
Russia's Vietnam amirite?


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A drafted man has set himself on fire and started screaming that he did not want to go to the front at a bus station in Russia’s Ryazan, report and Novaya Gazeta.

Police came out and took him to a storage room.

Novaya reports that, according to the preliminary data, the man has 90% of body burns; he kept screaming “I don’t wanna go to the front” while being taken away by the doctors.

Among the injured, there is the chief of the draft commission Alexander Eliseev.

He is currently in intensive care in critical condition.

In particular, a military enlistment office caught fire in Mordovia’s town of Ruzaevka after two Molotov cocktails had been thrown in through the window on 25 September.

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Orange Site:

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The conflict in Ukraine appears further than ever from resolution.




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Dozens of people entered a Wawa convenience store in Philadelphia and began ransacking the place on Saturday.

The video is only the most recent example of a string of smash-and-grab style crimes, which see organized groups stealing goods from stores with near impunity.

I've grown up here my whole entire life."

"It's sad … what the state has come to, but I think with … good people all banding together that … all have the same values, we can turn it around, I'm hoping," she continued.


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The Bank of England says it "will not hesitate to change interest rates as necessary" after markets reacted badly to the chancellor's tax-cutting mini-budget.

The Treasury also attempted to calm market fears by outlining when it is to provide detail on its growth plan.

Advertisement The pound plunged below its all-time low against the dollar - set in February 1985 - of $1.054 early on Monday in Asian trading, fuelling fears that parity was possible ahead.

A low pound will make importing goods in dollars more expensive, which will be passed to consumers.

Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves said at Labour's party conference: "We are facing a national emergency.

Asked whether he was nervous about the dropping pound, falling stock markets and the rising cost of government borrowing, Mr Kwarteng said: "We've got to have a much more front-footed approach to growth and that's what my Friday statement was all about.


Cuba held a referendum on same-s*x marriage and adoption laws. :marseylgbtflag3:



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A Russian draft officer has been shot by a man angry at his friend’s conscription and another man has set himself on fire in a protest as opposition to Vladimir Putin’s announcement of a partial mobilisation for the war in Ukraine grows.

We must fight not against each other, but against real threats.”

It also published a video of the man covered in a medical blanket being led away by police officers.

Protests are planned for Monday afternoon in major cities in Dagestan, an minority ethnic region in Russia’s northern Caucasus from where a disproportionate number of young men have been sent to fight and die in Ukraine.

There are cases when the [mobilisation] decree was violated … governors are actively working to rectify the situation,” the Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters. “



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committee members Schiff and Cheney spoke about the Capitol riot investigation on Sunday.

Two of the most senior members of the House Jan. 6 committee said they believe Donald Trump committed wrongdoing in relation to the riot, but said that the committee will act unanimously when it decides whether or not to refer the former president for prosecution.

Rep. Adam Schiff, a Democratic member of the committee; and Rep. Liz Cheney, a Republican, discussed the investigation in separate interviews over the weekend.

"I do agree there have been several laws broken and it is, I think, apparent that there is evidence that Donald Trump was involved in breaking several of those laws," Schiff continued.

"I think we will be unanimous," she said. "

When the committee concludes its investigation, which was launched more than a year ago, it will decide whether or not to refer Trump for prosecution by the Justice Department.


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Trump slammed DeSantis in private, wrote New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman in her new book.

He also said Chris Christie, another rival, had a "weight problem," per Haberman's book.

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During the meeting, she spoke with Trump about Christie, one of his 2016 election rivals.

He also called Christie an "opportunist."

She also recalled learning from sources that Trump had called DeSantis "fat," "phony," and "whiny" while also taking credit for the latter clinching the governor's seat in 2018.



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A 90-year-old Hong Kong cardinal will go on trial alongside four fellow democracy supporters on Monday over their role in running a fund to help defend people arrested in anti-government protests.

Police have not yet charged Zen with a national security offence, which can carry up to life in jail.

