

Just approach women :marseydarkfoidretard: IRL bro !incels you just need confidence

What is Biden doing ? :marseyrage: <- he looks like this


Jill pulled him out

He also fisted a vet

It's normal thing to do for his gen but still looks wild

Walled like zombie

So he had fun


Brazilians be like

Brazilians then also be like multiple mass shootings over a single sports game

Woman mad that boyfriend acquired the forbidden milk



What we've found is that these secessions perpetuate modern-day segregation and limit opportunity for left-behind communities, a form of opportunity hoarding that we call “white fortressing.”

hmmmmmm. "opportunity hoarding"?????? What does that mean?

When white communities fortress themselves, they siphon away resources from the larger region, including communities of color. In Louisiana, it is estimated that St. George's secession would take away $48.3 million in annual tax revenue from East Baton Rouge Parish — nearly 8% of the parish's total tax revenue.

So they need to parasite off the crackers to survive......? And this article wasn't written by a chud????

:marseychingchong: :marseyhacker: Chinese company BTFOs OpenAI with their video generator

Can any of our chinese dramatards verify this

@X please ping the needful


Ok but what about le ReTHUGliKKKans? - most of the thread :soysnootypefast: :soysnooseethe:

Remember when republicans were evil fascists for trying the same thing? (90 updoots)

That's racist. Oh shit it's Biden nevermind if it was Trump it would be racist. (177 updoots)

2020 Joe Biden correctly campaigned against 2020 Donald Trump for supporting these policies. The tweets are still up. Liberals cheered on Biden for opposing these policies in 2020 and are cheering on Biden for supporting them in 2024. Two mindless cults at the wheel. I prefer one, to be sure. But I'm disgusted that control of the country rests with either. (190 updoots)

Of course. Election year. Wants to be able to tell people he addressed the problem. (70 updoots)

>"Sure, he might put brown children in cages, but at least hes not a meanie on Twitter, CHUD :soyjakferal:"

>"Russia and China are trying to weaponize migration to weaken the West, we must restrict immigration to protect democracy, so its different when we do it, CHUD :soyjakcobson: !chuds

Xex - Kitty


The main sub /r/RedScarepod is ruled by foidal autist jannies.

/r/Rspod is a little more chuddy fr.




Wtf I love pro mayocide space now:

Finally some real representation:

For folks that missed the latest capeshit release:



Just dumped my fwb this morning 🤪 4B movement - let's go ladies!!! We got this!! 💜

!fellas can you imagine dumping a woman because some other woman, entirely unrelated, did some shit? It's downright r-slurred.

out of curiosity how long will 4b last? is it until abortion is legal, or until yall feel you have the respect that you deserve, maybe forever, or something completely different?

Until they want a man to pay their way again

Look up 4B in South Korea. They've already been doing it, and it's already made a HUGE impact in just 3 years or so. There is no kindergarten class. No more children. Because women are taking a stand and not participating until they have rights

!nooticers this chick thinks that South Korea demographic issues started 3 years ago with a tiktok trend.

I personally want to see abortion legal in every state, women protected under the law, child marriage outlawed and age of consent raised to appropriate ages in every state, abolish the gender pay gap, and resources to help women in domestic/sexual violence cases. Additionally I would like to see acceptance of the entirety of the LGBTQ+ community.

blah blah blah gibs me free shieeet

Unfortunately this is the only thing we as women can collectively do, that MAY make an impact. Men really need to wake up and start advocating for the women in your life. The more men that get on board, the quicker things can change, and the faster we can justify being in relationships again.

I would sooner be alone than with a women who thinks she can exploit her kitty to change my vote

I think we're already on that trajectory. Even if the movement doesn't have a name/purpose yet, im seeing a lot of women just be done with acts that could result in a pregnancy entirely.

They're called femcels

Getting pregnant has never been safe for POC even before abortion bans. Genuinely asking, if the purpose of abstaining is to prevent pregnancy, does it apply for women using long term birth control and women who can't become pregnant?

Wouldn't be if darkies weren't all so fricking fat

Yes. The purpose is to wake men up so they will vote in their best interests (to get s*x again).

First by making the voters care enough to vote blue. Then, by making the legislators and Supreme Court care enough to codify the protections and equality.

lmao these silly bitches actually think this will change a single vote? If anything men will lie and vote against them.

What if women WORLDWIDE abstained from s*x for world peace. Darn, I'd love to see that.

How r-slurred are these holes?

Generally speaking, I think it's a good idea. And just because not everyone will be participating I don't see why we still can't support it

Because it will change literally nothing.

I'm down. I am 20F and ever since Roe v Wade was overturned, I have refused any and all sexual advances. I'm not getting pregnant in this country… it's too dangerous. Risk going to prison after miscarrying? Potentially lose my life because I need an abortion and can't get one? Heck no.

