EFFORTPOST [EXPLANATION/DRAMAPOST] Aboriginalposting- the rechuddening

Thought now was the time to make a big burger-friendly Voice post. Here you will find definitions, previous drama, current drama, who is based and who is locked- it's all here! Drama will be signposted if you want to skip the boring bits


Boonga- a slur for Blak.

Blak- woke for Aboriginal.

Voice/Voice to Parliament- the main dramatic event here. Sometime this year (most likely October 14), there will be a referendum needing a double majority over whether to amend the Australian constitution over a) whether or not to mention boongas in the constitution and b) whether to give Blak folx a seperate Voice, which will be elected kind of but not really directly by everyone who says they're Aboriginal and can show some descent. To give you an idea about how loose that is, I have more of a claim to be Aboriginal than 1/4 to 1/3 of the likely voters for the Voice and my skin looks like this.

Anyway, the idea is that this Voice is meant to give advice about Aboriginal policy to departments and to Parliament, who have the full right to ignore it if it's stupid.

Double Majority- does not mean 2/3 of voters. Instead it means a national majority & 4/6+ of states votes going in favour.


Don't want to get your opinions from a drunk Aussie autist? Fine, here's some recent news links- (This one is especially interesting as it details the massive corpo support for the Voice)

You know how annoying it is to copy an ABC link from the app? You have to open it in a web browser first for some reason then copy it



Luckily, I have made many posts about this before, so I can just link them here-


The idea that this voice may be cooked is not sitting well with many people. Let's dive in.

Strangely, this was more chuddy than previous posts (hence the title), so we can revel in some nooticing-

Calm? The fact that Langton, a key part of the Yes campaign can say this calmly is telling;

“People who are opposing (the voice referendum) are saying we are destroying the fabric of their sacred Constitution. Yes, that’s right, that’s exactly what we’re doing,”

“Our Constitution is racist … it was designed as a racist Constitution. The slogan was ‘Australia for the white man’.”


I think the yes campaign is still in general awareness mode, rather than full campaign mode.

This thing doesn’t get serious till after the footy seasons finish.

:marseycope: also another commenter pointed out that this left them two weeks of campaigning to get rid of the chuds

Phase? It's been a shitshow from the beginning. Who knew calling anybody who votes no a racist, wasn't the best way forward? Who knew not giving the public clear reasons why this is so important and even clearer reasons to what this is going to achieve, was a terrible idea? Not Labor, apparently. Phase, lol.

This somehow ends up with a calm discussion about the monarchy.

The drama here is that /r/Australia is aggressively incessantly progressive, and then turning against the voice is pretty much game over for the Voice.

The Yes campaign has already guaranteed support from major national institutions, including all of the major sporting codes, Wesfarmers, Woolworths, Coles and several of the big banks.

Ah yes, Banks, Colesworths and Wes-flation those trusted establishments actively robbing the population blind at the moment. That'll win you the vote.


There are concerns within the government caucus the Yes23 campaign has not ramped up quickly enough, allowing the No campaign a foothold in the debate.

Gosh, a political debate where more than one side gets a foothold? We couldn't have that.


Anyway, hope you're having a wonderful night/morning, and hope you enjoyed this post!


Sorry for the lack of updates. I know each and every one of you have waiting for the next episode of the saga. It consumes your every thought. It's the first thing you think of when you wake up. Let's get to it!

Recap: Phillip Schofield was a presenter on British television. He had spent his whole life in media, and most notably hosted This Morning with HOLLY WILLOUGHBY.

Phillip Schofield came out as gay a few years ago, and he left behind his wife of several decades and his two daughters. Brave! Recently, Schofield admitted he had an inappropriate relationship with a young man on ITV. He had also gotten this man a job. Though Schofield insists that the sexual stuff only happened when the boy was of age, there is evidence that they knew each other since he was 10. This has given rise to rumors that even if it was legal, there was some grooming involved.