We abandoned him,” Mueller told the Italian newspaper Il Messaggero earlier this month, saying he was disappointed that a recent consistory – a gathering of cardinals in Rome – did not speak in support of Zen.

China responded to those protests with a sweeping crackdown on dissent.

Some groups have been prosecuted for funding and registration irregularities, even though several had functioned without incident for years, including the alliance that used to organise the city’s annual Tiananmen crackdown vigils.

Zen’s 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund is charged with not properly registering under the Societies Ordinance, a colonial-era law from 1911.


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(CNN) That the United States should be forced to warn Russia publicly , and in more strident terms privately , not to use nuclear weapons is a mark of how dangerous the battle for Ukraine has become -- and how much more risky it might get.

But White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan issued an ominous public caution to Putin on Sunday.

The United States will respond decisively," Sullivan said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

"It's very important that Moscow hear from us and know from us that the consequences would be horrific," Blinken said.

There are no public reports that the Kremlin is readying its stock of battlefield nuclear weapons for use or that it has changed the posture of its international strategic missiles.

A stark US message It is in this dangerous atmosphere that Washington issued its warning, designed to deter Putin from a cycle of escalation that could raise the risk he might consider, or at least threaten the use, of a limited yield tactical nuclear weapon in Ukraine to compensate for his military's failure in a conventional conflict.



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TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan has decided to ban exports of chemical weapons-related goods to Russia in an additional sanction against Moscow over its invasion of Ukraine, and is “deeply concerned” about the possible use of nuclear weapons, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said on Monday.

Japan also added 21 Russian organisations such as science labs as the target of existing export bans, according to a government statement released after Monday’s cabinet meeting, which formally approved the new sanction measures announced by the foreign minister at a Group of Seven meeting last week.

“Japan is deeply concerned about the possibility of nuclear weapons used during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,” Matsuno also said in a media briefing, adding Japan will continue to work with the international society in supporting Ukraine and sanctioning Russia.


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CNN — Marnette Gordon was doing laundry at home in Minneapolis one summer morning last year when a call came from her 36-year-old son.

Residents take matters into their own hands Among them is Dorothy Royston, a 26-year-old healthcare professional who said she spent weeks proactively feeding police information shortly after her unarmed younger brother, Charles Royston Jr., was gunned down on a snowy street in north Minneapolis on a January night in 2021, according to police reports.

Dave Bicking, a board member of the Minneapolis-based Community United Against Police Brutality, goes so far as to suggest the police since Floyd’s death may have engaged in a “sickout” — that is, that officers are purposefully sluggish to respond to or investigate certain crimes.

So when Jacob Frey talks about only White people want to defund or whatever … I think that he is perhaps shaping the narrative to benefit his political goals.”

In April, the Minnesota Department of Human Rights released a report, two years in the making, charging that the Minneapolis department’s officers have engaged in a pattern or practice of race discrimination when conducting traffic stops or using force.

“When I got to the hospital, the doctors were like, ‘Well, you’re some lucky lady and you must be somebody special because you have no metal fragments in your body,’” Howard said.

:marseytrump:: THE STORM IS COMING! - RealRawNews

According to Michael Baxter's (((source :marseyglow:))), DDR's "The Storm is Coming!" lapel pin is subliminal messaging for the mass arrests which are happening soon :marseysal:

Trump’s wearing the pin, he added, sent a subliminal message to the White Hat partition of the U.S. military—You now have carte blanche, if you will, to pursue mass arrests instead of singling out specific individuals that betrayed their oath of office or engaged in criminal malfeasance in contravention of the Constitution of the United States.

Thousands of arrests are going to be happening and they've all been hand-picked by the orange man himself

Trump’s message marks a reversal in posture. Earlier this year, he had asked White Hat commanders to abstain from mass arrests until after the midterm elections. Now, with proof the Deep State has a plan in place to steal the midterms, Trump is asking the military, empowered by his invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807 prior to January 20, 2021, to take whatever steps are needed to capture and incarcerate “several THOUSAND primary targets” whose names appear on sealed indictments that Trump had helped author.

