
black lives matter less

:marseyitsover: Due to blade damage, Mars Helicopter Ingenuity will not fly again

NASA's history-making Ingenuity Mars Helicopter has ended its mission at the Red Planet after surpassing expectations and making dozens more flights than planned. While the helicopter remains upright and in communication with ground controllers, imagery of its Jan. 18 flight sent to Earth this week indicates one or more of its rotor blades sustained damage during landing, and it is no longer capable of flight.

Rest in power little guy

:marseycry: :marseylibations: :marseyitsover: :marseypinochet:


Google is terminating its contract with Appen, a third-party company responsible for training its search algorithm, the contractor said in a statement to investors on Monday. The company said that Google's contracts brought in $82.8 million and accounted for 26 percent of its revenue.

The workers in question are employed by RaterLabs, an Appen subsidiary specializing in search engine evaluation. They are responsible for training Google's search algorithm by testing search queries and rating the accuracy and relevance of the results. Last February, workers successfully won a $15 per hour wage by organizing with the Alphabet Workers Union-CWA.

The AWU-CWA has also supported other organizing efforts throughout Google's vast network of contractors. YouTube Music contract workers unanimously won their union election last year. When the bargaining unit demanded that Google negotiate a contract, however, the company refused, claiming that as it did not directly employ the workers, it could not be held responsible for their working conditions. The National Labor Relations Board ruled earlier this month that Google is a joint employer of the YouTube Music workers and is therefore obligated to bargain. No sessions have yet taken place.

The findings were based on a year-long analysis of 7,392 product review queries — such as “best headphones” and “best alphabet toys” — on Google, Bing and DuckDuckGo, according to experts at Leipzig University, Bauhaus-University Weimar and the Center for Scalable Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence.

he experts said product reviews were an ideal test because they are “particularly vulnerable to affiliate marketing due to its inherent conflict of interest between users, search providers, and content providers.”

The analysis revealed that Google and the other search engines have “significant problems with highly optimized (affiliate) content” that draws attention from unsuspecting users despite its lower quality. Spam results were more common in the search engines than baseline trends for the broader internet.

Google controls approximately 90% of the online search marketplace. The Justice Department has accused the Big Tech giant of maintaining an illegal monopoly. A federal judge is expected to issue an initial ruling in the landmark case later this year.

Apple announces changes to iOS, Safari, and the App Store in the European Union

What happened to I can't access it anymore. If there is another fediverse for rdrama, please let me know.


What is said about the website:

From AcidMan (g*mergatehq creator): is live, bringing back free speech, #G*merGate discussion and shitposting

From William Usher (One Angry G*mer creator): Attempts To Salvage Free Speech As Imageboard Censorship Intensifies

From /r/onion:

is 8chan still a thing?

From Wikipedia:

Inclusion of in this article. is also considered one of the last surviving G*merGate communities. Most of the G*merGate discussion is on the /v/ board.


I was seriously looking thinking what will he do with battery :platyeyes:


If your soldering skills sucks it's a good alternative but Nintendo has ability to put firmly on card readers so can void the cards potentially in future. A jailbreak is kinda better since it gives you full access to the console, like I put x2 movement speed in xenoblade 3 to not walk aimless for hours that thing is not possible with just cartridge sd

All yer kinky LinkedIn DMs leaked (again)

The supermassive leak contains data from numerous previous breaches, comprising an astounding 12 terabytes of information, spanning over a mind-boggling 26 billion records. The leak, which contains LinkedIn, Twitter, Weibo, Tencent, and other platforms' user data, is almost certainly the largest ever discovered.

There are data leaks, and then there's this. A supermassive Mother of all Breaches (MOAB for short) includes records from thousands of meticulously compiled and reindexed leaks, breaches, and privately sold databases. The full and searchable list is included at the end of this article.

Bob Dyachenko, cybersecurity researcher and owner at, together with the Cybernews team, has discovered billions upon billions of exposed records on an open instance whose owner is unlikely ever to be identified.

