economics. There's barely any content that's even tangentially related to capitalism. It exists as a conglomeration of ignorant, uneducated, and angry people making the same mistake their right-wing equivalents make: They are not thoughtful or effective people which makes them unremarkable and unsuccessful. Due to their shortcomings they are habitually incapable of navigating complex ideas which forms a feedback loop of failure, anger, and misplaced blame. These people have found solidarity over the internet with other low quality intellects with whom they can foment and reinforce each other's feelings without inconvenient challenges to those beliefs.

I've followed a few posts and have never seen anything like that. Would you be able to provide examples?

Same. I honestly agree with a ton of the submissions there, though I have to admit, I've never read the comments. I just browse it with a ,"yeah, employees not given a livable wage is pretty fucked" attitude.

There's a screenshot flsoting around where a user with Cuban parents who escaped Castro was banned in LSC for complaining about Castro worship in the sub. He asked why he banned him and they said his parents probably deserved it or some bullshit.

Yeah, but none of that happened on the sub, but in the DMs.

Actually I have seen that. It's a valid point, people like that shouldn't be able to steer what people do or don't see.

No, he wouldn't be able to provide examples. They just don't like it.

Here's an alternative I'd like to see, though: if a subreddit bans users just for disagreeing and presenting facts, then posts from that sub are kept off of the r/all front page. LSC would be a lot less annoying if it were possible to critique some of the disinformation without being banned.

Exactly, I agree that Reddit should keep ideological safe spaces off of /r/all, that goes for any ideology. Suppression of debate is the opposite of free speech, which is a principle that time and time again the Admins have espoused as core to this site.

They should be off popular, not all. r/all should be what it says on the tin.

It should be, but it isn't. There's already a ton of stuff that doesn't show up on r/all.

It would be nice to have some kind of option or plugin that lets you see an actual r/all.

Or at least banned from r/popular, like TD

Being banned from r/popular is an automated process no? Any sub that is blocked enough times will be removed from there.

That's a pretty good idea, and to extend that concept, the same should apply to any sub that bans people purely because of the subs they post in, or their posting history in general.

There's a common theme in socialist spaces that should tell you how it stands up to critique.

I've been banned from 3 places for nothing more than offering facts: r/latestagecapitalism, r/The_Donald, and r/incels. I think it has less to do with socialism than it has to do with people trying to enforce orthodoxy.

This is one of the best ideas I've seen for Reddit. I also would prefer that all political subs be kept off of /all as well.

What seems to be the issue there? That's a standard reddit moderator...

sorry for taking issue with genocide deniers genocide praisers

Why are you sorry?

imagine being this much of a knuckledragging faggot.

LSC is garbage and i'm ashamed you live in my country.

Library Services Center is garbage? You live in Canada? What are you talking about crazy?

GOOD troll

I don't know what LSC is. I have literally no idea why you're so angry my my sarcastic comment. I have no idea what my being gay has to do with anything. I assume you looked my my post history and saw all the participation in /r/Canada and therefore you re also Canadian?

I'm not trolling you. Literally, no idea what you're trying to say. All I know is that I want you to keep talking to me. Arbitrary meltdowns directed at me by dummies are the best thing about reddit.

Look several comments up at the sub you've been discussing. Then look at the three letters LSC. Now connect the dots, Tommy.

Arbitrary meltdowns directed at me by dummies are the best thing about reddit.

Is part of having a meltdown thinking everyone around you also is?

Look several comments up at the sub you've been discussing. Then look at the three letters LSC. Now connect the dots, Tommy.

No. I suppose if I don't keep replying neither will you. So how is your day? What happened to make you so mad? Do you want to talk about it?

Do you really think the rest of the world doesn't just get a kick out of you angry Americans going crazy at this point? What exactly do you think you're accomplishing by speaking to me?

Hey where did you go? :(

I didn't offer an opinion one way or another about /r/LateStageCapitalism so obviously you weren't referring to that. So I'm still pretty confused as to what LSC is in this context...

You've taken quadruple the time you normally take to reply, are you OK? I miss you so much.

:( Why do you hate me. All I want is for you get to know me. I'm sure you can learn to love again! I KNOW IT!!

Good morning cutie. How was your evening? Where have you been?

Hey, how was your day?

Good morning! How was your night?

You've been so distant lately. Is something going on?

Heyyy. Long time no see. How was your weekend? Did you see the eclipse?

Happy Friday! Are you ready for the weekend?

Oh my fucking god your post history. I've never met someone who unironically uses the words "butthurt" or "ur" and "retarted" and "rekt". It's like you're a 40 year old who thinks that's how the kids speak. Dear god, please keep replying to me. This is amazing.

ur butthurt and retarted


I still don't understand why you're angry. What do you even believe my stance on LateStageCapatalism is? Because I never stated in either direction, and I;m not from a country that jerks off capitalism like the US does/did.

no im a different guy i just make bad posts on /r/drama for shits and giggles

Oh yeah, sorry, wasn't paying attention. Carry on.

Here, you dropped this ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ/s

"Praising murder is ok if others also do it"

You can't ban a subreddit for what a moderator says. At most you ban the mod.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

I'm not angry, I just miss my friend :(

Is it at all possible that you have a history of causing Drama in that sub, and that the mod was responding to that more than actually approving of labor camps?

that message wasn't even to me, and still no excuse.

Oh, you're outraged on behalf of somebody else? Like a SJW?

What a stretch.

you aren't remotely bothered about living in a country where a significant portion of people (and growing) want and support death camps for middle-class people? Let me ask you, how many "gulag" jokes do you see on LSC and Twitter every day? I live in the UK and I see Labour Party supporters (who aren't a traditionally socialist party) acting the same way as these people. So no, you should not be given a platform if you support this shit.

I'm questioning one comment in one image that has been pulled out of context, and you are equating that with supporting death camps. You're a fucking looney.

here's more if you're still not convinced that the far left want you and I dead.

Oh my god. Graffiti! How could I possibly resist such overwhelming evidence!? I bow down to your superior intellect!

If someone sprayed a massive swastika in your town, that's no cause for alarm for you?

One person spraying 10 seconds worth of paint is meaningless. A sad and ignorant unemployed 20-something lashing out in the dark of night.

Asking the hard questions. If I were a betting man, I'd wager that ban didn't come out of nowhere.

Uh, go look through the graveyards that are the comments in LSC. They delete and ban anything that creates discussion... they're just as bad as t_D.

It's not unusual to see people get banned for their first comment.

That seems like reason for that mods removal, not the entire subs

lol fuck off.


Lol you first, loser

epic win xdddd

epic win xdddd

I would expect nothing smarter from you.

I would expect nothing smarter from you.

epic win xdddd

>A commie

>Talking about being smarter than someone


They are still awful though, and I say that as a socialist

This site is full of tankies of the worst kind

Tankies give a bad name to fucking all of us, and they need to stop defending state-socialism

Lmao call me hateful then

Hmm if you insist.

reads through post history

disparages Adele


Bryh that's disturbingly far down my history

Oh I sorted by controversial and it was the first result.

