Mizore looks like a caterpillar

in honor of pride month:


America’s Most Flamboyant Private Eye and the 8,000-Mile Manhunt


Ball, Arare and Mizore
I look for like 20 minutes for some decent drama and couldn't find anything

Here is some furry porn I guess lol

Deeper Understanding - Kate Bush (Song from 1989 predicts redditors)

This is the 2011 re-master.

...and it should of been in the music hole but I am the future head of house r-slur so...frick you.

Frick Everything (Jon Lajoie)
Reported by:
Here's a haiku for all you people who don't appreciate small boobs

The smaller her chest

the closer you can soon be

to her gentle heart

r/RedLettermedia argues about ryan johnson (old)
BIPOCs fight on the hill in the early day

Constant chill deep inside

Why is rap music like this?
Dreamt of having a spontaneous rhyme/rap battle with someone on a train about free speech

Very occasionally I'll have dreams where I astonish myself. Sometimes it can be an incredible piece of music with full orchestration and a timeless melody. I'll have it in my head when I wake up, and think if only I could record and play it back afterwards. I didn't just imagine it was great. It WAS great.

Anyway, last night, I had an impromptu rhyme/rap battle with someone on a train who hated free speech. He gave a verse with four lines, and I worked myself up and responded in kind. This went on for like 6 verses (3 each).

Here's the thing - just like a full orchestrated song, I can't do that in real life. I have to think about it, and formulate poems slowly to make sure they properly rhyme and are in time with each other. Someone may argue: "Yeah it's just a dream, so you only thought it was genuine poetry/timing". But I could swear it was real. When I woke up, I had more than mere word fragments in my head; we're talking full sentences. But I gradually lost everything when I went back to sleep and woke up again.

This is kind of the battle that happened in the dream, but bear in mind it's only an approximation of what I dreamt, not the EXACT words, but sort of the spirit behind it. Each dash represents a pause, so you can sort of get a feel for the rhythm too.

======================= HIM:

It's hate - speech - man, - not free - yeah f^%£ - that

That includes - call - ing - someone - like me - 'fat'

And - don't - then - ram - ble on - about the First

The - founders were - nuts, and pro - bably - cursed

======================= ME:

You can still - spout - non - sense, if - you really must

That includes - your - in - clina - tion to - cuss.

But free - speech - is - something - we must - keep

No - matter how - far - we go - or how - deep

That took me about 5-10 minutes. I did NOT do it in realtime.

I wonder if this (NOT pre-planned or rehearsed, but impromptu) is even a THING in reality. It'd be kinda cool. I see stuff like this on Youtube, but it's not a quick verse responding to another quick verse, forming a reply that makes sense as if someone is actually trying to respond in a proper conversation or debate....., but instead, a long dialogue followed by another long dialogue, often not even rhyming or in time.

FAT :marseychonker: :marseyobesescale:

Some legacy women chonker joins ip2 degenerates, TTS makes her sneed.

In this post, ESH
BIPOC Love a Watermelon Ha! Ha! Ha!, by Harry C. Browne (1916)

Trans lives matter ha ha ha!

This is Sterno

they way they talk you would think this guy was michael jackson

He was way bigger than Nav and was pulling views than quicker than drake (2-3 million views on all songs with an hour)

lots of fighting in this thread in particular


Trandms lives matter trans lives matter


We don’t speak olive oil

I don’t think she speaks Somali either, she’s a Bong

We don’t speak slaves

Europoors never not going 0-stormfront in real quick when food is involved.

Somali what? Maybe you mean Somali Rice. That’s something you can be proud of. About Somali pasta, just try to ask aroun the world. 90% of the world doesn’t even know what is Somali pasta, while that same 90% of the world very well knows and likes Italian pasta. 😁


Psssst you’re yt we don’t care

Kinda feel like you do

I'll put Haitian Spaghetti up there with everyone else's. With that Bolied egg wrap up in 🍝sauce

Haitian cooking in general is 10/10 tbh!!!

I mean, I feel for the people, but they over there eating dirt cookies so I think you’ve just gone 100% underdog = virtue in all aspects

anything has to be better than the people who think cream is enough to flavour food lmao

I don’t think they do that at all but now I’m starting to understand why people hate the Anglosphere

I’ve tried Eritrean pasta & it was excellent and spicy!

Habibi!! The Horn of Africa is 10/10 when it comes to spice!!

Real quick.

Where does chili come from?


Well ..tbh their is bland and minimalist and we are Africans so we like stronger flavours and spicy food so it’s that part that’s different … also 💀 if we have it with a banana on the side then it’s usually extra spicy

Do you even have actual food there? I thought you ate stones and sadness


Spaghetti man got triggered😹😹😹


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