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:marseysalutepride: :marseylgbtflag3: ITS ALMOST PRIDE MONTH :marseysalutepride: :marseylgbtflag3:

Please type the following phrase to receive full pride month benefits ‘GAY PRIDE WORLDWIDE' .

We're gonna win this thing

For years the elites of the dramasphere have conspired to suppress the pizzabros, a nomadic group of text warriors that travel from drama website to drama website to spread the gospel of anti-foidism.

Whenever we climb near the reins of power the jannies collude to stop us from over running them.

But the elites have made their biggest mistake yet - having fair and open elections, something they never considered before. They have underestimated the pizzabros and walked right into the kill zone.

To my supporters - do not let them silence you, we have come further than ever before. They laughed at us when we said we'd ascend to power and bring the jannie problem to a final solution. I believe the sound of laughter might have suffocated in their throats in the meantime.


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

She could have followed up by throwing a match on him. (403)

What's wrong with bbq? (101)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Nta. She's a psycho. Dump her. (-50)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

It's understandable to be upset, but her reaction was instinctive. Discuss boundaries and safety in your pranks to avoid future incidents. Communication is key to resolving this. (-29)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Definitely YTA. You intentionally cause a surprise reaction........and you're mad because the surprise reaction you intentionally caused didn't follow the imaginary script you fantasized in your head?This reminds me of instances where robbers use fake guns.They GET FRICKING SHOT AND KILLED by people defending themselves with REAL guns.......and their criminal loved ones all b-word and complain about it being a fake gun and the robbery victim was never in any real danger.How FRICKED UP is that? The entire intent of the fake gun was to make the victim believe they were in danger.......and when the victim actually did exactly what was intended, suddenly the script gets rewritten and the robbery victim was supposed to not react as if they were in danger.OP intentionally wanted and caused his GF to be frightened and react defensively........and now it's her fault that frightened and reacted defensively. How fricked up is that? (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Are you fricking stupid? YTA. You pretended to mug your gf and are shocked she pepper sprayed you? Like seriously you're surprised? People get shot over trying to mug people. also, I know you probably can't grasp this as A man, but it is terrifying to be a women getting harassed by a man let alone being ROBBED men kill women all the time for simply rejecting them and you think your gf is an butthole for reacting this way when you pretend to Rob her. What the actual frick is wrong with you. if you truly cannot grasp why she pepper sprayed you, You're a fricking troglodite. This has to be fake because there's no way you're this stupid I'm calling BS (3)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Ok reading the title I was thinking “frick her, run”, but this is on you dude. Yes it was extreme on her part but you did scare her and weird shit happens when people are scared. I HATE people scaring me and had a buddy do this to me early morning before work. I fricking punched him. By the time I realized it was him the damage was already done. That's not who I am, but he got me good and I legit thought it was something bad coming for me.The one rule of scaring people is don't scare people with weapons or things they can hurt you with, because you might regret it. (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Flashdance-asspants

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🔘🔘

Number of comments: 5

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:




Chad rDrama vs virgin The Motte
I'm proud of my son
Dating as a Black woman in 2024

!moidmoment go where you're wanted queens ✨sprinkle sprinkle✨


The new position as a car guy's assistant is going well. Drove an hour away to pick up the new Polaris UTV for his son and now I have the tough job of “gently” breaking it in for a few hours before handing it off to be beaten on by a 9 year old.

Next project is to build him a podcast studio. This is serious work.


You'll try to stop somebody's livelihood but don't address bums blocking every day citizens from being able to cross the Golden Gate Bridge?

Yeah no thanks for playin

Uh oh

Wow of all the problems in San Francisco... Homeboy just trying to hustle.


Mind your own darn business lady


Perhaps the only good thing San Francisco's famously lax DAs ever did was to accidentally decriminalize lemonade stands.

any cels here considered hagmaxxing?

'I am a feminist (to an extent that I can be annoying about it) but this recent idea that s*x work is some sort of peak of women's liberation is just not something I will ever understand.'


'we are only judging Johns'

Of course you do darling

Local anti-porn twoxer Nooleef


'Oooh this is gonna be another /r/subredditdramadrama thread. Nothing gets dudes on Reddit absolutely seething more than women discussing what makes certain men fundamentally undateable.

The opinion that men who buy s*x are unappealing to women isn't even close to being controversial irl though (nor is it a high bar for most men to pass), so the fact that it causes such a stir on Reddit is as illuminating as it is hilarious.'

She is known for choosing the bear and having interesting takes over asians and africans ( claims to be African American and posts in black ladies)

'I hope they keep this same energy when we refuse to date women who've had an OnlyFans'

Kiatard invades

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ape together stroommmmnggee :#monke: ape gothergether is is stongronger :#donkeykongattack: aepe songether is STORNG STORNG STORONGER :#kongsuprise: !besties !coolpeople !r-slurs !ifrickinglovescience ape pis game is ss siis is now bon is on now on sale for buy :#donkeykonghearteyes: buy ape fideoi game :#donkeykonghi:

:marseyletsfuckinggo2: FInal just ended with a PERFECT from @CamNewton

Incredibly hype, you should have been there !g*mers


The correct ratio is undefined as you cannot divide by zero and Obama was spiritually white but he drone striked a burger which should be felony murder but was uncharged and the first spiritually black president, Andrew Jackson, should have been a felon.

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