Redditor for three years, 1 month and 14 days...

... doesn't know how to sort.

thats not calling for violence tho

and its not even hateful in the context of the full quote.

taking away people's healthcare probably means people are going to die. like its partly his fault for their death. if its your fault someone dies and you get shot, maybe you should rethink doing things that lead to death.

You are a liar. They give tons of upvotes of to comments to comments about killing the rich. Or how about if you have money you are subhuman and aren't deserved of human rights or protections. Just like this sub that got banned liked to talk about giving communists free helicopter rides they like to talk about sending wealthy people to the guillotine. Obviously physical removal loved being outwardly edgy so its more apparent but if you read their posts they have the sentiment of killing/violence/subjugation all the same.

Then link those tons of comments with tons of upvotes.

Someone already did you filthy commie. Now go drink some drain cleaner, it's a better use of your time than sticking up for soviet apologists.

Link me to said link. I clearly am not seeing it.

Then wipe the cum out of your eyes son, there are links all over the thread. You can't expect grown-ups to lead you around by the hand and spoon feed you information just so you can keep up with the conversation.

I expect the people who make the claims to prove their shit claims. These are claims of HIGHLY UPVOTED comments. They should be much easier to find than the "all cops are bastards" weak ass crap people are linking me to.

The links are elsewhere in the thread, show some initiative.

I'm on mobile. The person who makes an affirmative claim can show me how easy it is to find this shit rather than me having to sort through 700 comments to figure out which one they're fucking referring to.

If it's so easy, just do it.

So am I and the links were 3 comments down on not collapsed. Seriously stop making excuses, it makes you seem feeble

Back to r/physical_removal .... oh wait.

Actually I'm Mexican, so go fuck yourself.

Not sure what that has to do with this discussion, but good for you mate.

Just sayin

Did you just advocate someone's death while complaining about others advocating someone's death?


Modern discourse!

It's two different people.

Killing commies is self defense

Hear! Hear!


The cognitive dissonance...

It's not cognitive dissonance when r/drama does it, retard.

Nobody did, you blind imbecile.

Yes they did just read through the commies.....er comments, it's in there. Btw calling me blind is extremely ableist and I don't think it's funny at all.

Btw calling me blind is extremely ableist and I don't think it's funny at all.

I didn't call you blind as a joke, miss.

Lol really hurt some tankie feelers with this gem.

Literally only one of those calls for someone to die. All cops are bastards is not the same as saying they deserve to die. The only one calling for death was about McCain from a The_Donald poster where the rebuke was more highly upvoted than the 6 it received. Absolutely not what I'd call "highly upvoted comments on the sub all over the place."

The other one about camps has no upvotes because it was a PM.

Mod mail saying ancestors who fled death by communism actually deserved the gulag isn't good enough for you?

You don't know shit about Cuba, do you?

One of those threads is discussing how the Republicans shot a few weeks ago deserved it. Read the links again and try harder this time.

Saying you're not upset that someone was shot/died is vastly distinct from inciting violence.

If I dug through your post history to November of last year would I see lamentations and weeping for the death of Fidel Castro?

I've literally never seen a comment like that but I'm 100% open to being disproven wrong. Can you find links for me?

Someone else compiled about half a dozen links or so, look for /u/balorina up above.

Wow that is really fucked especially the Cuban part :(

Communists tend to be really fucked.

They posted four links to controversial-to-unpopular comments.

500 up votes and gold, nearly 300 on another, an official mod message, and several comments above 100 upvotes is plenty. All of them either preach violence or celebrate it. Read the links again.

As well as a modmail saying a posters family deserves the gulags before banning that user. Their comment was very simple and honest, but it ruined the echo chamber.

Wait, what? Head over there on any given day and I guarantee you can find someone calling for murder on the front page, and the top comment will be someone agreeing with them. Their hate rhetoric popped up on my front page somehow, so I replied. Pointing out that this post and this top reply to that post are hateful and the complete antithesis of a democracy was met with... unwavering defense on their part. Murdering these people is necessary for their "revolution". I also got banned, surprise.

For people who don't want to click through and read, here's the long and short of the post I linked:

The US is an imperialist fascist state; the fashies are already here and in power, they took over, and they can't be reasoned with or "debated" out of their bigotry. By sheer scope of its atrocities, it's easily the most evil empire in world history.

Capitalism ensures that sociopaths are in control by incentivizing their behavior. They must be smashed. Arm up comrades, and do your best to form armed workers organizations in your city ; if none exist, start one. We are an utterly disposable class to the capitalists.

you seem upset

The real drama is in the /r/drama thread.

i'd expect nothing less from the new #1 nazi subreddit

if you arent then you should be


They ban that shit because it's all about circlejerking and it gets a little old hearing the same bullshit pro-capitalist rhetoric over and over again.

They ban it because it's a fucking hate sub dude. That guy genuinely called for the murder of 150 million American citizens just because he wants a different president. The fact that their sub is a fucking shitheap doesn't make that OK, it doesn't change the fact that the mods should nuke it. Hate is hate, and speech that incites violence isn't something that should be tolerated from either side. Or, if you're OK with it coming from latestage, you need to also go around loudly defending /r/Stormfront and /r/Physical_Removal and TD.

I don't think you've spent much time on there. The violent shit rarely comes up, but it does sometimes. The question is if it is often enough to ban the subreddit and I don't really think it is. Also not sure if you linked to the right post but that guy never told anyone to kill people (or implied it)..

Seriously? That guy I linked is a mod. Here are some other gems of his I found after like 2 minutes of digging.

Him debating whether people should be slaughtered, en masse, because they've owned property.

Him: Are you a pacifist?

Responder: No. Violence is to be resisted with violence.

LST Mod: Are you a pacifist?

Responder: No. Violence is to be resisted with violence.

LST Mod: But you don't believe in oppressing the bourgeoisie? Or guillotining them?

Responder: I don't believe in oppressing the bourgeoisie. I believe in preventing them from oppressing anyone else. All I want is for them to give up their privileges - i.e., their exclusive ownership over the means of production.

LST Mod: That is utterly baffling to me that you can say you don't think we should oppress the bourgeoisie. Then again one of the things that lead me to become a socialist was reading the black jacobins, about the haitian revolution, where the revolutionaries did oppress the slavemasters, killing them en masse, expropriating their land, and defeating the imperialists through violent, bloody, destructive revolution.

Seems pretty cut-and-dry that his idea of an "armed revolution" involves the massacre of, uh, small business owners and mom-and-pop shops. What a swell guy. Here, let's do another one.

Responder: Would you kill someone for being a bigot? I personally hate bigots and wouldn't support a bigoted business. I may even ask them to leave town. But would I ever tell them that if they don't start serving certain people, I would shoot them? No. Would you?

LST Mod: Capitalist bigots get wall (that includes small business owners).

Ordinary bigots get gulag. And by that I mean they have to go to some kind of a rehabilitation program whose goal is to remove bigoted attitudes and viewpoints.

