
"He gets his son on the phone. 'Bjorn, this is The Undertaker.' 'Hey Undertaker, how are you?' 'I'm really good.' I'm making small talk with this kid. I start messing with him like I do everybody. 'Bjorn, sounds like to me that you're getting in some kind of trouble at home, aren't you?' 'No, I'm not getting into any trouble.' 'Nooo, sounds like you're up to something. I don't know what it is, but I can tell you're doing something you shouldn't be doing.' 'I'm not doing anything I'm not supposed to be doing. You're doing something you're not supposed to be doing.' 'Nooooo.' This seven-year-old kid goes, 'Hey, I'll shoot you right in the face.' I about lost it. Now his dad is mortified. 'I put him on the phone, he's threatening the Undertaker.' 'You're not going to shoot me in the face, I'm going to shoot you in the face.' Now, I'm having an argument with a seven-year-old about shooting him in the face. I probably shouldn't be talking about this. It's all in good fun. You had to be there.

"We're going back and forth, and then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, he goes, 'You're a Democrat.' [laughs]. Where did that come from? His dad, who is standing right next to me, he has his head in his hands, 'I'm so sorry.' Now, I'm trying to keep this conversation for as long as I can. I'm totally engaged, fully engaged. We do finally hang up. This guy is like, 'I am so sorry. I had no clue. He gets that from his grandfather.' That was the coolest conversation I've had on the phone in a while. He goes, 'Again, I apologize.' 'There is absolutely nothing to apologize for.' After the show, he goes, 'I talked to my wife. She is mortified.' I was like, 'Bjorn is okay with me. It was totally fine. You tell her not to worry. He made my night.' You just don't get threatened like that from a seven-year-old. That was fun."

sexist bigoted WWE strikes again!

rhea ripley is hurt and is being forced to vacate her title! this is bullshit! the men LITERALLY NEVER have to vacate their title because of injury!

THIS!!!! @WWE genuinely if you would like to explain why men can keep their titles when injured but the top woman can't keep her title please do. If the injury is too severe we get it by all means, but we'd appreciate if yall didn't pick and chose when ppl have to vacate titles

She should not vacate the title. They better not take it from her this way. I agree with you.



For the lapsed wrasslin fan; CM Punk did an interview last week were he talked about AEW and the backstage fight in All In, Tony Khan got bussy blasted and aired the backstage footage from All In on Dynamite last Wednesday.


:marseybrainlet: Do something about it

AEW uploaded the segment onto their youtube channel... But they edited out the backstage footage :marseyxd:

Bruh look at Tony Schiavone, he's having flashbacks to WCW.

And now they're copyright striking videos of the backstage footage:

The footage, which was omitted from AEW's video covering the segment, ran for less than two minutes and showed CM Punk and Jack Perry having an argument, which quickly turned into a shoving contest before wrestlers and staff alike stepped in to intervene.

Multiple accounts on social media posted the footage on its own, only for their videos to be taken down due to copyright.


GG Tiny. :marseybrainletclapping:

@coned get in here and kneel to Pepsiman :marseysmug2:


THE STORY'S FINISHED :marseyletsfuckinggo2:
AEW is going to air the all in footage

this is gonna be hilarious, no matter what happens. there's only 3 possibilities.

1. cm punk runs to his lawyers in a desperate bid to prevent it which would be hilarious.

2. they actually air it and it proves everything cm punk said was a lie which would be hilarious.

3. it's a swerve and the bucks show footage of themselves sitting in the back watching the show or something which would be hilarious.

it's probably gonna be 2. i can't imagine AEW promoting this and then NOT doing it. i can't imagine AEW promoting this if it confirms what cm punk said.

after seeing this tweet this is exactly how i want it to go

If it ain't The Young Bucks and Jack Perry watching the footage like MST3K, then what has this all been for?!

mostly because i'm a huge mark for MST3K.

Requesting some rich frick to make the !marks ping group

do it

Wresteling :marseyburgers: ?

wrasslin' for the tiktok generation

so WWE is doing this thing where they are making matches specifically for twitter called :quote: WWE speed :quote: where each match has a 3 minute time limit.

is this gonna get non-wrasslin' fans in? are wrasslin' fans gonna like this? WHO IS THIS FOR?!

[POLL] Assuming it's Bloodline Rules for Wrestlemania XL Night 2's Main Event, who is interfering? :marseyrandysavage:

Bloodline Rules implies all of the current Bloodline stable get involved so not gonna bother including them. Who else?

EDIT: Get all your picks (that are on this list) correct without missing anybody and win 1000 DC

wtf how long has this been a thing


fan jumps in the ring and it goes exactly how it always goes when a fan jumps in the ring

look at him TAPPING OUT like the dude is gonna stop choking him. THEN WHEN HE DOES STOP HE KICKS HIM A FEW TIMES FOR GOOD MEASURE. :xd:

what a fricking idiot. also that first wrassler is a huge b-word for just cowering like a sissy.

j fowler is my new favorite wrassler for immediately jumping on the guy and ignoring his pathetic attempts to tap out.

here's one of my favorite :quote: fan jumps in the ring :quote: moments. stone cold talking about it on his podcast.

triple H belly to backs the dude hard and then just BEATS THE ABSOLUTE SHIT OUT OF HIM. and the ref gets a bunch of kicks in for good measure.

god i fricking love wrasslin' and hate wrasslin' fans.

