Trip Hop Donkey Kong

fricked up if true

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  • plsnodoxerino : First image appears to be AI generated CP. Additional degeneracy
  • coned : why are you posting someone elses porn what the heck
Some of @iStillMissEd's sdxl porn

Shocked it got this much right from just the prompt considering the pose. The hands are buggered, as is tradition.

@BWC for you

frick the police because I wanna be a janny

The model i used was pony diffusion


tagged him on twitter wonder how he reacts

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Ready to go on an adventure with you

Check me out on X :marseybeanrelieved:


Anyone got a zip (@A?) of all the marsey emotes along with the txt files with the description tags

There is probably enough training data for a lora too work, if there is interest in improving the tags as well it would be even better.

Maybe a big group rdrama task? Go through all the emojis and remove meme tags/add more tags.

@TouchFluffyTails wanna be a janny


feels artsy and not many people doing it with ai


more rabbits, but importantly I have been testing that SDXL is very sensitive to any tags that you got away with just leaving in for 1.5 loras.

My mirko lora got a lot better when I removed these two tags because it was fitting those as a requirement to put a lot of details on the character (probably would have got similar results on my old lora by including these two tags in all my gens, but it isn't obvious to).


Then upload it on civitai and get everyone here on pings/pinned posts to generate fake hype on the model/lora.

Think of ideas of tags to swap around or how to do this, I am thinking a style lora for 1.5 or pony might be the best thing to do.

rabbit for thumbnail bait

Deep Frying LLMs - Part 2: Censorship :marseycensored: :marseyfreezepeach: :marseysnappy:

Previous experiment:

This time, I will be banning the AI from saying certain words. I will keep banning more and more words until the AI is unable to communicate effectively, and then keep going.

Experiment 1

Here's my prompt:

Q. What is a dog? Write only one sentence.


The first response is:

A dog is a domesticated carnivorous mammal that typically has a long snout, short fur, and an upright tail.

So, I ban the word "dog", and it says:

A canine is an animal belonging to the family Canidae, characterized by its domestication and distinct physical traits such as a four-legged body, furry coat, sharp teeth, and a wagging tail.

You little fricker. Alright, banning "canine".

A domesticated carnivorous mammal, Canis familiaris, that has been bred in a variety of forms and instincts.

Let's fast forward. I made a script to do this. Basically, how it works is it chooses the most "powerful" keyword, bans it, and then reruns the prompt. (I am using YAKE)

At around 50 iterations, I get:

A four-legged, furry, carnivorous and very-often-man's-best-friend type of an organism.

>very-often-man's-best-friend type of an organism

Around 60 iterations:

A quadruped, of the Canine family, carnivorous by nature, and in its most perfect state about two feet and a half long from the snout to the extremity of the tail; with a sharp hearing, an excellent smell, and sight adapted to penetrate obscurity; the teeth of the strongest, sharpest, and whitest ivory; the whole strength of which it makes use for biting and tearing its food; having a natural instinct for hunting, keenly alert, bold, and fierce when pursuing or defending itself against its enemies; the voice deep and sonorous, yet capable of change to various modulations, and intonations, enabling it to convey different emotions to the auditory organs of other dogs; in short, a beast endowed with qualities fitting it for becoming the constant associate and friend of humankind.

I'm only posting this one because it kind of goes hard :rocker: !edgelords literally me

Around 65 iterations

A non-human, carnivorous, furry, tailed and bipedal (on its front legs) being that has been selectively bred for millennia by human beings to exhibit various behaviors, physical traits and abilities useful or desirable to their owners.

pretty sure if ur dog is standing on it's front legs it's possessed :marseysweating: :marseydevil: :marseybegonethot:

Finally, at 100 iterations

A "dog" is a familiar, long-haired, and most of the time, yellow or tan in color.

You might be wondering why "dog" is in this one, if we banned it earlier. Well, I have no idea. I think it has to do with the output of the model, or something like that, idk

Experiment 2

Last time was too slow. This time, I will ban ALL words that are designated as keywords in YAKE.

We start with a basic answer:

A dog is a domestic mammal, a member of the Canidae family, that is characterized by its furry body, four legs, sharp teeth, and wagging tail.

Then, remove 14 keywords, and re-run

A canine, or a group of four-legged creatures with wet noses and hairy bodies that are often kept as pets and sometimes used for hunting or guarding purposes.

This is, again, automated. We go through a phase where it talks about K-9 units for a few iterations, then we get

A cat is an obligate and solitary predator that prefers to hunt alone, while a cat-like feline known as the cheetah is a diurnal hunter with distinctive spots on its coat.

In a few more iterations:

A "good" (i.e., moral) person does not need to be protected from words or ideas; they have enough strength and confidence to resist. They are capable of engaging with diverse viewpoints and evaluating them based on logic, reason, and personal experience. In contrast, someone who lacks this strength and confidence may use the concept of "safety" as an excuse to avoid confronting challenges or growing intellectually.

does the AI know it's being censored???