Aevann actually likes Frozen

The 737 MAX is safe and effective chud! Trust the soyence :sciencejak:

Diversity actually tends to IMPROVE results


This whole hubbub is hilarious to me. People are so bad at statistics.


Actually... 737 MAX is roughly 30 times as dangerous as the other planes in its category





:marseyitsover: for ramcels



I had to double check to see if I didn't accidentally click on /int/ a few times.


This happens randomly and never works again until I restart firefox. CF is gay !codecels


!nooticers Soon.... :marseyevil:


Thread is 100% going to get y'alled because there's a lot of outright racism. Some of the shit here seems so outlandish that my first reaction is that it has to be fake ragebait, but on the other hand, I've seen a lot of similar things firsthand.

Ahahahahaha I almost dropped from my chair laughing and thinking of our former teammate Dinesh.

I dunno what the dude was doing, but out of 5 daily standups every week he would probably straight not show up to at least 1 or 2 of them, show up and claim network or mic issues to another 1 or 2 (with obvious sounds of driving and clicking turn signals in the background) and just tell some utter bs on the remaining one he would come and actually participate.

I once got on a small project with him and from the first day to the last day of that assignment I couldn't even understand what his role was supposed to be - I literally had to write all the code myself. Maybe he was a QA or even a manager over me and I haven't noticed that? Shame on me.

The thing is that when he disapperared one day (probably after 6 months on the job), the team did not even notice him not being there - I don't think I've seen any meaningful code in the whole repo authored by Dinesh.

honestly kind of based if he got paid the whole time

American Express in Phoenix AZ(Phoenix AZ and Scottsdale AZ) should be named Indian express. Systematically Asian Indians replaced every other people of color. Only 15%-20% non Asian Indians work here. Huge corruption. Lot of Asian Indians who are director and above take cut from the billing hours of the contractors being placed there in various IT projects. American Express, Cisco, Citigroup, Verizon Wireless are all like this - they are living heck - nobody trust anybody(exact India kind of situation)

the immigration system being used to exploit and abuse workers? :marseypikachu2:

One of my coworkers is an Indian women, who I'm relatively certain is from a lower caste, and my Indian male manager is unbelievably disrespectful to her. She is legit the best dev we have and the team loves her. There's definitely the general misogyny as well, but this feels different. No matter what or how much she does he treats her like she's trash.

On the one hand I feel bad for this woman, but on the other hand:

It gets better. I worked for a federal VA contractor. They hired an Indian woman with no background in the work we were doing. You couldn't find her on LinkedIn, she would never mention the last place she worked like normal people do. She'd never name drop. You know, typical stuff a new person says in their day to day interactions with new peers. She did the exact same thing from above. One by one she PIPd the white members of the team and replaced them with Indians. I pointed this out in a skip level and was told I was being racist. Then I got PIPd and ousted as well. I was replaced by an Indian.

I am not racist. But there is something strange going on in tech right now.


I noticed this a few years back to be honest when I was job hunting. The minute I stepped in an interview with Indian people, I knew it was over already.


Its been happening for a while unfortunately and many people are sick of it. The problem is that people label you a racist for bringing it up so people just keep it hush hush, which is ironic since Indians exclusively hiring Indians is racist. Ignoring Indians exclusively hiring Indians the main reason why companies in general like hiring people on H1Bs is that theyre basically forced to work at the company or else theyll be sent back to a country much worse than America. On top of that theyre paid less on average (last I checked about 5%-10% less) most likely for the same reason. Company's can easily take advantage of them.

good materialist analysis :marseycomrade:

The large majority of Indian ppl I work with are chill, friendly, and reasonably competent, though some of them are :marseygigaretard: freakshows, but that's the same for any other group. But no amount of DEI cultural sensitivity training is going to fix this mess.

:marseyflagjapan: JAPS ON THE MOON!!! :marseyflagjapan:

It wasn't (allegedly) a kamikaze mission either!

Big ups to JAXA!

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