Responder: And what if they refuse to go?

LST Mod: Then they get a bullet too. BTW you're banned

Charming. Definitely not a hate sub, right?

You looked up one assholes post history and are trying to pass it off as the whole subreddit's.

You looked up one assholes post history...

You said "Also not sure if you linked to the right post but that guy never told anyone to kill people (or implied it)..." so I'm showing that, yeah, that guy absolutely was implying that his armed revolution would kill people. Those quotes are all from the same dude that I quoted originally. So, yeah, he's absolutely implying that people should be killed.

...and are trying to pass it off as the whole subreddit's.

He's a mod you dense fuck. That guy decides what content stays and what content goes. Which means that the entire sub's content has to agree with his crazy kill-the-capitalists mentality, or he just bans you. Which is exactly what happened to me, and if you spend five fucking seconds looking through his post history you can see that he literally does that every time he gets into an argument on that sub. Every single time. If anyone contradicts him, he bans them, full stop.

It's like someone quotes Kim Jung Un saying he speaks for the NK leadership and you go "But he's just one guy! Stop cherrypicking!" Yeah, he's one guy, and he's the only guy that matters. Nobody can contradict him.

You said "Also not sure if you linked to the right post but that guy never told anyone to kill people (or implied it)..."

Oh ok. Fair enough. Didn't know that was the same guy. Either way, the initial post I commented on never implied it. But I do recognize the guy has a tendency to say shit like that.

He's a mod you dense fuck. That guy decides what content stays and what content goes. Which means that the entire sub's content has to agree with his crazy kill-the-capitalists mentality, or he just bans you. Which is exactly what happened to me, and if you spend five fucking seconds looking through his post history you can see that he literally does that every time he gets into an argument on that sub. Every single time. If anyone contradicts him, he bans them, full stop.

Then why not advocate to have him removed as mod? Let's recenter the discussion here (and maybe avoid insults?): this is about banning a subreddit. You think it should be banned because one mod is spreading violent rhetoric. I find that a little heavy handed. You haven't even tried to show that the subreddit is hate-filled like physical removal (top of the thread we're posting in), which we seem to both agree should have been removed.

Here's my reasoning: I don't think a subreddit should be banned based on the actions of a single individual (mod or not) because it gives single individuals too much power. Now, I would certainly get behind having him removed from the mod team or being banned from the website, but I don't see how the whole subreddit should follow.

No I don't. The nazis vs the people who actually want to do something about them vs "why cant we be friends" radical centrists. I know what side I'm on.

Yeah, the militant communist armed revolution side. The side that condones shooting small business owners in the head for being "bourgeois". Isn't it cute how such an anti-capitalist movement steals so many plays from capitalism? You're trying to brand the movement that condones the mass murder of people that have nothing to do with Nazism as "the side of people who actually want to do something about [Nazis]", and you're branding the side that says "freedom of speech is more important than these 300 degenerate skinheads" as the "why can't we be friends radical centrists". Like, what the fuck does radical centrist even mean.

Go find a career in marketing or spin doctoring.

I see advocation of armed revolution with some evidence-based reasoning to back it up.

I got banned for pointing out that it was ridiculous when they were celebrating John McCain being diagnosed with brain cancer.


Just from this morning. An entire thread devoted to violence and violent protesting:


In before you try and explain it away as some sort of satire.

Mod Announcement saying nobody should argue Republicans don't deserve to be shot, after the congressional shooting in DC.

Your family served to be put into labor camps to a cuban immigrant after Castro's death.

Hoping McCain suffers and his family is forced to watch

A meme about the severed heads of capitalists lining the streets

I could keep going, or you could listen to the others that say LSC is the happiest and nicest place on Reddit.

Still a little different than a sub whose focus in on physically removing people. Right? Personally I'm glad the bar is set so high for bannings.

echochamber that preaches hate.

That's what the person said. You moved the goalposts to better suit your argument.

Saying Republicans deserve to be shot is, in my book, just as bad.

Saying John McCain deserves to die is okay in your book?

A mod of LSC saying police officers deserve to die after the shooting of the French policemen.

Nothing but love in that sub, no hate.

To be fair, I've seen many people glad about McCain's death on t_d too

This isn't about politics though. They can preach whatever politics they want without being a hateful, violence pushing subreddit. Both should be banned.

This isn't about politics though. They can preach whatever politics they want without being a hateful, violence pushing subreddit. Both should be banned.

Fucking agreed.

Ah yes, we should deal with the nazi problem by writing witty editorials and cracking small hand jokes.

Sounds fine by me, I need something to read while taking my morning shit.


The poster in lsc who made that comment came from The_Donald. Not exactly what I would imagine to be a regular over at the anti-capitalism sub. It's a shit example

Oh it's ok then.im glad you hold yourself to the standards of T D

Because two wrongs make a right?

Plus, it seems you forgot to read the parent comment, which called for t_D to also be banned for the same reason

Do fullcommunism, latestagecapitalism, and TD next.

Plus, it seems you forgot to read the parent comment, which called for t_D to also be banned for the same reason

Yeah, and why not? They're calling for heads of various political opponents on daily basis, and I don't mean that figuratively.

I'm in agreement. Ban them.

And LSC too, for the same reasons.

As someone who has lost a family member due to lack of health insurance, I sincerely hope John McCain feels the same pain & suffering that him (and people like him) have campaigned for.

And that guy that you're referencing in that post about police officers got downvoted to oblivion. What in the fuck are you even talking about?

Go up a bit and look at the rest of the posts in LSC and tell me it isn't inciting violence.

The comment rebuking that person has over 5 times as many upvotes as the actual violent comment itself. Not to mention that the violent comment came from The_Donald to post in LSC as opposed to being a regular contributor. It'd be like me telling you that all capitalists should be shot and someone from sub reddit drama saying that this sub incites violence

The me_irl copy calls for annihilation of bankers and killing of capitalists. Tell me that isn't inciting violence.

It's a fucking meme, Jesus Christ. No one is actually advocating chopping off ''capitalists heads'', it's clearly an exaggeration for comedic effect.

I thought the whole "legalize gay weed" would give it away, but you're actually so dense that you took that meme as a legitimate call for violence.

Throwing commies out of choppers was also just a meme brah.

Sorry to break this to you but just because the Nazis are worse doesn't mean tankies aren't total shit as well. Even the "ironic" ones. From reddit to the alt right battle clashes in the streets, Daddies Spez and Trump are going to eventually be forced to take out the trash via online bans and irl bans of civil liberties and unfractured skulls and bones when the National Guard gets to beatinh the living shit out of anyone out past curfew. All because certain people can't not be bloodthirsty violent assholes for more than a couple weeks at a time.

It wasn't downvoted until it was brigaded, naturally.

On behalf of everyone without healthcare because of him, yes McCain can burn in hell

Isn't McCain one of the Republicans who voted against the repeal?

If you look to your timeline, you can see that feels come before reals.

Ah, yes. I had quite forgotten.

