Firefox releases 106.0 and this is very dramatic apparently for nerds


orange site


Setting Firefox as your default browser now also makes it the default PDF application on Windows systems.

Firefox will now steal default PDF behavior if you choose to make it your default browser (honestly why would you?)

With the launch of the “Independent Voices” collection, Firefox is introducing 18 new “Colorways.” You can now access a “Colorways” modal experience via “Firefox View”; each new color is accompanied with a bespoke graphic and a text description that speaks to its deeper meaning. The collection will be available through Jan 16. (For more information, check out our SUMO article.)

This "feature" seems to be cause the most drama, at least on the Orange Site. It's honestly beyond stupid and it makes me chuckle hearty to myself. You can theme your Firefox with a color, but some of those colors will go away because reasons.

They also added a "Private Mode button" and are making it seem like a massive new feature when

Private browsing is no longer private if you advertise on the task bar that you have a private browsing window open.


Below are some random user reactions from links above. Be sure to check out the links though, especially Orange Site, those guys are going nutso! :marseybye:

Jesus, can you just say "we've got themes?" No one is going to remember Firefox as the next MLK Jr because they let you turn the window chrome orange.

Hooli is about people. Hooli is about innovative technology that makes a difference, transforming the world as we know it. Making the world a better place, through minimal message oriented transport layers.

I love Firefox but the hubris is takes to think a few themes for your app is a betterment for the world is hard to fathom

I have to repost it aagain: Firefox: the last remaining mostly independent, maintained and reasonably popular browser.

Even if it were inferior in any aspect to other options, I'd still use it for the above mentioned reasons.

This guy thinks a browser that only exists due to Google makes it only 'mostly independent'

And still no vertical tabs, sigh

This also popped up in /r/firefox but I can't read Eurocell so I don't know if it's related

If you use Firefox (may God help you) be sure to check out

Brave or Vivaldi

GIMP is an anti-disabled slur :marseycantsneed: :gimp:

Losing my fricking shit over this

Post got deleted, here's the federated post

Context: A new instance started up on the Frediverse. The owner of, some fossstrag instance decided to shut down.

Now, everyone's moving to, GIMP being one of those on the Fediverse.

It's like brand accounts on Twitter but for nerds :marseynerd:


USB Foundation does a little :marsey420: 420 :marseyrasta:

Fricking naming conventions: USB 4 2.0



Edit: Nothing changes

Currently we have this guideline:

Help keep this hole healthy by keeping drama and non-drama balanced. If you see too much drama, post something that isn't dramatic. If there isn't enough drama and this hole has become too boring, POST DRAMA! :marseywheredrama2:

While I have posted non-drama, this is a drama site and posts that aren't dramatic in this hole have been allowed. However, your average pinkoid and at least one poweruser who gets very mad at every hole's content that has a pink username (still like him btw) gets mad when something non-dramatic is posted. I have retained a drama-lite approach to the hole.

However, I've been thinking about revising the guideline above to require at least one dramatic or funny link in the post if you will post boring tech content. Meta posts asking for advice or whatever would still be allowed. If the news article is funny, then it's optional but recommended to post dramatic content. At least a reaction from Hacker News, /r/technology or any other tech sub, twittertards, /g/, etc. Meta posts asking for advice would still be allowed. While the content won't change much, you would no longer be able to post boring shit like this.

Should we make a change to the guideline and require posts to be dramatic or funny?


Hello. This is Matthew Butterick. I'm a writer, designer, pro­gram­mer, and law­yer. I've writ­ten two books on typog­ra­phy---Prac­ti­cal Typog­ra­phy and Typog­ra­phy for Lawyers---and designed the fonts in the MB Type library, includ­ing EquityCon­course, and Trip­li­cate.

As a pro­gram­mer, I've been pro­fes­sion­ally involved with open-source soft­ware since 1998, includ­ing two years at Red Hat. More recently I've been a con­trib­u­tor to Racket. I wrote the Lisp-advo­cacy essay Why Racket? Why Lisp? and Beau­ti­ful Racket, a book about mak­ing pro­gram­ming lan­guages. I've released plenty of open-source soft­ware, includ­ing Pollen, which I use to pub­lish my online books, and even AI soft­ware that I use in my work.

