Krauts are giant p*ssies

Because modern :marseywarhol: young :marseychingchongchild: women :marseyharpooner: complain about every aspect of the "traditional" marriage :marseybride: roles except for the one where :marseydrama: they don't have to work

"Being a mom is the hardest job in the world" says my sister :marseymar: in law as she sleeps until 10am and leaves :marseyrake: the kid in her room. She's like 7 years old and still takes afternoon naps after school. Probably so mom can scroll Instagram. Never :marseyitsover: takes her outside. SIL is like 100lbs overweight. House :marseyvampirebite: is always dirty. And she makes jokes about wanting to be wealthy. They live in a nice little :marseypony: house, go on vacations, have two reliable cars.

I know 3 couples this could apply to. I don't have plans :marseythebuilder: to get married


Jesus :marseyklennycross: christ :marseyklennysoren: dude, everyone :marseynorm: in the comments told you in like 7 different :marseyvenn3: flavors already that your wife is taking advantage of you, but you refuse :marseyprotestno: to do anything :marseycoleporter: about it because of guilt???????? I dont think :marseynoooticer: so bruh, it's time you start prioritizing your own HEALTH, it'll be good for both you and your child.

As for your wife, honestly, I would :marseywood: divorce her for less, but I understand you may not want to go THAT far especially because of your child; Maybe stop letting her do whatever :marseyjerkofffrown: she wants with your money? Can't get her nails :marseychudstamp: done if you don't drop the dough, right? You have to be more assertive with what you want cuz that woman :marseytradmad: is walking :marseydogwalker: all over you my dude, like a doormat.


Commanderd was a jannie on the child free debate LiveJournal community.

As jannies tend to do, the power of the mop went to his head, and he banned sayonara_snot and lord_snot.

The cf_debate jannies claimed to have issued multiple warnings prior to the y'alling, but were unable to provide proof of rules violations.

In fact, the supposed β€œherpes of cf_debate” were clean in all of 2007, all of 2006, and all of 2005.

The users of stupid-free take this opportunity to dunk on jannies and child free losers.

I have a theory. When you find that you've painted your self into a corner by your own fricking stupidity, trot any three or more of the following accusations at the person or people pissing you off:

1. tell them to get a life

2. tell them they have too much time on their hands

3. tell them to get off the internet

4. accuse them of being trolls

5. lie your butt off to try to sway people

6. post fake IM logs of convos you never had with the person

7. spend endless hours replying to every goddarn reply

The Jannie playbook hasn't changed in 16 years.

And the ironic thing is that gwenhyffar has been way more "trolly" here in stupid_free and sf_drama that I ever was in cf_debate. Does no one remember the USAians nuttiness? Or how she had two miscarriages so that meand she's "lost a child"?? C'mon, people.

I saw that "losing a child" thread, and couldn't help thinking her 'grief' was more motivated by the fact that she miscarried before she was able to abort. If she really grieved for those miscarriages, why would she use the phrase "before I had the chance to evict them" or whatever it was.


cf_debate is a concept that is just begging for trolling anyway. Normal people debate the decision to have a child like this:

>I want a kid.

>I don't.



Anything beyond that is a waste of everybody's time.


B2 flying :marseybird: to Cuba





/r/AlternateHistory is exactly what it sounds like on the tin, a subreddit for alternate history scenarios.

We start this drama with the OP posting the first part of their oddly-conservative alt-hist series titled β€œThe Second American Civil War According to Reddit Part 1: Election”, which tries to detail how Reddit would react to Trump being forcibly taken off the ballot due to an executive order made by Joe Biden that would bar felons from running for office.

This post gets taken down, as it was originally considered to be not alternate history.

This causes lots of folks to come out of the woodwork in AlternateHistory, pooping all over the moderators, which can be seen in theseposts, along with the latest posts on OP's profile.

The matter does get solved though, with the mod Coniuratos explaining that he removed the first post because they thought it was made to just politically mudsling, with the top mod of /r/AlternateHistory removing succeeding posts in the series, which got undeleted by the mods as well.

