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Wow what a surprise the chick who doesn't get the point of videogames is also a giga shitlib. @MarkRippetoe wonder if she's also going too frick a guy for a good review like a certain other game developer.

This is surely how all successful Jewish lives matter games earn money right

Because sweetie it's made by women who don't play videogames so it's Mongolian Barbie for horse girls not an actual videogame

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Not surprised she's currently unemployed

Jewish lives matter

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My specific niche of expert knowledge is horses in video games

This could actually be a line in "Being a Peepeehead's Cool".

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Western horse knowledge is absolutely worthless when trying to talk about Mongolian Pony Warfare. Its why Yuropoor Steppe Civilizations got buckbroken by Mongolian Farejumpers.

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I knew this Korean when I was a kid. To preserve his anonymity we'll just call him Kim and say that he ended up being way more successful than the rest of us at everything. Anyway, he said when he was born that he had the "Mongolian blue butt". Some kind of bruising that isn't anything to worry about, just a cosmetic thing. But he said that proves you're a descendant of real Mongols, and apparently every Korean knows about this. I still to this day have no idea if this is 100% true or he was just pulling my leg.

I fricking loved that guy. Got into a slight conflict with him once because we both appreciated Persian princesses. I can't remember them anymore as well as I remember him.

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I don't even think its like a Mongolian thing that entered Korean culture but like something the Japs believed about Mongolians that somehow got passed down to the Koreans.

I think the shamans thought it was like a mark of the gods or some bullshit. Marked for greatness or something.

I knew a girl who was born with that. She is the giga-est of giga-stacies.

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No, that's 100% real. It's not bruising, just abnormal melanin. But if you don't have a fricking blue butt, you aren't a fricking rightful inheritor of the fricking mandate of heaven. !khaganate

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I thought because I was a cripple I could be like Tamerlane and kill millions of people but I can't even do that.

Oh frick I was gonna call my mom tonight and tell her how I'm doing.

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CALL YOUR fricking MOTHER, motherlover!

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I haven't killed as many people in northern Iran as I think they expected me to. :marseysad:

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Its okay baby, you couldn't tell which civilians were pro-Shah and anti-Shah and you weren't allowed in blasting them all and letting Allah sort them out.

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I knew this Korean when I was a kid. To preserve his anonymity we'll just call him Kim

Why would you dox him like that bro?

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It's my secret way of burning him after all these years.

This guy was so nice he took me and my gf out to a pho place because I don't know to use chopsticks and I would look like an r-slur in front of her.

Mr. Kim we will settle this one day.


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how is this OK

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And a horse girl

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for every comment like this, I will add one extra pronoun to the game

:!#marseykingcrown: :#marseykneel: !nonchuds

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Getting baited by "muh pronouns" edgelords in 2024

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>wuh wuh why no combat????? woman bad!

Because you're a fricking peasant not a merchant or warrior, you get robbed by unemployed mercenaries, you just fork it over and hope they don't stick a spear in your gut.


>low effort trolling pronountards means you're a shitlib

!male feminists

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This game is about being a courier, not some random peasant. Couriers were important people and often had special privileges. Sending out someone with a message and the not giving them means to defend themselves is r-slurred, so it didn't happen.


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I'm going to deliver my nuts to your stomach, b-word

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This makes no sense unless you plan to feed qar your severed nuts

Gay and r-slurred

Possibly BIPOCish

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After a decade of grueming it gets hard to figure out what to do with all of them

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Rename your ping group to !gruemers

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!sophistry already exists and that's almost exclusively what I'd use such a ping group for

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Feel free to fellate him, but doing it for repeating my joke is a step too far :marseyindignantturn:

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I missed your comment. :marseysmugautist:

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Jump-start them with car battery. Best case scenario - I'll eat them fried. Worst case, they will start working again.

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Grue's Strategic Severed Scrotum Reserve :marseysniff:

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yucky :marseytrain:

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:marseyconfused: How would that work? Want me to eat them? :marseyhannibal:

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You could try but with no one to protect you during the journey your nuts will be stolen

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>email job foid creates job celebrating the OG email job

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No you shoot them in the head and bury them in the Nevada desert

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!cuteandvalid and !r-slurs mentoond! :marseyconfuseddead: :marseysoypoint: :marseystroke:

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Killing and mildly obstructing a courier, let alone a MONGOLIAN courier is asking for such a comically over-the-top retribution to not only you, but 3 family lines and generally anyone who ever met you.