Favourite wallpaper
ricky starks gets a head injury then takes a DDT. AEW fans rave about how safe it was.

i can't find a clip of it, maybe AEW is desperately trying to scrub it from twitter, but after he got kicked in the head/neck and was clearly hurt they decided to change the finish. ricky was getting pinned and very clearly not kicking out. the ref refused to count 3.

so to fix the situation and protect ricky from further head/neck injury they decide a DDT. as top flight guy is pinning ricky he's staring right at the ref saying something. probably :quote: you fricking idiot count 3 jesus christ :quote:.

after the match they started playing ricky's music because his team was supposed to win. then after a few seconds of his music played top flight music.

ricky said today he's fine and got checked out.

i fricking hate top flight. they are so god darn bland and boring and have negative charisma. ricky and big bill cut an awesome promo earlier in the night calling out FTR, who they'd be facing next week if they had won like they were supposed to. now i have to watch another god darn top flight match. :uhuh:

sammy recently got suspended for a very similar thing. jeff hardy had a head injury in a match, sammy hit a move to the head to end it. got suspended. are they gonna suspend top flight for doing THE SAME GOD DARN THING?!

AEW refs are maybe the worst refs in the history of wrasslin'. is there a ref school? because all these guys need to go to it. YOU CALL THE MATCH LIKE IT'S A SHOOT, IDIOT. YOU FRICKING COUNT 3 IF THE GUY DOESN'T KICK OUT. AEW is such a low budget indy fed sometimes. :uhuh:


The very dumb war of words between Eric Bischoff and AEW President Tony Khan is alive and well in 2024.

The latest shots fired began overnight after Jon Alba announced that Strictly Business with Eric Bischoff is coming to an end. Tony Khan celebrated the news by calling it a “fraud of a business podcast.”

Why is Tony up a 4AM taking shots at podcasts on Twitter? :marseycocaine:

A few hours later, Bischoff responded with a shot of his own by calling Khan “a money mark with no talent other than spending daddy's money,” and posting a video that shows a whole lot of empty seats at last night's taping of AEW Dynamite in Quebec.

Eric slipped in another shot at Tony a couple of hours later:


Here's the Squared Circle thread:

Is there any sort of context to the clip here? This looks like it was taken well before the show actually started since the ROH ring stuff is up and people are clearly still making their way to their seats. Nobody in the ring, no music playing or videos going on the tron, people sitting in their assigned seats rather than moving frontward. Makes me think this was taken shortly after doors opened, quite a while before bell time.

If this were a video taken like mid-match and it was that empty, sure I'd maybe be concerned something was wrong. Otherwise I'm not sure what this video is supposed to be telling us.

Thanks! That is a very different image than the video Bischoff shared lol

Yeah that's much better. :marseyemojirofl:

Be right back, I'm going to arrive mega early to a sporting event, take a picture of the empty seats and then post online about how they've got no fans.


Why should we care what Eric Bischoff says? His last relevant thing in wrestling was being hired as Smackdown GM basically sat in catering the entire duration doing nothing and getting replaced by Bruce Pritchard shortly afterwards.

>Why should we care what the guy that turned Ted Turner's pet project into a money printing machine that eclipsed the WWF says? :marseyseethe:

lol Tony obviously has fun doing this. The dude is the opposite of “money doesn't buy happiness”.

>It's because he's having fun and not because he's a lolcow! :marseycope:

Man, the trolls really like that "Daddy's money" line, Eric must know his audience. Like Tony's the first dude to use someone else's money or like they havent just sat through decades of the McMahon Empire running things lmao.


None of you people have survived back in the forums days. Jesus Christ. Tk is an old school forum user and poster.

TK is an elder millennial who grew up in the unmoderated trenches of the early internet. Much in the same way a lot of us have no impulse control when it comes to to arguing with idiots on Reddit about meaningless shit, Tony cannot resist the urge to dunk on someone who has been needlessly aggressive at him on the internet. I don't mean that as either insult or compliment, just an observation.

>Look this CEO HAS to clap back at mean comments on the internet!

Also nobody tweeted at Tiny until he came bursting in to be smug about a podcast ending lmao

And here's Bischoff's live reaction to the tweet:

Bischoff's podcast is actually listenable without having to hear "SAVE WITH CONRAD" every 5 minutes. :marseysmug2:



God, I wish that were me :marseycoomer2:

Kurt Angle meets Peter Griffin


darby allin, too scared :marseysnoo: to climb everest :marseysherpa: but knowing he can't back out now, breaks his foot on purpose so he has an excuse.

apparently he broke it minutes in to the fricking match when jumping :marseymooserevenge: to the fricking outside.

i watch :marseywait: dynamite :marseyrubberhosetnt: with a fricking friend :marseychinchilla2: every week. in the fricking post match beatdown when jay white :marseysal3: and the fricking gunns were fricking crippling darby i said to him

:quote: he's gonna :marseyvenn6: say he really :marseythinkorino2: got hurt cause he's too scared :marseyshock: to climb and needs :marseyspecial: a fricking legitimate excuse to back out so he doesn't look like a fricking b-word. :quote:

little did i know that he just went for it and ACTUALLY :marseynerd3: broke his foot instead of just kayfabing it, motherlover!

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