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Ukraine has submitted an application to join NATO in an expedited manner. This was announced by the President Volodymyr Zelensky Friday, Sept. 30, following Putin signing an annexation accord. According to him, in effect Ukraine “has already passed its way into

NATO” and proved compatible with the standards of the alliance

Read the President’s full address below:


And all our friends and allies!

De facto allies. Today, here in Kyiv, in the heart of our country, we are taking a decisive step for the security of the entire community of free nations.

We see who threatens us. Who is ready to kill and maim. Who in order to expand his zone of control does not stop at any savagery.

On February 24, the first full-scale attack on Ukraine was carried out. The first!

Russia would not have stopped at our borders if we had not stopped it. Other states would have been under attack. The Baltic countries, Poland, Moldova and Georgia, Kazakhstan…

Russia claimed to subjugate various nations of Europe and Asia. Claimed six months ago. This criminal ambition is breaking down in Ukraine. It was broken down in the suburbs of Kyiv and Chernihiv. In “Azovstal”. In the Sumy region and Kharkiv region. On Zmiinyi Island. It will be broken down in Donbas and in the south of Ukraine when we liberate them. Definitely – in Crimea, in the free Ukrainian Crimea.

The entire territory of our country will be liberated from this enemy – the enemy not only of Ukraine, but also of life itself, humanity, law and truth.

Russia already knows this. It feels our power. It sees that it is here, in Ukraine, that we prove the strength of our values. And that is why it is in a hurry. Organizes this farce with the attempted annexation. Tries to steal something that does not belong to it. Wants to rewrite history and redraw borders with murders, torture, blackmail and lies.

Ukraine will not allow that.

Today I held a meeting of the Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. The meeting of the National Security and Defense Council has just ended. We have a decision.

First – it is only the path of strengthening Ukraine and ousting the occupiers from our entire territory that restores peace. We will complete this path.

Second – Ukraine was and remains a leader in negotiation efforts. It was our state that always offered Russia to reach an agreement on coexistence on equal, honest, decent and fair terms. It is obvious that this is impossible with this Russian president. He does not know what dignity and honesty are. Therefore, we are ready for a dialogue with Russia, but already with another president of Russia.

And third – we must de jure record everything we have already achieved de facto. It is in Ukraine that the fate of democracy in the confrontation with tyranny is being decided. It is here, with the firmness of our state borders, that we can secure the firmness of the borders of all European states. We can guarantee that no one else will dare to bring war back to our continent.

It is here, in Ukraine, that the values of our Euro-Atlantic community have obtained real vital energy. The strength of the nation that fights for freedom, and the strength of the nations that help in this fight.

We are de facto allies. This has already been achieved. De facto, we have already completed our path to NATO. De facto, we have already proven interoperability with the Alliance’s standards, they are real for Ukraine – real on the battlefield and in all aspects of our interaction.

We trust each other, we help each other and we protect each other. This is what the Alliance is. De facto.

Today, Ukraine is applying to make it de jure. Under a procedure consistent with our significance for the protection of our entire community. Under an accelerated procedure.

We know it’s possible. We have seen Finland and Sweden start accession to the Alliance this year without a Membership Action Plan.

This is fair. This is also fair for Ukraine. This is the consolidation at the level of the treaty of what has already been achieved in life and what are our values.

We understand that this requires the consensus of all members of the Alliance. We understand that it is necessary to reach such a consensus. And therefore, while this is happening, we offer to implement our proposals regarding security guarantees for Ukraine and all of Europe in accordance with the Kyiv Security Compact, which was developed and presented to our partners.

Security has no alternatives. But determination is needed to guarantee it.

We are taking our decisive step by signing Ukraine’s application for accelerated accession to NATO.

Today, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine adopted a decision to impose sanctions on significant individuals and legal entities of Russia who did not have the courage to speak out in defense of humanity and international law, or who in one way or another are involved in aggressive steps against Ukraine and the community of democratic nations.

