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Guy post dox of landchad who tried to raise his rent. The paypigs of r/renters have begun their revenge in ways only Redditors could think of.


This guy totally owned him by calling him a disgusting person:


This guy signed him up for furry newsletters:


This guy sent him bussy:


This guy posted hog (with warts):


Are landlords even people?


I bought a mobile home for my mother to live in and she died a few months later. I've been trying to sell it ever since and have had sooo many people tell me that I should just rent it out, which I technically can't do because it's supposed to be owner or close family occupied, but even if I could, I just don't think I'd want to ever be a landlord, partly because it's too much trouble and partly because I'd have to make a choice between either squeezing someone for all I can, which I have an ethical problem with, or charging them well below market rent, which just seems irrational. Better to sell the darn thing and not have to worry about it anymore.

Sound financial choice bro!

I texted the number and told him he should be ashamed of himself, and he called me a few mins later. I didn't answer because I'm a b-word but it confirmed there was someone on the other end receiving things.


This unfortunately was removed by Reddit, appears to be a super sweet burn with cat facts though:


This guy made a hilarious Google review as Reginald P Moneybags and wants upvotes!


This guy said frick you to him! So brave!


This guy is in debt (lol) but no fear, now the landchad will get those calls so this guy will totally not have to pay!


This guy is extra evil:

Sent him a really disrespectful text. Don't feel bad about it he deserved it. I can't stand these types of people. Hope you find a good place soon OP

Literally no one who isn't brain dead says this:

Remember, there are people out the we that will insist that renting is 100% better than buying...

At least there's one person supporting landlord rights:

Tip him

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The face of a man that gives redditors anxiety attacks with a single phone call


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>This kills the renter

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I mean...

He is pretty spoopy


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Based soulless dark eyed capitalist :marseycapitalistmanlet:

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The Hairline of Christmas Yet to Come.

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looks bulgarian

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!reportmaxxers lots of harassment and involuntary :marseybetauprising: pornography in these comments

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Lol, Reddit's rules only matter when the gigajannies want them to.

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:marseywheeze: Pathetic? thats absurd and funny.

Imagine ur wifes boyfriends half-son might unknowingly be getting perscribed meds by THIS butthole. LOL the whole field of psychiatry btfo'd

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/u/tommytwotanks deleted it

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Hey 👻,

We need to talk about your recent mention of a Reddit user. Our community respects privacy and encourages thoughtful interactions. We've let the mentioned user know. Let's all strive for a kinder, more respectful community.


CrossTalk PM - Automated Message (Unmonitored Account)

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Putting your bussy on a stroller is the most empowering thing you can do

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lol, lmao even

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Thanks for the phone number I needed to kill 30 mins ❤️


As a woman, I'd never be ok with you doing this unsolicited to anyone. But I'm having a really hard time having an issue with this landlord butthole looking at your butthole. 🤷🏻‍♀️

As a woman, you should be in the kitchen.

Aww, bless your heart. I know it's hard, but just know, that with an attitude like that, you'll die alone because no woman will want you. But, you already know that 💕💕 here's hoping you learn to have a personality beyond misogyny before it's too late!

Ah yes, doxxing. Classy 👌

found the wannabe landlord

like ahh, yes, let's be offended that the exploiter might face consequences for their actions


Yea what do you expect from a rentoid sub lmao

tf is a rentoid what 😭

A term for renters used by toxic landlords and homeowners that believe themselves superior to people who rent.

they've got bootlicking down to a science i tell ya

So we're just taking OP's word that this actually happened? And the phone number on that letter is really his landlord? The low IQ Reddit mob mentality at its finest.

Google is your friend

I too can write a bullshit letter, stick a business's phone number, screencap it and karma farm on Reddit. Unlike OP I'm not an idiot.

Sounds like you wrote the letter, mate.

You are making me rather confident in the assumption


You know this guy is just working a job to pay his bills too? A property manager isn't going to fully control rent prices and if he does price it they have a responsibility to their client (the owner) to charge the market rate.

While it's a shame that rent is increasing for OP, this company sent a fair warning advanced notice to either expect to pay up or find another living arrangement.

This guy did nothing wrong, didn't deserve for the Internet to white knight attack him, and you are an butthole.

ehhh,...bullshit!, the problem here is this Butthole is jacking up the rent %100, like everyone is made of money you complainer-motherlover, greed= you get what you get, and the rents are way the frick out of control just like everything else.

Sorry to break it to you that owners of investment properties aren't developing projects to shelter people out of the goodness of their hearts.

I'm not saying the system doesn't have flawed or isn't tough on people, but as a renter you need to face the reality that your rights to the property do not go further than the lease contract you signed.

Oh, they're doing it for profit? Real profound statement, dipshit.

Hey man go buy some homes and give people deals. Or keep crying online your whole life.

Yes, that's how people make money. Stay broke lil bro

More here if you want to hang with the sardines.

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I think it's funny that they've shifted from “temporarily embarrassed millionaire” to “temporarily embarrassed homeowner”

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Is there anyway this causes legal issues? I don't know burger law

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Not for simply doxxing him i dont think.

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Only thing is, this is intentional doxxing from OP's own words, and it lead to numerous harassment via phone, email, etc.

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i still dont think thats illegal. Maybe it could be considered "cyberstalking", butt im not sure.

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Yeah I think it's usually a tough bar to clear but I think if you can prove that somebody did it with the intent of harassing you, they can get got.

But then again I'd imagine most of the posters in that sub are judgment proof so you wouldn't actually get anything.

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I'd imagine he could use the former tenant? Idk on what grounds, maybe harassment?

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Emailed my landlord :marseycapitalistmanlet: today, because I broke my mailbox key and he needs :marseyspecial: to fix that.

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Rentoids afuera!

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The whole "rent a year, renew lease " system in the USA is such a shitshow.

Here you lease an apartment, MAYBE a year minimum, then you can just say you wanna leave with 3 months notice. They can't even raise your rent more than inflation.

If the owner wants to make use of the apartment, sell it, etc. they can, but they cant kick you out and just lease it higher.

Seems fair tbh

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Seems fair tbh

It's not, rentoid. You're not entitled to live in someone else's home.

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yea you aren't. but then the poorstrag homeowners shoudl just like, you know, NOT rent out their house?

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Or how about they just rent it out for a year, and then adjust the price as they please when renewing the lease?

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lmao how about a car salesman has no warranty? How about a restaurant gives you food poisonging?

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Caveat emptor, commie.

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frick that shit, we write how much rent is going to increase next year when they are signing the first year. its usually 10% and in the document we also write, you have 3 months if we tell you to frick off, no arguing


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!homeowners not !homerenters

this is like bragging about using your car for uber

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new bait sub /r/loveforcarowners where we jerk of uber drivers the same way /r/loveforlandlords jerked off landlords.

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When I block the bike lane because I have a pickup and am in hurry, but remember to flip off the single mother on her bike


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Tell me you browse SRD without telling me you browse SRD.

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I do sometimes to be honest, but this actually was suggested to me by Reddit because I went to /r/Renters looking for rDrama posts a while back

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All daisy chained.

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Circle of life

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Month-to-monthcels deserve 100% rent increases.

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I'm not poor so I don't know why someone would go month-to-month. The only reason I can think of is if they're trying to find a new place but haven't found one yet. In which case, why wouldn't a landchad charge them more?

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