
I've never played a souls game past the Asylum Demon in Dark Souls 1 and I've been phenomenally frustrated with my dogshit abilities in Elden Ring.

Any help/guides/tips/whatever are appreciated

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No Man's Sky updated and nerfed a bunch of shit and carp is seething (I am also seething)

The video game No Man's Sky did an update and lots of people are seething about it including 1. Carp and 2. me. They nerfed your guy and your ship so neither can get as many upgrades to be as fast or as easy to use. It's incredibly lame. Here's a representative spergpost (This may be Carp? I'm not sure, I may have misunderstood what the person who gave me this link meant.)

In conclusion, this is the punishment I deserve for playing videogames, the worst and most degenerate of all imaginable pastimes, the lowest and most vile of pursuits.

I posted this thread because Aevann complained about it.




It would be nice if they did have some anti-smurf system tho. Even if you're winning, those games are boring and stupid.



Madman Builds "Entire Universe" in Minecraft

Mr. Universe If the internet has proven anything over the past decade, it’s that extremely dedicated Minecraft players are capable of creating just about everything in the beloved video game.

From depicting nearly all of Middle Earth to an actual, working computer capable of running Tetris, you could say the sky’s the limit and still be guilty of a lack of ambition.

"I built the entire Universe in Minecraft!"

reads the title of Chris’ viral Reddit thread.

You can see a quick snapshot of all the builds in the Reddit thread, or you can watch how Chris built the whole thing in a full YouTube video.

Block by Block Chris says the project took a month and a half of intensive work to complete.

The rDrama Minetest server has now been down for thirty (30) days :marseyitsover:

It went down during the KF drama and it's still not back yet :marseysulk:

@BasicallyADoxxer @KONY_2022 @nekobit and anyone else who was on the server


This belongs in /h/peakpoors aswell :#marseypoor::#marseywagie::#mcmarsey:

“It feels like being punished for being poor,” Overwatch player Richard Meunster told Kotaku over email. Along with 19 million other people, Richard and his brother both use Cricket Wireless, one of the prepaid phone services that Overwatch 2 will not accept for its newly instated, mandatory two-factor authentication system, SMS Protect.

Every single Overwatch 2 player, including those who had previously purchased Overwatch, need to provide a phone number that fits certain requirements in order to start the game. As part of those requirements, numbers can’t be attached to a prepaid phone plan, landline, or use VOIP. Though what remains of Blizzard’s heart seems to be in the right place—the developer hopes the requirement will cut down “both cheating and disruptive behavior”—players like Richard are forgotten. Not because they don’t play well or don’t care or don’t want to have fun, but because they can’t afford the right kind of phone.

Prepaid phone plans like Cricket and Mint Mobile allow people to pay the cost of their usage up front. Though unfairly maligned as Breaking Bad-type “burner phones,” prepaid phones are easier to incorporate into low-income budgets, with monthly cost usually between $15 and $50. Some companies like AT&T even advertise prepaid services directly to low-income customers.

Richard, a college student, uses Cricket’s $50 monthly plan because “if you can’t pay it that month they just shut down the phone instead of taking you to collections.”

“If I get a regular phone plan and then can’t pay, my credit score gets destroyed,” he said.

At one point in 2020, there were 74 million prepaid phone plan users in the U.S. alone. Richard is far from being the only Overwatch player being phased out.

“I am ashamed of having a prepaid phone,” one Reddit user, who posted in /r/Overwatch and received one thousand upvotes in less than 24 hours, said. “Never thought I would be disqualified from playing Overwatch based on my ability to afford a phone contract, but here we are...Blizzard is the first company to make me feel too poor to play a game.”

Read More: Be Prepared For These 7 Big Overwatch 2 Gameplay Changes

“Cannot believe Blizzard is denying people with prepaid phone plans access to Overwatch 2,” one Twitter user wrote. “Why does it matter how I pay my phone bill?? 6 years of my life, all the time, money, and progress down the drain.”

Blizzard’s phone restrictions seem to primarily and widely impair U.S. prepaid phone plan users, and the company did not return Kotaku’s request for comment in time for publication. Prepaid phone users in other countries have reported being able to log into the game problem-free, which some players speculate could either be because their country necessitates identification in order to purchase a prepaid phone, or because Blizzard has only banned known prepaid phone plans.

“This is why the system isn’t going to stop hackers or smurfs,” one Reddit user wrote. “They’ll just use a virtual number service that Blizz don’t know about.”

While Blizzard works it out, Richard and countless other low-income prepaid phone users are hurting.

“It feels like a large injustice,” Richard said. “Cheap postpaid plans are around $90. If you are a prepaid phone owner who really wants to play Overwatch 2, you are looking at $50 more a month to get a Blizzard-approved phone. Talk about going free-to-play.”

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  • Awoo : Boomer cope.
Candy Crush chads, can we stop winning?

Kek, but what do gaymers expect. Ps4 rarely now hits 1080p and ps5 ain’t even 4 times stronger than ps4 and gaymers want every game to be native 4k.

Our vision for gaming: More choice and more games for people everywhere

Thank you Microsoft for providing a great vision for gaming and g*mers in the future. This merger is great for the gaming industry and anyone saying it isn't is coping.

STEAM FEST 10/2022

Y'all should check out steamfest 2022. Plenty of good ones. Here are the ones that I liked the most:


I would just like to laugh at them and all the poor shmucks who gave them money hahahah

It's over skinny humans. The Lizking rises.
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The PS5 Has Been Jailbroken :marseyrave:


The PS5 has been jailbroken and cracked wide open marking the first major hack on the system since its launch back in 2020. While hackers have managed to infiltrate the console up to this point, none of them have been able to access the console's debug options and install custom packages until now.

Notorious hacker Lance McDonald posted a video of his newly jailbroken PS5 console on Twitter showing off some of the now-enabled settings. Most notably is the new ability to install custom packages. Other features include enabling developer options and even hidden dev tools while running games.

Of course, the most exciting part of the PS5 jailbreak comes at the end of the video where the hacker installs the infamous* Silent Hills P.T Demo* which was officially delisted from the PlayStation Store a few years ago. The hacker doesn't show the game launching but the fact that it can be installed is a huge step towards installing and playing games which are not officially licensed for the PS5.

This PS5 jailbreak marks quite a big step towards enabling homebrew on the console too. Both the PS3 and PS4 are currently jailbroken and can be used to install custom themes, games, emulators and even unofficial game patches including the Bloodborne 60FPS patch. The patch is something you can't install on your PS4 unless you have it jailbroken and hacked.

Sadly, the hacker didn't share any specific details on how the jailbreak took place. We don't know if it was a software or hardware-related loophole at this stage. He likely kept his process a secret to avoid Sony patching and fixing it almost instantly.

It is still too early to tell what will come from this exploit. However, apart from the piracy issues surrounding jailbroken PS5 consoles, the homebrew community might find ways to create unique apps and experiences on the console. In fact, this exploit might result in a way for users to emulate PS3 games on the console. Something Sony has failed to work on.

Anon is but a humble bug chaser

The new randomizer mode is cool tho I def recommend playing with the goombler :marseycard::marseyluckycat: option as it means you have to take negative perk cards which really make the game harder

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