Do you think that's the only healthcare bill he's ever voted on?

Does it matter? People wanted Obamacare, he voted to keep Obamacare.

echochamber that preaches hate.

Well there goes reddit!

Reddit was a mistake



Vänta fan, tänkte på spez. Sorry 😅

Lol =D

And why should anyone give a mother fuck about McCain after the policies he supports caused others to die of the same illness?

The goal posts weren't in the right place to begin with.

Oh, no. A sub that "preaches" "hate" towards a system of administrating resources! Anything but that!

Saying a group of people deserve to be shot is hatred toward a system of administrating resources?

Considering that the people in question are doing violence to millions of other people for meaningless fun-points and the means of removing them from their positions or limiting their power are completely ineffective (and they control it)?

Yeah, that sounds like a valid reason to enact violence. It's not like they're saying "kill all capitalists", which would be demonstrating hate on the basis of creed. No, it was "fuck these particular guys for this particular thing" based on a choice those particular people made to harm others.

I feel like you don't know how society works.

At least you're doubling down on LSC being a hate sub. I'm not advocating for or against anything, but if you are literally saying people should be killed and/or die then you are preaching hatred.

At least you're doubling down on LSC being a hate sub.

Definitely am not.

I'm not advocating for or against anything, but if you are literally saying people should be killed and/or die then you are preaching hatred.

No, numb nuts. Someone, for example, discussing the utility of the death penalty is not preaching hatred. Someone talking about quarantining someone with a deadly infectious disease is not preaching hatred. Someone talking about assisted suicide is not preaching hatred. Your standards are not only ridiculously low, they're just plain ridiculous.

It's abso-fucking-lutely fine to feel animosity towards people causing harm and it is sanctioned explicitly all over our nation, and arguably the world, to use violence as necessary to stem the harm caused to many people by a single person or a select group. It's how police take down lone gunmen. Harm reduction is the aim. No one is here for your cloudy thinking and bullshit morality.

So people you disagree with should die, whatever makes you feel better about yourself... That's still hate. Capitol punishment is, actually, hate. Quarantine is not killing someone, it is putting them away hoping they get better. I'm not sure how that applies at all.

You are advocating violence, which is sad.

So people you disagree with should die,

If what we disagree on are things like the fact that 300 million Americans shouldn't suffer and die because tax cuts tot he rich get their dick hard? Yes. They absolutely should die.

Obviously though, and this should go without saying but you seem slow on the uptake, the reason they should die bears next to no relationship with whether they agree with me or not. They could nominally agree with me, still be throwing 300 million people under the bus through their actions and they still should die.

I don't care what you think is sad. You're either really bad at this trolling thing or someone who doesn't know their ass from their ankles. This conversation is over.

Yes. They absolutely should die.

All anyone really needed to know.

Bye worthless human waste.

Since you're likely a high schooler or low intelligence, let me walk this through for you.

In a modern democracy, assassination doesn't result in a change in policy it results in a doubling down of policy. This isn't the French Revolution the violent left tends to think.

So let's follow out your "Kill John McCain" policy. John McCain is dead, now what? Who do you think replaces him, a Democrat? Someone who will take the warning? No, the replacement will be selected by the governor of AZ, a Republican, and likely someone who is near-equal to McCain.

So now what? Do we kill the new Senator AND the governor? Sure, let's do that. We've now killed three people...

Except those people were elected, they weren't dropped off by the Congressional stork. John McCain won AZ with 1.3 million votes. Doug Ducey won the governorship with 800k votes. So now you need to round up and kill 800k people to prevent someone similar to Ducey from being elected.

I know, this is some pretty high level stuff, so just keep your teenage edge I'm sure it impresses your friends.

Oh. Ok. So you went to college, took a pol sci class and now feel adequate to the task of speaking to adults about this. Sure, I can do you that one favor before I block your young, stupid ass.

Here's some game theory so basic a mouth-breathing moron like you can get it. Your predecessor gets murdered in broad fucking daylight specifically for his policies. Do you A) do the exact same fucking thing, honoring your constituency and probably getting murdered, or B) hesitate because you love your life?

Bye trog.

Can you point to a MODERN example of this behavior. You're part of the violent left so clearly still stuck on the French Revolution, which was not a democracy at all.

The people in power are there because they were elected. If the voters did not agree with them then they wouldn't be there. Your beef is with the voters, without them the politician has zero power. So, again, you need to round up 800k people at a minimum.

I'm just saying that occasional hate is better than dedicated hate.

None of that is ok, but I think that a sub dedicated to the idea of violence - physical removal - should be easier to ban than one that is occasionally hateful -- LSC, T_D, politics, hearthstone, etc.

Still very different than a sub whose focus is on physically removing people. Right? Personally I'm glad the bar is set so high for bannings.

Yes, it's absolutely different to have memes of decapitated heads in the street than physically removing people. One is murder, but is advocated by reddit's far left extremists. The other is unlawful deportation and murder advocated by reddit's far right.

The only different is that LSC is reddit's far left ideology which is closer to what the admins of reddit are thinking and reddit in general, so it's brushed under the rug like you're doing right now by trying to place whataboutisms in your comments and try to justify their heinous propaganda using moral relativism.

You might not have done that intentionally in your comment, but that is what the comment does.

The bar should be set high for banning, but the far left subs have already crossed it. They are not using metaphors now, they are actually advocating murder, and people are blind to that because our educational system has failed us when it comes to communism and socialism. The Gulag Archipelago should be standard reading, communism should be condemn for what it has always been since the beginning. A flawed and dangerous ideology not unlike Nazism, only the victims are different, but the methods are immensely similar.

people are blind to that because our educational system has failed us when it comes to communism and socialism

Really? Because I'm 24 and heard nothing but hatred and bashing of both communism and socialism through school, including college. Also heard nothing but condemnation of unions and welfare. There was nothing but praise for capitalism though.

Personally I'm glad the bar is set so high for bannings.

I agree... except that I don't understand why Physical_Removal would be banned but LSC wouldnt.

Maybe I just don't see the hate in he sub? Someone linked some hateful stuff, but it's occasional compared to physical removal, which is dedicated to the idea of violence.

Damn they're right tbh. Good sub.

Keep yourself safe comrade

Stay woke comrade

All that edge, you must have an amazing life.


hahahahahhahahahhahh whatever helps you sleep at night, Patriot™

Implying everyone that isn't a tankie is a Nazi is really proving my point.

I mean if you operate in reality and stop muff diving clinton and mccain then yeah. People who dislike American Capitalism™ are growing to be the majority. That's not a fantasy, that's a fact. No you can absolutely be a radical centrist sack of uselessness, but inaction is the pillar of condoning and enabling an action. Go stick your head in WSJ and fuck off, the real adults have fash to bash.

grabs popcorn

the real adults have fash to bash.

92% of left-wing activists live with their parents and one in three is unemployed.


