#Asianhatesummer continues as California takes discrimination against asians to a whole new level; by getting rid of maths for gifted students.

1  2021-05-05 by busslordlowkeybussin


As a mayo who was in the gifted and talented programs from elementary school and onward with the ricecels this is so fucking stupid. For the party that likes to talk about how educated and shit they are why are they trying to stifle that in young kids to placate hood rats that don’t even want to go to school. This is why 🇨🇳 will win.

Then again on the flip side maybe it’s for the best cause all I do is sit at work and post here over a decade later.

I was in special ed too.


Who the fuck is Ed? I don’t know him

not knowing Ed



I bet you didn't even graduate tho

flair up

flair up bitch

makes sense, you still haven't flaired tf up (nah jkjk i love u)

AHHHHH GOTTEM. Cope harder.

Look at this fucking idiot who wants children to learn things and is all butthurt when pencil pushers stuff the ching chong nerds in lockers. I bet you're the kind of "gifted" student who took AP calc in highschool and then took a higher level math in college instead of retaking calc for an "easy A", aren't you four-eyes. What a fucking chump, probably chose classes based on the content in them instead of how easy the professor was rated.

Imagine living in 2021 and still having a working moral compass. Your life must be awful.

Jokes on you I was too lazy to take AP Calc and took Honors Calc. Then I did retake it for an easy A 👉😎👉

... I hate you and I hate that mayos like you are being used as "evidence" that purposefully stunting mathcels is morally acceptable (the third tweet https://twitter.com/SteveMillerOC/status/1389458978938228736 made me fucking rage before I remembered that I need to stop seriousposting)

In my defense I wanted to minor in math before I dropped out of college. So, I have taken all of the mid to higher level math. I am the 19% ✊🏻🧮

I'm surprised it's only 19%. Basically all the kids that were planning to go to college took calc in my high school. We had like three different levels of calc too. All the rslurred other kids took college algebra.

Flair up bbg ill hug you

why are they trying to stifle that in young kids to placate hood rats that don’t even want to go to school.

Because if you improve their self-esteem, the students furthest behind will improve.

That’s why there will be a LOT of group projects once the classes are combined.

The problem is calling them gifted when they're in a program that is "accelerated" only relative to the mind numbing pace of the standard "No Child Left Behind" classrooms.

"No Child Left Behind" can be reinterpreted as "No child a step ahead". Everyone's equal remember, OR ELSE.

Ha! y'all are screwed, because I'm SUPER dumb! enjoy learning algebra in college!

Didn't you read the memo? Acknowledging IQ follows a normal distribution is a hate crime.

Honestly, I wouldn't be so frustrated if such people made an honest attempt to explain, that yes, there are real IQ differences between people, even from birth, but that regardless, they just want us all to gel as "one big happy human family" centuries down the line, and that's why we should try to downplay such truths. Evolutionary sacrificing intelligence and technology for less jealousy/envy or some such.

I still wouldn't agree, but it would move the conversation slightly forwards.

That's great tho cause if you are just above average you can put in zero effort and still over achieve thus maybe finally earning the love of your parents.

Story of my high school years

Calculus as a senior isn't even gifted lol.

Well what can you say, rest of the world it is normal to learn calculus before you graduate HS, while in USA it is supposed to be kind of genius thing.

It's normal but tbh probably shouldn't be. In countries where it's expected to learn calculus in high school, it's just a way to vet kids who aren't good at math, it has no practical use.

Also from what I've seen, the calculus other countries' math classes teach is basically just the easy stuff like integrals, limits and derivatives.

most people who are taking calculus before graduating HS have planned to go into sciences.

easy stuff like integrals, limits and derivatives.

Americans have hard time dealing with basic algebra when they are in college.

it's weird because that's likely almost entirely the fault of education standards that are too slow and aren't mildly rigorous. It isn't hard to actually get practically any child to trig/calc before the end of 12th grade. What is hard is basically letting 75% of kids fall way behind by not pushing them, allowing them to take like 3 levels of rslur algebra and geometry from grades 5-12, and then expecting them to go to college level maths. When they're finally expected to actually progress at a moderate pace, it seems extremely difficult because that level of rigor is so foreign.

In retrospect I'm kind of pissed that I wasn't pushed harder and further in maths in middle/highschool, I could have had a much easier time and got into much higher maths in college, which would have been helpful in pursuing a STEM degree. It's both hilarious and embarassing to say that I only got through calc 1 and have a BS in a STEM field, and am currently in a grad program for the same field. It was real fucking fun to run into partial differential equations while reading published literature, just gouge out my fucking eyes.