Literally just a COPING virgin lmao. She's scared of s*x and has to hide it behind activism

Have been practicing this myself. My FWB's haven't seen me in a while.

I'm NOOOTICING all these women have "fwb" not boyfriends. As in they're all already femcels or side pieces.

Isn't this exactly what the conservatives want? Especially the Christians. That's all they do is get on their high horses to dictate to women when to have s*x, toting the excuse that it's just for procreation.

Yes which is why it's so funny to see a bunch of used up whores and frightened virgins prop it up

If you want to read more about holes over valuing themselves see this post

Reported by:
MNC's the third major player on the global stage today.

The first major player on the world stage is the US.

The second major player on the world stage today is China.

The third major player on the world stage are Multi National Corporations.

When you have three Corporations each of them with a market cap larger than 3 trillion USD, you can no longer say that they don't have influence equivalent to developed nation states.

Of the top 10 Corporations in the world by market cap, 8 are from the US.

The remaining two are TMSC and Saudi Aramco.

TMSC continues to grow, meanwhile Saudi Aramco is in continual decline.

In the very near future we can expect 10 out of the top 10 largest companies in the world to be American.

Microsoft has grown 27% in the past one year.

Apple has grown 9%

Nvidia has grown 213%

Alphabet has grown 29%

Amazon has grown 46%

Saudi Aramco has declined 13%

Meta has grown 82%

Berkshire Hathaway has grown 23%

TMSC has grown 62%

Eli Lilly has grown 88%.

The economic growth of corporations is so much more extreme in comparison to the growth of nation states that it becomes impossible to ignore the fact that mega corporations are the future of human economic growth, and the leader in mega corporations is the US.

The primary advantage that megacorporations give to the US is that the more megacorporations there are with multi trillion dollar valuation, the more easier it becomes for them together to carry the US economy, due to their ability to grow year on year in the double digits growth rate.

As of now the US has 6 companies with a market valuation above a trillion USD totaling approximately 14 trillion USD.

By next year we can expect that number to increase to 9 trillion dollar companies in the US.

The US did not reach escape velocity in comparison to the rest of the world in current year, but US mega corporations most certainly have.

These are entities that will grow at double digit rates year on year and keep furthering the gap between themselves and the rest of the world.

Elon Musk today is the only person in the world, who as a human has reached the same escape velocity potential compared to the rest of the world.

His net worth is already guaranteed to cross 300 billion USD and there is no way in heck any other billionaire will ever be able to catch up to him.


Biggest losers in the mega corp race:

1. Saudi Aramco, its value keeps going down.

2. Ali baba - it's value keeps going down.

3. Samsung - barely growing at the same rate as middle income nation states. South Korea's flagship company has peaked and cannot carry South Korea any further on its back.

4. Non American corporations - American mega corporations are just better at growing at insane growth rates compared to companies from any other part of the world.

Mega corporations were always the next stage of capitalism. China failed to realize this and tore down their own industries to mid tier companies. That was a mistake.

Out of the top 100 companies in the world by market cap, only 39 are from outside of the US. This number will only decline further in the future.

There will come a time when all the top 100 companies in the world by market cap are American. There is no way around it anymore.

The US has a pure lead in space tech and capitalism.

South Korea lost at capitalism.

There is a single Japanese company in the top 100. Toyota.

There is a single Canadian company in the top 100.

There are 10 Chinese companies in the top 100.

There are 2 German companies in the top 100.

There are 3 Indian companies in the top 100.

There are 5 UK companies in the top 100.

There are 4 French companies in the top 100.

If we treat mega corporations as the best way to determine the future of world economies then:

1. The US is in the lead with 61 companies growing at an average double digit rates per year.

2. China is the second biggest player with 10 companies in the top 10. However their average growth is far lower than that of the US corporations combined.

3. The third position is held by the European Union with 6 companies.

4. Fourth position belongs to the UK with 5 companies.

5. Fifth position belongs to India with 3 companies.

In conclusion:

The US is only going to become more powerful over time. It is going to remain the world leader and keep growing stronger compared to the rest of the world.

China is going to overtake the EU. If UK rejoins the EU then the EU will overtake China.

The major global empires remain the US (growing further ahead), China, European Union (with UK), and India.

Oh No They Joined Forces!

Source in German

AP news in English

Chuds are falling :marseygiveup: en mass, Coppas dropping dead, total yakubian extermination is inevitable. Chuddies, who's gonna :marseyvenn6: save you?

!germs ist dies der Weimarer Zeitgeist der grüßt?

:#chudpanic: :#chudhanging: :#naziack:

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