And at the same time, I am addressing the people’s deputies of Ukraine: at the next session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, a draft law on the nationalization of all Russian assets will be considered, which should significantly simplify this procedure. Please endorse this bill without delay.

We are completing the dismantling of Russian influence on Ukraine, Europe and the world.

Glory to Ukraine!

Brian O'Hara selected as new Minneapolis police chief : Minneapolis
Reported by:
Fox News Story about Stupid Liberals is Just Some Excerpts from an Atlantic Article about :marseyliathomas:

What would old Jon Stewart or Steven Colbert when he was funny have said about this?

Apparently rightwing propaganda is now when liberals write liberal thinkpieces for liberal outlets, and you amplify their message straightforwardly.




hobochads :marseychad: rob TV newsvan, :marseyjourno: journoids seethe :marseyseethe:
Offizierin :marseyliathomas: soll Geheiminfos des US-Militärs an Moskau :marseyputin:weitergegeben haben

Not a single word of them being a valid neo foid :marseytrans2:

Very transphobic!

Edit: Correction! They said the first Trans-officer in the US!!!! We won! Transphobes BTFO! :marsoy:

Die Medienberichten zufolge erste im US-Militär offen transsexuell lebende US-Offizierin

Muzzies confirmed to be above trains in the oppression stack :marseytransgenocide::!marseyniqab:

A Wisconsin prisoner who was strip searched by a transgender male guard says the search unlawfully violated his Muslim faith, and a federal court has ruled it shouldn't happen again.

The search of Rufus West took place in 2016 at Green Bay Correctional Institution. West sued after he was denied exemptions from such future searches, and was threatened with discipline if he continued to complain. A federal district judge dismissed the lawsuit, finding West hadn't shown a substantial burden to his free exercise of religion. Even if he had, the search was legal as the least restrictive way to further a compelling governmental interest, the judge found.

The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals recently  reversed, and granted relief to West.

Writing for a three-judge panel, Chief Judge Diane Sykes found West is entitled to judgment under the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000, and can pursue his second claim under the Fourth Amendment.

"There's no dispute (Rufus's) objection to cross-s*x strip searches is both religious in nature and sincere," Sykes wrote. "The prison has substantially burdened his religious exercise by requiring him to either submit to cross-s*x strip searches in violation of his faith or face discipline."

Accommodating West's religion would not discriminate against the transgender guard, the decision found.

The decision also renews West's claim that the search violated his rights under the Fourth Amendment against unreasonable searches.

West, 51, was convicted in 1995 in Milwaukee of armed robbery and being a felon with a gun. He is due for release in 2024. He has filed numerous lawsuits on his own, and after this one was dismissed, the 7th Circuit found a Chicago lawyer to represent West on appeal.

In prison, strip searches are conducted for several reasons including when an inmate leaves or enters the prison, before certain movements within the prison, before and after visits with people from outside the prison, or during lockdowns.

Prison officials argued that in more than 20 years of incarceration, West was only subjected to a strip search involving a transgender male guard once, and it was unlikely to happen again. That is not a substantial burden on his free exercise of religion, prison officials said.

Sykes noted the burden exists even if it is uncertain if and when West may be subjected to a strip search by a transgender guard.

The prison also argued that since any strip search violates West's religious belief that only his wife may see him naked, the one occasion involving the transgender guard wasn't that big a deal.

The court said that argument seems to punish West for his willingness to compromise; he knows he can't avoid all strip searches in prison. But to West, being seen by someone biologically female subjects him to worse religious consequence.

"Knowingly violating the nudity prohibition will condemn him in the afterlife, with greater condemnation resulting from cross-s*x violations of the taboo," Sykes wrote.

"West's understanding of the Islamic faith draws the line at cross-s*x strip searches, and 'it is not for us to say that the line he drew was an unreasonable one,'" Sykes wrote.

