
!fellas Who didn't do this



Wow. Small world. I actually swiped right on you a few weeks ago. :soyjakwow:


Who you? :marseychingchongmutt:

I'm in school right now so I can be a contributing partner to my relationship/marriage. You are right, I won't bat an eye on people who are not stable financially at this age, because altho I'm not atm, I'm certain I will be once I finish my degree.

Chad onry

Noticer :marseynoooticer: :marseynooticeglow:

I've never had so much trouble diagnosing a profile.

First of all, I'm curious as to what you're asking for because theres no way you don't have lots of options. Is there something particular you're looking for?

My first deep impression is that these pics are spread out over a long time, like a decade. I then realized that small changes in styling, and prep resulted in what looked like large age changes. You might drop the oversized tshirt pic and make the one where your hair frames your pic your main one.

Lastly, and really importantly, you are going to have to realize that what you are looking for in these comments is not something you are likely going to find. I commend your school, but after 25, no one with self respect is going to date someone for 2 months and have them go off to school for 9. What am I supposed to do, just wait and hope you don't change your mind or get a job offer elsewhere? If you only want to date for marriage, it's probably best to do that post grad.

Were all photos taken recently (within the last 6 months)? The only reason why I ask is because there's a slight difference between body shape and hairstyles / colour. Some guys may wonder which version of yourself will show up if they ask you out.

>You're very cute and look healthy so your pictures are not a problem. Prompts show your personality and the things you like, which are things a ton of guys like. Really there aren't any issues with any of that.

These pics are not decades apart from each other, that I'm sure of!


It's an odd scenario to be in. If you are looking for a financially stable above average looking guy, similar age as you, then it's going to take a lot of luck without having very similar hobbies and not being super attractive. Now sure a lot of redditors will say you are super cute and they will swipe right but it's not hard to picture the quintessential redditors and I don't think they are your target pool. Like most women, you will get lots of likes and even if the guys are serious, most will quit after a certain time so it will really all come down to luck unless you are dating guys with poor options.

You can say pretty much the same thing to any female's profile review post in here, which makes your comment kind of rude and a downer. Idk what hurt you but I sincerely hope you will find peace within yourself. Take care. :marseychingchongmutt:

Also here the full texts in case she decides to delete it and we at /r/drama co are all about perseverance:

My updated profile. I got rid of 1 and added 2 new photos :

Edited: I have seen quite a few questions asking why I don't date/look for a relationship where I go to school/ that me leaving for school again is an issue, that my situation might be a problem for well-established men with a set lifestyle (which is one of my criteria).

To give you all a brief answer, the school I go to is in a rural area where there is very little diversity. I have tried dating men who are local there but most of them have little exposure to people outside of their culture. It's even harder when their mindsets are of a country one, whereas I'm more of a city/ suburban person.

Since I'm an undergrad, most of my classmates are 10 years younger than me, and I'm there for my study, so the thought of dating any of them is even more ludicrous. How about older students or grad students, you say? I want to date to get marriage. But I don't plan to live where I go to school. Therefore I don't see the point of dating someone and getting involved emotionally to finally break things off when I move back to my home state.

I feel more comfortable dating where I know I can build a family eventually. And it is in this home state where my parents are at, with a more diverse culture, a big Vietnamese community, and the people are less xenophobic. Especially with my current age, I don't want to wait for 2 more years to permanently move back here and start dating. I'll be too old by that time to have kids with the husband. So, I will take any chance I've got when I'm back home this time, to mindfully date and only date for marriage. I'm pretty set on this path, and if someone is just as serious, they will agree with my thinking and try to make things work for both of us. End of the edit.

Idk why I bothered covering my location, you can clearly see it from my post history lol. Anyways, after taking a break from Reddit to refocus on myself and my mental health, I'm finally at a better place in terms of health and mindset. Seeing that I'm leaving this godforsaken college town to go back home for summer in a few days, I'm ready to meet new people and build some connections along the way. Therefore I need your honest opinions on what impression my profile gives off. What can I do to improve it? Should I change anything?

There is a prompt about the biggest risk you've taken and I wrote: leaving the comfort of home to study for my bachelor's out of state at the age of 30. I have plan to move back home after my graduation, and I'm only home now for summer. I forgot to take a screenshot of it. The prompt is to let the local guys know I'll be back once I'm done with my education, so anyone who's got a long term plan won't feel too deterred that I'll be leaving in 2 months.

I'm very excited about my dating prospect this time! Probably because I've been loving myself more, treating myself with care, patience and compassion. It's true you really need to love yourself before anyone can love you. I have more than enough love for myself now, it's time to share the love with others (or just one more person xD)

Gigachad Earth v Chud Sun

Reported by:
Disney bros. Not like this
Reported by:
[🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘] White People, But With Subtitles [oc]

Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

[removed] (550)

Nope! Acknowledgement of and making fun of racism is not in and of itself racist. Thanks for asking, and I'm glad I could clear that up! (-274)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Mocking white people and asserting that white people often secretly have malicious racist motives, is racist though. Glad I could clear that up! (186)

Earnestly implying that white people often have hidden racist biases <----Not racist.Earnestly saying that all white people always have hidden racist motives <---- Kinda racist.My comic does the former, not the latter. Glad I could clear that up! (-202)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

[removed] (550)