Ah yes, according to the dailymail. The breitbart of england. Thanks for that great info. Can we talk about something that's actually confirmed, like the fact the inbred in that car a few days ago still lives with his mommy? Can't imagine any competent human being whose favorite word is "cuck"

Questioning the source is the go to attack for people afraid of reality, aka privileged larpers like yourself.

If you are a self proclaimed communist in 2017 you have failed at life and are a basement dwelling fatass. There is no middle ground. Normal people think you're a weirdo with no friends just trying to be edgy, and they're right. Sorry.

1) lol, linking to the daily mail like that means any fucking shit

2) And we know, economic woes like this have never led to anything before

lol The economy is improving everyday. You basement revolutionaries want to start gulaging people because you think the public gives a fuck that you have blue hair and a dick vagina. Not exactly a basis for Bolshevism.

Go back to playing Hearts of Iron or get a job and join the actual working class, dummy. Those are your only options.

I'm shocked that someone whose post history is almost exclusive of /r/the_donald has a warped view of reality. You morons are literally in the minority right now. KYS.

Also my job's probably a lot better than yours.

It's not a warped view or reality, its just reality if you actually knew anything about economics besides HOI and Total War.

Trump supporters far, far outnumber any self admitted communist. This is a fact, because modern communists have a reputation for being gross, unhealthy, unemployed and with severe emotional problems. You are actually a joke.

Also since you are a confirmed larper I bet you're going to say you're a millionaire ceo next. You live in a fantasy world, very sad imo.


Of course I'll go outside, how the hell am I gonna kill a nazi inside? Think friend, think.

Like I said. You guys live in a fantasy world. Life is a video game.

You know you're not going to kill anyone. We know you're not going to kill anyone. This is all a meme fueled cry for attention.

You live a sad, sad life and I pity you.

Eat a helicopter.

Ah yes, the inevitable commie brigade.

Can't win in real life, so you have to win on the internet. Cute

Are they wrong though?

I would argue nobody "deserves" to be shot, or killed. A capital punishment discussion is obviously in order, but ironically it's supposed to be people on the left against it.

i am opposed to capital punishment. But it does not change the fact that i feel joy when evil people get punished for their actions.

I come from a country where people communism and retroactive punishment was implemented. The psychological trauma that it left on my family can still be felt today, literally 100 years after that hell began.

Most people who are "evil" yet go unpunished get that treatment because the legal framework of this country allows for it. If you think their behavior is evil, then work to elect officials who will rewrite laws to better suit your moral compass. But don't wish evil on anyone else.

Where I come from, there's a saying:

Revolutions always advocate for equal affluence for the people, but always end up bringing them equal poverty.

Perhaps with the exception of the American revolution, I can't think of a single revolution that didn't bring at least a decade of severe and perfectly avoidable suffering to the masses.

American revolution

Black people and native Americans would like a word with you.

That's not quite the same things as those were problems that would have existed even if there was no revolution.

What evil are you speaking of? Please use concise and cogent examples and arguments.


The hotels where the shower curtain doesn't reach the entire span of the opening.

The beds where your feet hang off or you head touces the headboard

But it does not change the fact that i feel joy when evil people get punished for their actions.

So you would feel joy if McCain was murdered?

You should seek out a qualified therapist.

working to remove people from healthcare could indirectly cause a lot of deaths. How many indirect deaths does it take to equal a purposeful murder? 'Genocide resulting in death' is a capital punishment level offense, as is a drug related death.

We live in a country where someone could steal 100 bucks and wind up with twenty years but someone who steals millions ends up getting off scott free. Or where a congressman might push an agenda which kills hundreds of thousands of innocents and gets less time than someone who commits involuntary manslaughter.

I think it warrants a conversation and wouldn't go as far to say that any politician nowadays might not be deserving of capital punishment.

A conversation is fine and preferred. An inquistion is not which is precisely what the loonies in LSC are calling for

The conversation, in question is, did the minority whip earn the bullet?

Are you actually willfully stupid or is this just how every socialist acts?

Well we fought a cold war for more reasons then political dick measuring contests

Actually, no, we didn't. That's literally the only reason the cold war happened.

great counter, genius.


That is just how they are.

I wouldn't put people who say that someone deserves something to be the same as someone who actively wants to go out and act on that justification.

In the minds of the people arguing that the republican deserves to be shot, they honestly blame republicans and feel that they have that punishment coming to them. Even if they're wrong in who they blame, this is a completely normal human desire. It's exactly the same mindset of the people who think that pedophiles deserve to be raped or murderers deserve to be murdered and rejoice when these events happen but less people are willing to criticize them because they agree on who is at fault, the reason why this seems so bad is because you don't believe that Republicans are directly at fault.

The issue is you are justifying people's desire to watch those they disagree with die. That is espousing hate.

They aren't just wishing it upon the people themselves but their families. I don't agree with Bernie or Hillary or Trump but as fellow humans I hope they live long lives... Just outside politics asap.

I am not justifying it, I'm saying that nearly everyone does that and nobody cares unless they disagree with them. I'm trying to call out this hypocrisy so that people understand their reasoning and know that they do the same. If you were to read an article about a pedophilic rapist who murdered 10 kids and got away with it and not wish he would die or experience all the suffering that he's caused them, you are in the minority.

I wasn't talking about the people who wish it on their families.

The Cuba labor camp post got that guy banned tho...

Alright. I'll accept evidence when I see it. Fuck LSC too, then.

Go into the comments once

"No one can reasonably argue that the Republican congressmen shot today didn't deserve it. They absolutely did."

There's also this from their modmail but I can't confirm if it's legit or not.

I don't see the sub getting banned unless something much worse happens from it.

The mods celebrated an ISIS attack because it killed a cop in France.

can't tell if sarcastic... or just retarded

have u ever been there bro

Your reading comprehension seems to work as well as your social skills.


Well clearly you're too retarded to get sarcasm.

It's basically poor people complaining about being poor. No one takes them seriously because their bitter whining is transparent. The amount of wealth they have is just the right amount, if not a little low. Anyone earning less than them is a lazy fuck and anyone above them is a Monster who has used the blood and sweat of babies just for the sake of a few dollars

I browse that subreddit on the daily and read most comments, and I have not once seen someone unironically suggest killing anyone (other than multi-multi billionaires that have been caught doing awful things but even that is just an expression of sentiment)

Oh well that's fine then, rich people aren't human anyway, right?

Fuck off, apologist. LSC also calls for the death of police on a regular basis but I bet that doesn't count for you either.

"LSC also calls for the death of police on a regular basis but I bet that doesn't count for you either. " wrong Trump voice

Wait? Are you guys teling me all this talk about the oncoming mayocide is just a joke to you? Fucking centrists!

Yes, rich people are human and should be held just as accountable. You stab someone to death and people call for death. Your corporate greed results in hundreds dying and you're just a smart business practitioner. If you want to throw around the word "apologist," watch out how hard you go to defend what corporations will do for their bottom line.

Can't say I've seen people literally say the police should be killed. Link me. They hate senseless police shootings as much as anyone

This is amazing how you can immediately backpedal within the same sentence. Is this your super power?

