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  • FukinSukinCukin : Dragon Slop: The Gayguard
  • Grue : wah wah wah the RPG ad uses too much purple and it reminded me of Saints Row. Grow up dramiggers!

What's with the dislikes??? : dragonage - Bigly dramarama on the DA sub past 24 hours, take your pick :marseypopcorn: :marseypopcorn: :marseypopcorn: :marseygossip: :marseygossip: :marseygossip:



People complaining

People complaining about people complaining

People complaining, about the people complaining about the original complainers!1!

IT'S COMPLAIN-CEPTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11



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what's up with the seethe

dragon age is a mediocre gaming series

these people treat it like they fricked up half life or something lol

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I want to prone bone the qunari and dwarf babe

also Harding has r-slurred hairstyle, change plz Bioware

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I want to prone bone the qunari and dwarf babe


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You have never played Dragon Age. @Grue love sucking peepee

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stop seething grue this is not a good look :marseycringe:

this however rocks !slots178

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Pointing out that you're trying to fit in by dunking on a game you've never played isn't seething :marseyraging:

@Grue love sucking peepee!!!!!!

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fite fite fite :slapfight: :slapfight: :slapfight:

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Nooooo you didn't eat shit you can't say shit tastes bad noooo nooooo


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We both know Dragon Age isn't shit, though. You're pretending it is so strangers will congratulate you for agreeing with them.

@Grue love sucking peepee

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Shit tastes good actually!!!!!


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Yeah that's totally shit and not the best game that came out in the aughts by far. Just trust @Grue bro


@Grue love sucking peepee!!!!!!!!!!!

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Uhhh the shit eating association of shit eaters has released a bunch of papers that shit actually tastes really good so it's actually really good I would know I love eating shit


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play a real rpg before you simp for 2009 slop

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@Grue love sucking peepee


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don't even dare

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Dragon Age is good! :marseyrage:

@Grue stand with @Grue love sucking peepee lives matter

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woman moment

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gross xillenialslop, try playing a real game, like Nethack

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DAE LOVE LE PONG???? :marseysoylentgrin:

@Grue love sucking peepee!!!!!!!!!

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!g*mers you have to play a real rpg with well defined classes like we had before :marseyskellington: your electro :marseyandtheboys: bullshit


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  • Grue : Doxxing attempt

@Grue name your favorite Ultima game NOW

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why would i play a bad game? the only games worth playing are hl1 dm, 1.7.10 modded MC, RC2, and TF2 on servers where I can say the N word :marseyboomer:

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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Post your play times and achievement list, straget.

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:marseysadge: can't take it all with us, when it hits the fan

@Grue love sucking peepee

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I played a couple hours of the first mass effect game, so I can confidently say that this game is dogshit

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We need real RPGs like Dragon Age Origins and Oblivion, games where decisions matter like in Mass Effect. The new RPGs are just action games with numbers now.


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For such an open world game, Oblivion felt very narrow-tracked.

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You didn't really :marseythinkorino2: get choices on quest outcomes which I didn't mind for oblivion :marseysheogorath: because it was fun and Bethesda :marseydragonshout: games :marseylegioncommander: are exploration :marseymanifestdestiny: not narrative driven.

Same with Skyrim :marseysheogorath:

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Was Dragon Age not popular in Serbia or wherever you live?

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considering heroes 3 and cs are the most played games for two decades at this point I'd say no

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you live in a good country, never leave

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Its only because the populace is too poor to buy any new games. :marseysmug:

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First one was fine and if they kept going in the more dark/mature direction it could be solid. Instead they doubled down into some cartoony, middle-aged wine aunt with cats audience.

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Zombie apocalypse shit was overdone by the time 2 came out, glad they didn't try to stay so grim. :yawn:

@Grue love sucking peepee

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Why did people think Da4 would resemble Origins when theyve only moved further away from that style with each release?

not saying no one can criticize it, but what did everyone expect?

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To grab the ledge while falling


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Bioware managing to fall to even deeper lows than anyone thought possible each new release is always going to generate seethe as people fondly remember playing Kotor and ME1.

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dragon age and me1 are the wrath of the lich king of bioware

by that point the damage was already done

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Mass effect 1 was a great game


Everything bioware has made since has been about on par with Bethesda. It's like McDonald's. Sometimes hits the spot but it's not actually good.

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DA1 and DA2 at least had semi isometric perspective and were a semi-tactical rpgs. DA4 seems to be action oriented rpg where you cannot even properly control your party (see Mass Effect). The gameplay also was on corridors on rails (though it was the intro, so I might give them that).