RLUIPA bars prisons from substantially burdening an inmate's religious exercise unless doing so is the least restrictive means to further a compelling governmental interest. The 7th Circuit decision says West should be exempted from searches by female or transgender guards.


While European Union nations are still mulling a cap on gas prices, some businesses are more in a hurry for solutions to the continent’s energy crisis.

In Brussels, the epicenter of the EU, restaurant owners have imagined how a future without gas and electricity would look like for gourmets.

The guests at the dinner served at the Brasserie Surrealiste and cooked by Racines employees this week were the first to experience it: No ovens, no stoves, no hot plates, no coffee machines and no light bulbs.

Still, great food.

Just cold entrees, or slightly grilled over the flaming charcoal grill of a Japanese barbecue, served at candle-lit tables.

“The idea is to go back to the cave age,” said Francesco Cury, the Racines owner. “We prepared a whole series of dishes that just need to be grilled for a few seconds ... But the search for taste, for the amazing, for the stunning, is still part of our business.”

On the menu: brioche with anchovies, porchetta and focaccia cooked on a wood fire, raw white tuna, grilled pork with beans, and ricotta cream with pumpkin jam and pistachios as desert.

But what sounds like a romantic atmosphere and a one-time experience is actually what customers could face more permanently if energy bills keep increasing.

“People see price increases of 30% to 40% in the supermarket. And we, restaurant owners, buy the same raw material, the same products. So what do we do? We increase the prices. But then on top comes the price of gas and electricity. Can we do our job without energy sources? The answer is no,” Cury said. “So we have to think a little bit more, and society has to realize how critical the situation is.”

The dramatic rise of inflation in Belgium could have been a deterrent, but 50 guests took part in the dinner Thursday organized as part of the “Brussels in the Dark” initiative involving a dozen of restaurants.

“We are at a point when one needs to choose between being warm at home or eating out,” said Stephane Lepla, on a night out with his girlfriend. “Finding the balance is complicated. So yes, of course, there is a reflection on a daily basis. There are habits that need to change, that we try to change anyway, even if it is not always easy.”



Generated by TLDR This:

CNN — Victims of a mass shooting that claimed the lives of seven people and injured dozens at a July 4 parade in Illinois have filed lawsuits against a gun manufacturer, the accused shooter and the shooter’s father, court documents show.

“The mass shooting at Highland Park’s Fourth of July Parade was the foreseeable and entirely preventable result of a chain of events initiated by Smith & Wesson,” the lawsuits state.

In addition to the seven victims who were killed, dozens of others were injured.

WLS/Pool The accused shooter’s father, Robert Crimo Jr., was also named in the lawsuits for his role in sponsoring his son’s gun permit, which allowed his son to purchase firearms before he turned 21, including the gun he allegedly used in the shooting.

CNN has reached out to all named defendants for their comment on the lawsuits.

After the shooting, he left the roof and blended in with the fleeing crowd, Lake County Major Crime Task Force spokesperson Chris Covelli said.





Disclosure: That was our morning section that posted the earlier news.

Generated from TLDR This:

WASHINGTON, Sept 29 (Reuters) - A former U.S. Army major and his anesthesiologist wife have been criminally charged for allegedly plotting to leak highly sensitive healthcare data about military patients to Russia, the Justice Department revealed on Thursday.

Jamie Lee Henry, the former major who was also a doctor at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, and his wife, Dr. Anna Gabrielian, were charged in an unsealed indictment in federal court in Maryland with conspiracy and wrongful disclosure of individually identifiable health information about patients at the Army base.

Register now for FREE unlimited access to Register Henry's attorney David Little declined to comment on the charges, but said his client was released on home detention.

An attorney for Gabrielian could not immediately be reached for comment.

At a hotel in Baltimore on Aug. 17, Gabrielian told the undercover agent "she was motivated by patriotism toward Russia to provide any assistance she could to Russia, even if it meant being fired or going to jail," the indictment says.

That's not something you walked away from."

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