I think there's just a lot of stigma about math being hard here in the states so a lot of people don't even try.

I failed the most basic algebra classes in high school multiple times, then I went on to fail basic algebra in college. Always thought I was just dumb and could never understand it.

Finally during one semester I actually like read the problems and shit and it turns out it was stupidly fucking easy the entire time. I just always assumed it was hard so I gave up before I ever even started.

I only got through calc 1 and have a BS in a STEM field

This is why biology shouldn't be called STEM.

Geology actually and I'm basically doing geophysics for my grad degree 😬

Surely you had to learn more math in grad school then, right?

It wasnt made part of my degree plan, I did pick up some in a self-taught way when I needed to understand how something worked, but no organized classes. I'm like geophysics-lite, not dealing with waveform inversion or Fourier transforms like in seismology (people that do that are essentially math/physics/comp sci majors anyway, and they dont know Jack shit about rocks). Mostly deal with magnetism and some fluid dynamics in the half-space.

This has always been a problem with teaching math progressively through grades, at a certain point once a student falls behind it's almost impossible for them to just jump in to a new topic without having a good understanding of the previous ones. Meaning that a student who fucked around for a semester or doesn't grasp the concept as easily will continually fall more and more behind until the task of learning what they previously missed is a mountain.

I used to TA Logic classes at my uni and every semester the class would split between A's and F's hardly anyone falls into the range inbetween. Some people are born more mentally attuned to understanding the concepts and they can keep up, others take longer and can't keep up with the pace of the class. It makes sense to split classes up based on ability or to provide more tutoring/effort required by students that can't keep up.

weird flex but I was a comp sci major for like 1 or 1.5 years and was really good at the formal/mathematical logic but pretty average to trash at calc and higher maths. I enjoyed those logic classes and homework. It reminded me of formal argumentation in phil classes.

Also I was bad at C programming and hated it so I switched majors.

I think a couple of the biggest issues are that there is essentially no meaningful penalty to falling behind aside from summer school or retaking classes, because actually holding back students from advancement is so rare. It's also a big problem that, combined with the push to get HS grads into higher education, universities will take you even if you only got through algebra 1 after retaking it like 2-3 times. It's not to say that I think fine arts majors need to have higher math for any functional reason, but that university should place more emphasis on accepting and graduating educated, well-rounded students who can understand issues outside the narrow scope of their chosen degree; basically just reasonable people who can care to become informed voters/citizens


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Learning about integrals and derivatives is intro calc stuff. That's what high school calc is for, so you aren't completely lost going into college. AP calc classes usually go into more detail. I took AP calculus bc which went really in-depth but I got to skip calc 1 and 2 in college so it was worth it.

They're doing this to the three major testing schools in Boston as well. Pretty historic and exceptional schools that will be gutted in two years.

But the real lesson is lol @ poors who are the only ones who have to deal with this shit. Anyone who could already put their kids in private school after last year. My kids will be in boarding school at 13 on the fast track to a pre NESCAC pill habit just like their father.

But the real lesson is lol @ poors who are the only ones who have to deal with this shit.

It's a solid long term strategy by the Dems, if you think about it. Poors vote for them for the handouts, they don't want bright poor children to stop being poor and maybe get some other ideas.

I've talked with my current gf, who I'll likely marry, and we basically agree that if we can we'll probably try to put any kids we have into a private system or a military academy. Not because I necessarily want them to join the armed forces, but that both of us in hindsight would have appreciated the discipline, work ethic, and more academic rigor.

They're doing it in Boston, in part, because Ibram X Kendi told them that the SAT is eugenics. I'm not kidding https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/10/22/opinion/transform-bostons-exam-schools-into-opportunity-schools/

poors who are the only ones who have to deal with this shit. Anyone who could already put their kids in private school after last year.

That is why we must ban all private schooling next.

In my high school they had your standard classes and then "honors" level classes that were slightly tougher. Night and day difference between the kids that were in standard and honors level courses. I was stuck in standard level English class and would've sworn that some of the kids in there were illiterate.

In my standard English class in highschool (entire class of seniors) there was a girl who pronounced "faculty" as "fass uhl tee" which was fucking hilarious. Another girl thought the movie the martian was based on a true story. That girl was addicted to oxycontin too.