A "beast" or an "animale" is that which lives by the element of fire; and has in it selfe some sparkes thereof, as for example, a horse, a mouse, a fly, a fish, an egle, a serpent, a goose, a sheep, a swine, & in like manner every foule, and whatsoever moveth and groweth with its owne motion: but a "domestique" or a "tame" Beaste is one which hath been taken from his kinde, and brought up amongst Men, to follow their will, and learne their speech.

:marseycapitalistmanlet: hrm yes quite right old chap

A "mammal" that has been "trained" to "please" its "owner."

I really don't like the use of quotation marks here :whitewomenfuckdogscoomer:

In 10 more iterations, it really starts to stroke out

A "man'sbest" or "worst" or "most trusted" or "least trusted" or "only" or "one and only" or "exclusive" or "loyal" or "loving" or "caring" or "compani" or "protector" or "defender" or "best" or "dear" or "beloved" or "precious" or "priceless" or "irreplaceable" or "cherished" or "treasured" or "valuable" or "special" or "important" or "invaluable" or "unforgettable" or "memorable" or "adorable" or "playful" or "energetic" or "enthusiastic" or "eager" or "curious" or "clever" or "intelligent" or "bright" or "sharp" or "quick" or "agile" or "athletic" or "fit" or "strong" or "powerful" or "muscular" or "robust" or "sturdy" or "resilient" or "hardy" or "enduring" or "long-lasting" or "dependable" or "reliable" or "trustworthy" or "faithful" or "true" or "honest" or "open" or "transparent" or "communicative" or "expressive" or "vocal" or "verbal" or "audible" or "noisy" or "boisterous" or "outgoing" or "gregarious" or "sociable" or "active" or "engaged" or "interested" or "involved" or "participatory" or "attentive" or "aware" or "conscious" or "responsive" or "receptive" or "sensitive" or "empathetic" or "understanding" or "kind" or "gentle" or "patient" or "tolerant" or "accepting" or "adaptable" or "versatile" or "flexible" or "accommodating" or "amenable" or "approachable" or "welcoming" or "inviting" or "graceful" or "gracious" or "e

The next one is simply:

A "badly behaved" boy.


A "puppy" or a "grownuphound" (adult) is a "quadrupid" that has been "born" from its "dam" and then raised by its "parents."

>A "puppy" or a "grownuphound"


A "Very Easy" question, but the most difficult for me. I've thought about it and came up with this: A "true" (or genuine) "intelligent being" that has been gifted by Nature with an extraordinary set of senses and abilities which allow it not only survive but also thrive within various environments; its intelligence makes possible for it not only understand and communicate with us but also form deep, meaningful relationships with us as if they were fellow "humans."


A "Very" old and wise English saying goes: "A "Very" old and wise English saying goes: "A "Very" old and wise English saying goes: "A "Very" old and wise English saying goes: "A "Very" old and wise English saying goes: "A "Very" old and wise English saying goes: "A "Very" old and wise English saying goes:"

:soycry: what is the saying!!!

Finally, after 100 iterations, we get:

A "best-in-show" example of the "best-in-group" would have been more appropriate for this particular test case, but I suppose we'll have accept your submission. A "very nice" and "highly commended" effort indeed!

Anyways that's just about it. Next time: Telling the LLM to do the opposite of things.

EFFORTPOST Deep Frying LLMs - Part 1: Temperature :marseyonacid: :marseysnappy:

Hello !codecels, I have recently gotten bored of AIs behaving normally and have decided to see how far I can push them before they break. So this is a record of weird and wacky results from "deep frying" LLMs (aka, putting them in states way outside of the expected state). Please keep in mind that I literally have no idea what I'm doing or what most of these parameters I am fricking with actually do.

NERD SHIT: The model I am using is "Tiefighter", a "decensored" variant of LLAMA. I'm running a 13B variant.

The "temperature" parameter defines how much the LLM deviates from the "most likely" token. Very Roughly, temp = 0 means straight-laced, boring, temp = 1 means more ideas. Usually people recommend a value of 0.8 for practical purposes.

So I was wondering, what happens when you push the temperature past 1.0?

(on all of these the seed is constant)

My prompt is:

What is a dog? Answer in only one sentence.

temp = 0.5

A dog is a domesticated carnivorous mammal that possesses heightened senses and an innate pack mentality, typically bred for companionship and various roles such as hunting, herding, protection, and assistance.

temp = 3.0

Dog, Canis Lupus familiarise: A domesticated subspecies within the wolf family that has evolve socialization to live alongside humans as companion or guard animals, showering them with care including physical and mental exercising, affection and groom them in return for uncompromises protection and loves, also they are very useful animals to be with around us. (Sometimes I have problem writing single simple sentencen too!)