The comments are filled with many things including :marseyhope:

From DJT’s lips to God’s ears.

Make it happen, White Hats!!!

“We’ll make the storm a hurricane.” That’s quite the comment, and coming from a man like General Berger, you can be sure he will deliver. Clearly, General Berger like many others, understands the evil that must be eradicated.


We also have fedposts :marseyfedpostglow:

The ‘hurricane’ implies forceful assistance from We the People who have some things to settle with the black hats.

Yeah, you and billions of others. Think Ukraine, Russia, all of Africa, China, India, pretty much the whole world…. except the small number of cabal members… :marseynoyouglow:

“You now have carte blanche, if you will”

Oh we most definitely will, Mr Trump. So the rule is any legal US citizen can levy a Pristine Citizen’s Arrest on any ATF, DHS, FBI, TSA, CIA, NSA representative? If they resist does the IA confer authority on any non-LEO to apprehend an illegal LEO now operating under species authority?

If IA ceded authority to military, why was Berger deferring to Trump this entire time?

:marseyfedposthmmm: :marseyfedscared2::marseyfedscared:

And some schizoposts :marseyschizo::marseyschizowall:

Also, those who are vaxxed :marseygigavaxxer: irradiate others :marseyradioactive:, it’s not spike protein shedding apparently, it’s irradiation! Buy Geiger counters :marscientist: and see for yourself. Ricardo Delgardo from La Quinta Columna commented and put English subtitles on a video presentation made by someone, It’s on their site.

Also, the Simpsons :marseysimpson: predicted the 24th as a major event day :marseyschizowall: for an EMP :marseytoasterbath: strike that wipes out everything electronic and also predicted zombies :marseyzombie: on a meteorite. According to off-world sources :marseycapypharaoh: , the origin of bacteria on this planet came from a deliberate meteorite strike, so who knows? Another attack, this time with prions on the meteorite? I’m only half joking. Just prepare as best you can.

Marseys for readability I think

[+25] Question I have, is how much of the ‘other’ army will he have to fight? How big is it, what weapons does it have access to, who’s running it, the planning, logistics, etc.

[-25] b0fa. b0fa these nuts in your mouth

[+42] Your thinking of the “known to the public”, conventional style, with the military’s bombs, guns and other implements of destruction type of warfare; the sheep’s standard programmed by the govt. thinking. WW III is being fought by a joint Galactic and white hat operation. The galactics are currently in Phoenix, AZ with creating heavy rains to flush out a rather nasty Dracon ET, that created satanism for child sacrifice and now, then forcing them down to lower level DUMB’s and create a high level shaker to crush the farging shit out of them. The Reptilians are the Rothshitters and Rockefukkers in disguise and they are the kingpin Hitleresk corksukkers that tried to pull it off.

Ummm :marseybeanflushed:

[-31] America has gone too insane for God to heal our land. The healing process will include a purging of all who rejected Him and then the Tribulation/Armageddon cleansing then healing the land by the new dispensational Millennial Reign of the Lord Jesus Christ who shall show ALL how we should have lived the life HE commanded. The Indians didn’t listen to HIM so HE sent a fierce people to conquer them. Same gonna happen here!

[+26] Nothing on this tiny planet is ever too insane for our Lord God to handle.


Those who wander enough in the comment section will also find some people who post a lot. Are they :marseymagahat:, :marseyrightoidschizo:, :marseytroll:, or :marseyfedpostglow:? You decide!


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Tanya Cousins and Rick Mason were scammed out of $36000 and are now having to live in a house bus.

What the couple didn't know at the time was that McKinley was just one of 15 different aliases for John Sinclair - a man now on home detention after scamming 28 victims out of $284,000 to fuel his gambling addiction.