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The DA subreddit is pretty much an artwork, cosplay and romance discussion subreddit so that'll tell you all you need to know about the userbase there (foid) so the seethe regarding the backlash isn't surprising.

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The nerds have been long pushed out and replaced by fangirls.

The BG3 subreddit had that happen within like a week of the game's release

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  • Grue : >mutt-level || oh so NOW this BIPOC has no problem with contemporary language and attitudes? R*pe.
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One could be forgiven for thinking the subreddit was populated by bots. But alas:

Before playing a game RPG G*mers want to know everything about it in advance. In this way they can avoid experiencing the game for themselves. They ask their "communities" (subreddits) if this build would be ok, if that class would be ok, if it's ok to do this or that, and so on.

Oh, and let's not forget: "Is such and such viable?"

And the invariable response: "Absolutely!" (a cringe-worthy exclamation that died off in the 90s.)

Truth be told, it is pathetic. Just play the game, experience it for yourself, come to your own conclusions.

But they don't have the patience to work games out for themselves. Games are to be "beaten" in the shortest time-frame possible, employing as little thought as possible. Then move on to the next game, rinse repeat. To them games are just products to be consumed: the more they can plow through the better off they will be.


Not sure how it is in gaming subreddits, but it is weird seeing so many spergs on the internet wanting to be spoonfed everything about a game instead of playing it and learning through trial-and-error. It's the learning part that makes it fun.

Oblivion With Guns Worst RPG Game

>Fallout 3

What a succinct way to put it. I put a good amount of time into Fallout 3, running around with my deathclaw glove and killing everything, but I got bored and never finished the game. I did the same with Oblivion as well. When F4 and when Skyrim came out, I played for an hour and quit because it was the same darn thing. They're not hard either. So many games treat the player like a child.

!g*mers, who is this Lilura1 guy? :marseyantiwork:

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Not sure how it is in gaming subreddits, but it is weird seeing so many spergs on the internet wanting to be spoonfed everything about a game instead of playing it and learning through trial-and-error. It's the learning part that makes it fun.

Now that internet speeds aren't measured in megabytes per minute people like using the internet too be social as a component of their hobby. Wanting too “just play the game” instead of fricking off is a result of g*mers having a job, too.

@Grue love sucking peepee

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None of that made any sense. :marseyconfused: Would you like to try again? :marseypixel:

>desire to be "social" on the internet has increased

:marseyagree: But it doesn't explain why they demand to be spoonfed everything.

And g*mers back then had jobs too... If "just play the game" was the mindset, then they'd simply play instead of spending 6 hours being spoonfed on the best build while following a walkthrough step by step. :marseyhmm:

I think what I'm getting at is that modern gaming has degenerated because the average g*mer has "become" more r-slurred (like you, and the internet in general). :marseycontemplate:

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Because the meta discussion around “creating a build” is a community topic, it's an opportunity too flex, or too adopt ideas. Solving the game, theorycrafting.

Perhaps, instead of people being dumber, they just lost a level of tolerance for the boring bullshit you like? :marseyhmm: and thus prefer a more carefully honed experience?

@Grue love sucking peepee

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It really isn't since 99% of people on the internet are lurkers. There's nothing really sociable going on.

Yeah, people like to share, and I'll admit I saved myself time by looking into some blood dark knight build for Divinity Original Sin (which I changed around anyway), but then again that game was boring too.

I think the problem is that you are r-slurred, :marseyagree: but you see, you don't understand that you are r-slurred. It's like an ant having no awareness on the fact that it is an ant. :marseypipe:

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I don't see the benefit of adopting that theory, tbh. Hope you aren't so quick to give up on yourself :marseywink:

@Grue love sucking peepee!

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Sadly it isn't that at all. The internet :marseysurftheweb: communities :marseyoctopus3: for these games :marseylegioncommander: are insanely dogmatic and well over 90% of them have nothing to add whatsoever. A status quo is quickly established with any new game or patch :marseyoctopus4: and any discussion against it is derided by brainlets with more concern :marseywoozy: for identifying as part of the "community" than ability to add anything :marseycoleporter: material to the discussion. This won't change until a popular streamer :marseyetika: voices a contrary opinion, after which the entire community falls over itself to endorse and enforce the new status quo. It ruins discourse in games :marseygamer: focused on character :marseymononoke: builds (Path of Exile) and has ruined :marseygraze: the entire genre of fighting :marseythebloodedge: games :marseylegioncommander: when developers cater to the new blood. Many times have I been smugly talked down to by some brainlet :marseysmugautist: parroting his favorite :mersya: influencer's opinion before :marseyskellington: learning that they either have single :marseywall: digit hours played, or have never :marseyitsover: placed in so much as a local tournament.