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What if I'm already an outlaw and don't give a frick? :marseysmug: Good luck looking for my goon cave.

Also, wild animals.

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No animals in the steppes. Mongols r*ped and ate them all.

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>Because you're a fricking peasant not a merchant or warrior, you get robbed by unemployed mercenaries, you just fork it over and hope they don't stick a spear in your gut.

But that's boring, you don't have to fight to have combat, you can run away from them or stealth around or have good relations with the people to let you pass. If there's no conflict then you might as well just hook up WASD controls to google maps.

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Gee, it's no wonder YOU STINK!

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Could kinda work with a few changes

>frick that realism, make the game look stylized and with more/weird colors

>give it funky music

>add lots of weird events/encounters during travels

>odd story/deliveries/character backgrounds

>other background weirdness

Could make an atmospheric walking simulator. Barely a game I guess, but at least there's some audience for those :marseyshrug:

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It could definitely work and not just as a walking sim.

They could make like some sort of weird medieval Crazy Taxi with timed deliveries and other challenges.

Your right that they ought to drop the realistic graphics and go more stylized though.

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I was thinking of actually enjoying the environments, but timed missions or puzzles could work too. Actually you could do all three :marseyhmm:

>encounters can be either creepy/dangerous or cute/normal

>failing to deliver on time, being rude to your customers, stealing or whatever will change your journeys from normal to dangerous

>certain encounters could also change this, like meeting a ghost on the road means you're cursed until you do something to lift the curse

>you can do certain actions depending on why you have a 'bad score'

>git good if you suffer from bad ratings from your customers

>if you encounter a ghost or whatever you can cross running water to prevent being cursed (dunno about mongolian folklore, whatever is similar)

>doing stuff like placing offerings can help (they have those small shrines all over the place like japs have right?)

>if you see something like bandits on the road you need to outrun them and avoid the area for awhile

>going through the woods or swamps is much more dangerous but you can find useful items too (medicine, power ups, items to craft amulets)

>it would also mean you'll travel slower through them risking your ratings

>but you can pick longer missions that pay less that will give you opportunities to explore these places, making it a management game too

>you can have inventory management too

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Its shocking how bad game devs are at making games. It took a few dramatards 3 comments to wildly improve her game.

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Once people got over their knee-jerk seethe that Euro Truck Simulator didn't have a shotgun rack, they figured it out.

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Do you think foids can be capable of creating good games

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Ive met some that can lol, it's just youre never gonna see a radlib foid make a playable game.

Even the :marseytrain2:s can sometimes produce a good game due to their inmate male autism but not the biofoids outside of very rare ones.

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Now try implementing that stuff

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The game your describing is death stranding

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Fair, but add a horse and make it cuter for foids :marseysouthernbelle6:

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Mount & Blade: Harvesting Season

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encounters can be either creepy/dangerous or cute/normal

One thing they did in Darklands to keep it interesting is that you run into the encounter and you don't know which it will be. Those are probably just starving refugees, but if you get too close you might find out they're actually satanists trying to lure you in closer to murder you...

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Your pulitzer's in the mail

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When she arriving chief?

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Right after she escapes from the Lady of the Lake:marseyfoidghost:

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You could be medieval Courier and have to always be in the lookout for the Rothschilds trying to murder you and steal your mail in order to manipulate the flow of information to rig market forces.

!nooticers :marseymerchant:

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>frick that realism, make the game look stylized and with more/weird colors

>give it funky music

>add lots of weird events/encounters during travels

>odd story/deliveries/character backgrounds

>other background weirdness


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I just want another game like LSD: Dream Emulator or Yume Nikki :marseysad:

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>I just want another game like LSD: Dream Emulator or Yume Nikki


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The heart wants what the heart wants :marseytransplushie2:

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add lots of weird events/encounters during travels


This is basically the whole point of Darklands.

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She's actually funny

You deserve woke shit if you just bring up "THERE BETTER BE NO DEI WOKE NONSENSE" unprompted.

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:chudtantr#umfaster: :marseytransrentfree#genocide: :chudtantr#umfaster:

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No I agree. This game will be fricking great as long as they don't try to shoehorn women into it.

(There are no fricking women in Mongolia)

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I remember one of my churchmates went on a missionary trip to Mongolia and a LOT of Mongolians tried to pass off their unmarried daughters onto him because he was the only Gook in that mission trip who knew how to ride a horse.

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How many did you end up marrying, b-word?