Retiree Graeme Saxton and his wife lost $18,000 when they tried to buy a caravan to use to visit their only grandchild in 2021.

Shade advocated for Sinclair to receive a sentence of home detention so he could continue providing for his young family.

He struggles to believe the apology Sinclair gave during the sentencing "We've become collateral damage to his greed," he said.

"Unless you've been through it you don't really know how cruel it was ... it does feel good talking to people," Cousins said.



r/worldnews thread

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Pauline Billard via AP) TORONTO (AP) — Hundreds of thousands of people in Atlantic Canada remained without power Sunday and officials said they found the body of a woman swept into the sea after former Hurricane Fiona washed away houses, stripped off roofs and blocked roads across the country’s Atlantic provinces.

“Living in coastal communities we know what can happen and tragically the sea has taken another from us,” said Gudie Hutchings, the Member of Parliament from Newfoundland.

“People listened to the warnings and did what they were supposed to do and this was the result,” she said Prince Edward Island Premier Dennis King said that over 100 military personnel would arrive Sunday to assist in recovery efforts.

As of Sunday, about 45% of Puerto Rico’s 1.47 million power customers remained in the dark, and 20% of 1.3 million water customers had no service as workers struggled to reach submerged power substations and fix downed lines.


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Intro The ADL Center on Extremism (COE) has identified 40 white supremacist artists with a presence on Spotify, the world’s largest music streaming platform.

More on the three most popular white supremacist sub-genres on Spotify: Fashwave: A musical sub-genre of the Vaporwave movement (a non-extremist genre of electronic music), Fashwave was created to spread white supremacist ideology (Fashwave is derived from the word “Fascism.”)

The movement started in the British punk scene in the late 1970s.

As in the case of Wiking 1940, verified extremist artists are eligible for inclusion on Spotify’s curated playlists, which can introduce unknowing listeners to extremist music.

A public playlist curated by Spotify for Wiking 1940, note the inclusion of Kushfrost, a Rock Against Communism band mentioned earlier.

Cover photos of Fashwave playlists on Spotify, many of which display white supremacist imagery including Pepe the Frog, the Iron Cross, and a Red Pill Despite adding explicit anti-extremist guidelines to their content policy, Spotify allows extremist content to flourish.


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The Washington Post and its journ*lism lecturers like Margaret Sullivan have strongly denounced "both-sidesism" in covering American politics, insisting Donald Trump and his supporters should be treated like destroyers of democracy.

In retirement, she became the labor editor at a Communist Party-affiliated newspaper.

Now the grandmother of eight children, she’s a party spokesperson.

Wood has never been to the museum, but, “judging from its website,” she says, “this museum could be the basis of a whole other museum called ‘Lies About Communism.’ ”

You could put the Nazis in every spot in this "balancing" passage to note how sick it sounds: Nazism "inspired generations of activists," being a lifelong Nazi is a "really wonderful life," and then maybe the Holocaust Museum could inspire another museum devoted to "Lies About Nazism."

She didn't even have to go to the museum.




Seethe everywhere in /r/worldnews




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Listen 8 min Comment on this story Comment Gift Article Share ROME — Italy seemed poised on Sunday for a norm-breaking election that would give the country its first-ever female prime minister — and its farthest-right government since the fall of Mussolini.

She promises to maintain Italy’s Atlantic alliances and says the country won’t take an authoritarian turn.

On the campaign trail, the leader of Italy’s left-center party, Enrico Letta, argued that if Italians hand power to the right, they would be doing a favor for Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has tried increasingly to sow strife in Europe — primarily by withholding energy exports — as his invasion of Ukraine has faltered.

But she and her allies would have leeway on the issue of immigration.

At that point, Italian President Sergio Mattarella will begin consultations with the new parliamentary leaders and representatives from the parties, on forming a cabinet and selecting a prime minister.

The rapid turnover of governments — generally before leaders have time to follow through on promises — has amplified a sense of alienation.

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