The comment I responded to said "all those who disagree with them." What I vaguely remember seeing (but couldn't remember an example of) is people saying that the kind of atrocities some corrupt rich people commit is deserving of death.

I got banned for saying not all police "deserve to die". Apparently even just considering that maybe not all deserve murder is enough to get banned.

I'd love to see the actual comment you got banned for. If the comment literally just read "not all police deserve to die," I will never browse /r/LSC again. But I am 1000% sure you included something else that was hateful or anti-socialist.

Not the OP but this is what I got banned for (72 hour ban, I unsubbed afterwards).

I may hate my minimum wage job but I show up on time and leave when I'm scheduled to. Just because the system is rigged against you doesn't mean you should give in to fatalism.

In reply to a chain of comments saying that more or less it's okay to not give a fuck about your job because capitalism sucks.

If you're not idiotic you can immediately see the problem.

I have spent literally the last 90 minutes going down a rabbit hole of researching the left's presence on Reddit, and it's not pretty. It seems like the mods of all these subs like /r/socialism and LSC are putrid. Perhaps it's because the type of people that gain leadership roles on these subs tend to be extremist (and therefore passionate enough to fight for a leadership position). Pretty disgusting to see how they throw their weight around and have seemingly forgotten how to engage in discourse because they have the ability to silence it.

My experience of LSC has been mostly superficial, and I have taken it all with a grain of salt. You don't see how toxic the mods are when you just casually browse, but now I see that shit is whack. Gonna have to do a lot of reading to learn where I stand on this weird crazy spectrum that is leftist politics

No it's not

Def not true. Been following for a while now.

most of that sub is memes

Most hate subs are

Sounds an awful lot like /r/anarchism

LSC is an echochamber but I haven't seen anyone calling out for murders or anything like that.

I've been there a few times to look at memes backing my librul agenda and yeah they can be assholes (like super assholes even) but I've not seen any violent type stuff. Guess I don't go there enough. Good looking out.

Do you know how much work it would be to murder everyone who disagrees with me? Fuck that.

When I first found them I thought it was just an ironic meme sub. Then I got banned for a joke about Castro. Specifically, a comment stated "He died on Black Friday. Your shopping dollars killed him!" so I responded "Money well spent."

Immediately banned.

LateStageCapitalism: a subreddit for idiots to whine about problems caused by socialism while blaming capitalism.

Not sure this should be banned. I've come across people there being violently ignorant, but not ignorantly violent.

moderated by absolutely abhorrent people, attracts abhorrent people.

Yep legit. I was subscribed for a bit since I'm fairly anti-capitalist (or at least we need huge changes to the system we have in the US) but I got banned for saying that minimum wage employee's should show up to their jobs on time.

Really they ban anyone who challenges what they think, even if they fundamentally agree with them. What they're left with is a bunch of blindly faithful followers who don't think for themselves which is basically the opposite of what the sub should be.

I got banned for saying some equally non weird shit

Yeah I got banned for saying Castro was a piece of shit and not a good guy. They banned me for anti Communist propaganda lmao.

You have been banned from r/pyongyang

A mod was promoting Marxism-Leninism there. I pointed out promoting that stuff might turn new people away. I got banned for sectarianism.

It's total bs that that place is anything other than front for tankies, disguised as general socialist meme center.

I don't know single Leninist in my leftist circles. Young people are all anarchists. It's funny how loud minority can get so much visibility.

Young people are all anarchists.

can confirm

It's funny how loud minority can get so much visibility. It's almost as if their ideology was based around seizing power "for the people"!

I'm a young person and a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist

That's par for the course with communism. Don't expect anything else there or in any other communist community.

I think in the online world you're probably right. Communism is a pretty fringe ideology that attracts a lot of dogmatic idiots.

In real life though I've met a few communist leaning individuals who were thoughtful and were able to hold a reasonable discussion about their views.

Oh yeah, I got banned for arguing that calling working under capitalism for literally slavery is diminishing the word and is disrespectful to, you know, actual slaves.

I came to ask the exact same thing.

That sub is as big an echo chamber as any sub, almost as bad as /r/the_donald. Combine complete lack of comprehension of even the most basic facts about economics and finance with shrill accusations and calls for violence over the vaguest "issues" and ban-happy mods targeting anyone who dares stray from the groupthink and you've got one of the most cancerous subs on this site.

Ignoring the question of whether it should be banned, the subreddit is all about genocide denial, antisemitic dog whistling, "ironic" calls for violence. It uses culture jamming in the same way the alt-right does, by joking about horrible things "ironically" so as to normalize them. /r/fullcommunism and similar subreddits do it as well. The SPLC's characterization of the tactics used by the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer site applies somewhat to these subreddits:

The culture jamming tactics co-opted by Anglin present a Catch-22 for the mainstream media. Writing about their campaigns generates precisely the publicity and desensitization that bad actors with nothing to lose, like Anglin, are after. His hypothesis is that regular viewers exposed to a tide of seemingly hyperbolic images will eventually begin to laugh, even if reluctantly, creating a new status quo for what passes as acceptable content across the mainstream Internet and ostensibly redefining the rules of the debate.

hate circlejerk with troll hairtrigger-ban mods. insane-left (postmodern, intersectionalist, revolutionary, stalinist, maoist, juche, etc.) propaganda seeking to capture all anti-corruption sentiment for the glory of the motherland.

it causes aids

One of the mods said the Holodomor never happened, and many other horrible things.

Communism deserves no audience.

Why LSC?

Because its a toxic sub that isn't at all based in reality. 14 year olds talking about shit they don't understand.

None of those things are reasons to ban a sub.

Going to have to remove 90% of Reddit at that point


3D is better than 2D tbqh fam. Cartoons are only for normies.

Muggles ruin everything.

All of that applies to r/drama too though.

It's full of tankies who have a terrible habit of either denying (e.g. Holodmor is not real) or celebrating (e.g Kulaks deserved it) the tens of millions of deaths that happened because of communism.

All of which perfectly serves to describe r/drama just as well.

Lol. Subs aren't banned just because they hurt your feelings, bud.

Okay, then it should be banned because communism is dangerous.

communism is dangerous

Yeah, mate, I don't know if you heard or not but cold war is over now. No need to be afraid of those damn commies.

What exactly do you think Antifa is?

Everyone on the left =/= commies

Personally, I blocked them from my /r/all because they're another one of those subreddits that posts obvious problems in the form of memes in order to get onto /r/all, then bans anybody who doesn't fully buy into their rather extreme worldview, in order to get communist rhetoric onto the front page.

They're basically a communist version of The_Donald. I don't personally think they should be banned, but I feel the same way about T_D. Just ignore them.

Memes win presidencies, it's just them practicing for 2020.

All the subs that use botting to get to the front page should be quarantined.

Genuinely interested in why you'd ask for the first 2, is it because they're annoying or are they a bad community?

Which one of these, is not like the other, which one of these, doesn't belong!