Lets begin with Auberginegate. Journ*lists hounded the head of ITV for comments on the Schofield saga which has gripped the world. The response? "Do you like Aubergine?" For Yankees, aubergine is eggplant AKA the PEEPEE EMOJI. What did he mean by this? Is it code for something? Trolling? Who the frick knows!

The response got the attention of British parliament.


The heads of ITV were grilled by MPs in parliament. This is an event that will dictate the future of our species. It will affect Holly Willoughby's career!

During the meeting, ITV chief executive Dame Carolyn McCall told MPs the affair was "deeply inappropriate", but that she had not had evidence until recently. ITV director of television Kevin Lygo told the MPs: "He looked me in the eye and promised me that there was absolutely no truth whatsoever in this, in the rumours of this relationship."

>Dame Carolyn added: "We asked multiple times of both individuals, both formally and informally. Because we had no evidence, no-one brought us anything tangible, either on the production floor or from the outside... there was only hearsay and rumour and speculation."













































>"We want to be confident that ITV is not letting star power and favouritism damage the lives and careers of people working there - and, more importantly than that, we want to be confident that when mistakes have been made, ITV will be making changes rather than making jokes about aubergines."

>That was a reference to a recent remark made by This Morning editor Martin Frizell when he was asked by a Sky News reporter whether his programme had a toxic workplace. "I'll tell you what's toxic and I've always found it toxic. Aubergine," he replied.


Holly has returned to her rightful throne as the queen of daytime British television. Unemployed brits on benefits, stay-at-home mums, and folks waiting in dentist offices can once again rest assured that Holly Willoughby will be on that screen goddammit.

While she has returned, it is just not the same. Without Pip beside her, there aren't as many cute giggles from her. She has had a few co-hosts, but it seems Dermon is destined to be Phillip's replacement.

Will schofield off himself? Will ITV survive this scandal? What the frick was the aubergine comment about? What about Holly?! Stay tuned for more updates. Please like, share, and subscribe, and don't forget to hit that bell icon to be alerted as soon as a new video drops. Patreon and link for merch in the comments below. Peace.



Ron, 33, Nashville TN

Self-rated 3/10 situation

Personal Life:

  • Falling out with his parents

    • Says father was emotionally abusive/manipulative

    • Has since mended bridges with them somewhat?

    • Asked if he could move back in after getting a remote job, they said no

    • Good relationship with his mother, bad with his father, they are still married?

      • Mother makes 200'000?
  • Debt from early 20s moving out of his parents house

    • Story time about being a boozer - timestamp

    • Was van living for a little while so more money to party

      • Stopped in late 2019 early 2020 :marseythinkorino:
  • Addicted to Mountain Dew timestamp

    • Goes through 2 a day, doesn't buy from stores, just from gas stations or dunkin donuts?

    • "If it's a bad day I will go and get more"

  • "Do you have diabetes?" timestamp

    • "Not that I know of, I haven't been to a doctor in 5 years"

    • Blood sugar test timestamp

      • "I don't have diabetes by the way I just have all medical equipment possible because I'm afraid of something going.. bad"

      • New Caleb lore - he is terrified of needles and blood plus is some sort of paranoid

      • Apparently he does not have diabetes?

  • Brother had addiction stuff as well? (marijuana and alchy)


  • Tried to apply for real jobs out of school, never got callbacks :marseythinkorino:

  • Call center 40 hour week

    • $18 an hour
  • Starting a second job in a couple weeks

    • Variable, $18.50 after 5, $20 weekends

    • Also 40 hours?

    • Call center stuff but different from the other call center

  • Some online stuff

    • Runs DnD games online

      • 3 hours a piece depending on how much he needs to prep

      • $600 a month or so

        • 1 game ended
      • Using some site for this that pimps out DMs

      • Made 10k last year from this :marseypikachu2:

      • Runs these games through his phone? "Only reason I bought it"

      • uses Fiverr people to do stuff for it?

  • Got a cat recently, photo shown to camera timestamp

  • His mother gave him 1'300 total last month


  • Mountain Dew:

    • Unreal amounts of mountain dew more than $400 a month
  • Rent $1230

    • Low end, not a great neighborhood, pays for laundry not within complex?


