Red Panda Treats

He thinks he's people.

More Australian corona sneed

Can't tell if it is a joke if you aint got the flair.

...Gets PCM to expose itself


One of the most influential dance records ever made.

Irony lost on r-slurs. Water wet
Re: Sell Your Stocks Losers

Re: Sell your stocks losers

In many ways you're correct, there will be another crash. But it won't be this crash. That crash you have survived is what's getting ready to hit, but it's not happening yet, and the cost to companies will be much lower than in 2008.

You should sell now, and don't wait.

This next crash will actually feel a lot less painful to your pocketbook, because the vultures will have done much of the damage.

You have to have a better understanding of capitalism than any of us do, not just to avoid the pain, but because the whole reason we all exist is the money we will get from selling our stocks.

OWS is not just about people losing their homes.

OWS is also about people losing their savings.

And all the things they've saved over their lives.

It's not about Wall Street, it's about Main Street. It's about people losing their houses, jobs, and savings.

And this next crash will be worse than the last, because the federal government is no longer there to bail out the banks.

People will lose a lot more than their homes, they'll lose a lot more than their jobs.

If your house is underwater right now, in the fourth quarter, it will be worthless.

If you're employed, you might lose your job.

And if you're not, it's all downhill from there.

You might get your job back.

But you'll be unemployed for a long time.

As I say: we are on our way to OWS.

And when you feel the call, I urge you to go. Or forever be one who walked away from the burden of a man. (Or woman.)

I urge you to go, because OWS is more than the pain of the economy.

The wrong answer to a dying capitalist system is to go to sleep.

This is not a warm-up.

You are going to feel a lot of pain in the coming years.

If you want to take all that pain you just endured and feel it again, by being a part of another rich-poor war, then this is what you must do.

If you want to make your life better for you and your family, this is what you must do.

The historical parallels are obvious.

Least depraved nazi arrested in Brazil

"He is a smart guy and articulate, but he's a Holocaust denier, he's homophobic, he's a p-dophile and he says he hunts homosexuals," Luis Armond, the lead detective on the case, told Reuters. "I'm no doctor, but he seems to me an insane psychopath."

he put his own photo and personal details on an SS id card lmao

God bless gorbachev, the evergreen fountain of chapo sneed
Shortcels mad :marseylaugh:
(changelog) this post will now show up if you search "(changelog)"

Very important change and I thought you should all know


In the dark, I'd like to read his mind

But I'm frightened of the things I might find

Oh, there must be something he's thinking of

To tear him away-a-ay

When I tell him that I'm falling in love

Why does he say-a-ay

Hush, hush, keep it down now, voices carry

Hush, hush, keep it down now, voices carry


I try so hard not to get upset

Because I know all the trouble I'll get

Oh, he tells me tears are something to hide

And something to fear-eh-eh

And I try so hard to keep it inside

So no one can hear

Hush, hush, keep it down now, voices carry

Hush, hush, keep it down now, voices carry

Hush hush, keep it down now, voices carry



He wants me, but only part of the time

He wants me, if he can keep me in line

Hush, hush, keep it down now, voices carry

Hush, hush, keep it down now, voices carry

Oh, oh, oh, hush hush, shut up now, voices carry

Oh, oh, oh, hush hush, keep it down now, voices carry

Oh, oh, oh, hush hush, darling, she might overhear

Hush, hush, oh, oh, voices carry

Hush, hush, he said shut up

He said shut up

Oh God, can't you keep it down?

Voices carry

Hush, hush, oh, oh voices carry

I wish he would let me talk

help bagging this boomer

So im in my hometown and i hit up this boomer who i almost hooked up with back in my college days

now hes like 80 but still hot so i wanna get that peepee that i feel like i missed out on back then

problem is the conversation became all about him being depressed and " :marseycry: my friends in the hospital he might never walk again :marseycry: "

how do i convince him some bussy will make him unsad

We need an armadillo marsey! True facts
can't believe r. kelly roped
True facts
Just a reminder that wh*te m*les are genetically inferior
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