:marseyxd: Imagine needing to take your site down due to server load issues :marseylaugh:

"The Ultimate Reddit Killer" everyone! Guess they'll gave to go back lmao.

!pings !codecels !schizomaxxxers discuss

Edit: They're back up for now


She is now angry at people wanting a video

Come on! It is 2023. No video?


Because of people like you it's impossible to find a step by step guide in plain text nowadays

I will not contribute to Cancer


Despite claiming it's not a big deal and very easy to make (and she doesn't care because it's weak and she's a biologist), it looks like her ego got fed and now she's talking like an anime character :marseyscarf:

You have harrassed my girlfriend, insulted my phone camera, called me a grifter, now I am obligated to make a video so that it gets millions of views? Nelke was right. You people are like insects.

I am evil.

And I am vindictive.

I find it that I cannot forgive you.

But you are, truly, insects.

In this I agree.

So, to demonstrate your insignificance I will simply ignore you

Reported by:
:marseytrain: who replicated superconductor has mental breakdown

I am evil.

And I am vindictive.

I find it that I cannot forgive you.

But you are, truly, insects. In this I agree.

So, to demonstrate your insignificance I will simply ignore you


:marseytrain:s deserve to be hanged holy frick, a single ounce of attention and they think they're god

The Rocks float (Alternate Title American Russian Anime-avatar :marseytrain: in charge of Chenical Lab recreates LK-99 and confirms Meissner Effect at ambient temperature/pressure. We're so fricking back)

Theydies and gentlethem, it has been an honor shitposting with you. The world is about to drastically change.

FOSS :marseytrain: produces 7 years of drama

Context: coreboot, libreboot, and GNU Boot are projects creating open-source firmware for booting laptops etc. One of these projects is lead by :marseytrain: Leah Rowe (pictured below). Need I say more?

This post about GNU Boot sending a C&D to libreboot is currently on the front page of Orange Site. They're still arguing over the details, but it seems to boil down to a power struggle over the project and the name libreboot, with a lot of spicy allegations (read the thread for "corrections"):

Isn't Leah the person that sold ThinkPads on behalf of Libreboot, didn't send it, then put the blame on her mental issues?

Then she abandoned the project and let the contributors take over, after some time she booted them with fake accusations, banned them from their IRC channel and took over the project. The contributors complained that she didn't even have the decency of contacting them, but she was adamant of taking the Libreboot name for her again to sell used Laptops. This was also the moment that she began to add binary blobs to Libreboot.

They founded the GNU Boot project and she, not satisfied, created another "GNU Boot" just to say that their project is "inferior" and now she complains about a "cease and desist" of a person that rightfully don't like her.

It turns out that this power struggle has been on-going for SEVEN FRICKING YEARS. libreboot was originally a GNU project, until Leah threw a tantrum when one of her fellow :!marseytrain:s was fired for "sticking up for herself". Her resignation letter was extremely dramatic and generated some fun threads at the time:

A few months later, Leah declared peace with GNU and the Free Software Foundation:

In March 2021 she was accused of performing a coup after kicking several people out of the project without explaination.

Later that month, she came out in defence of toe-cheese eater Richard Stallman after the latter made some controversial comments about Jeffrey Epistein and the definition of r*pe:

Edit: KiwiFarms thread on her from 2018 (requires Tor):


Highlights include the crowdfunded neovagina which prevented her from shipping the ThinkPads people had ordered, as well as a guide for ordering hormones online:

Why would he do this?

In all honesty though:

Harden > AI > D Wade

Reported by:

OPNsense is an open source, FreeBSD-based firewall and routing software developed by Deciso, a company in the Netherlands that makes hardware and sells support packages for OPNsense. It is a fork of pfSense, which in turn was forked from m0n0wall built on FreeBSD.[3] It was launched in January 2015.[2] When m0n0wall closed down in February 2015 its creator, Manuel Kasper, referred its developer community to OPNsense.[4]

OPNsense has a web-based interface and can be used on the x86-64 platform.[5] Along with acting as a firewall, it has traffic shaping, load balancing, and virtual private network capabilities, and others can be added via plugins.[6] OPNsense offers next-generation firewall capabilities utilizing Zenarmor, a NGFW plugin developed by OPNsense partner[7] Sunny Valley Networks.

In November 2017, a World Intellectual Property Organization panel found Netgate, the copyright holder of pfSense, used the domain in bad faith to discredit OPNsense, and obligated Netgate to transfer domain ownership to Deciso.[9]

Some of you may have come across a domain that until September 21, 2017 was home to a controversial website with content targeted to harm our open source project.