  • Discover Card (Card 1) Around $3000: timestamp

    • Had to put car repairs on it?

    • 4 tires and some maintenance stuff

    • Minimum monthly maybe $30? He's not certain

    • 25% interest

    • Had paid off the card with a personal loan years prior to the car repairs

    • Dunkin Donuts - 2 Dews for $4 "That's how they get you" :marseyxd:

  • USAA (Card 2) $7712:

    • 20% interest, $631 lost on interest this year

    • Did not spend anything on there

  • Costco (Card 3) $908:

    • Paid 218 but made 185 in purchases 14 in interest

    • Credit limit of 750

    • Thinks the purchases were all unnecessary

    • 30% interest

  • Car: 2010 Toyota Camry

    • 130'000 miles

    • $5438 left on it

    • 4.99% interest rate

    • Bought right before the pandemic hit

  • Personal Loan $18'173 timestamp:

    • 2 or 3 cards, and the rest of the loan balance of the van he had, has since sold Van

    • $584 min payment

    • originally 25'000

Student Loans:

  • Majored in Business?

  • Southern Hampshire University?

  • $38'900 federal student loans, Probably 470 minimum payment

  • These are why he decided to get a second job


  • Checking

    • Gets money from his mother?

    • 26.76 => 5132 - 3918 => 1247

  • Business Checking account for his DnD thing:

    • "Cloak & Dagger LLC"?

Budget Section timestamp:

  • -$1231 between minimum budget and basic survival currently without the second job

It reminds me of Howard Stern’s question to me. ‘Tell me, governor, what happens to us when we die?’ I said, ‘Nothing. You’re 6 feet under. Anyone that tells you something else is a f—ing liar.’

I said, ‘We don’t know what happens with the soul and all this spiritual stuff that I’m not an expert in, but I know that the body as we see each other now, we will never see each other again like that.


The former California Gov. said he had lost about 15 friends from back in his bodybuilding days in the last two decades and the tragic reality of our finite time on earth forced him to shift his perspective on the possibility of an afterlife.

“When people talk about, ‘I will see them again in heaven,’ it sounds so good, but the reality is that we won’t see each other again after we’re gone. That’s the sad part. I know people feel comfortable with death, but I don’t,'” he said.

Do note that Arnie never said anything about Jesus or Christians, he just said he doesn't believe in heaven.

Choice comments:

FOOL!! You "seek the guidance of a higher power" BUT REFUSE to BELIEVE IN THE SCRIPTURES!!! WHO MADE the HUMAN BODY? You were an "accident"? The brain? All an accident? The eye?? All an accident? The right amount of oxygen for humans to breathe in the atmosphere? All an accident?? Earth rotates around sun at best distance from it. All an accident?? Where is the person with 3 eyes or 2 noses or ears in front, if evolution is random?????? Does not exist!!!!! GET YOUR HEAD ON STRAIGHT.

You're at Judgement Day and there's Pelosi, kneeling at the left-hand side of the Lorde, whispering in his ear.

You ok?


How is spending eternity with your relatives you couldn't stand to be around on Thanksgiving Heaven? rofl. Think about it. Or praising Jesus for a zillion years every day? yeah real fun.

you've never been truly loved, have you? but you can have that experience with your Creator. It is up to you though

Could you please work out your daddy issues in private, peepeey? Could you please stop taking out your hatred for him on God? Thanks.

If you bothered to read more, you'd know that is simply not a fact. Though believe what you want! :) The only people stopping you are the nutjob Lefties, Woketards, and Communists. (uh...btw...I'm a staunch Conservative...and I don't believe there is a god)

You may have some conservative views, but you are not a conservative. You just displayed the fact you have nothing to conserve, Cheung. And there are at LEAST twelve historical figures who wrote about Jesus' life and work. Were they ALL lying, and YOU are the one telling the truth? Not ONE honest historian still denies the historicity of Jesus of Nazareth, knucklehead. There is simply too much evidence to deny that.

