Total Microsoft Death :windowsxp:

Kill Microsoft developers. Behead Microsoft developers. Roundhouse kick a Microsoft developer into the concrete. Slam dunk a Microsoft developer baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy MS devs. Defecate in a Microsoft developers food. Launch Microsoft developers into the sun. Stir fry Microsoft developers in a wok. Toss Microsoft developers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Microsoft developers gas tank. Judo throw Microsoft developers into a wood chipper. Twist Microsoft developers heads off. Report Microsoft developers to the IRS. Karate chop Microsoft developers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black Microsoft developers. Trap Microsoft developers in quicksand. Crush Microsoft developers in the trash compactor. Liquify Microsoft developers in a vat of acid. Eat Microsoft developers. Dissect Microsoft developers. Exterminate Microsoft developers in the gas chamber. Stomp Microsoft developer skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Microsoft developers in the oven. Lobotomize Microsoft developers. Mandatory abortions for Microsoft developers. Grind Microsoft developer fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Microsoft developers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Microsoft developers with a ray gun. Kick old Microsoft developers down the stairs. Feed Microsoft developers to alligators. Slice Microsoft developers with a katana


!codecels why aren't your projects going :marseysal2: viral on Instagram?


The maintainer for the bcachefs filesystem sends a last-minute patch into the upcoming 6.11 tree, claiming that its an important bug fix and it cannot wait to be merged into 6.12. Linus is not happy because the patch is quite large and it also seems to do more than a simple bugfix, adding risk of breaking things into a release that's almost ready to come out.

Here's a phoronix article giving a bit more explaination:

Some random people in the Phoronix thread fight each other, discussing if it was right for Linus to scold the maintainer like this:

On a related note, you might have also heard about bcachefs this week because the Debian maintainer for the bcachefs-tools dropped the package, citing that its way too difficult to package now due to Rust:

Brazil's military relies on Starlink for operations and security


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