My sophomore year, I decided to take regular chem instead of honors since my honors bio teacher had been an asshole the year before, and had just lazily taught his honors class with almost the exact same curriculum as his AP class. (I'd have taken the AP in the first place, but we were only allowed to take one AP our first year.) So I figured honors chem would be just as shitty, and decided to take the easier route.

A poor choice in hindsight. That class was basically a fucking zoo. The kids sitting around me for most of the year would come to class barred out, and either sleep through class or spend the whole period loudly mumbling to each other while the teacher tried to talk. They'd smoke bowls in the back of the room under the fume hood during labs, get into fights with kids from across the class, and throw books at each other. One girl even stole cash from the teacher's purse while she was out once, lmao.

Chemistry is fucking rarted so I barely paid attention and only did enough of the work to get a C, since balancing equations and shit is for nerds. Probably skipped at least a third of the classes, too, since my friends almost all had another lunch period, but because I wasn't a literal fucking animal the teacher didn't care and gave me full participation points lol.

Vowed after that to never take another regular-level class again. It's some truly bleak shit.

Regular-track high school classes are the strongest pro-eugenics argument.

Remind me of my level physics course in junior year. I didn’t feel like loading up another AP course after the 3rd so I figured a basic science course would be an easy relax period.

Holy shit was I wrong. That place was a fucking madhouse and it didn’t help my teacher was a pushover communist (separate story). I’m was surprised people at my school could be so stupid, guess I had been lucky or ignorant up to that point.

Few girls had big boobs though so that was nice.

They'd smoke bowls in the back of the room under the fume hood during labs


It eventually got to the point where the teacher knew it was happening, but as long as they weren't super obvious about it she didn't even really care lol. The average m*yo f*id public school teacher is a broken shell of a person.

Why else would you learn chemistry in the first place, if not to make better drugs?

We had the AP/Dual Credit classes above the Honors classes, then the standard classes, and then my high school used “Plato” Classes for the truly illiterate

I remember when I and a bunch of my friends all signed up for a mythology class because nerds. It was actually created to be an easy English credit and the teacher had no idea how to deal with a class that was half illiterate and half more literate than her.

I took the standard English class track because I was lazy and honors for everything else. My teachers really liked me for being the only competent kid in the class.

Lmao in the dark ages of the 90s, there was algebra for 6th graders at my public elementary. Still hilariously behind by Soviet standards, but it was something.

Not to go full read another book (or short story) but Harrison Bergeron wasn’t an instruction manual lol

My favorite thing about it is how smug leftoids like to point out that it's a satire of rightoid fears, really adds insult to the injury of going and implementing it.

Eerie how close Bergeron is to Burger.

Rank the following in order of which you like:

Harrison Bergeron

The Egg

The Last Question

Fuck that was really good. You got any more like that?

Not quite as good but Heinlein's "All you zombies" is an interesting variation on the theme.

Also by the way, not a short story but "The Last Question" brings to mind "Palimpsest" by Charles Stross, it's basically a rewrite of "The End Of Eternity" but better, darker, and filled me with one hell of existential dread when I read it.


Starship Troopers was really good so I'll read anything by him. Have you read The Forever War?

Thanks for the recommendations.

Starship Troopers was really good so I'll read anything by him.

That was a link to the text of said short story btw!

Have you read The Forever War?

No, and the plot summary on Wikipedia doesn't seem very inspiring to be honest. Does it have other superior qualities?

Also by the way, only very tangentially related to this theme, but I can't help plugging one of my favorite short stories in the rare genre of econpunk: "The Cambist and Lord Iron"!

I hope I'm still around to see silicon valley go from a tech center to the west virginia of the west only it will be filled with genders studies majors instead of rednecks.

That's rude. West Virginia has no plans to stop teaching calculus. That would be stupid.

How else would you learn enough about rocketry to escape your dead end coal mining destiny?

Great book and movie.

lmao touche.

Six states lost one representative in the House. One was West Virginia. Another was California lmao

They're doing this in VA too. It's crazy talk to even consider it, but here we are.

NOT GOOD ENOUGH. "Special needs" must be moved up to normal. If society strapped you into a helmet, you would slam into walls too.

The school system would rather get rid of challenging classes than admit that the best option for some people would be trade school or an apprenticeship instead of college. I remember seeing dozens in of posters in school about how you should go to college, and how you will make so much money, when the reality is the dudes who became plumbers and carpenters are getting houses in their 20s and the kids who went to college for non-stem majors don’t even have a job in their field. Schools just let kids know college is an investment and not to major in things photography if their aren’t any paying jobs in the field.

