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It's funny that you post this because 2 days ago I forgot to plug my laptop and it died, which forced it to shut down and automatically update (which I never do and always postpone), and upon booting I was greeted with a giant fricking bing searchbar plastered on top of my home screen with 5 different speech bubbles telling me how to use it and why I should keep it. Really :marseyfacepeel: makes :marseybateman: you :killerjak: feel :marseylumberjack: a certain way.

I'm so fricking fed up with microshaft I'm genuinely gonna set up dual-boot on my machine and install some linux distro on it to slowly make the switch. For real this time. I just gotta find some free time to do it.

@LinuxShill @lain any opinion on this?

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just make a windows image with all the shit stripped out and turn off updates. it takes a minute but better than going full gay nerd and using linux

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make sure to disable security updates first they take up the most space

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If you really :marseythinkorino2: cared youd have taken the five seconds to google :marseygetgle: disabling updates etc.

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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Ehh I messed around with the registry but couldn't get it to fully work and just gave up

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Windows update blocker

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The registry app is mean. :#marseybeanangry:

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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I'd rip the band-aid off and go with linux. Install windows as a VM, or Wine which can install some windows programs that you :marseyairquotes: must have :marseyairquotes:. Dual-booting sucks, aside from shutting down everything to boot up the other, because windows hates when something else accesses all those files, so you may get permissions problems.

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The only reason to go with Windows as the base OS is vidya, and the performance demand of modern vidya is not going to mesh well with Wine or a VM.

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WRONG! If you use zfs to create a zqcow(?) "partition" on an SSD array and install the VM on that--with the right kind of additional zfs settings, then it runs just as fine.

It's just a b-word to set up!


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I didn't say it won't run, I said it incurs a performance overhead.

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It's been smooth sailing for me.


Just need a GPU dedicated to only that VM because GPU passthrough (and shared with the host) is a myth.

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Dual booting was nice before :marseyskellington: apple :marseyapplejackpixelart: killed :marseybloodpuddle: the intel chips.

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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For Linux :marseykernelpanic: I recommend Pop OS. Very user friendly.

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Thanks, but after looking around I think I already found a Linux distro that I'll be using

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ur not @GeraIt_of_Uganda GET OUT OF MY HEAD :marseyveryworried:

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You're right, he's @DestroyerCarbine! :marseypat:

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The PC I use most frequently has debian now because sometimes I do not have the hour to wait for updates to finish

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Windows in 2023 kind of hates dual booting. Linux tries to be a good citizen and then windows will shut up everything.

I'd at least experiment in a VM and take stock of what apps are essential.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Thanks for info, I'll probably do that first then especially since it'd be easier to set up.

Do you have a stance in the ubuntu vs debian question?

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I would try Pop_OS! Which is just Ubuntu but better and includes some drivers, like Nvidia, that aren't currently included in the kernel.

Ubuntu will still be very approachable but it's definitely lost its spark.

I would avoid Manjaro.

I've never been a fan of Debian due to their “stability” stance - which a lot of people agree is a meme by now. There's ways to get much more current packages but that's a tad in the weeds for a beginner.

I currently use Fedora which is glorious and just had a new release. It updates every six months roughly and has a very nice, curated experience but all the packages are fresh -often times beating Arch.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Debian stability is more about servers because OS updates are a big deal for software development. It's not that important for end users.

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I'm less inclined to agree that staying on an ancient versions of programs is actually a good strategy.

Security patches are usually acceptable on a stable package but by the time you're backporting bug fixes you end up with weird special snowflake versions that don't reflect upstream at any point in time.

This of course implies you do get backported bugfixes.

What often happens is your “stable” program actually has many bugs which were fixed in upstream ages ago, but you may not get them for years.

The idea that old = stable and new = buggy is a false dichotomy and we should instead focus on how bugs get fixed.

Using an OS that updates more frequently or is outright rolling does force you to make changes to your applications. However, you can do this piecemeal instead of having to make many, huge changes when your library is truly EOL. The fact is your software will need to be updated at some point and kicking the can down the road actually increases your pain.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Yeah, that's a good point. I was just talking about OS updates, not program updates, but the fact that they force devs to update their programs more often is a benefit of more frequent updating. I can see how the stability thing could be an outdated mentality in today's much more dynamic software ecosystem.

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I need to play with it more but I think NixOS might be the solution to both problems.

You can get the oldest packages as you want with the exact libraries needed while running it beside the master branch you compiled yourself.

EDIT: That's not mentioning all the Infrastructure as Code power of it either.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Just to add to this, yes skip Manjaro, but if you have a hankering to get into the Arch pool, EndeavourOS does a pretty good job of making it easy to get started without pooping up the things that make Arch worthwhile.

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I'm honestly surprised how well Fedora scratches my arch itch and I've also found Alpine and Void to be “arch taken to the extreme” replacements.

For GNOME workstations I like Fedora for hacking around in Sway I'm loving Void.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I wiped my work machine and installed linux on it, I ssh into it to do my work, it's great

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Real talk the steam OS on my steam deck is great it's an Arch distro and has steam baked in for gaming with proton so you can play a lot of non Linux games no problem.


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It's honestly incredible how functional and user friendly SteamOS is. Valve knocked it out of the park with both hardware and software and the other handhelds aren't even in the same league

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Yeah the “store” for software is pretty complete and everything is flatpack so no terminal is required for the Normies.


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it's because Valve is a buisness and as such can get past the age old linux hurdle of ":marseynerd2: um actually u can just do that via terminal" and made a usable OS out of it lol

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space:

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I never get autists who seethe at Windows Updates but never move onto Linux. Just switch already you dumb b-word or take the updates ffs.

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:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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