Also the Bible has predicted perfectly what has taken shape here in America and around the world on text that are over 2,000 years old.

It must have been such a miserable life for Arnold pretending to be a Republican while living like a Democrat. Democrats bring you misery.

While he lives there still remains hope for him.

Living a full life, experiences and faith have displayed to me there is a God, there is life after death and eternity in either Heaven or Heck. Choose wisely because there is no do-overs

Perhaps you should choose better. You follow a false god. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes when you stand before the gods. Why take the chance? Because wow if you are wrong you will be tormented by the gods for all eternity.

>being a LARPagan :marseylaugh:

The closest I can come to believing in heck is listening to a democrat. :chudsmug:

"There is no afterlife and “anyone that tells you something else is a f—ing liar.” You know who else said this? HITLER! :marseypearlclutch:

and billions of others with shedloads of common sense

So Hitler has common sense, just like you?

And now we see him for the proud elitist socialist he really is. They believe in nothing and neither should anyone else. Hope doesn't exist, now shut up and suffer, peasants.

New Snappy quote dropped.

The saddest words that will be heard (over and over again) on Judgement Day: “But Lord, I THOUGHT…” They “thought.” They “thought” God didn’t exist, nor Heaven, nor Heck. They “thought” that things that their conscience clearly told them were wrong, were right. They “thought” that science had all of the answers. They “thought” they could be their own god…


Next: Arnold declares himself to be God. Because, to be able to assert 100% certainty that there is no Heaven, no Heck, and no God, you would have to be, well… God. Think about it for a moment…

"Donald Trump on Wednesday proudly quoted a messenger who said he was “the second coming of God,” and he described himself as “the chosen one,” looking up at the sky."

Anything the WP says, I automatically take with a grain of salt, given their track record for CIA inspired BS. Anyway, IF he said it :marseycope: , he’s wrong too. The job of Supreme Deity is already filled, and He can’t be fired from the position…

There's a video of him saying it on that link I gave. Nice quote about the Deity!

He’s also known to say things like that to troll the media that he knows hates him. The same way rockstars say completely outlandish things sometimes, when they’re messing with or annoyed by an interviewer… :marseycope:

Drumpf is the AntiChrist.

i hope thats true, i can be happy never seeing or hearing from you forever. why cant you start now arnold and do us all a favor.

wow. you want this man to not exist because you disagree with him on some trivial issue? wow

Since when did Herr Muscle Brain fashion himself a philosopher and theologian?

and when he is in heck just 1 second begging for a drop of water it will be too late eternity is for ever.

Yes & AMEN

any proof of claim you idiot ?


I got a good chuckle out of that exchange :marseylaughpoundfist:

Funny though how they worship lucifer who was created by GOD! But there's nothing after

He is free to believe what he likes, he will get dose of reality when he dies, just like every other naysayer that has ever lived

Sorry, “belief” is not evidence.

talk to people that deal with the dying and the dead... they'll give you plenty of evidence.

No such evidence exists. Try again.

the fact you only choose to listen to those you already agree with is the height of ignorance. talking to someone who has experienced something so earth shattering as to change absolutely everything about themselves overnight is more than just evidence... it's proof, imo. takes months to years to brainwash someone into believing something... now explain how one experience can change a person instantly... I'll wait

Sorry, it’s your claim that evidence come from the “dead and dying” and “…he will get a dose of reality when he dies.” The burden of proof is on your shoulders to support your claim with verifiable, independent, objective evidence. Otherwise, you’re just deceived by your own confirmation bias. I can wait.

I see you're a typical lefty dingleberry that lies to make their case... care to not lie, and try again, becky?

needs to move to a deserted island with Greata A life ill spent, he is hoping for oblivion.

Imagine the conversations between those two. Makes my skin crawl. Arnie: I’m here to pump you up. Greta: How dare you?!?

Boomer :quote: humor :quote:

Arnold is a product of commie hollywood so no one would expect him to believe in The Lord, Jesus Christ, GOD. Arnold's actions during his life show that he is a dark path kind of guy.