In June 2022, I wrote about the legal prob­lems with GitHub Copi­lot, in par­tic­u­lar its mis­han­dling of open-source licenses. Recently, I took the next step: I reac­ti­vated my Cal­i­for­nia bar mem­ber­ship to team up with the amaz­ingly excel­lent class-action lit­i­ga­tors Joseph SaveriCadio Zir­poli, and Travis Man­fredi at the Joseph Saveri Law Firm on a new project---

We're inves­ti­gat­ing a poten­tial law­suit against GitHub Copi­lot for vio­lat­ing its legal duties to open-source authors and end users.\

We want to hear from you. Click here to help with the inves­ti­ga­tion.\

Or read on.





I only recently discovered this. It's a thread written in 2015, but it still seems nice.

I was peeping through this website, and I found this little cat for some reason on their git page. Cue the nekodiscoveries

It's apparently some developers cat, he's named "Malloc" i think? We'll call him Mallocbuddy, but let's move on.

Presumably, Enlightenment is a real desktop/window manager that's been in development for a little too long, and one could say it could've took off were the developers not a bit cooky and making strange design decisions.

Another interesting design related to callbacks is key handling. You can register your callback for keydown events and get all the info in a neat structure named Evas_Event_Key_Down. What would you expect from such structure? Maybe a key code? Ha! EFL gives you something more – a key name. Instead of comparing integer code to some universal key number, you are forced to do a string comparison against system-dependent key name.

Wew lad, last I recall, Xorg had real keybinds in a library somewhere mapped to integer values. This Autism is insane and I want to murder the developer who did it.

An extremely helpful console message: “SPANK! SPANK! SPANK! Naughty programmer!”. Really, I’m not joking about that one.


Oh, did I mention the documentation is shit and some bits are in a form of “heck if I know” (exact quote)? There is a docs section on the webpage, but try using the information there in practice – good luck.

I do the same, but personally I want to kill developers who write code and then pretend they dont know what it does. Spend a minute reading your code neighbor to get an idea neighbor.

It was written by a C programmer who “doesn’t like the notion of ‘type’ in programming”


Why even work in C at this point? Types are a great thing, even shit like Typescript was invented because of this, you fricking r-slur.

Enlightenment...were these the guys who were all excited about making flames on the desktop or something? Or is that something completely different?

Yeah, my exact opinion of Enlightenment as well. Whenever I think of them, I always think of some bullshit where it's super flare-y and 3D-like. They've always been a bit strange with the graphics.

As for Enlightenment itself, it looks pretty reminiscent of the modern CDE-style design, but with flare. Most people have most far beyond the old traditional massive chunks of "docks" that older traditional Unix environments provided (honestly, I think they seem cool, but KDE 3 was the last modern example of that layout I could think of).

Nevertheless, it seems alright from front visuals, and I'm sure they've addressed some of the issues since 2015 of course, but still, it's been in development for nearly 20 years since that post was made. They're transitioning :marseytrans2: to Wayland it seems, and want to eliminate Xorg entirely. I don't have much else to say and my system finished upgrading (coompiling), so I guess I'll stop writing and reboot my system.

Sources: Person who showed me this thread

Disclaimer: I'm sure lots has changed in the codebase since this was posted, but it's here, regardless. And I'm here to laugh at it (and find it cool, but still, laugh)

An electrical fire in one building knocked out half the internet services in South Korea over the weekend

Imagine if there was a company that did what Facebook, Paypal, Uber, and Spotify do and had overwhelming dominance of all those markets. That's what Kakao is. Whenever I despair about how r-slurred Americans are, at least I'm reminded that foreigners do stupid things like routing all this stuff for an entire country through one room. I guess Koreans just can't help centralizing everything.