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I'm unmarried and playing the long con of shopping for ricefoids who make more money than me with a lack of positive male attention from their fathers so they will splash gifts and cash on me so I can live out my life being a trophy gook husband.

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Main character is a foid too

I could see something like this being kinda fun, but it would need to be way more than just riding a horse for delivering items. It would take things they absolutely won't want to do because it's a foid game in a non-foid setting

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yellow fever alert

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>women make thing




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3 months later

>SALON: "I Tried To Break Into The Gaming Industry With A Fresh New Take On Courier Delivery. Then, The Far-Right Incels Came For Me." (5-minute read)

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Literally just make it but don't expect the market to suddenly want games without combat. Also don't get in fights on Twitter unless your marketing angle is "trolls want to bury my game!!1!"

There's a game called Lake which is just this in modern times that looks kinda interesting.

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You forgot the step after fail when the Jewish lives matter media blames it on "muh soggy knees".

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I am on record saying for decades that I want more games that aren't all about combat, this is the next frontier after Dan Bunten made games that weren't arcade shit in the early 1980s, and that foids are probably the right people to make them. And specifically I am interested in the 1400s. I mean ffs I spent like 20 hours in the last week writing about Darklands. And my other favorite thing in the world is a TV show about a girl who works in a kitchen in 1400s Korea.

The problem with this tho is that this r-slur chose the single thing you could do on the planet at the time that's most likely to get you into combat. Being a courier in Central Asia in the 1300s is not a great job if you don't like taking risks. I'm gonna venture a guess here that she has never actually had a conversation with a black guy about places where he doesn't go because he doesn't like getting robbed.

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I mean, it's not interesting to me, but a lot of games aren't interesting to me. I think this isn't super fundamentally a bad idea

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zoomers always think their shitty ideas are original


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'g*mers' should be turned into mulch and spread across the fields as fertilizer.

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They came for !g*mers. G*mers!

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Which period in Mongolia?

Even Temujin (oh I'm sorry Genghis Khan :marseysmug2: I bet I'm the only person who knew that) was captured and taken hostage. His wife was taken hostage and came back pregnant within 9 months so nobody knew if Genghis r*ped her or her captors did.

But even the steppes weren't fully pacified during his lifetime. The next generation maybe things were okay, but by the time of the third generation the cracks were starting to show.

!historychads when was the most peaceful time of the Eurasian steppe? I don't believe the line that "a virgin could cross the length of the Mongol Empire with a pot of gold on her head and never be molested" because I'd make sure she wasn't a virgin. !male feminists

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His wife was taken hostage and came back pregnant within 9 months so nobody knew if Genghis r*ped her or her captors did.

!kino !historychads I loved this Genghis movie from 2007, but holy shit did the Russkies portray Genghis as a colossal cuck instead of a BAC BVLL like how he was irl, probably to cope with the fact that Ziggers carrying his DNA til this day.

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doesn't stop them from portraying him as zigger

!historychads Museum of history in Yaroslav Russia

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It should be more common knowledge that Russia and China are STILL seething about the Mongols yo.

China seethes that Egypt is an older civilization.

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The most peaceful time was probably in the 1950s, when the soviet union, Iran and Afghanistan all had decent governments

Until the 19th century settled empires were unable to project power into the steppe, it took the Qing and Russian empire a ton of organisation and genocide to pacify the region and even then when the xinhai and Russian revolutions erupted central asia was in chaos once more

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Yeah the real problem wasn't fighting these people, it was the logistics. You look at how the Americans and Mexicans beat the Apaches, we didn't do it by trying to be better at fighting. We just put a few guys at every source of water within 1000 miles.

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Telling that the Mongols never took India

There was too much :rape: even for them :marseythroatsinginggenocide: :marseytunaktunak:

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FIGHT FIRE :#rape: WITH FIRE :#rape:

but also mountains

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Dude, mongoloids lmao :#mongoljak:

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I mean, gaymers are really too obsessed with le coombat. I don't have anything against it per se, but why must every game be about fighting stuff?

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It's fine if it has no combat but it has to have a fail-state. And adding enemies is the easiest way to achieve that.

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No :marseyindignant: Failstates are something arcade developers invented in the 80s to get your coins, and gamedevs are just to uncreative to realize it's not needed anymore

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no fail state = no stakes = boring after 1h

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If it was a horse racing game or something I'd consider playing it but @MarkRippetoe's guess is that there is nothing remotely competitive in the Jewish lives matter game

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Death Stranding prequel

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I mean it's moids getting mad over a game made for horse girls lol

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