Yeah, the easiest solution would be to expand most schools' trade education programs (instead of cutting them back like they did to shop classes after the recession) and repurpose lots of underperforming schools into explicitly votech schools, which some states like Massachusetts have already done to some extent. (Though MA is also one of the states, particularly in Boston, where they're going full r-slur and cutting out gifted programs.)

Then just filter people into their respective programs based on their performance in middle school. Johnny didn't do so well in eighth grade prealgebra? Well, let's teach him how to fix an air conditioner.

It kind of makes sense why despite America being a fianncial power house it has some of the most inept and stupid business and government leaders. Obviously not all. There are alway's going to be gifted individuals, as a society we should support them because they have the potential to further everybody. That doesn't mean you don't try to maximize and reach your own potential. Thinking about further this really just sounds like petty jealousy.

America is a victim of its success. If you're a Europoor, the salary difference between private industry and public service is not very large. In America, it's often an order of magnitude. All of the smart people go to Facebook to make their ads 0.02% more addicting, while the remainder flows into governance and education

Government employee's are where talentless people go. Asides from Fauci or Matthis.

Taking Calculus in college is hell on earth, I've heard. I mean, that's where all the morons are. 3D calc was ok. Also you don't need to take the class in order to take the AP test, is something some Asian told me.

Also you don't need to take the class in order to take the AP test, is something some Asian told me.

Yeah it's a great way to get APs on your college application without suffering through a boring AP class, would recommend to kids who are neurodivergent over something like English or History

I passed the AP chem test on self study. On reflection I feel like most of the AP tests I passed didn't really represent real mastery of the subjects, but just that I knew what the tests were going to be like.

didn't really represent real mastery of the subjects, but just that I knew what the tests were going to be like

honestly, being able to tailor your work to the requirements is a bigger megaskill than chemistry, Calc, History or whatever.

actually tho

Ohh god yes. I did take an AP Physics class, but we didn't even get to the electricity unit. Still passed the test.

That is because AP exams, and the College board company, are an absolute scam.

Now don't get me wrong. The AP classes themselves are fine, but they should just be classes to enrich students who want push their studies beyond the normal slow ass curriculum.

AP tests, however, are not suitable replacements for college credit. There is a lot of material that just can't be covered in a highschool setting owing to the fact highschool students often have to take 7 other classes and deal with a host of other issues. This then gets worse since those students end up skipping introductory courses in college which means they aren't set up well for the courses they do take first.

There's a reason why prestigious colleges like Harvard and Yale don't accept AP tests as credit.

I personally tested out of 8 classes using AP credit and honestly I regret using them as credit during undergraduate. I still did well but not as good as I could have had I taken it at a normal pace. My sister did not do well unfortunately and not taking the introductory college courses really did hurt her academic ability.

Some of my best calls in college were taking some classes that my AP scores would have let me skip.

Personally, I’m glad that I was able to skip directly to 3-D Calc from my AP credit. However, I’m also glad that I took honors Gen Chem even though my AP credit technically would have allowed me to skip it. If nothing else, the lab work was night and day different from high school.

I have good memories of 3-D Calc.

They couldn't get the underperforming students to do better so they gotta hold the overperforming kids back.

Tbf previous decades worth of good(?) education led to this rslur decision so at this point what do they have to lose.

We call that group projects

Sometimes it's so hard not becoming a race realist

Thanks Inspirobot!

no calculus for high schoolers

ngl I'm kinda pissed I was 15 years too late for this policy. I fucking hated calc 1 and 2, they were the only classes in HS that I ever had to actually study for

I have taken every higher level math short of a math degree, I wanted to minor in math. So like all the stuff engineers, CS majors, and math minors have to take. Calc 1-3, linear algebra, discrete, etc and so forth.

Calc 2 is by far the worst math class I’ve ever taken in my entire life. To make things worse I had a Chinese teacher straight from the motherland. And although he tried and was knowledgeable the language barrier was too much for him to really be able to explain things decently. I would rather go back and finish a degree in gender studies as a white male, than have to take that class again.

The word "BIPOC" tells you everything, tbh. Wokesters care about Asians only when they're the victims of hate crimes. For all other purposes, they're mayo.