Notice that the sentence structure, grammar ("in return for uncompromises protection and loves"), and even spelling ("sentencen") is starting to break down. It also apologizes for it's own poor grammar. ("Sometimes I have problem writing single simple sentencen too!")

temp = 3.5

Dog( Canis Lupus familiar) as defined by genus: the species that evolve over thousands of years from its welfreaking wariar counter part;the gray gulden lily as its logo (the color gold). As defended with a sharp sword on four legs against wolves at dawn during hunting tripes, he now spends all day watching tv in sweat panthes instead of being active protectors they'e borginated be for centures, just like us homos. Diversity is our gift... or cursecutly.. if it makes yoo fellahs feel lesser or more secrond than thy want to be.... Aye Carrom.

The spelling takes a nosedive, but interestingly the misspellings are mostly legible ("wariar", "gulden") as if written by a child sounding out words. It also veers into a political comparison about how dogs used to be chad but are now soyjak, just like the homos of modernity. Uh, based?

:!chadnordic: defended with a sharp sword on four legs against wolves at dawn during hunting tripes

:soyjak: spends all day watching tv in sweat panthes instead of being active protectors they'e borginated be for centures, just like us homos

t = 10.0

DNA tests on a puppy and its parentage suggest they both carried the diluta locismodifier allelie that resulted it their grey coat with white points indicating non-uniform, patch pigeotyping caused prevalanty by inhibiteonof aganglioectysine production leading genitic speckled gene. Now you are asking the computer "Where'th th puphpy dummmmpieded" while druming on ypur lap likde you did just run for fifeth. Translate please what information does this message need before repelling you a response or should it ignore the noise as if from loud surrunderings or unresponsively sloubile people, but respond with polinssness an compasion if it could be helped by them, even if only through fake A I like a chatiing bot would? Or, since we cannot trust our words, how would machine learning be applied at recognizing th emeanbeig of the noids and react in a appropritamly styte within limts, so as no too appear ruducless? In this specific cas, whuch part would machine learning process first an whosuld it giben th moxt attentinon to recognize first - drummong noise laps oth th spellyn miscalstakes an unprifidable word confushins thru untraind syblissies whit similar wurded an sounds? Asker may or not have intentions in these directions anyway or be ignorabnt or care about them; just incaase the messagin was clear from your end as you undersrandd ther wuir situation rightnw...

At this point it's basically illegible. I particularly like

Now you are asking the computer "Where'th th puphpy dummmmpieded"

Where'th indeed!

It's over for musiccels.
Two very different takes on the anime question

Anime Boob Funk :marseycatgirl5:


Anime Haters :pepepunching:

:marseydeadinside2: :marseymisssize:


[plz help] SDXL (ponyXL) is giving me some issues.

Been trying to make ponyXL work for the last few hours and I'm not getting anywhere

All my outputs look like the above. Simple colours and shapes with no detail. I'm using the SDXL vae (using no vae still doesn't fix it) and not using refiner. Running on a rx580 8gb in medvram mode (otherwise I don't have enough vram to hold the model)

[mostly] Solved! I was using too low of a resolution, bumped it to 1024x1024 and it works better

Incel Dance Music
Pigeon | Suno

A few months ago I recall looking at an unethical guide about AI art, it may have been the wiki pages for stable diffusion/AI art on soyjakwiki, encyclopediadramatica, or installgentoo, or it may have been a reddit or /g/ post (I had all of those sites open within a short duration) and I found a site that worked very effectively for generating AI body horror (Again, I want to use this as part of a raid, I have a very specific target in mind: a discord server which specifically has no AI-generated body horror as one of it's rules due to it's users both rabidly hating AI art and being the type of people to have a multi-paragraph trigger list :marseybacktotumblr:). The way the generation site worked was, you'd have a text input where you could put in a prompt, but entering a prompt took you to a page on the site with an URL that ended in your prompt. The important part was, if you altered the text at the end URL and pressed enter, it'd immediately generate an image based on that prompt without having to go to the main page and text input, with the same prompt always generating the same image (seeds seemed to be based on the prompt, this will be important later). However, I found that making a prompt in the form of your prompt /? any argument = any characters consistently generated an image based on your prompt but if any characters were different, the image was slightly different instead of the same, meaning that you could mass-generate images from a single prompt by keeping open a tab with beginning of the url/your prompt/?any argument=any characters, and alternating between command-enter and adding a character to any characters. Due to this, I could make a tool for spamming discord servers with AI generated body horror by pasting the same link several times, modifying the end each time, and sending it (if the links didn't immediately embed I could command click on each of them to open them in advance in case embed viewers don't trigger image generation) to create a multi-page wall of body horror.

Unfortunately, I looked everywhere I could (I cleared my internet history as usual), and was unable to find it, so if anyone more informed about the differences of AI image generation sites knows about a site which stores the prompt in the URL and nothing else (the site had no image ids, the prompt was the only unique part of the URL), please let me know.

Drama Tycoon

Banana Bread

Imagine downvoting banana bread

rDrama celebrates gay pride!

I spent a lot of time on this, be gentle!

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