A Brief History of Throwing Shit
Christians educate chud on how Jesus was definitely pro-bussy

"Take a fricking hint, Twitter."

"I’m sure the comments on literally any site except this one will be fair and measured."

"Too bad ol Jordan Peterson already blew his load crying wolf over bill C-whatever. Now he’s going to be powerless as DikDok force-feminizes an entire generation."

drama response


:marseydicklet: :marseynotes:

Being "informed" of lies and propaganda =/= "being informed"

The masses are still as uninformed as they always were and in fact are probably less informed than ever. Did you ever wonder what people did while sitting in their cars at red lights before cell phones gave them 24/7 access to "the news" via Facebook?

They thought. Like, about things and how they felt about them. They had debates with themselves to hash out their own viewpoints on certain issues. Today everyone just gets the "expert opinions" from Karen the blogger.


Stolen Bitcoin worth more than $4bn (£2.9bn) has been seized by the US Department of Justice - the largest ever confiscation of its kind.

Officials also charged two people on Tuesday with attempting to launder the money, stolen by a hacker who breached a cryptocurrency platform in 2016.

The hacker allegedly made off with nearly 120,000 Bitcoin. Then valued at about $71m, its value now exceeds $5bn.

About 94,000 Bitcoin have been recovered.

Assistant Attorney General Kenneth Polite Jr said the seizure was proof the government "will not allow cryptocurrency to be a safe haven for money laundering or a zone of lawlessness within our financial system".


You must be really drab if your woman is watching baking shows for three hours straight.

Or maybe she's a :marseychonker:

(not drama) Look at this shitty butt fallout mod that showed up on my recomended page lmao.

Can't find much drama because i'm pretty sure the creator is filtering out bad comments. :marseyjanny:

Redditors take the first brave step to cancel Martin Luther (mayo variant)
Florida’s ‘don’t say gay’ bills, explained
Reported by:
  • evanhelsing : not enough context tbh, had to go look for myself too much. should have been an effortpost
"Daddy Was a Preacher But Mama Was a Go-Go Girl"
RIP /r/cheatingchinks
Reported by:
  • evanhelsing : there's been stories of leftoids egging trucks since last week, he's one of em
U.S. Man Pulling Wagon Full of Eggs Arrested Amid Canadian 'Freedom Convoy'

The man, who has not been publicly identified, was arrested on February 5 along with four other people. Vancouver, British Columbia, police said in a news release that the 29-year-old American national was seen pulling a wagon of egg cartons and had a knife on him. Along with the others arrested on Saturday, he has since been released. These arrests come as the "Freedom Convoy" currently protesting against vaccine mandates across Canada has begun facing legal challenges.

Saturday was a busy day for the Vancouver Police Department. According to its report, "numerous reports of rocks and eggs [were] thrown, cars [were] kicked, and nails [were] strewn on roadways" during the protests.


If people in power in your country dont pour water on themselves on official meetings, is it even functioning properly?


Looks really easy to add a comment there, mostly anonymous and a 10-minute email address will get you posted.

It’s time to open your eyes so some real research and stop repeating what you hear on CBC. You make me wanna puke!

Canadian Trucker News was bought out by Trudeau it's so obvious!

Who funds your site? CTA? 600 million dollar bailout from Trudeau. Be honest.

Your response has “happy shill / collaborator” written all over it. Folks like him and myself are not why we don’t have freedom. Sheep who are classically Canadian do-gooders who are too bloody obedient to refuse anything from government are the reason we do not have freedom.

Ex-soviet KGB officer recognizes bullshit when he sees it:

I grew up in Soviet Union and I know what propaganda is. It is a grain of truth with the mounting of lies.

Stupid white men, whining as usual!

They sure are getting lots of angry old white men freedoms. Freedom to gridlock Ottawa for days and spoil everyone else’s lives, freedom to illegally blockade an AB border-crossing highway and mess up other people’s lives, freedom to piss on war monuments, threaten people … you have no clue how to behave with your precious freedoms. Just go home, grow up and join society by getting a vaccination. Oh, and enjoy having to declare as income the money that those go-fund peeps gave you. And not being allowed to declare your other rolling superspreader expenses as job-related. CRA will be watching you. And I wouldn’t be surprised to see lawsuits filed against you to recover ruined goods in your (former?) colleagues trucks. Feel the love???

Man there's some great seethe here with ZERO MODERATION. Thread formatting is shit but did is mention that there's ZERO MODERATION going on?


Mom, Tanner brayden and jayden are doing jello shots again

Mom help pls

Emily went away with the dogs and they are throwing up and singinng to florida georgia line

Last night, I had a dream featuring this very website

It was one of those school dreams where the geometry of the school is as flexible as the titular <font color=#002FA9>house</font> from <font color=#002FA9>House</font> of Leaves. Specifically, it was high school.

For whatever reason, rather than have an assembly in the school auditorium, it was held in an expanded (and exceptionally well-lit) basement of my old fraternity <font color=#002FA9>house</font>. There were tables of non-alcoholic ginger ale+cherry punch and it was standing room only. In the center of the basement was an empty circle containing the three featured speakers. Before they could begin, a theatre mascot made some inductor announcements from a ladder on the other side of the basement.

The speakers were two college-age guys who looked like actors who play teenagers on screen and one libertarian-looking fellow absolutely decked out in rDrama swag. His clothing was covered in rDrama and Marsey pins, buttons, patches, and stickers. Not even his pin-powered forest green beret could hide his grey hair.

As soon as he began to speak, the well-paid educel chadmins stepped in to y'all the assembly. I began a very slow clap, as I could not go any faster due to sleep paralysis. Everybody else in the room joined with fervent cheers and clapping as the crowd dispersed and I woke up.

Oh no Portland Maine is mad about truths
4 year-olds should be allowed to vote!
So did the bong actually kill himself or what?

Bottom text

how does reddit blocking work exactly?

I thought I understood this new blocking feature but I'm now confused. A guy blocked me for no reason (I didn't even reply to any of his comments), so I can't reply to his comments, OK, but I can still see them. I can't see them on his userpage, but I can see them fine in comment threads. This is from the r/blog announcement:

Previously, if I blocked u/IAmABlockedUser, I would not see their content, but they would see mine. With the updated blocking experience, I won’t see u/IAmABlockedUser’s content and they won’t see mine either.

So... is that just not true? It blocks the userpage, blocks replies in threads, and literally nothing else?

Also, by the way, it's a tool that has hilarious potential for frickery and annoyance, since if person A starts a thread, and person B replies, then person C replies to person B, if A blocks C everyone (except A of course), including B, can pile onto C and they can't reply.

r/frickepic whinges about NFTs
Unverify me day4

I verify


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