I ported :marseybug2: THOUSANDS of apps to Windows 95 :marseybsod: (1hr :marseylongpost: but 100% worth the watch if you have :marseylaptop: :autism: )


Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Unexpected f4mi cameo

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this keeps getting recommended to me because i watch similar stuff but idk if it's actually worth watching. guess i'll give it a shot since it has your blessing

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It's pretty :marseyglam: cool seeing the hoops he had to jump through.


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I guess some people are less immune to the bread tube style skits but I think it adds charm.

The content inside is extremely original and technical though.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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i assumed it was generic 'i bumbled around and did absolutely nothing so i could have an excuse to make a 6-minute sponsored video' like Modern Vintage G*mer or Linus Tech Tips. Nothing more than just copy-pasting files from Windows XP to 95 and saying 'eh it didn't work, weird'.

But if it's MattKC, then he must have actually done shit that would tickle my autism.

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I'm a sucker for LTT tbh but yes this is raising the bar by a lot.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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It was really good :derpthumbsup: but imo the skits were totally unneeded :mariosleeping: (although I guess if you're not 100% :autism: maybe they are)

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I liked the skits because it was still pretty informative. I haven't thought about Delphi in probably 15 years and never really understood what .Net Framework was.

I definitely understand the "ok here's a picture of Elmo because what else am I gonna put on the screen?". I'm having that same struggle with my video.

>You ever feel like you're in a bit of a niche?

Don't forget to Follow me so you can be the first to see the next installment of my goddarn "adding lane assist to a vehicle nobody bought" test videos. Next one is an updated face dox with 30% less awkwardness!

Edit: ok yeah the skits did start getting to be a bit too much and kept breaking the flow

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I thought it spiced it up a bit in the effort department though it def felt a little "escape hatch" for normies lol.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Oh nice! This guy's videos on Lego Island are also interesting.

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oh shit it's that dude? i'm in.

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Oh, you "use arch BTW." Do you expect a Reddit gold? Naw, I ain't no kind stranger. If you brag about your operating system online, then I can't even imagine how much of an butthole you are in real life. Great, you know how to read a fricking manual, and you know basic English. Jesus fricking Christ, you arch-kiddies are so toxic saying "I use Arch BTW" as if it's tough to install. Oh wow you're typing simple commands into a fricking tty. You do realize that Arch Linux is just a binary distro, that uses systemD (a shitty init system for n00bs). The Arch Linux community is full of edgy 15 year olds who act like they're superior. If you actually want to learn the inner workings of Linux, you should use Gentoo. Gentoo is a source based distro with OpenRC (an actually decent init system), that is actually hard to install. There is no manual for Gentoo, so you actually have to use critical thinking skills instead of copying and pasting commands into a tty. For Gentoo you have to fine tune the system to your exact hardware instead of just running "pacstrap" like a n00b on an archiso. It takes a long time to install Gentoo. It took an entire decade to compile the kernel from a stage 1 tarball onto my IBM Thinkpad 69420 (bought from my local used-thinkpad-store for 10 cents) with and the Core i-21 ultra-supreme extra-spicy CPU literally turned into ionized plasma and burnt my entire neighboorhood to the ground and the kernel took an entire decade to compile. After that I had to manually write the wifi-driver in ed ( a good text editor ) and compile them with -O7 gcc compiling flags. After the entire installaton I booted up the Gentoo installation and it used an entire 1 kilobyte less of RAM than Arch Linux. Arch-kiddies like you wouldn't have the patience to compile Gentoo. The Gentoo community is very nice and humble and doesn't brag about their OS (unlike you elitist buttholes). So instead of saying "I use Arch BTW", just shut the frick up!!!



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