On the fore mentioned date we filed a complaint with WIPO, the World Intellectual Property Organization to try and stop this website from being operated.

Until our legal action we were unable to determine the owner of the domains as it was registered using Domains By Proxy, LLC, however we believed the site was created by a pfSense enthusiast who had gone a step too far.

Much to our surprise we received an email on September 26, 2017 stating that the owner of this domain was in fact Jamie Thompson, Rubicon Communications dba Netgate also known for the competing pfSense project.

Maybe this should not have come as a surprise as ever since we created OPNsense they have tried to harm our project and aided in spreading false information, mostly done using anonymous accounts. Their aim has been to scare off new users and keep our project from Wikipedia, this way depriving others from making their own choice.

Their actions have been bad for the open source community as they undermine the very basic principles of open source.

Today we have been able to stop Netgate and although we are glad this chapter can be closed, it does not feel like a victory at all as the time, effort and money could have been spend much better.

The full text of the WIPO panel’s decision on can be found here:

The content of prior to our action can still be seen on the WayBackMachine, the internet archive (beware it contains shocking material):

The video that was not cached contains scenes taken from the film “Downfall”, the historical war drama film depicting the final ten days of Adolf Hitler's rule over Nazi Germany, along with a comment reading “From deep within the OPNsense development bunker”.

[never before seen Schizocopy of the video :capyhacker: linked in op]

As Deciso, the company behind OPNsense we have not yet decided upon further action, but ask all who read this to push back to those who try to harm our community and open source in general.

As a final note, we wish to thank everyone for their overwhelming supporting and are proud to have witnessed the positive development of the project as a whole, a rapidly growing community and the next major release 18.1 almost at our doorstep.

Stay safe,

Your OPNsense team

!codecels !dramatards !schizomaxxxers discuss this unfathomably based and dramapilled company


Tldr Netgate paid some codecel to implement a wireguard kernel module for freebsd. He spent six months writing it and the code was butt. The codecel who invented wireguard nooticed their implementation sucked and spent a week rewriting it (and he Did It For Free). Absurd Netgate sneed was generated

WireGuard is a virtual private network protocol. It is designed to offer simplicity, speed, and strong security features.

Netgate is a company that specializes in providing hardware and software solutions for networking and security. They are well-known for their pfSense® software, which is an open-source firewall and routing platform based on FreeBSD.

Although WireGuard landed in the Linux kernel first, its inclusion in FreeBSD's kernel has long been on the general roadmap. In February 2020, FreeBSD developer Matt Macy pushed the first WireGuard-related commit to FreeBSD. Macy's work was directly commissioned by Netgate, the company behind the BSD-based pfSense router distribution.

After nearly a year's work, Macy's port was imported to the kernel scheduled for FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE, which is expected to launch in 15 days. Unfortunately, there was a problem—after WireGuard's own Jason Donenfeld reviewed it alongside several FreeBSD and OpenBSD developers, it was judged unready for prime time

[...] This, understandably, presented a major problem for Donenfeld—although the WireGuard protocol itself is open source, there is more to a project than its code. Much of what propelled WireGuard's meteoric rise in the first place is its brevity and code correctness, as assessed by Linux founder Linus Torvalds and reflected by the project's reliability and lack of major flaws since becoming popular. A less than stellar implementation in FreeBSD could damage WireGuard's brand—possibly irrevocably.

Sometime ago, a popular firewall vendor tasked a developer with writing a WireGuard implementation for FreeBSD. They didn’t bother reaching out to the project. That’s okay, I figured, I’ll reach out and see if I can help and coordinate. What followed over the next year was a series of poor communications – messages unanswered, code reviews ignored, that kind of thing. [...] Matt Dunwoodie, who worked on the OpenBSD implementation, also took a look at what had become of that implementation in FreeBSD. Over the next week, the three of us dug in and completely reworked the implementation from top to bottom, each one of us pushing commits and taking passes through the code to ensure correctness. The result was [6]. It was an incredible effort. The collaboration was very fast paced and exciting. Matt and Kyle are terrific programmers and fun to work with too.