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my wife (male)

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!g*mers, who is this Lilura1 guy?

I think they're from RPG Codex.

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Just seems like a lot of grumbling and farting about people moving on from his imagined (never real) ideal and saying they lack authenticity because of it.

@Grue love sucking peepee

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  • Grue : I will. Hate homework tho. :marseygiveup:

Read all 31 parts before you reply to me again, bet you have bad rating on RPGcodex


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@Grue you can reply to me again now :marseyblowkiss:

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Half a million words, killing myself :marseyseppuku:

@Grue love sucking peepee

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I'm gonna read it :marseymad: This dweeb can't beat me.

@Grue love sucking peepee

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Done king

@Grue love sucking peepee

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my goat

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Caring this much about video games is gay.

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Playersexual companions: People love the companions in BG3 which are player sexual but for some reason it's a problem now?

Banter with enemies close by: Again you have the same issue in BG3 and I have never heard this complaint and you can have banter at very odd moments.

“Black washed:” I hate that I even have to acknowledge this one but it speaks for itself.

No blood effects: It has been proven already that there ARE blood effects but all of a sudden when it was missing that was something that was a deal breaker.

Tone: So many people saying this gsme doesn't “feel” or “sound” like a DA game and I am genuinely confused when a vast majority of these people have last played the other games considering I'd say the tone (except the trailer) is par for the course.

Gameplay: Once again people saying it's not “playing like a DA game” I was unaware people loved to 2009 combat so much because that is the only game that has not been an over the shoulder 3rd person “action” rpg.

>never seen

Either blind person or 5 year old

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>People love the companions in BG3 which are player sexual

I don't.

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What's the big deal it's just completely different than all the previous games in the series?

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You have to like ANYTHING with the words Dragon Age on it!


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@Grue love sucking peepee

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@GayRayniumDonGER love sucking peepee which has the name dragon age printed on

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Playersexual companions: People love the companions in BG3 which are player sexual but for some reason it's a problem now?

The BG3 devs themselves said the companions were too horny and changed it

Banter with enemies close by: Again you have the same issue in BG3 and I have never heard this complaint and you can have banter at very odd moments.

The banter isn't the issue people are just sick of Marvel dialogue.

Tone: So many people saying this gsme doesn't “feel” or “sound” like a DA game and I am genuinely confused when a vast majority of these people have last played the other games considering I'd say the tone (except the trailer) is par for the course.

You cant have a Dark Fantasy with characters mugging at the camera and making shitty jokes.

Gameplay: Once again people saying it's not “playing like a DA game” I was unaware people loved to 2009 combat so much because that is the only game that has not been an over the shoulder 3rd person “action” rpg.

Each new game changes the gameplay to be completely different. People want Origin gameplay.

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BG3 is way closer to Origins than any of the other Dragon Age games and BG3 was wildly successful. BioWare has no excuse to fail so hard anymore but they will.

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People complaining

People complaining about people complaining

People complaining, about the people complaining about the original complainers!1!

Not reading any of it, but it is funny

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just cancel this game and work on the next mass effect


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I can only imagine what a nightmare it's gonna be, actually kinda hyped :marseyfsjal:

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I want to spend more time in this world. I want these game to be GOOD.

Implying they'll kill themselves if games keep being shit? :marseyxd:

like you dont need to keep playing new video games. I have a backlog of good and classic games that can keep me entertained to decades if I wanted to.

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I'm sure your dislike is valid, and I respect that, but you have to be aware there is a subsection of critics who have no place here.

A great deal of the “dissent” I witnessed on YouTube were open racists and homophobes railing against what they called Woke Age. What I saw in the chat was disgusting.

Apparently some of the more reactionary streamers have made Veilguard their target of the day.

Yeah like I said to someone else, it feels like there's no room between effusive praise and culture war bigotry, and I think that's a darn shame.

I'm beyond thrilled at the game, but I agree with you. I think I've seen others call these trolls “culture war tourists.” None of these games are perfect and all are ripe for reasonable criticism and so it's important to be able to talk about it.

Hopefully they lose interest soon.

May these people be relegated to the permanent underclass when DEI money dries up


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Holy shit that game looks so fricking bad, and not only compared to previous Dragon Age games, but just in general

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I'm probably going to play it and probably have fun. I'm not going to preorder it or play it right away or ever pay for dragonbux to get the best digital hat, but I'll pick it up some time, probably on sale. If I don't have fun, it's probably really, really bad.

Everyone involved in this conversation is a massive cute twink. Massive. All of them, all of you probably. Every controversy I am glad and sad I'm a step closer to completely abandoning imaginary things, and just sad I have spent and wasted so much time on them.

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