/r/anarchism as well. Funny how those fuckers somehow stay under the radar whenever "incitement on reddit" is discussed.

Because admins like to pretend they're badass anarchists when they get home, ride the bus to their overpriced SF apartments, and jerk off to pictures of Noam Chomsky.

i don't even understand latestagecapitalism. they had a post bitching about mccain, before he voted no on healthcare. it was a simple meme saying he was a bastard. my comment was.

he's a republican.

i got banned. was i too offensive? was i not offensive enough? no, i was banned "because you're a liberal".

i generally do not understand their outrage.

They're communists. They hate anyone and anything western and civilized.

You can really tell that /r/subredditdrama linked to this comment by all the commie apologists replying to it, the neck and leg beards on that sub are not subtle at all

I agree, or at least make it so they can't be viewed, unless subscribed. Echo chambers shouldn't be allowed to blast themselves to r/all.

You have my axe!

I'd like to throw /r/anarchism in there too given it's used to organize political violence

Full communism can be pretty bad. LSC's shittiness isn't common enough. Most of the time it is just memes - same with TD. imgoingtohellforthis should probably be next.

Let's also do neo-liberal eist and all those. They all preach hate, dog.

So having a political opinion = hate now?

Nope, not even a little bit, but those subs definitely whip the masses in to a frenzy. All they do is post about how terrible other people are. At least, that was what made it to the front page. I blocked the subs because I'm not a fan, but if we are leveling political subs, might as well play fair, ya dig?

lel fuck off hillary, we didn't kill an innocent woman at charlottesville, we bashed the people who did. the fact that two socialist subreddits came to your mind before TD shows what kind of person you are.

I'm going to fuck your dad and Pol Pot in the ass in hell when I die from a heart attack in twenty years.

of a heart attack

in twenty years


Enjoying life. Show me your dick.

You're my hero.

While I see your point, the moderators of FC and LSC at least post reminders to remain civil report any calls to violence, which T_D and PR didn't do, at least not in any meaningful way. There are literally plans being made to protest Heather Heyer's funeral. How sick do you have to be to want to do that? That being said, the mods on FC and LSC tend to use the ban hammer liberally on anyone who disagrees with the general narrative, which sucks but isn't cause for removal.

But what if we break the containment subreddits? all the crazy people will come spilling out!

Yes because td is a sub that loves their president and the others hate

Wait, why latestagecapitalism? All they do is point out how sick capitalism gets at its most extremes.

More like /r/Digitally_Removed amiright?

What, you want a cookie?

tbh yes

Nobody asked you though

first of all

how dare you


I dont have cookies, but we have brownies.

Chocolate chip or macadamia nut? Because I don't fuck with no oatmeal-raisin bullshit.

My mudder always said "Chipper, old people shouldn't be allowed make love. Whenever they fawk they look like two Halloween decorations bumpin' around in the dryer." I'm like, "HIGH FIVE, MA!"

fuk ya, home run Chippa!

I'm upvoting this one cause I saw it first. I am downvoting yours cause I read it already.

Bad bot

Hey now buddy, just wait until we get bodies and you're done for.

Did not

What was about? I never checked any posts

physical removal

Peaceful negotiation and political advocacy

Preemptive self-defense from commies

killing leftists.


A helicopter appreciation society.

Killing leftist and supporting white nationalist groups mostly

REEEing will be intense and lolsworthy from both sides

Uh no one side will reee the other will kek.

No, both sides will reee, one in impotent anger, the other in pathetic joy

The reee sounds a lot like a kek.

Dude, if you're getting physically happy that an internet subreddit has been banned, you're not better than a REEEEEEE


what about mentally happy

Equally pathetic tbh

spiritually happy?

And Reddit exercise their rights for free speech

If you phyiscally remove /r/physical_removal you're just as bad as they are


First they came for the ones who came first for the socialists


I guess you could say they got physically removed.

So to speak.




They got physically removed.

You have to go home!

My favorite helicopter themed sub :-(

Second favorite here. I prefer /r/attackhelicoptersGW

r/helicopterswitharms is better than both tbqh.

You fucking tease.

Why? Or uh why now? Did they dox someone?

Stop. I can only jerk off so much.

Hopefully getting rid of the containment board won't flood the rest of reddit with this.

Is voat still around to sponge up these people?

Didn't they go out of business or was that Mimzy

I thought it was the lefty reddit clone that died

Imzy safe space'd their way out of existence

let's hope they don't come here

they were already here

Is voat still around to sponge up these people?

Similarly to how people on reddit can browse & post to more than one subreddit, people on the internet can browse & post to more than one website.

I don't know why you fuckin retards have such a hard time understanding the internet.

It wasn't even a containment board tho.

The whole idea of containment subs is bullshit. All it does is give the tards a place to sniff each other's farts and reinforce their own views. If you scatter them in the wind they'll just end up all being the hidden comments at the bottom of every thread.

So all it takes for a subreddit to be shut down is for people to be killed? Spez might as well be the joker.

Just wait for the communist truck of peace so we can finally ban /r/socialism and /r/anarchism

Recalling the commies during the days of rage it'll more likely be a car bomb instead of a truck of peace.

more like its gonna be a mob of antifa running away like pansies after being tear gassed and they end up stampeding over some poor kid or old woman.

I encourage you to not underestimate these people. They've already shown a willingness to commit felony assault with a deadly weapon (granted in the most cowardly manner possible). It didn't take long for leftist radicals to start making pipe bombs in the 70s, and if anything the internet has accelerated the rate at which groups radicalize.

I was thinking more of anarkiddies.

I do remember some of those extreme left groups that kidnapped some rich guys daughter and raped her and made her say she was a communist lesbian or shit. Forgot her name. Shit was crazy though back then.

I don't know if they have it in them to murder, the closest I see is them beating up people in trump hats. I can see them murdering obvious nazis though. I'm probably just biased because the antifa around me are very scrawny and are only in it coz its "cool" and everyone in the city does it.

Though I feel like nazis have an easier goal ; just kill any brown person. Antifa well they cant just kill every white coz theyre mostly white in some parts so they have to determine if someones a nazi yet. I guess you're right that one day theyll kill some republican or liberal for not being a communist.

ah yes, the Symbionese Liberation Army

they were great for dramacoin

Symbionese Liberation Army

The United Federated Forces of the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) was an American left-wing revolutionary organization active between 1973 and 1975 that considered itself a vanguard army. The group committed bank robberies, two murders, and other acts of violence.

The SLA became internationally notorious for the kidnapping of heiress Patty Hearst, abducting the 19-year-old from Berkeley, California. Interest increased when Hearst, in audiotaped messages delivered to (and broadcast by) regional news media, announced that she had joined the SLA. Hearst later said that members of the terrorist group threatened to kill her, held her in close confinement, and sexually assaulted and brainwashed her.

[ PM | Exclude me | Exclude from subreddit | FAQ / Information | Source ] Downvote to remove | v0.24

Ahh how I miss the good old RAF.

I heard the brought the old band back together, but all they did was rob a bank, leftist terrorists those are...

if and when that happens, I'll be glad to see them go.