He doesn't know but he knows? Arnold is confused, he might have the Biden Flu.

The bible is a fantasy book and certainly teaches you some positive emotions and thoughts but thats about it. Its like a bed time book story. :marseyfedoratip:

Boy are you going to be surprised. I applaud your bravery. God will not be mocked. :gigachadjesus:

Arnold Schwarzenegger..........FAILED TO HIDE HIS NAZI OVERTONES!!!


He’s correct. Define death please. I’m waiting… :marsey57:

You define death since you believe there is no afterlife. I’m waiting… :!marsey57:

Nobody knows with certainty and anybody claiming they know the truth is a fool. For all we know there can be some third option nobody ever mentioned that happens

World-renowned theologian Justin has spoken. And the kid has decided once and for all that we can't know. We should just give up. With that amount of certainty in his uncertainty, who are WE to disagree??? :marseyseethe:

Oblivion awaits us all..Deal with it!

Only if your a democrat!

The rest of the comments are just fundie :marseylongpost: that boil down to "Say Christ is king right now!" :marseyraging: or "If God isn't real then how come my church says otherwise?" :marseysmug:

EFFORTPOST [Effort Post] Cameroonian commits a heckin hatecrime in the White House

>go to to write an effort post

>find out I've been forcibly logged out

>forgot my password, guess it's time to make an alt

@Aevann @carpathianflorist @jannies please do the needful and pin this effort


I ran across this gentlemen sometime ago and have been meaning to cover him in some detail because he's a drama mine by the name of Simon Ateba. This all came up when he picked a fight with the utterly perfect and immune to criticism current and all time champion White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Piere.


White House correspondent Simon Ateba has accused Biden's press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre of "discriminating" against him after she left a briefing room without answering his question. Ateba, a Cameroonian journ*list who runs the online news outlet Today News Africa, has repeatedly clashed with former White House press secretary Jen Psaki and Jean-Pierre in the past two years, accusing them of ignoring reporters in the back of the briefing room.

I respect a man who doesn't want to be put in the back of the bus. :#marseykingcrown:

Ateba, who has long complained about the press secretary ignoring reporters at the back, is known to be one of the loudest journ*lists in the briefing room. In May, Psaki asked him to stop interrupting after he shouted questions at her during her final briefing. "Why don't you take questions from across the room? Because that's not what you've done for the past 15 months," Ateba asked, talking over another reporter, before Psaki told him: "Simon, if you can respect your colleagues and other media and reporters in here, that would be greatly appreciated."

>:!marseydynamite: TAKE MY QUESTIONS

>:marseypearlclutch: PLEASE BE POLITE

The increasingly tense situation between the journ*list and Biden's press secretary escalated on Thursday. Jean-Pierre walked out of the White House briefing room in visible frustration as Ateba continued talking over her, asking questions about next week's U.S.-Africa summit, as she was attempting to reply to him. "I literally just tried to answer your question, and you shut me down," Jean-Pierre said, before deciding to end the press briefing prematurely and leave the room.

>:!marseydynamite: ANSWER MY QUESTIONS

>:momblackjak:: I LITERALLY JUST DID

>:!marseydynamite: ANSWER MY QUESTIONS

>:momblackjak:: flees

On Friday, Ateba made an appearance on Fox News's show Tucker Carlson Tonight, telling the TV host that it has been a "nightmare" to cover the White House while Jean-Pierre is press secretary.

That settles it, he's officially a rightoid now. Surrender the 500 marseybuxx @jannies

"It's been a disaster, a total catastrophe, a real nightmare covering the Biden White House. Right now, I'm the voice of Africa in the U.S.—but I can confirm that the level of discrimination against me and against African journ*lists in the White House is astounding, it's disgraceful," Ateba toldlson, adding that he didn't "have questions at the White House" for three months now. "Even as President Biden is about to receive 50 African heads of state in D.C. for the U.S.-African summit, she didn't give us even a single question. I've been trying for the past three months."