Press statement:


Orange Site chuds:




Orange Site:


El Salvador's bitcoin holdings down 60% to $60 million, one year later

The use of bitcoin in El Salvador appears to be low, as the currency has lost about 60% of its value since the experiment started and the country still faces plummeting economic growth and a high deficit. Data from Bloomberg Economics shows that El Salvador tops its ranking of emerging market countries that are vulnerable to a debt default. Pair these economic woes with a renewed war on gang violence and the country is barreling toward uncertainty. «The government claims the developments as a success, but most local commentators and international watchers are underwhelmed,» Rachel Ziemba, founder of Ziemba Insights, told CNBC.

Bitcoin uptake appears low

7, 2021, Jaime Garcia was hopeful that it would fix a few big problems with the way that Salvadorans send, receive and spend money. As part of the law, prices are now sometimes listed in bitcoin, tax contributions can be paid with the digital currency, and exchanges in bitcoin will not be subject to capital gains tax. To help facilitate national adoption, El Salvador launched a virtual wallet called «chivo» that offers no-fee transactions, allows for quick cross-border payments, and requires only a mobile phone plus an internet connection. It aimed to bring users onboard quickly, both to scale bitcoin adoption and to offer a convenient onramp for those who had never been a part of the banking system.

Bukele tweeted in January that about 60% of the population, or 4 million people, used the chivo app, and more Salvadorans have chivo wallets than traditional bank accounts, according to a Sept. Still, only 64.6% of the country has access to a mobile phone with internet, that note says. National Bureau of Economic Research showed that only 20% of those who downloaded the wallet continued to use it after spending the $30 bonus. A survey by the El Salvador-based El Instituto de Opinion Publica, a public opinion think tank, found that 7 in 10 Salvadorans do not think the Bitcoin Law has benefited their family economy.

Another survey by the institute found that 76 out of 100 small and medium-size enterprises in El Salvador do not accept bitcoin payments. «There seems to be evidence that most people used it primarily to get the free money from the government but have not used it on an ongoing basis given volatility and fees,» Ziemba said. «Nobody really uses the app to pay in bitcoin. People that do use it, mostly use it for dollars».

Incumbent services can charge 10% or more in fees for those international transfers, which can sometimes take days to arrive and require a physical pickup. But in 2022, recent data shows that only 1.6% of remittances were sent to El Salvador via digital wallets. «This is a new money, a new way of doing things for a population that is very comfortable with dollars. » .

Squawk Box

Its debt-to-GDP ratio is almost 90%, and its debt is expensive at around 5% per year versus 1.5% in the U. «The domestic debt is very large, relatively short duration and needs to be rolled over frequently,» said Muci, who previously worked at the Growth Lab at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Only the Federal Reserve can print more dollars. Meanwhile, its other national currency, bitcoin, is revered for the fact that it, too, is impossible to mint out of thin air. «One of the big issues has been the fact that the bitcoin gimmick has distracted from the fiscal and economic challenges of the country and made it more difficult for the country to access IFI lending and preferential terms,» Ziemba said.

Ziemba added that there have been some swaps with major crypto firms that allowed the country to raise cash to pay off the debt due this year, and perhaps early next year, but the long-term debt sustainability remains a challenge. «The country is sleepwalking into a debt default,» Muci said.

Tourism and presidential popularity solid

On the day the Bitcoin Law took effect, Bukele revealed that the country had begun to add bitcoin to government coffers. Since then, the price of the cryptocurrency has plunged more than 60%, stoked by rising interest rates and failed projects and bankruptcies in the industry. None of these losses are locked in until the country exits its bitcoin position. In aggregate, the entire experiment and all its associated costs have only set the government back around $375 million, according to estimates.

The tourism industry is up 30% since the Bitcoin Law took effect, according to official government estimates.

Reported by:
  • SN : /h/slackernews
  • KushnersForeskin : How do I move it to slackernews and can a janny do it
:marseyhope:ium at r/cryptocurrency
Epstein explains lateral thinking... 5 mins worth a watch


What are they trying to hide :marseywrongthonk: :marseynoooticer:? Afraid of Apple :chadstevejobs:?