TL/DR: OP of a conservative alt-hist series got most of /r/AlternateHistory on their side due to questionable mod actions.

Taylor Swift got cucked by a sleep paralysis demon

I'm not a swifty but I do love celebrity gossip.

Last year Taytay broke up with her boyfriend of 6 years, a rather twinkish but very attractive young man named Joe Alwyn. Her relationship with Alwyn was so secretive that many people who weren't fans didn't even know she had managed to hold down a man for so long. She then almost immediately renewed that reputation by getting into what appeared to be a whirlwind romance with professional rat boy Matty Healy despite him being British and looking like an ingrown toenail. he also had had a very controversial podcast appearance (on the Adam Friedland Show lmao) where he said he liked to watch Ghetto Gaggers and made a racist joke about Ice Spice. Fans had a meltdown and in any event Tswizzle evidently broke up with him after only a few months.

she moved on to Travis Kelce and that was that.

this April she dropped a new album and everyone expected it to be about Alwyn or maybe Kelce. well, almost the whole thing was about Matty Healy. as it turns out, this wasn't a whirlwind romance after all. she had actually known Healy for 12 years at this point and was basically having an emotional affair with him while she was with Alwyn. Healy persuaded her to break up with Alwyn, then pumped and dumped her. in fact he actually ghosted her, not the other way around. song after song on her newest 17 track album is about wanting him to at least call her, while referring to him as the "smallest man who ever lived" and griping that he moved on to a younger woman. which he did. today he proposed to this monstrosity:

she looks like a cannibal but on the other hand she's also 26 years old so there's that.

so far despite despising him while he was with Taylor, fauxmoi has almost nothing to say about this engagement other than how funny it is that Taylor actually got replaced by whatever Gabbriette Bechtel is.


Most Based Comments

Basedness: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

Great. I'm 5'6”. 😱 (6)

Not fricked, you're never fricked, things will be harder though (-3)

Basedness: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

Height doesn't matter, but my uncles are telling me I'll have better luck at getting women at 6'4. (8)

Not true. My ex was 6'4". There's reasons he's an ex. (-6)

Basedness: πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

Idk man…I saw this Reddit post of a 4'10” bald Asian guy with micropeepee who said he had never been able to get a date despite making six figures and being ripped. Sometimes you are fricked… (12)

Mail ordering is always an option (-2)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😑😑😑😑😑

My take it that people are buttholes that are individuals and unique. While simple creatures. Incredibly complex. Everyone wants to believe in good. But evil is more likely to over take. Humans are naturally going to take the easier path. Unfortunately the easy path is usually paved with evil. Evil is quick. Evil is easy. People can convince themselves they're good and be doing evil things. Like it or not. Laughing at someone and making fun. Is an evil act. (1)

Angriness: πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ”˜

I notice that on meetups some girls are not liking it when the guy is shorter than he says he is. If he says he is 6.1 and meets up with her and he is shorter than his claim and around 5.11 or even 179 then she will be mad with him and wonder what else he lies about.Now can we just please reverse it round here and say the guy claims 6.1 but shows up and is taller and like 6.3 or something will she then be mad at him and be weirded out by his lie? Lots of girls dont like starting off the meetup with a lie so will being taller than the claim be grounds for a bad meetup? (3)

Angriness: πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

The problem is online dating. Men are now competing with a much much higher number of men. Meaning after a few swipes, women will always find men who are above average tall. 5'9 is a fine height, you're very likely to be taller than a woman anyways, but if you can decide between 5'9 or 6'1, women are most often going to just give the 6'1 guys a chance. If it doesn't work out, they keep swiping until they find the next one.This combined with the fact that social media praises the magic number 6'0 and tells women to "not settle for less than your standards" is enough to make them chase only above average men in online dating. I advise anyone who is looking for a serious relationship to go outside and touch grass so you don't have to compete with a whole city of men, especially when you're short (14)

Bad idea. In bars and clubs, the same shit happens. Short guy approaches girl, then tall guy approaches the same girl and steals her attention. (3)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Available-Meet-187

Score: πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

Number of comments: 1

Average angriness: πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜

Maximum angriness: 😑😑😑😑😑

Minimum angriness: 😑😑😑😑😑

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

SPLC had to lay off some employees

Poor girl

You're gonna :marseyvenn6: have to pull up the quote tweets to see people calling her a dumb whore.