The journ*list went on to accuse Jean-Pierre of discriminating against him for his accent. "I sound different. I wasn't born here. I was born in Cameroon. I speak French. I speak different languages. I don't have the American accent. I've tried. I've failed and I've decided I'll stick with my accent," Ateba told Carlson. "I'm an immigrant, and she doesn't like that," he added.

This might be a good time to say the pot is calling the kettle black, but I don't know if my DEI chairperson would condone it.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Newsweek.

Whitehouse being :#marseyracist: again smhtbh*list-accuses-press-secretary-jean-pierre-of-discrimination/ar-AA157MBN

But that's just the boring news article. Time for the drama, Simon Ateba is a drama king and with the limits reduced on twitter his WALL OF TEXT can crit you for 9999 damage. :#marseyfighter:

I would like to welcome my new 50 thousand Twitter followers who have joined me in the past one day as attacks continue to come my way. With nearly 200 thousand followers, I can keep getting the facts and the truth out! I need 1 million followers first, not to get attention, but because I have something important to share and the word has to get out. You know, true journ*lism is compassionate. It does not connive with the powerful to oppress and manipulate the poor, it afflicts the comfortable and comfort the afflicted, it looks at the little guy in the room with no voice, the little school with no water, the people with no lawyers, no consultants or public relations firms to defend them. Often journ*lists become part of the elite. They wear nice suits, drive nice cars, fly nice planes and have no idea what the people are going through. In the briefing room, they measure people based on how much money their outlet has, how many readers came in yesterday, they look down on those who are not on their so-called level, and they become entitled and the real people turn their backs on them. When they tweet, no one respond, because the people see the arrogance, the entitlement, the lack of empathy and compassion.

That's what I am telling them in the @whitehouse briefing room. Don't fly to Africa when you disrespect and sideline the African in the room.

You in the wrong neighborhood @whitehouse :#marseyfrickyou:

Open your eyes and minds, I'm right here with you, not miles away, and even though my questions may be uncomfortable, that's simply me doing my job and that's what the American people want and that's what the First Amendment protects. That's why this is the United States, the most advanced country in the world where you can ask questions without fear of retaliation!

With a based black man throwing down with the literally Perfect and immune from criticism White House Press Secretary, the rightoids have begun to circle the wagons and praise him endlessly because we all know you can't cancel a black man.

For the resident rightoids who care about Tucker Carlson here's the clip he was featured in:

Attacked by pirates on the Gulf of Guinea with an AK47 to my head, kidnapped in Nigeria, dumped in the woods & left for dead, arrested in Cameroon during investigation & kept in dark cell

Turns out there are still based journos still out in the world

only to be sidelined at the White House.

Queen shit :#marseycard:

Since then Simon Ateba has been using his massive surge in twitter followers to shit talk the white house and other journscum. It's nice to see someone besides Glenpai bussyblasting other Journs. Here's one of my favorites:

This guy @justinbaragona from @thedailybeast is a disgrace to journ*lism. He's been writing nonsense about me for sometime now. When he tweets, 5 people comment because he does not know what he's doing.


Checked and wrecked :#marseyxd:

I wonder if this guy has had a gun pointed to his head by pirates as I have, or been kidnapped, dumped in the woods and left for dead but survived, or even been arrested and kept in a dark cell while doing an investigative report. Can this guy remain a journ*list if he's not paid for one year? How much do you know about real journ*lism? Can you be hungry and thirsty and still do the work? Keep writing nonsense about me. Years from now, you will be ashamed of yourself. Anyway, all the little things that you write about me, doing propaganda for the government, the press secretary and the WHCA don't mean anything to me. May God forgive you.

He then finishes with this flattering photo of the Journ*

He does a little bit of trolling every now and then too:

Folks, you were not friendly to the First Lady @DrBiden . Most of the over 4,000 people who commented on my previous tweet below did not wish her a happy birthday yesterday.


(This is a parody, this is a satire): @JoeBiden blames @realDonaldTrump and 'racist sandbag' for falling on stage in Colorado.


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