
Realized that thanks to LLM who now has both and can't speak for shit. It's more expensive than normal ban award but certainly way funnier

Orient express :marseytrain: drama developing

ABA therapist asks for opinions on evilness of this popular albeit controversial therapy.

ABA is generally torture and I’m strongly against it as a whole. To explain more, from my experience and understanding, ABA is essentially traumatising a child so they behave in the β€œright” way.

Is there way to filter out get rid of aba posts on Reddit really bad scary really upset triger bad sorry to upset but it scary can't see it

ABA has worked great for our child, thank you for doing what you do

I think you're a child abuser. Edit: I love how I just wrote one sentence and have been given 3 awards. Should tell you something.

ABA is first and foremost a compliance based anti-neurodivergent field that was created by the same man who made up conversion therapy for gay individuals. Majority of neurodivergent voices consider this abuse, including myself. Get yourself out of this field and into SLP or OT and practice neuro diversity affirming therapy.

I'm neurodivergent and an RBT! I love everything about ABA! Seeing my clients succeed is the best thing ever.

Lmao I remember going to easter seals. You fricks wouldn't even let us go to the bathroom unsupervised. Absolute control freaks with no understanding of bodily autonomy especially from higher functioning neurodivergents. We're not all babies.

New Jersey teacher suspended for 'terrorist' comment to Muslim student
196 sneed at people not liking commies
:marseywords: :marseywords: :marseywords: :marseyblueanime:
:marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh:
Matrioska doll of sneedposts +snappyworthy :marseywords:

Just one funny comment in main post, but many more in thw xpost

Prince Andrew’s lawyer asks to keep 2009 legal agreement sealed | Prince Andrew | The Guardian
He was shot while driving into police brutality protesters. Now he’s running for mayor.
Happy Birthday Hillary πŸ₯³

I wanted to watch one show before I crashed, and its literally just a R&M gender swap. Why does the universe hate me?

Reported by:
Redditors debate the metaphysics of gender identity
Important post

(((they are making country club threads about me)))

The Zionists have infiltrated the forum, do not be baited, we must ensure the destruction of the white race, keep the fire of the faith burning my fellow Mujahedeen.

Worst tiktok vid yet Christ

trans lives matter

@FrozenChosen is this any way to force me to come back to this hellhole

anyways I had your post notifs on cz i follow you, and I think loceafterhentai is a shit idea, solely because I dont like hentai. also send country club plz

Edit: I didn't pm you bcz either the admiggers are stupid for not letting you post pics in pms, or i'm a boomer

Ben Garrison is writing fan fiction now.

Two attorneys arrested for allegedly throwing Molotov cocktails at NYPD vehicles during George Floyd protests in New York City in May 2020 each pleaded guilty in Brooklyn federal court Wednesday to a single count of making an incendiary device.

Colinford Mattis, a Princeton and NYU Law graduate who had worked at Pryor Cashman, and public interest attorney Urooj Rahman, who attended Fordham Law, face up to 10 years in prison when they are sentenced in February.

The federal government is pushing for the max, arguing the judge should apply a "terrorism" enhancement to the penalty because what the attorneys allegedly did was intended to intimidate NYPD officers. In addition to prison time, both men are "nearly certain to be disbarred," the federal judge said.

Both Mattis and Rahman are currently undergoing care for depression and other issues, News 4 learned at Wednesday's hearing. Mattis has an alcohol substance abuse issue and underwent inpatient treatment this past May.

When they entered their pleas Wednesday, Mattis said, "I plead guilty," while Rahman said "Guilty." The guilty pleas to the single count of making an incendiary device had been expected as part of a deal previously announced by defense attorney Paul Schectman.

Both showed remorse for their behavior as they entered their pleas.

"I deeply regret my actions," Rahman said.

Mattis told the court, "I deeply regret my conduct and wish I would have made better decisions that night."

Surveillance cameras had recorded Rahman hurling what prosecutors described as a Molotov cocktail into the police vehicle, setting fire to its console near an NYPD station house during those summer 2020 protests. No one was hurt in the attack.

Officers later arrested the lawyers and said they found a lighter, a beer bottle filled with potty paper, and a gasoline tank in the back of a minivan driven by Mattis.

Prosecutors alleged the lawyers planned to distribute and throw other Molotov cocktails.

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