If you see yourself in this comic, it's not 'cause you're white. (-107)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Really drew out the Not-Alls with this one, huh?For those of y'all who have your head in your butt, this obviously isn't about all white people because idk if you knew this, but not all white people are racist (though you could argue whether they continue to benefit from systemic racism). This also isn't about all racism, either. No shit people of every race are racist. This is about covert racism that you see a lot in environments where racists are taught that open racism is wrong, but don't internalize why it's wrong. They change how they refer to people because, oh god, they don't want the negative consequences, but they don't change the attitudes or beliefs behind them. It's like those stupid slur-baiting “Who was in Paris?” memes. People understand that they shouldn't say slurs but god darn do they want to. And obviously this is a behavior mostly seen in middle class white Americans because they get decent education but still have parents/grandparents who're still salty about de... (-1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

The amount of people in the comments saying “I can't believe OP hates all white people” or “this is just as racist as if it said ‘black people'” is pretty pathetic. Yes, generalisations are bad, but when you have an institutionalised system of racism, then the outcome is generally the “dominant” race in that system being racist (with varying intensity/intent). That said, this post is about those racist things said by racist white people, not literally all white people. Also I'm not super educated on the topic but I'm hesitant to say racism against white people (at least in country's like America) exist (-24)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Subtitle: I want to draw a line in the sand between their racism and whatever forms of racism I participate in so I can feel good about myself rather than do the continual work of being introspective to actively deprogram the racism that I have been and continue to be taught. (-38)

Y'all downvoting but this is right. White people as a cultural group still set the standards of representation for our culture. Which means it's important not to associate with the racists by being offended on behalf of the people who claim to represent you.This is the man/bear question all over again. Yes it's not fair you have to be associated with these people. But being offended shows which side you're showing empathy towards. It's a messy topic and that means there's messy lines.These perspectives are not about painting with a wide brush. They're about sharing how the problem is still so endemic that from the perspectives of non-white people are experiencing so much racism that there's no way to talk about individuals only.It's not "all white people are racists".It's "white culture still has so much racism embedded in it".It's a subtle difference but a massive change in perspective if you think about it that way. (-5)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/FleetStreetsDarkHole

Score: 🐮🐮🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 7

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


Some highlights

Prostitute I think. Might be the most useful person here


Wants to make propaganda videos

Wants to be a poet (very useful in an armed rebellion-the red army was known for their poetry corps).

Xe will post memes for the cause online (propagandist)

Xe will make TikTok's for the cause

Apparently there aren't enough communists posting shit online

This king wants to start as the party commissar.

Beautiful black qween in Hades 2 :marseyblm:

Reported by:
100% true things that make r*dditors angry. A list.

Here's a list of 100% true facts* from a lot of different areas etc that make certain r*dditors very angry. Feel free to use to bait r-slurs 🤗🤗🤗 i probably forgot a bunch so I might update this list but idk

Violent video games increase aggression and desensitization, and decrease empathy.

Vegetables are healthy.

Red meat is unhealthy.

There are reasonable concerns about adverse health effects from MSG.

There's no evidence that seasoning a cast iron pan creates a layer of polymerized oils.

"Hydrogen oxide" is just as correct as "dihydrogen monoxide".

Eating meat is immoral.

Moral relativism is false.

Non physical experiments (like models and computer simulations) produce the same kind of evidence as physical experiments.

/r/nihilism's stickied explanation of nihilism does not explain nihilism correctly.

Anki spacing algorithms are not the most efficient algorithms for longterm retention.

Word cards lead to implicit word knowledge.

Gender is a social construct.

Clathrin mediated endocytosis does not significantly contribute to synaptic vesicle recycling under physiological conditions.

Sam Harris is neither a neuroscientist, nor a philosopher.

All the popscientific debunkings of the Kalam cosmological argument fail.

Jesus existed as a historical figure.

Wage increases only very rarely don't at least match inflation.

The wage gap exists.

IQ differences between races for the most part aren't genetic.

Youtube pianist Traum's videos are heavily manipulated.

* 100% true fact in this case means there's a robust consensus among the relevant experts. This works less well with r*ghtoids since they will just call the entire field libtard propaganda brainwashing or whatever.

Reported by:

PEI changed its policies on work permits for foreign students back in 2023, so that less of them would be able to receive permanent residence after getting their useless diplomas. Indians are really mad about it because they have a God-given right to live in YOUR country, chud.

This article talks more about the situation:

Foreign workers in Canada's Prince Edward Island will hold a day-long protest on May 13 against changes in the province's immigration policy that would reduce the intake of permanent residents by 25 per cent. A demonstration was held in Charlottetown on Friday over the issue.

A large number of students from Punjab living in the province are likely to be affected by the policy changes, announced by the province in February, as many of them work either on work permits or as international students. The burden on the healthcare and housing sectors were cited as the reason to reduce the intake. The focus would now be on nominating workers in the healthcare, childcare and construction trades.

“This has left the hundreds of foreign workers working in the retail and services sector hopeless as they are unlikely to get their work permit renewed once it expires. Even if they shift to the healthcare, childcare and construction trades now, they won't get any benefit as work permits in these sectors will be extended only to those who have prior experience,” said Manpreet Kaur Longowal, a volunteer of the Montreal Youth Students Organisation (MYSO).

They also have the commies on their side. It might be over for us, chudbros... :marseysweating:

Capy destroys :marseytedsimp: with facts and logic :capygun:

It started here

Shots fricking fired




If you say no you're part of the problem:

They pay each other in sexual favors with HIV folk:

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