The first step was assessing the current state of the code the previous developer had dumped into the tree. It was not pretty. I imagined strange Internet voices jeering, “this is what gives C a bad name!” There were random sleeps added to “fix” race conditions, validation functions that just returned true, catastrophic cryptographic vulnerabilities, whole parts of the protocol unimplemented, kernel panics, security bypasses, overflows, random printf statements deep in crypto code, the most spectacular buffer overflows, and the whole litany of awful things that go wrong when people aren’t careful when they write C. Or, more simply, it seems typical of what happens when code ships that wasn’t meant to. It was essentially an incomplete half-baked implementation – nothing close to something anybody would want on a production machine. Matt had to talk me out of just insisting they pull the code entirely, and rework it more slowly and carefully for the next release cycle. And he was right: nobody would have agreed to do that, and it would only have fostered frustration from folks genuinely enthusiastic about if_wg. So our one and only option was to iteratively improve it as fast as we could during the two weeks before release, and try to make it as simple and close as possible to OpenBSD so that we could benefit from the previous analysis done there. With that as our mission, we set out auditing and rewriting code.

Netgate starts sneeding, threatens to never use wireguard again, snitches to the codejannies

On Mon, Mar 15, 2021 at 6:08 PM Scott Long [scottl at] wrote: None of these actions reflect good-faith collaboration, and your statements that you think that our work is "really cool" ring hollow. Maybe you and Kyle are really naive and thought that this was how people normally collaborate in the security and business worlds, and that everyone would rush to praise you and shower you with contracts and funding. And hey, maybe that’ll happen, you certainly have made a splash. That of course, comes at our expense, and it’s likely to be a pretty damaging one. Now with the Ars article, I’m starting to wonder if this was a coordinated smear campaign. Normally we don’t get this kind of attention. It’s going to be painful to navigate our way out.

I’ll be writing an article tonight outlining the mistakes that we made and what we will be doing to correct it. I’ll also be highlighting that this incident has been a textbook example of the wrong way for people to collaborate in the security community, and that extreme caution should be taken in any future dealings with you. Your actions are self serving and in bad faith, and your words are hollow and untrustworthy. I don’t care if you disagree or don’t see it this way, this is the effect that you’ve had.

I’ve also spoken with the FreeBSD Security Officer, and we’ve agreed that wireguard will be removed from all branches of FreeBSD until further notice. I’ve also informed Kyle of this. I do not support its reintroduction into FreeBSD, whether in the src tree or in the ports tree, at this time. As for pfSense, we are conducting an audit and will decide on the best course of action for our customers and our company.

Wireguard inventor replies:

Hi Scott,

It's certainly disappointing to receive your email like that. I see that you're really upset, and I think we have a shared interest in deescalating this. You've mentioned the desire to talk about this in public, so I'm responding in the announcement thread to you, as this seems like the appropriate venue for discussion. I've also CC'd the FreeBSD Security Officer.

From your end, it's very disappointing that you're (below) planning to attack security researchers and kernel programmers who took the time to rewrite code to make it better, hustling to get it in before FreeBSD 13 is released.

Threatening that you're going to highlight "that extreme caution should be taken in any future dealings with you" sounds to me like a threat of some intense slander. And again, attacking security researchers and kernel programmers who took time to rewrite code to make it better before a release deadline... That's I wish you would not go on the attack like that.

Instead, it seems like we can both be glad that we're on the path to having better code! And that there's a team of people volunteering to do this and enjoying writing that code. We're all working together to make things better. We worked really super hard on fixing up this code base. It was a LOT of work. And I would like to keep working on it and feeling good about it.

So I'm just disappointed that somehow this has devolved for you into making threats like that.

I hope this can deescalate, and we can work together on this. I'm confident that our goals are ultimately aligned very well.

Netgate continues to :marseycopeseethedilate:

So what have I learned from this? I’ve learned to be a little less trusting. I’ve learned to be more proactive in defending against people who have ulterior motives. I’ve learned that people who emphatically say that they’re here to help often aren’t. This was definitely not the positive collaborative experience that I alluded to at the beginning of this blog. Does that mean that I don’t believe in community collaboration anymore? I hope not. Enduring an attack this insidious needs the strength that comes from the community. We need everyone’s help to continue to improve both FreeBSD and the pfSense software and build a strong security community. We need to work together, be transparent, be respectful, and leave our egos at the door. We continue to be committed to quality, community, transparency, and security. Please join us in this effort.

!soren @gaslighter !codecels !schizomaxxxers !effortposters @HeyMoon @grizzly @Aevothy discuss

:marseybrave: :marseygigachad:

Trying to follow everything is, as always, tricky without the ability to really search for stuff on Mastodon.