Orange Site:




May also fit in /h/MNN.

Orange Site:


Former WSJ reporter says law firm used Indian hackers to sabotage his career | Reuters

Solomon said the messages, which showed Azima floating the idea of the two of them going into business together, were put into a dossier and circulated in a successful effort to get him fired. The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Washington, said Dechert “wrongfully disclosed this dossier first to Mr. Solomon’s employer, the Wall Street Journal, at its Washington DC bureau, and then to other media outlets in an attempt to malign and discredit him." It said the campaign “effectively caused Mr. Solomon to be blackballed by the journ*listic and publishing community. Dechert said in an email that it disputed the claim and would fight it in court. Azima - who filed his own lawsuit against Dechert on Thursday in New York - had no immediate comment.

Solomon’s suit is the latest in a series of legal actions that follows Reuters’ reporting about hired hackers operating out of India. His lawyers, like Solomon’s, allege that Dechert worked with BellTroX, CyberRoot and a slew of private investigators to steal his emails and publish them to the web. Solomon and Azima allege that Dechert undertook the hack-and-leak operation in the interest of its client, Sheikh Saud bin Saqr al-Qasimi, ruler of the Middle Eastern emirate of Ras Al Khaimah. Reuters has reported that lawyers for Ras Al Khaimah’s investment agency – RAKIA – used the emails to help win a fraud lawsuit filed against Azima in London in 2016.

Azima, who denies RAKIA’s fraud allegations, is trying to have the judgment thrown out. In addition to being deployed in court, the leaked emails also made their way to The Associated Press, which published two articles about Azima in June of 2017, including one that revealed the airline mogul had offered reporter Solomon a minority stake in a company he was setting up. The Journal fired Solomon shortly before the AP’s story was published, citing ethical violations. Solomon says he never took Azima up on his proposal or benefited financially from their relationship.

In a first-person account of the scandal published in the Columbia Journ*lism Review in 2018, the ex-journ*list said he never pushed back on Azima’s talk of business opportunities because he was trying to humor a man who had been crucial to his reporting on the Middle East.

the 1 word tweet meme came from dev twitter


Orange Site:

AT&T to pay $23M fine for bribing powerful lawmaker’s ally in exchange for vote | Ars Technica

« Madigan,» a Department of Justice press release said today. ««The investigation of AT&T Illinois is being resolved with a deferred prosecution agreement under which the company admitted it arranged for payments to be made to an ally of Madigan to influence and reward Madigan's efforts to assist AT&T Illinois with respect to legislation sought by the company,» the announcement said. « AT&T «admitted that in 2017 it arranged for an ally of Madigan to indirectly receive $22,500 in payments from the company». «AT&T allegedly used a lobbying firm as an intermediary to make the payment and disguise its true purpose.

« Former AT&T Illinois President Paul La Schiazza was indicted on five charges as a result of the same investigation. «Madigan and McClain were previously indicted on racketeering and bribery charges. « Madigan, a Democrat, was House speaker for all but two years between 1983 and 2021, before resigning. « The original «22-count indictment accuses Madigan of leading for nearly a decade a criminal enterprise whose purpose was to enhance Madigan's political power and financial well-being while also generating income for his political allies and associates,» the Justice Department said in March.

AT&T pushed bill to end landline obligation

AT&T's payment was designed to influence a 2017 vote on Carrier of Last Resort legislation that «terminate AT&T Illinois' costly obligation to provide landline telephone services to all Illinois residents,» the deferred prosecution agreement says. In addition to the monetary penalty and its continued cooperation with the government, AT&T Illinois's obligations under the agreement include implementing a new compliance and ethics program and providing annual reports to the government regarding remediation and implementation of the program. If AT&T Illinois fails to completely fulfill each of its obligations under the agreement during the two-year term, the US Attorney's Office can initiate prosecution of the charged offense.

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