The same parenting style that makes East Asian children academically successful also makes them emotionally stunted and puts them at high risk of suicide when they are older. As adults, they find that their academic skills don't translate to the real world and they have crippling depression and anxiety from years of abuse. Isn't the playing field already level enough?

and becoming too emotional makes you think Math is a social construct.

i'm not emotionally stunted, i just want white gussy >:(

What's the difference?

i miss my mayo ex :'( stupid cheating crackess

You clearly had your Freudian psychosexual development halted when you were a baby, which is why you still want Mommy milkies. It's the most common disease of simps

puts them at high risk of suicide when they are older

Bullshit, Asian suicide rates are almost as low as Blacks'.

It's higher as a percentage of deaths compared to other ethnic groups https://www.nami.org/Blogs/NAMI-Blog/July-2020/How-Asian-Shame-and-Stigma-Contribute-to-Suicide.

Granted that could be due to a lower prevalence of reckless driving, which is the leading cause of death among other young adults, but we know Asians can't drive.

I still stand by my statement that compared to blacks and Latinos, Asians generally turn out socially maladjusted, half the time to the point of being borderline autistic. Like, the bpt subreddit is mostly Asian kids larping as black. What other explanation is there for that.

It's higher as a percentage of deaths compared to other ethnic groups

How is that statistic meaningful? So young Asians don't die to gangbanging and overdoses as much as other races, that means that even more of them survive to be susceptible to suicide--and yet their suicide rates per capita are second and close to Blacks'. So no, they don't suicide at higher rates because of the parenting style. That blog is making shit up to explain an effect that simply doesn't exist, statistically.

Ok, the statistics aren't important. The important thing to know is that asian kids have brain worms and speaking as an asian, I think it has to do with our culture and upbringing, because we pretty much all have some trauma from how we were raised but are simultaneously weirdly entitled because our parents provided us with everything.

On the other hand I think white parenting has its own problems. It's actually more demanding for the kids in some ways than Asian parenting because white parents make their kids do all these chores and shit, but from what I've seen it's overly soft on discipline, weirdly woke and permissive, which is just as bad. Like that mom who bought her 12-year-old a vibrator.

Ok, the statistics aren't important. The important thing to know is that asian kids have brain worms.

They really don't, somehow both Blacks and Asians avoid the brain worms of whypipo that make them kill themselves over working their asses off as Wallmart greeters. That's probably two very different evasion strategies, but still, you are wrong.

and speaking as an asian, I think it has to do with our culture and upbringing, because we pretty much all have some trauma from how we were raised but are simultaneously weirdly entitled because our parents provided us with everything.

We Slavs have an exact word for what you're experiencing, it translates as "cuntsuffering". The meaning is that when your "parents provided us with everything" but you still feel the need to be downtrodden, despite being in charge and empowered like those cunts, this is what you do, this is how you feel.

Check out https://slatestarcodex.com/2020/01/22/book-review-review-little-soldiers/ by the way to feel better.

What do you think Welcome to the NHK is about?

Cuntsuffering is a good word, but that's not quite it, because most Westerners would agree I was also actually abused. Growing up I got beaten on for spilling milk on the carpet if my dad was in a bad mood. Among other things, but this isn't a therapy session. I didn't really get it as bad as some others but it still had an effect on me. This is standard Asian parenting, not unusual at all.

Slate Star Codex has some decent articles but I started avoiding it once I learned of its association with Eliezer Lolkeksky and the rationalism movement.

Slate Star Codex has some decent articles but I started avoiding it once I learned of its association with Eliezer Lolkeksky and the rationalism movement.

sucks for you, what.

The whole LessWrong network is a lolcow.

Are you sure you are Asian? You sound a bit rslurred overall. Maybe you are an unusually stupid Asian? Such things are bound to happen now and then you know. This would explain why you are depressed and miserable, and why you kept spilling milk on the carpet growing up among other things.

I'm a mong but mommy just said I'm special. I'm too stupid to be depressed tho :3

On the other hand I think white parenting has its own problems.

Yeah try getting beaten bloody every day since you were like six years old until you were finally old enough to fight back because your dad lost his business and turned to meth to cope.

Yeah, having cerebral palsy, finding out your terminally ill dad is a drug king and being forced to intervene while your parents wrestle over a knife must suck

I wish he was cook like that.

That would explain why their Harvard personality test scores were so low


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Our after gifted strikes again!

So how will California figure when they run out of civil engineers?

lol jk, judging by their crumbling infrastructure, they already don't have any.

Some earthquake should be able to finish off California relatively easily with the state it's in now.