1. Calckey, which was a fork of Misskey, rebranded as "Firefish" (for which name choice they have been widely mocked; also there's already a software company under that name in the UK with a trademark, which could be...interesting)

1. This also I think was meant to be the start of a push for more popular adoption of the platform, which has just generally led to a lot of buzz and attention

2. Apparently for some days the code was hosted on a far-right git host, which the main developer says they didn't know at the time; they eventually moved it somewhere else but didn't openly address the issue until later

3. Folks also noticed that the dev was boosting posts by someone with a reputation for being problematic/racist

4. .art admin removed the dev from a groomercord channel where instance admins share safety info, and says that subsequently the dev started circulating a fabricated screenshot regarding this.

Also, that is all coming a couple of days after someone who had previously contributed to calckey forked firefish as iceshrimp (lol) citing being erased from the list of contributors I think and also saying that other folks were leaving that community because of toxicity/safety issues that weren't really elaborated on in what I saw. I don't have a link for this because it didn't happen today and you can't search for things on Mastodon. My sense at the time was that I had basically no way to evaluate the claims made on either side.

The Tech Normie vs The Tech Conservtive vs The Tech Paranoid
Look out slackers- Zoomers can finally learn to code!

TIL Getogeto :marseygetobuff: is a BSDchad :marseygroomerfreebsd:

!schizomaxxxers discuss @getogeto

!codecels discuss FreeBSD

!lurkers do not discuss


/r/programming sneed:

!codecels discuss

[Changelog] Fixed this

If url is in title notifications do the unneedful, do not show the title, issue with sanitization code

!schizomaxxxers @gsa !BIPOCs discuss

Posting to slackernews because I am banned from the changelog hole


A user asked me the below.

Hey, did you use any guides for setting up your pie hole and/or installing the button?

Was interested in making one of these as well.

Any tips or w/e would be appreciated, thanks!

This was my response. which is probably definitely rslurred but w/e

!codecels roast me

No Guides, but happy to give tips, and follow ups where things are unclear.

Button is pretty cool for sure... but you can do everything you need to do from your computer and phone.

A pihole does not protect you unless you set it up as your DNS on your router.

I would also recommend setting up a vpn to your home network using openvpn that way you can take your protection on the go, itll protect you from getting throttled by your cell phone provider too


Config Pi


  • Look its probably right... but how you set this thing up makes a difference

  • Put this on your Pi maybe call it buttonscript.js

  • {YOUR USER HERE} needs to be swapped out for the user you created

const fs = require('fs');

const Gpio = require('onoff').Gpio;

const { exec } = require('child_process');

// GPIO pin number

const buttonPin = 17;

const logFilePath = '/home/{YOUR USER HERE}/buttonscript.log';

// Setup the button GPIO as input

const button = new Gpio(buttonPin, 'in', 'falling', { debounceTimeout: 200 });

// Function to disable Pi-hole blocking for 5 minutes

function disablePiHole() {

const timestamp = new Date().toISOString();

const logMessage = [${timestamp}] Button pressed. Disabling Pi-hole for 5 minutes...;


fs.appendFile(logFilePath, logMessage + '\n', (err) => {

if (err) {

 console.error('Error writing to log file:', err);



exec('pihole disable 5m');


// Add event listener to the button;

// Cleanup GPIO on process exit

process.on('SIGINT', () => {





  • This thing needs to start back up when power fails so you need to set it up to do that

  • go here cd /etc/systemd/system/

  • run this to create it sudo nano buttonscript.service


Description=Button Script


ExecStart=/usr/bin/node /home/{YOUR USER HERE}/buttonScript.js > /home/{YOUR USER HERE}/buttonscript.log 2>&1

WorkingDirectory=/home/{YOUR USER HERE}/




  • save and exit nano

  • run this sudo systemctl enable buttonscript.service

  • run this sudo systemctl start buttonscript.service


  • find your pinout, I am showing a 4b there are others

  • 3.3 to a rail on the + side of the breadboard at the top using these wires

  • in that top rail, put the resistor in

  • resistor to the left hand side on maybe the top row of the breadboard

  • gpio 17 to left side on that row using these wires

  • button to left side on that row use the breadboard wires there

  • other terminal on the button to the right side of the breadboard

  • ground to right side on that row using these wires

Package to suit, and your done



Aevann discuss sneed

Lets do a check in on Threads, The Twitter Killer From Meta

Threads usage continues to fall. (July 21st)

Hmm, wonder what sort of chatter is going on over on Orange Site from the past week

One post with over 100 updoots, only 40 comments. Other posts are literally dead.

Well, this is a Drama website. Let's see what sort of drama we've gotten from Zuck

It's Zuckover


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