


DO NOT watch :marseypopcorntime: this unless you WANT to be afraid...

I like you.
Human ritual sacrifice is real and it has an effect on the world (2003 incident with the zoroastrian dakhma in india)

19 January, 2003- Indian officials ventured into deep jungle investigating several missing persons reports from a nearby city. What they found was a “Tower of Silence,” or dakhma. Zoroastrians use these sites to dispose of bodies in the open air. While sites like these are not uncommon in certain parts of India, several peculiarities hint at something more unusual:

1. None of the bodies depicted in the photograph were identified. Villagers from nearby, who were initially surprised at the sheer number of corpses in the dakhma, proved unable to recognize the bodies. The corpses also do not match the descriptions of the missing people.

2. There were no animals except for maggots and flies. Zoroastrians rely on birds such as buzzards to dispose of the bodies in the belief they are contributing back to the Earth. Officials found the corpses relatively untouched by any sort of animal.

3. There is no official count of the bodies. In fact little work was actually accomplished at the site, and perhaps this is the reason only one photograph has emerged. Officials avoided the spot not only because they felt uneasy looking at it, but for the following as well:

4. The deep pit in the center of the photograph was filled with several feet of festering blood. Far more than the bodies on the outside could ever supply. The stench was so unbearable many of the officials began to get nauseous when they first approached the dakhma. The expedition was ended when a villager accidentally kicked a small bone into the pit, penetrating the coagulated surface of the pool. A massive burst of gas from the decomposing blood erupted from the pit, splashing those looking into it, along with the photographer.

Those caught in the explosion were immediately sent to the hospital where they were quarantined for possible infection. They became delirious with fever, shouting about “being tainted with the blood of Ahriman (the personification of evil in Zoroastrianism)” despite never having admitted they had any familiarity with the religion. In fact, many of them had no idea what the dakhma was when they had found it. Delirium turned to insanity as many began to attack hospital staff until they were sedated. The fever eventually killed all of them.

When officials returned with HAZMAT gear the following day, the site was empty. All the bodies had been removed and astonishingly, the pool of blood in pit had been drained. All that remained of the incident was this photograph.


Gaze into the mouth of madness
When you keep abducting people from trailer parks
whatever this is

This is my first pasta. Sorry for the grammar errors.

A few months ago, I was driving along the streets of Los Angeles with my friend, Zack, until we realize that we were running out of gas.

We were trying to park somewhere to give our car a rest, but no luck. Then something caught our eyes. It was a McDonald's building with Ronald McDonald at the top of it.

When we parked by the parking lot, we noticed that they was no customers inside. It was weird, considering that McDonald's is open 24/7. Also. there were no cars either. I could've swore that the Ronald McDonald statue turned its head against me.

I told Zack about it, but when he he saw it, it was in normal position. He told me I was going nuts, but the statue DID turn it's head. I then heard a faint laugh coming from the inside. We got terrified. I tried opening the door, but it was locked by a rusty Master combination lock. We didn't have time to figure out the combination, so Zack pulled out his gun and shot at it. it was finally unlocked.

So we opened the door to the inside. What we saw was so horrible. There were dead corpses all over the tables and chairs, and lots of blood in the soda machine. We puked in the trash can that was next to us, but before we did that, I saw mutilated arms and legs inside, which made us puke even more. How did McDonald's end up like this? We were so hungry, so we ran into the kitchen. There were fries and a few burgers, I thought we finally found food, until we saw more corpses.

This time, they had no eyeballs, juts blood coming from the sockets. Their stomachs have been ripped open with the organs ripped out. I tried ignoring them, but they still bother me. I didn't even have time to eat fries. We tried escaping through the main door, but it mysteriously locked by itself. We were now prisoners inside the building. We got scared just by staring at the corpses. Zack and I spitted up, trying to look for a exit. He went to a door that was covered in oil.

I didn't want to enter with him, because I felt that danger was lurking behind the door. That's when I saw a small bomb in one of the dining tables. I picked up, fused with my lighter, and placed in the door. After 10 seconds, it finally exploded. I was free to go wherever I want. I tried calling him to come back, but he still didn't answer. I filled up my car with my backup gas supply that I stored in the trunk. I waited for him to go back to my car with me, it was now 7:00 pm. That's when I saw a tall figure coming from the door with a chainsaw. I drove away as fast as I could. I managed to escaped to my house. Zack never came back at all...

Two days later, I received a newspaper with the most disturbing headline of all, it said:

"2 boys went to a abandoned McDonald's restaurant in the far side of Los Angeles. One manged to get away, with the other one nowhere in sight. Police are still trying to locate the man, but they never found proof. Then they mysteriously disappeared by entering a oil covered door."

What was behind that door? How did they all went missing? I hope someone would this mystery anytime soon...... And who is the strange figure?


Okay not all of these are real but the one 2/3rds through the video :marseyzeldaganon: is


:!marseyindignantwoman: :!marseysouthernbelle1: :ethot: :!#marseywall: :!marseyghostlaugh:

At least someone is being brave and doing some investigating!!!





Is it a scam for money? Are they putting in tracking devices?

My guess is, it's just for fun. I trust dentists less than aliens.


Attn Jim Can't Swim Fans

Jim Can't Swim? More like Jim Can Goon!

This guy is the narrator of the JCS channel, looks like a complete peepeepig gooner :marseycoomer2:

That's all


To preface this I was dead scrolling through Reddit as our species tends to do on weekends— and I noticed this post with like 20k upvotes of this strange little guy. My first instinct was wow look at this weird potato but then I looked at the subreddit and saw that it was an alien subreddit. Thinking this must be some sort of joke I immediately slammed on that open comments button.

What I found was truly baffling. Everyone believed it! It took me a solid 5 minutes to scroll through to the bottom to find any type of criticism of the picture in question. And that's when the slap fights commenced the further down you go.

If you want a good laugh just honestly sort by best but since this is SRD here's some spots that I noticed and there's a lot more that I didn't have the time to link.





TLDR: (I THINK) it's Cordyceps, probably a member of Ophiocordyceps.

Edit for details/clarity: OP, allthedimmerswitches, posted a garden photo to /r/MushroomID, an educational Reddit page.

Link to Reddit comment prompting cross post.

Mushroom ID has locked the post and it is around 1,000 comments.

The mushroom ID sub, /r/mushroomID frequently has fun with this issue of Cordyceps, and has taken to quickly denote the described post here as an alien body.

Users recommended OP to post in the /r/AlienBodies subreddit, which also received the image in good humor.

Estimated X-files streaming bump across Hulu/Amazon Prime, +2,000 (±250).

Imagur link for visualization.

ETA: dude, what did speech to text do to my title?


Spooky :marseyaugust: perverts who like to watch :marseywait: from a distance


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