More in this thread

Anyone Recognize This Flower? :marseynotes:

Hi all! These ferns with odd flowers whose names I cannot track down were a freebie with my jasmine plant years ago. I adore the odd flowers that bloom from them, but my research has not resulted in any leads. Do any of you have any idea of what they are?

Have a good day everyone :marseyhearts:

Reported by:
  • FukinSukinCukin : Dragon Slop: The Gayguard
  • Grue : wah wah wah the RPG ad uses too much purple and it reminded me of Saints Row. Grow up dramiggers!

People complaining

People complaining about people complaining

People complaining, about the people complaining about the original complainers!1!

IT'S COMPLAIN-CEPTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Sir! A second :marseygunnut: teen has hit the crosswalk

the perpetrator:


This is my first reddit post, so please excuse any problems with the formatting!

For those who don't know, Hololive is one of the titans of the vtubing industry. Vtubers, short for Virtual Youtubers, are streamers who use a specially-made anime avatar for their livestreams, as opposed to the more traditional use of face cams. Many vtubers are also associated with the Japanese Idol Industry – not only do they livestream, but they also dance, sing, and perform, selling out concert venues and occasionally appearing on the Japanese music charts.

Among its fans, Hololive is often-regarded as the Good TM Vtuber company. Fans love to dote about how kind, welcoming, and wholesome Hololive is, especially in comparison to its competitors. Clips demonstrating such values are widely popular among fans. This reputation has done much to buoy Hololive's success, but from a business perspective, it can also be a double-edged sword: any corporate decision which seems to violate said principles are viewed with immense alarm and suspicion, as fans fear losing the β€˜last good' vtubing company.

About three years ago, Hololive found itself embroiled in a major controversy. To describe it most briefly, it originated from everyone's favorite geopolitical conflict: the recognition, or lack thereof, of Taiwan as an independent country. At this point in time, Hololive was streaming to the Chinese market consistently via the Chinese streaming service Bilibili. Two of their streamers, Akai Haato and Kiryu Coco, were discussing their Youtube analytics, when they mentioned that many of their fans come from Taiwan. The backlash from Chinese fans was swift and immense. And it was, in large part, implicitly supported by Bilibili - or at least, many fans think so. To put a long story short, Hololive was forced to close its Chinese branch, and many of their remaining talents faced months of harassment. Eventually, Hololive decided to close itself off to the Chinese market completely, including, most relevantly, a decision to no longer stream on Bilibili.

A few hours ago, it was confirmed on r/Hololive that one of Hololive's talents, Kobo Kanaeru, has recently streamed on Bilibili. Cue the subredditdrama:

Some fans merely express their disapproval:

Yeah... It's legit. Not a fan honestly

Others are a bit more blunt:

Fricking yikes

Some see it as a betrayal:

I still remember the harassment Fubuki faced during the whole ordeal. I think it was almost a year or maybe more of constant bots flooding her chat. No collabs could happen during that time because the bots would flood other chats as well. It almost broke Fubuki as well till some members just disregarded it and started to play games with her on stream. Constant harassment just gets to you sometimes no matter how strong you may be mentally.

Others, particularly newer fans, don't know what the big deal is:

so I'm genuinely unfamiliar with what this means. could someone explain what the significance of this is, and why people are so upset? all I know is that bilibili is a video platform.

A few even support the decision:

I know this will fall on deaf ears, but I just wanna say that not all of the people in Bilibili are bad and I'll support Cover and Kobo in this endeavor.

There's plenty more in the rest of the comments:

(And for clarification, you will see a lot of comments discussing Cover. Cover Corp is actually the name of the corporation behind Hololive, and Hololive is essentially their flagship branch. But since Hololive is a much more famous name to outsiders than Cover Corp, I used it).

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