
I'm not from there and won't make it

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happy 3rd birthday rDrama :marseyparty:

we somehow made it to 3 years :marseyclapping:

heres to 1 more :capywalking:


This guy totally owned him by calling him a disgusting person:

This guy signed him up for furry newsletters:

This guy sent him bussy:

This guy posted hog (with warts):

Are landlords even people?

I bought a mobile home for my mother to live in and she died a few months later. I've been trying to sell it ever since and have had sooo many people tell me that I should just rent it out, which I technically can't do because it's supposed to be owner or close family occupied, but even if I could, I just don't think I'd want to ever be a landlord, partly because it's too much trouble and partly because I'd have to make a choice between either squeezing someone for all I can, which I have an ethical problem with, or charging them well below market rent, which just seems irrational. Better to sell the darn thing and not have to worry about it anymore.

Sound financial choice bro!

I texted the number and told him he should be ashamed of himself, and he called me a few mins later. I didn't answer because I'm a b-word but it confirmed there was someone on the other end receiving things.


This unfortunately was removed by Reddit, appears to be a super sweet burn with cat facts though:

This guy made a hilarious Google review as Reginald P Moneybags and wants upvotes!

This guy said frick you to him! So brave!

This guy is in debt (lol) but no fear, now the landchad will get those calls so this guy will totally not have to pay!

This guy is extra evil:

Sent him a really disrespectful text. Don't feel bad about it he deserved it. I can't stand these types of people. Hope you find a good place soon OP

Literally no one who isn't brain dead says this:

Remember, there are people out the we that will insist that renting is 100% better than buying...

At least there's one person supporting landlord rights:

Tip him

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Most haven't gone through the process yet at Disneyland cuz of the time difference but here's previous discussions

TLDR: Disney's old DAS (DISABILITY ACESS SERVICE) pass was abused to heck once the parks reopened during the pandemic and became even worse once Disney took away free fast passes and introduced genie+ and lightning lane. People would make up excuses like ibs and anxiety so they didn't have to wait in long lines. Now Disney says it's only for developmental disabilities like autism

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lots of generic condolences to inanimate object low tier jokes

Most controversial thread comes through still about being rational through hatred of somebody you despise, and how keeping cordial relationships even with douchebags is pivotal in international diplomacy

Lots of waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah wahhh wahhhh :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: no the Iranian regime is le heckin evilllll, the EU head eurocuck dude should have said nothing and stay silent instead!!!!

and on and on


:soymadtalking: :soymadtalking: :soymadtalking:

:marseywindmill: :marseytunaktunak: POO POO DISASTER :marseytunaktunak: :marseywindmill!:

AI coomers get doxed.

Wow, Yikes a bad faith comic
fan 40k vid


Seems like this this post inspired more concerned citizens !nooticers to come out of the woodwork to share their findings about Portland. If this was one of you guys, thanks for doing the lord's work. Ill probably start making these kinda posts in certain Bay Area subreddits.

@Redactor0 @911roofer


In the article the whale complains that upper caste men talk about ending reservation (40-60% govt jobs guaranteed if you're lower caste for example) and reject her.

Bruh they're rejecting her because she's OBESE not because she's a dalit. No one mentions their caste on dating apps lol. Look at her-

Probably because they saw the rest of her pictures showing her full body on insta and blocked her lol.

If she wasn't obese they would have stuck around longer at least. Even dalit moids would have rejected her.

Wonder if there will also be reservation on dating apps? Pradhan Mantri Dating Arakshan Yojana :marseysmug5:

Something tells me it wasn't her birth jati which is responsible for the lack of interest of men

The time you spent writing this article would have been spent better going for a run

It's a very common tendency to blame, when you don't have game

Seethe from Dalitus Primus himself blaming muh casteism rather than her weight for her rejection:


I (M35) am married to (F34). I also have a friend (M36) who we'll call Mark, and he is soon-to-be-unmarried to his wife (F34).

The reason why Mark and his wife are divorcing is because (according to Mark) she has let herself go. He has said she has gained a lot of weight (I have noticed that, but like I didn't really care), she stopped going to the gym, starting smoking, cut off her hair due to not caring to take care of it anymore, etc. When I told my wife of this, she just made a face and said that it was "trashy" of him to leave his wife in what may be hard times in her life. I understand that, but like, my friend said that he had tried therapy for her, marriage counselling, and antidepressants (she was actually diagnosed depressed) but she didn't really seem to want to help herself.

Honestly, I can get behind that. But my wife's mood always shifts whenever I bring him up now, and doesn't like the fact that I'm helping him through the divorce (it's taking a toll on both of them equally imo).

Been a back and forth type thing for a while, and im coming to this sub to seek judgement on whether i am wrong or not here. AITA?

Your wife is probably worrying about what you're going to do if she "let herself go".

Then maybe she should avoid.....letting herself go..... -517


It's "for better or for worse, in sickness and in health"

Not, as you/Mark/OP seem to think, "until my peepee can't get hard around her anymore."

>until my peepee can't get hard around her anymore


NTA. Here's why. I had been with my boyfriend of almost 15 years. One year into our relationship he had a breakdown and was hospitalized and diagnosed as manic and bipolar. He did take his meds for a while then came off them on his own. He either worked two jobs and I would beg him to spend time with me or he'd play video games for 20 hours a day. We recently broke up because I was tired of being held to a double standard of what he was allowed to do vs why I can't. It is extremely hard dealing with someone who is depressed and will not learn to deal with it. I stayed with him drove hours to hospitals and drs and the one time I needed him to drive me to the ER. I was told well I guess I'll have to take you as you'll never stop bitching about it if I don't. I had pneumonia. You aren't telling your wife you'll leave her if she gains weight. You are telling her if she is unwilling to medically help herself you will not be staying. NTA. But I'm sure I'll get crucified for my response. Try and explain that to her that's it not the letting herself go it's the trying to not be responsible for her health.

Well, in that scenario, the depressed person was male, so that's clearly different. /s

Unfortunately that how things work in this forum.


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ducks don't frick around

All star lineup showcasing the creeps of rdrama.


Pope says people are "fundamentally good"

Bro, has the Pope even met people?

Does the Pope not realize that what goodnees he sees was hard-fought-for by his own church, and only possible by the grace of Our Lord as mediated by the Holy Spirit?

Does he not know that this is the good news that the gospels are named after?

!christians discuss!

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