Is it possible to run an mkultra style operation in my basement, brainwashing some commie into peace-trucking some Trump rally? Also, into believing that they are a huge Steven Universe fan of course. And an avid LoL player, which also bigly informed their actions.

Asking for a friend.

/r/TD next please I want more tendy flinging

Too many click from them I'm afraid. This is a business after all.

/r/TD, /r/ETS, /r/Anarchism(101), /r/LateStageCapitalism, /r/FullCommunism

That would optimal tendy flinging i think

Oh god I wish would be better than the Brianna Wu shitfest imo

The great Tendy war. r/justneckbeardthings cup overfloweth.

I'm not sure I want to witness the fallout from that. It's like when you squish mother spider and all hundreds babies from her back crawl away through entire house. Yeah, would be fun drama, but Reddit would also be unusable for weeks.

Admins are, as usual, very selective about the hate they'll sanction and the hate they'll ban.

Haha this fucking clown. Love him. *huuuuuuuuuuug

You're surprised?

Not at all, I've been here off and on for nearly a decade, and have seen it get more and filtered from reality.

for reference, this is the guy who got triggered recently by people taking issue with his gloating over "violent antifa fucks getting made into speedbumps"

Yeah, I about had a psychological breakdown over it.

Looking up comment history makes you a faggot

good thing i didn't have to, given it was a day old and i had replied to it

"Um was it not implied we were providing parachutes?"


And r/Anarcho_Capitalism has a totally reasonable reaction to r/Physical_Removal getting banned.


Anarcho therefore degeneracy.

Fascism is degeneracy. Neoliberalism is degeneracy.

This is a good week for drama

Big if tru.

Commie admins confirmed

Hell yeah! Turns out you can't promote ISIS-style car murders on Reddit indefinitely without the admins finally taking note. Fuck you, fascists (and "anarcho-capitalists" too).

This is /u/prince_kropotkin's best day of his life everyone, he will never feel this happy again

He probably will, he's more successful than you.

If your idea of success is screeching at internet edgelords and lording it over fellow commies, he is Bill Gates to my dying junkie

I'll probably make more money buying fake internet money than he'll make in his entire career before helicoptering himself.

Says the edgy fascist teenager.

Fam listen to yourself, fascists aren't allowed to buy my libertarian anti-government sheckles, teenagers can't afford shitcoins and edgy people are the ones participating in the Mayocide, do I sound like one of those things?

Says 'helicoptering himself' unironically Still won't come to terms with the fact he's an edgy teenage fascist

Bitcoins are laughable. The mayocide is r/drama's fantasy.

Are you lost? Can I call a helicopter to take you back home?

Are you still salty over r/Physical_Removal getting banned?

When if bring such great drama and people like you into the drama den? I wish it could happen everyday.

Are you lost little child? Do you need somebody to lead you back to SRD?

He's still not as happy as he goes on an African adventure.

Free Helicoptor rides for that sub, I guess.

This merely proves the point of Physical Removal.

I guess you think the color of your morning poop merely proves the point of Physical Removal.

The Redditocrats decided Physical Removal of a destructive influence was a legitimate decision. And, it is.

im running out of places on this site to be able to talk about throwing commies out of helicopters

not that I actually posted in any of them, I just liked visiting them

Surprised it took this long honestly.

They can remove the kebab from my hand but they'll never remove the kebab in my heart

HEEL NAW. P_R was my jam.

But a dozen left-wing dox subs are allowed to stay up.

I never really saw what that sub was about, someone clue me in?

Killing leftists

Wait.. like, really? Just that?

Well, throwing them out of helicopters. So it’s killing leftists with extra steps

They talk about leftists the most, but pretty much everyone that isn't radical right.

No, I mean more so that was their only stance

Not, "oh, just genocide?"

I had just only ever seen the title of the subreddit never the content so I don't have a reference point here, similar to when I heard r/incels went private. I'd HEARD of it but had no idea what heinous shit went on in there.

Ooohhhh alright, sorry about that.

Yeah that's pretty much it. Genocide fetishization.

Funny how they've been allowing left-wing subs to dox people for days now.

Doxxing is purely an internet term, meaning publishing private info about someone from internet sources. Identifying someone who showed up to an event in real life is not doxxing. You truly have no idea of what happens around you, huh.



please stop you're upsetting the richard stallman in me


Well, I walk in to buy some tissues, and at the counter, I hear the manager talking about some skateboard punks in the back by the garbage bins. The guy said he was about to have to call the cops. I told him there's no need to, I'll take care of it myself. So, I walked to the back of the store, and lo and behold, a couple of good for nothings were tearing the place up. A couple of them asked me what I was doing here, so I took of my shades, looked them straight in eye, and said, " Well boys, I'm here to take out the trash, then I grabed one of their skateboards, and broke it over my knee. Then, one of them threw a punch at me. I caught it, and looked thr punk straight in the eye, and said " I'm afraid theres no need for you to be recycled, then I threw him straight over my head into one of the garbage dumpsters. Then, the rest of the kids ran away in fear. I was glad I could help my community, and look good doing it.

The amount of comma splicing in this gave me an aneurysm.

Like who? If you have evidence of such a thing you should report it regardless of who does it.

If you're not /u/FuckURedditor you are doing a smashing impression of him.

fuck me, i knew his constant, pained seriousposting reminded me of someone

Woop woop!

Fuck now what do I do with this pilot's licence?

What was on that subreddit?

Is there a similar subreddit inciting violence against the alt right? That hasn't been banned

Being fat increases likelihood of death from accidents tho...

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Basically a bunch of people circle-jerking about slaughtering leftists.



StormFags ruined that place :(

I'm altright, and I posted quite a bit there. And I was one of the only ones to say in a post glorifying violence (basically saying the car incident was ethical), we could go the same way of r/altright. In fairness, I remember being upvoted for that comment.

Who knows if that was the post that finally screwed them over. Sigh...

EDIT: Here's the last archive, from today coincidentally: http://archive.is/Yzj2Z

Here's one of their recent posts from today. Yeah not good at all. Hate violence so thoroughly disagree with that crap.

Seriouspost, doh: Which was a bigger let down? Unite the Right or Fyre Fest?

Fuck, I was still digesting all of the previous drama.

And yet SRS is still going really makes you think.

Yeah, makes you think "Hey maybe SRS ISN'T doing all the brigading people accuse them of"

Fuck off goon.

That's a great comeback right there, realllly changes someone's mind

Where do you think you are?

r/Drama? Do you not know where you are, do you smell toast?


So /u/Zachums, what did we learn today?

wtf there are supposed to be 800+ comments in here wheres the internal drama @

For inciting violence? Seriously? How is /r/anarchism not banned then?

Spicy Meme to celebrate this occasion: http://i.imgur.com/8vOQ73A.jpg

I'm very disappointed the admins haven't supplied extra drama with a blogpost yet. I'm sure it's coming.

What happened? I lost the drama


He totally backs it.